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File: 275 KB, 882x1342, Holy Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16649028 No.16649028 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read the Holy Bible every day?

>> No.16649044

yeah, I love comedy

>> No.16649240
File: 82 KB, 322x900, a90350ebca8634f43b86fef7bf25e251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, did you know that the King James Bible is actually a government mandate in responce to a revolution of the bibles being shared amongst the English for freedom of expression? King James suppressed the freedom of the press by insisting only his catholic scholars could translate the bible right.

You should read The Geneva Bible, it was a truly organic English translation of the Bible from the old testament in Hebrew, and the new testament in Greek.

Shakespeare himself even read the Geneva Bible.

>> No.16649243

The Bible does have a happy ending.

>> No.16649253
File: 16 KB, 255x211, d50b14fdf4c307d79e1eaa09bdeb206f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that?

>> No.16649256

>cringe KJV
ESV only.

>> No.16649372
File: 8 KB, 256x256, db07d5a232351672f2e5a3839a9d1619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Protestants read that watered down version of the Bible. But i do agree with you on the KJV.

>> No.16649474

Papists dislike the KJV because they know deep down it is a masterpiece of translation and the purest form of God's word in the English language. The Douay Rheims is a sad cope that stylistically comes no where near.

>> No.16649514

When the Jews get sent to hell at the end of Revelations.

>> No.16649569

Aaaah. That happy ending.

>> No.16649575

Agree with that. You can always spot a catholic larper when they shill douay rheims. It's dogshit, and isn't used by most actual catholics.

>> No.16649587
File: 14 KB, 220x200, 6f3d23f04812691f4d57d87fd3e38011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, the kjv of the Bible was practically copied from the Geneva bible and partially from the Bishop's bible, which were both the Bible used by the public and bishops in England before the King James Bible was a government mandate, forcing people to assume and acknowledge by the government that the kjv was the true version of the Bible. See for yourself. It's pretty much the same, since all the books are in there, apocrypha put aside.


>> No.16649591

Lebron James was instrumental in the Lakers
victory over the Miami Heat
In between basketball practices he worked
on the best translation of the bible in the
english language
Best part is the part that reads support Israel
no matter what or you'll get the lake
and your 401k will not grow.


>> No.16649600

I don't care

>> No.16649603

lol imagine arguing about which TRANSLATION is the best. or thinking you are superior because you reject a certain translation. even if you win that argument, at the end of the day you're reading a translation, so you are still vastly inferior to everyone who reads the actual original greek.

>> No.16649609

Bible is full of inconsistencies and plagiarism

>> No.16649621

Unless I was a biblical scholar, or a theologian, there is no real reason for me to read it in the original greek and hebrew. This is as someone who studies ancient greek.
The KJV is vastly the most influential and poetic translation in English; you know, the language we are speaking. There is no debate on this matter.
So if I were to speak the English language, which I do, then the superior translation in English is the KJV.
It's not about being 'superior' to another person, it is about experiencing the Bible in a living language.
All the criticism and shit flinging larpers have on here amounts to something like two mistranslated words, none of which are important.

>> No.16649622

The 1582 Rheims New Testament actually has some really good prose, it's more inconsistent and less polished overall than the KJV though.

>> No.16649950

Do any of you understand the Gospel?
I read the ESV personally because most reformers do.

>> No.16650072

In fairness, that's because most actual Catholics rarely touch the Bible, that being the responsibility of the greater church.

>> No.16650374

I tried but it's so boring.
>Anon begat anon whom begat anon whom begat anon...
Goes on and on for an entire chapter like this
God should have hired people with actual writing skills desu

>> No.16650389
File: 178 KB, 1856x793, catholics owned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16650499
File: 57 KB, 680x591, i fucking love science soyjak 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16651044

The first time I read the bible was in a hotel room about a year ago. At the start of the book it had a list of things that could be bothering someone like marriage problems, depression, loneliness, and under it there were relevant verses that could offer advice or I guess some wisdom to help you solve your problem. It was really nice. I should read the bible more often.

>> No.16652141

>not understanding the names have meaning and aren't just the Hebrew version of jim bob
>not understanding the purpose is to show Jesus descent from Adam & eve thus fulfilling the serpent and heel prophesy
I bet you got filtered by the catalogue of ships in the Iliad too

>> No.16652148

Is the apocryoha worth reading

>> No.16652194

>I tried but it's so boring.
Start with Gospels from New Testament.

For me, Old Testament is quite hard to understand, especially the historical Books.

>> No.16652351

King James was not Catholic, you bellend.

>> No.16652401

the apocrypha is better

i like the one where child jesus acts like that kid from the twilight zone episode

>> No.16652403

>For me, Old Testament is quite hard to understand, especially the historical Books.
Reading the Greeks actually helped me with this some because the Greeks have different names for some of the pharohs and Persian kings mentioned in the OT
You also need to pay attention in genesis with the genealogies because the table of nations after the flood is literally
>x settled here and became y

Other thing that helped is going a little slower and looking some of the nation's up and referring back to older kings and connecting the dots as to when certain israeli kings ruled at the time of certain kings of judah

>> No.16652777

Not everyday,but i read it.