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/lit/ - Literature

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1664464 No.1664464 [Reply] [Original]

Of Human Bondage - W Somerset Maugham
Franny and Zooey - JD Salinger
Nine Stories - JD Salinger
Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood
The Blind Assasin - Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

>> No.1664483 [DELETED] 

I don't care for coming of age stories, the thoughts and emotions are too subject to becoming cliche'd and predictable because of the perceived universalism of the experience.

There is a weird hysteria surrounding the transition to adulthood and it perpetuates itself by creating these visions in movies and books which kids read too. I think it's unhealthy.

>> No.1664494

Childhood's End (coming of age story for the entire human race)

>> No.1664498

yeah. 'teenage angst' is ghey as hell too.

>> No.1664501
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I don't care for coming of age stories, the thoughts and emotions are too subject to becoming cliche'd and predictable because of the perceived universalism of the experience.

There is a weird hysteria surrounding the transition to adulthood and it perpetuates itself by creating these visions in movies and books which kids read too. I think it's unhealthy.

forgot my trip

>> No.1664506

this is the second time you've been so concerned about me knowing that you agreed with me.

>> No.1664514

initial post was on my phone which had ran out of battery and cleared the name field. Happened 3 times to me last week.

one thing we don't have in common is I'm not a sycophant.

>> No.1664518
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You mean writers have to stick to things like first kiss, first sex, first job, etc. and so everything is too similar? I dunno. People can do stale things with a fresh new spin on it. Authors do it all the time with different genres (although not with trashy novels, obviously, not like most chick lit books).

>> No.1664529

The Ages of Lulu - Almudena Grandes
recomended for all young girls

>> No.1664564

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

>> No.1664574

that image makes me teehee inside

>> No.1664598

you have a penis inside your ass

>> No.1664607

Let the Right One In.

>> No.1664639

Margaret Atwood is overrated. I'm sick of newfags praising her work. Fuck her and the idiots who respect her. Discover some good literature you irnorant puppet.

>> No.1664649


Can you tell me more about these 'irnorant puppets'?

At any rate, I'd say her work is mid-brow, although not really clever or sophisticated.

>> No.1664653

The Body was the first that came to mind for me. I'm not gonna pilfer through my memories to find any more.

really interested in this dynamic you two have. It's like... I know one of you is gonna do a rape/murder on the other, but WHO!?

>> No.1664656

Yeah, it's a good dy-nah-mic. I always enjoy seeing them post together. Not as much as brownbear and [insert any tripfag here], though.

>> No.1664659

>this thread is now about tripfags.

>> No.1664663
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fucking awesome.
I love those threads.

>> No.1664672
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what do you think of this one?
just made it

>> No.1664677
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>implying that's funny
>implying Odd Future are good

>> No.1664683
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Hey brownbear look at this one.
There are no names because obviously that you are the ni... "brown" one.

>> No.1664684

yeah Truman & Truman really have a great dynamic.

>> No.1664694
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>> No.1664708

Dude, this is a Sunhawk thread. Bitching about him liking Oryx and Crake is like bitching about Stan liking The Marshall Mathers LP. Frankly I find whatever pro-Atwood influence might be in play on this board to be kind of refreshing on a board populated mainly by people who are not middle-aged Canadian women

>> No.1664715

Finnegans Wake, prove me wrong.

>> No.1664738

It's about a funeral. Your interpretation makes no sense.

>> No.1664740

How is a funeral NOT a coming of age story?

>> No.1664752

Would Botchan be considered a coming of age story?

>> No.1664757

No, weeaboos only get shota and shonen or guro or neko or something like that for stories.

>> No.1664759

Huh? It was written in the early 1900's. It doesn't have to do with anime.

>> No.1664760

Manga dates from the late 19th century.

>> No.1664761

It's not a manga though. It's a novel.

>> No.1664768

Graphic novel, manga, Japanese... I think you splitting heirs here.

>> No.1664772
File: 34 KB, 350x401, 1300562857113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming of age stories

For that alone, you deserve all my scorn. If you can't see beyond "coming of age", you're a moronic cuntface. Seriously.

Go fuck yourself, douchebag. Stop reading books, by the way, they're obviously not your thing.

>> No.1664775


I dunno why a 20 something British male would like Atwood, but I do. She's writes books that are kind of more group up, actually good versions of Catcher. Of course, for a more grown up and good version of Catcher, you could read Salinger's other books.

>> No.1664808

its called a bildungsroman, losers

>> No.1664814

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery is a nice künstlerroman. There is an interesting dichotomy between religion and art as Emily finds her way as an artist.