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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 961 KB, 631x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16647432 No.16647432 [Reply] [Original]

>Children's book is more philosophical than YA

>> No.16647441

>more philosophical
Thid is actually a bad thing. Philosophy is incredibly gay.

>> No.16647445

Rainbow fish is communist. It literally demonises differences.

>> No.16647497

>Buy your friends
I fucking hate rainbow fish and it's message

>> No.16647502
File: 97 KB, 728x707, 1de3bbb1ae968833f25f284280bb7206_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rainbow Fish is imbecilic liberal bourgeois sentimentalism. The Rainbow Fish owes nothing to any of the other fish, and yet he is shamed into giving up his scales. And for what? Does his sacrifice serve the community? Through what contract are the other fish entitled to his scales? Rather than examine the material roots of the unhappiness plaguing fishkind, The Rainbow Fish emphasizes banal individualistic choices as the way to solve society's problems.

>> No.16647518

oh! the places you'll go

>> No.16647524

>ITT: Children's images that are etched into your brain

>> No.16647572
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>> No.16647583

fuck Rainbow Fish

>> No.16647592
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>> No.16647599

It’s even better when you’re on hallucinogens and you realize that all you’re seeing is the aesthetic of your childhood brain.

>> No.16647610

I can imagine remembering autistically focusing on the details of these images as a child.

>> No.16647650

those fucked up drawings from scary stories to tell in the dark

>> No.16647668


>> No.16647693

My guy.

>> No.16647699
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>> No.16647706

when will papa franku return from the war?

>> No.16647736
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>> No.16647759
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>> No.16647774
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>> No.16647776
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>> No.16647790

That's nice.

>> No.16647791

Rainbow fish is cute. The message is that you have something to offer the world and that kindness is healing. Only retarded grown ups get caught up overanalysing the text trying to make themselves look smart only succeeding in looking dumb. Kids get it.

t. 4 year old

>> No.16647936
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That ugly David fucker who was too stupid to follow the damn rules. Damn that lil bitch was ugly.

>> No.16647953
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>> No.16648068

Yooo. Why is this the only image I remember from this book I never read?

>> No.16648256
File: 54 KB, 250x367, Deltora_Quest_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about any Deltora Quest cover desu

>> No.16648283

>murdoch chan impersonator
Well which is it?

>> No.16648294
File: 196 KB, 700x1056, Deltora Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, no clue where I can remember it from.


>> No.16648318
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s another episode of schizo rambles about nonsense and expects people to engage with him
Isn’t it enough that you’ve ruined public transportation and my local health foods store? Could you, just as an example, eat shit and die?

>> No.16648333

Ooh shit I remember that book

>> No.16648443 [DELETED] 

I've ruined /classical/ and /krautpol/ on numerous past occasions, I am a force of nature to be reckoned with!

Quite literally they were some of the best examples in the history of trolling. The people there were so confused as to what was happening, often they would get split into two threads, one I created and another they created, of course their natural numbers filtered into both. Anyhow I was the first 8 posts in the one not created by me and both were endless shitposts of confusion as to what had happened to their threads, the same happened on /classical/.

>> No.16648447

I've ruined /classical/ and /krautpol/ on numerous past occasions, I am a force of nature to be reckoned with!

>> No.16648484

Be a fish slut

>> No.16648872

>mutilate yourself and get new friends that way
>years later...
No wonder we have that tranny epidemic

>> No.16649122

No, the message is that if there is one who is born special and naturally above the rest, he must submit to the jealous mediocrity of everyone else by lowering himself and losing something. It is an instinctively repulsive story and any intelligent kids who have not yet been brainwashed have a natural aversion to it.

>> No.16649198

Where is this from.

>> No.16649369
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>> No.16649390

Does anyone remember a children's book that is a western with rabbits? I have been trying to figure out what the name is for months. Here is what I can remember
>rabbits are drawn weird (kinda fat)
>protagonist rabbit shows up in town
>he is quiet and mysterious
>loves ringing the motel bell and annoying the clerk
>there are 3 bad rabbits in the town who cause trouble (dressed in black)
>in the saloon they pour carrot juice on the protagonist rabbit
>I forget how but good rabbit defeats them and happy ending

For some reason "Lonesome Ranger" is stuck in my head as being related to the title but I could be completely off base.

>> No.16649635

Your critical framework is corrupt.

>> No.16649651

I think a teacher read it to us, but I really have no memory of it other than the guy.

>> No.16649657

holy shit you guys are unzipping a long forgotten source of imagery from childhood, this thread is blessed.

>> No.16649665
File: 171 KB, 1778x996, 1572818094842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently saw a copy of this in the wild somewhere and inexplicably burst into tears. I haven't spoken to my mom in a year.

>> No.16649671

Explain your conundrum anon.

>> No.16649824
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>> No.16649893

>this is your brain on My Anime List tier analysis.

>> No.16649894


>> No.16650005
File: 1.92 MB, 1838x1103, watership-down-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a children cartoon movie, bro

>> No.16650016

Yeah the book is based, he ends up eating some woman in a tearful rage because she bought a crocodile purse.

>> No.16650023
File: 879 KB, 1842x2560, 91ZwBk32jdL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A veritable roller coaster ride of emotions and feelings

>> No.16650037

>Let's talk about the philosophy of kid's books
America was a mistake, smartphones worse than the A-bomb

>> No.16650047


>> No.16651473

best book itt.

>> No.16651606
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>> No.16652618

I just reread it. Holy shit is that ever propaganda. Disgusting message.

No explanation as to why the Rainbow fish should be happy to give away his scales. Only that he's different and therefor he should give up his uniqueness to the mob of mediocre fish who have no unique qualities themselves. All of the other fish just want what the Rainbow fish has and if he doesn't give it to them they get bitchy and treat him like shit. Then the Rainbow fish magically changes after meeting an octopus who tells him to give away what he has because....? No explanation. Because some communist ideolog wrote this to indoctrinate children into her/her fantasy.
And so the Rainbow fish does it until he is no longer different from the rest and everyone is back to being the same only now the beautiful indevidual that was the Rainbow fish no longer exists.
And this is suppose to be a happy ending?


Fuck you if you can't see the evil in this story.

>but its just a childrens book

That makes it even worse. I read this book as a child and only now as an adult do I see through it. That's fucked up.

>> No.16653098
File: 79 KB, 585x783, 6abcc662be13cb17a7001600d9650f14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Man who could Call down Owls, Eve Bunting

>> No.16653111

Very based indeed.

>> No.16653269

I never read the Nightmare Room books. I was a true scholar of RL Stine from 1st to 3rd grade. I read every Goosebumps, every Give Yourself Goosebumps (a choose your own adventure series), every Ghosts of Fear Street (RL Stine didn't even write these himself), the Tales to Give Your Goosebumps short story collections, owned a Goosebumps board game, a Goosebumps poster, and watched the series. I was devouring the Fear Street books too until my mom got mad that one of them had underage drinking and made me stop reading them, which is the only time my mom ever made me stop reading a book series. After 3rd grade I'd outgrown Goosebumps and moved on to other stuff. Years later I was astounded that there were kids in jr. high struggling to read Goosebumps books during individual reading time.

>> No.16653694

fuck this book

>> No.16653703
File: 22 KB, 260x203, 51SJ4Cl2q+L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every page of these books

>> No.16653730


>> No.16653882

Lum ruined me for real girls.

Praise Lum!!!

>> No.16653904

The complex ironies and symbolism Rainbow Fish can only be understood by one who has surpassed the rank of Ipsissimus.

>> No.16654048
File: 91 KB, 1023x879, my_cute_wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ruined kraut/pol/ for over half a year, get on my level

>> No.16654057

ascended post

>> No.16654260

This is why I come to /lit/.

>> No.16654580

rainbow fish eternally and absolutely blown the fuck out.

>> No.16654589
File: 263 KB, 500x281, 1396071969652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me as a child
>haha rainbowfish so shiny I wanna look at shiny pictures
me as an adult

>> No.16654596


>> No.16654619

"Konrad", sprach die Frau Mama
Ich geh aus und du bleibst da.

>> No.16654676

Holy shit I had that book and used to draw that creature on the cover all the time. I remember the book being quite good.
Thanks for posting Anon. This was long lost in my memory.

>> No.16654684

lmao I found a page of a bunch of kids drawing their favorite scene from the book and a bunch of them picked "the part where he ate the lady"


>> No.16654698


>> No.16654740
File: 44 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this damn book. The Death of Oysterboy traumatized me as a child; what a revolting story even without the chilling illustrations
>kid gets born horribly deformed
>bullied and hated
>parents find out they can't have another kid
>doctor recommends drinking their son as an aphrodisiac
>Dad kills and consumes his son like an Oyster
>they bury him and have sex
I couldn't stop thinking about it—it was so sad and horrific.

>> No.16654743

>the nail that sticks up gets hammered down
Nothing wrong with a realist moral

>> No.16654910
File: 31 KB, 140x180, f_word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was about four years old I could get through that book no problem, but around the age of eight or nine alot of the stuff I read/watched when I was four became 10x scarier and this book particulary scared the shit out of me, even more so than Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark

>> No.16654928

I've been there before. You should call her, Anon.

>> No.16655009

speak to ur mom bruh unless she abused u then stay away, don't worry about the past. the time u spent ignoring her isn't some compounding interest u have to pay for. just get in there

>> No.16655023

bee aaay ess ee dee

>> No.16655333

HOLY SHIT! I've been looking for that for years! The green ribbon has been branded into my brain. I think about it all the time. Thank you, anon. Fuuuuck

>> No.16655335

I miss being a kid, bros.
Elementary school was so comfy. Everyone was so much bigger. Seeing your bro in another class as your class walked down the hall in single file on the way to the computer lab where you'd destroy All The Right Type.

>> No.16655336

what the absolute fuck

>> No.16655364
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>> No.16656222

Dodgeball under the blacktop on rainy days
Winning the year long book reading derby
Discovering that the girl I loved had moved to Okinawa over Winter Break..
>it's never been the same since 4th grade, bros

>> No.16656262
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>> No.16656268

I love u

>> No.16656311
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>> No.16657263
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this anonymous image board isn't that big

>> No.16657271 [DELETED] 

>written by a Jew
No surprise there.

>> No.16657338


>> No.16657403
File: 1.83 MB, 540x210, 4b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16657478
File: 11 KB, 127x87, oyster_16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He came on tiptoe,
>he came on the sly,
>sweat on his forehead,
>and on his lips-a lie.
>"Son, are you happy? I don't mean to pry,
>but do you dream of Heaven?
>Have you ever wanted to die?
>Sam blinked his eye twice.
>but made no reply.
>Dad fingered his knife and loosened his tie.
>As he picked up his son,
>Sam dripped on his coat.
>With the shell to his lips,
>Sam slipped down his throat.
>They burried him quickly in the sand by the sea
>-sighed a prayer, wept a tear-
>and they were back home by three.
>A cross of greay driftwood marked Oyster Boy's grave.
>Words writ in the sand
>promised Jesus would save.

>But his memory was lost with one high-tide wave.

Seriously, this was not a kid's book that should've been on the shelf at school. I remember reading multiple times trying to find some meaning in the story but all I found was poor little Sam killed and eaten—it kept me up at night. The illustrations where just haunting

>> No.16657526

jesus christ

>> No.16657533

imagine being too autistic to question and want to learn about the world around you.

>> No.16657547

Is this a socialist anthem?

>> No.16657557

I'm trying to think of the most traumatic thing I read as a kid, but outside the original Grimm's fairy tales, and RL Stein, I can't remember.
Though, I know Puff the Magic Dragon broke my fucking heart. Holy shit, that was not fair.

>A dragon lives forever but not so little boys

fuck, man.

>> No.16657571

oh fuck. you're trying to make me cry, right?

>> No.16657645

lmao thanks anon

>> No.16657733

Speaking of fucking trauma, you saying Grimm's fairy tales reminded me of Grizzly Tales of Gruesome kids: One episode out of all of them fucked me up the most. Some kids, a gang straight out of a evangelical show, were hanging out and decided to pick apples from a farmer's orchard. They get caught, their dog gets shot, and the farmer kills all the kids and put them into cider. It really upset 12 year old me. It was so cruel and unnecessary—there was no justice or anything to the story; the kids aplogised and were portrayed as kind. Those types of stories are the worst because as a kid you often see endings that follow some logic that colours your world, "bad person did bad thing, karma", so seeing normal kids get killed and their bodies pressed into cider for stealing 6 apples makes you feel like the world is a cruel place. Most of the episodes had bratty asshole protagonists and even then they rarely got killed like that—this story kept me up, there was nothing to gather from the cruelty in the story other than "don't steal apples because you and all your friends will be killed", did a pissed off farmer write this?
I just rewatched it and it's still a load of crap. Ugly and poorly made with a dog shit story. Fuck this show. https://youtu.be/s8BEgPKNVFg

>> No.16658510

>still seething all these years later

>> No.16658562

What the fuck, it's like a scene from Maldoror or The Blind Owl.
Why are Jews such sick bastards? Kids aren't supposed to read this kind of stuff.

>> No.16659115

Well yeah, it was fucked. And looking at it again I can't believe how ugly and shit it was. It only popped into my head now
Yeah I think my school must've just seen "Tim Burton" and thought yeah that's fine. I was like 5 when I read the Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and I wonder how exposing children to media like that at that age might affect them.

>> No.16659671
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>> No.16659907
File: 1.33 MB, 3500x2800, English_Cover_Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this where we shill our own children's books?

>> No.16659978
File: 124 KB, 515x625, harris14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one gives me real liminal space vibes

>> No.16659981

Cringe and Great Reset pilled

>> No.16660036

It's about kids having trouble coping with the all the life changes and anxieties of covid time. Mask becomes totemized which leads to MC having a small breakdown when she loses it playing.

>> No.16660278

I remember back in first grade we would watch semi animated versions of some of these books they were like in a compilation vhs tape I think, it's been years
I know for a fact the one this anon posted was one of them

>> No.16661141


>> No.16661160 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 640x567, 1599740746797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork.

>> No.16661224


>> No.16661246
File: 18 KB, 220x220, 220px-Baloneyhenryp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

z i m u l u s

>> No.16661695

why the fuck do people like this?, its utter garbage

>> No.16661732


>> No.16661967

This one was pretty brutal for a children's book

>> No.16663040

holy shit man, what was this called?

>> No.16663099

based zizek poster

>> No.16663113
File: 1.83 MB, 887x4833, top_50_pbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top 50 picture books.

>> No.16663123
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>> No.16663632

Im trying to find this one book our teacher from Texas read to us: it was about this b&w rancher in a coloring book and found this cactus with scribbled crayon on it, dumbfounded he went the town and found out people we getting colored on too. Him and a couple of other people ganged up to find the source of this and ounce they went out they found this gunslinger stick man standing there. They looked at it but it didn’t do anything from how I remembered it. Later on it turns it was kid scribbling in the book they live in and I think everything went back to normal.

>> No.16663707

he doesn't want to make frank content anymore apparently it was harming his mental health

>> No.16663717

frank.....had a hard life....he needs some time to rest

>> No.16663765
File: 171 KB, 880x1360, Pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book is literally about controlling language