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16644662 No.16644662 [Reply] [Original]

250 word parchment due tomorrow

>> No.16644709

Nigga it be sunday tomorrow.

>> No.16644718

tomorrow is sunday you liar

>> No.16644772
File: 9 KB, 239x211, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you genuinely do have an essay due tomorrow

>> No.16644789

What is the topic? Ill write it for you rn.

>> No.16644803

>250 word
how will you ever finish it?

>> No.16644807

>500 word analysis on Gilgamesh due Monday
>don't have enough clay

>> No.16644821

Dude your prof is an incel.

>> No.16644840

>5 etchings on a stone tablet due for tomorrow's hunt

Me not ready

>> No.16644902

>3 woodblock paintings due on wednesday evening at 6:35pm
fuck bros

>> No.16644948

>100% unironically 8-10 pages about the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan from 79-89
I am so fucked, LMAO.

>> No.16644955

Until Tuesday, forgot to write that.

>> No.16644972

>Makes a mistake

>> No.16645022

>only 250

>> No.16645033

two 2500 words law courseworks for the 27th and the 30th, haven't started yet but feeling confident.

>> No.16645055
File: 64 KB, 636x358, 4FCF6874-5DFB-4A0B-B123-4CF9136C7524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty illuminatyd pages of the Gospel of John due by next even.

>> No.16645272

On a sunday? Fuck your professor.

>> No.16645284

>have to present a new hymn to God at church tomorrow
>haven't started composing it yet

>> No.16645360
File: 321 KB, 922x936, 51818667-C047-49E7-B598-0FADFBE1CD55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 word manifesto due in 88 seconds

>> No.16645367

You got this.

>> No.16645590

I always feel most confident before I start.

>> No.16645600

Stop being a pussy. That's just a rule statement. Law is incredibly easy.

>> No.16645714

Thanks buddy

I know the struggle

2500 words is alright, hence my statement about feeling confident, but it is not as easy as a law statement either. I have a legal memo for a country and an essay on the global pact for the environment project. What I truly dread is that I will have to write two dissertations at the end of the year since I am doing two degree at the same time. I am definitely not an organized student or a workhorse so it probably won't be very fun for me.

>> No.16645724

it's already sunday for me so tomorrow is monday

>> No.16645734

Need help anon?

>> No.16645825

Well anon, do you have any goats ready?

>> No.16646075

i never appreciated the opportunity academia gave me to express myself. don't waste it

>> No.16646600
File: 899 KB, 944x1222, Screen Shot 2020-02-21 at 4.06.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one word response regarding whether I want tendies due in next 5 minutes

>> No.16646961

Ahhh cickin

>> No.16646972
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>1 word essay in 80 years
Is it over?

>> No.16647001
File: 615 KB, 750x1000, pepe_space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 original thought transmissions due in 7.5 microts
I'll never move off my father's planet, will I

>> No.16647246

oi can you hit me up with that essay later
I wanan know about this, and I don't want to read wiki or any other more credible sources

my experience is that the students usually plagiarize the best bits

>> No.16647277
File: 22 KB, 600x600, Trying_to_find_a_nice_hentai_that_1__aab1ef76edd2b62f9455f1e2eb8d18d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story of a man who spends his entire life searching for the right word for his 1 word essay with a deadline of 80 years.
It descibes his life, all experiences he went through, all the libraries, books, dictionaries, etc., him eschewing all normal human pleasures like having a social life and a family, everything in pursuit of THE ONE WORD. The story also describes some of his theories on what qualities must THE ONE WORD have. These theories change as he lives, sometimes a new theory outright throws out the previous one, sometimes a new theory branches off one of the earlier ones. Sometimes, he goes back to his roots and explores a theory he explored several decades ago.
After living out almost all of it under the weight of the impending deadline, he submits the essay at the very last minute. THE ONE WORD.

He gets an A because the examiner didn't even read it.