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File: 272 KB, 1280x799, 2019_16_tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16636465 No.16636465 [Reply] [Original]

>If he saw Warcraft, Game of Thrones and Harry Potter and the nerd culture around rip offs of his stories today

>> No.16636485

Literally who cares. Dude wrote second rate European mythology and folklore fan fics

>> No.16636490

If he were to browse the 4chan, which board would be his home board?

>> No.16636493

I think he would be pleased (with the sentiment, likely not the execution) that Warcraft allowed Orcs the freedom of choice that he never gave them. I don't think he would be a fan of much else.

>> No.16636495


>> No.16636512

As I've heard he wrote as escapism so I assume he'd be quite understanding of need culture

>> No.16636519

Seething Potterfag

>> No.16636523

>england has no history so what should i do? should i read through old documents and encourage them read? no! i will invent england myself!!

>> No.16636526

Inklings were basically D&D nerds of their era.

>> No.16636592

>Tolkien vocally opposed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party before the Second World War, and despised Nazi racist and anti-semitic ideology. In 1938, the publishing house Rütten & Loening, preparing to release The Hobbit in Nazi Germany, outraged Tolkien by asking him whether he was of Aryan origin. In a letter to his British publisher Stanley Unwin, he condemned Nazi "race-doctrine" as "wholly pernicious and unscientific". He added that he had many Jewish friends and was considering "letting a German translation go hang"
I assume he'd be very happy to see his jewish lords grow wealthy and powerful. Being a good *nglo goy he'd probably do some silly dance too.

>> No.16636641

Imagine playing a d&d campaign with the inklings

>> No.16636645

>not another fucking elf
Nothing has changed.

>> No.16636653

he will write for bioware

>> No.16636654

Sadly this.

>> No.16636758

So what is first-rate European mythology and folklore facfic?

>> No.16636783
File: 14 KB, 300x301, tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devote yourself to learning every ancient language from Gothic to the particular Middle English dialect of your West Midlands home
>write the most influential essay ever on Beowulf
>give extremely popular public readings of the same poem, which you open with a manly HWAET
>mentor countless students in their own studies of medieval English literature
>literally redesign the Oxford English curriculum to require more Anglo-Saxon and Middle English
>fifty years after your death, NEETs on an anonymous imageboard declare you never read anything old

>> No.16637074

i bet he didn't even read Marx POG

>> No.16637601

Wasn't this a fake?

>> No.16637616

He'd say "this sucks", not read it, and move on.

People were capable of that once upon a time.

>> No.16637640

I always thought he was jewish

>> No.16638033

>Game of Thrones
I think he would think that GRRM completely missed the point of LOTR.

>> No.16638088

He would probably be salty about the "wrong" use of mythological creatures and probably wouldn't care much about everything else. Also he would have to worry about defending himself from people calling him racist if not nazi

>> No.16638141

His intention was to write a new Western mythology, so while he might not (and likely wouldn't) be impressed with the quality of a lot of the work he inspired he would probably be pleased with the way its permeated into pop culture.

>> No.16638308

Anglo's are the protagonists of history. If you're not an Anglo, you're literally an NPC of which Anglo stories are formed around.

>> No.16638424

Ok Abdul of Essex

>> No.16638455

>he says, speaking the language of the Anglo

>> No.16638458

lol. I dislike the English as much as the next guy, but this is an argument that is hard to refute.

>> No.16638539

Approves. Will scratch his linguist itch and kino lore
>game of thrones
Will be bored. Political fiction with very little fantasy.
>harry potter
Will mark an envelope everytime harry ambulates.

>> No.16638550

It's in his published letters.

>> No.16638552


>> No.16638649

it was French before that, and Latin before it
you're more of a current season protagonist, well not you but USA

>> No.16638678

but its English now, retard. I'm not even an anglo

>> No.16638731

>of history
Last 60 years at best, and applies only to Americans and not Anglos in general. Also you get daily threads about how culture in the West is declining, mostly made by Americans

>> No.16638779

>m'uh language
Ignoring that english itself is a latinized germanic, how do you justify the fact that its only the third most spoken native language? For most people who speak english it is no more than a rudimentary tool of crude exchange, something to ask directions, or conduct a business meeting. Pathetically small amount of people THINK in english, even less if you exclude niggers whose thoughts are never more complex than killwhiteygetkfc. Mandarin carried itself through millenniums while english lost both its grammar and alphabet along the way. And the number of english natives shrinks by the day. If anglos are the protagonist, it's their downfall arc

>> No.16638798


>> No.16638836

>gets fucking TOLD
Cope is a latin word too, *ngloid

>> No.16638847

He is Catholic

>> No.16638871

I'm italian, faggot.

>> No.16638979

Ariosto and Tasso

>> No.16639015

I also think he would approve of Warcraft. The story of Arthas, especially, is pretty kino

>> No.16639720 [DELETED] 

>I think he would be pleased (with the sentiment, likely not the execution) that Warcraft allowed Orcs the freedom of choice that he never gave them.
no he wouldn't, do americans really believe this?

>> No.16639737
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>> No.16639753

He would think the first two are subhuman American derivations with zero cultural or artistic value for autistic losers, and probably commit suicide on the spot realizing Harry Potter is the culmination of the Anglo myth.

>> No.16639810

>I think he would be pleased (with the sentiment, likely not the execution) that Warcraft allowed Orcs the freedom of choice that he never gave them.
You mean the same series that started the trend of depicting other races and cultures as monstrous caricatures? Oh give me a fucking break.

>> No.16639830

Game of Thrones is written by idiot for idiots.

>> No.16639833

A lazy idiot at that!

>> No.16639841

All genre fiction is for idiots by idiots.

>> No.16639858

God I want to be an old pipe smoking man in a scarf in the time before internet faggotry

>> No.16639891

>Approves. Will scratch his linguist itch and kino lore
are you 12?

>> No.16639898


>> No.16639923

My point is moreso they never had a choice when the writing dictates they range either from savage or noble savage.

>> No.16639958

They can choose between good and evil. That fact that they wear furs and have a martial culture that isn't to your taste isn't really relevant. They are not all permalocked into being demon-pawns due to an intrinsically evil nature like in Tolkien's work, and the liberation of the orcs from cosmic forces of evil, by their own hand, was one of the most crucial moments in warcraft's lore.

This is something Tolkien never gave his orcs, something he regretted, and something that Warcraft, for all its adolescent pulpiness did. But, sure just ignore it to complain about Trolls having Jamaican accents or whatever.

>> No.16639963

The only modern fantasy work Tolkien would respect is Dark Souls.

>> No.16640052

if it were published in nazi Germany the stupid nazis probably would have burned it, the anti intellectuall degenerates

>> No.16640054

>Tolkien would respect Americans for turning orcs into african nignog shamans then making a dilemma of whether nignogs can be good or not

>> No.16640065

>The story of Arthas, especially, is pretty kino
Yeah, maybe if you like Star Wars LMAO.

>> No.16640723

>Approves. Will scratch his linguist itch and kino lore
I actually want to beat the shit out of you.

>> No.16641678

Looks like this Anglo bitch is short of his daily dose of middle east seed.

>> No.16641753

Tolkien would hate all video games and think the people who play them are strange and uncomfortable.

>> No.16641775

>tolkein playing runescape
>buys mithril armor at level 20

>> No.16641810

Read "On Fairy Stories" and tell me he didn't write for escapism. It's one of the 4 purposes of fantasy according to him.

"In what the misusers are fond of calling Real Life, Escape is evidently as a rule very practical, and may even be heroic."

>> No.16641840

Much of the 'Tolkeinesque' fantasy things put out are actually only influenced by Dungeons and Dragons, which is very dissimilar to LOTR and everything else JRR wrote.

>> No.16641850

Most sois probably haven't even played the original Warcraft games. They're decent stories

>> No.16641903

It's just a shitty rip-off of Warhammer.

>> No.16641916

Only sois play video games. You have to go back.

>> No.16643218

What in the god damn does this mean? Drop out of college, it has fucked up your ability to think.

>> No.16643288

I think he would recognize that GRRM is making an entirely different point than LotR is.

>> No.16643291


>> No.16643322

The Faerie Queene

>> No.16643949

/tg/ or /qst/

>> No.16643957

He knew that Aryan means Iranian, not fucking Germanic/Nordic.

>> No.16643982

Always funny to see Nazi dogma dunked on by any and all that know even the slightest bit about Nordic/Germanic culture.

>> No.16644045

He would hate almost all of it, possibly all of it completely. He may have appreciated the historical references in ASOIAF, but would have hated it's cynicism and sexuality.

>> No.16644201

No, Aryan refers to a distant population of steppe nomads, who used a kind of similar word to define themselves. NW-C Europeans have ~40% Aryan/Yamnaya admixture on average. Yaghnobi and Pamiri Tajiks have like ~40% Aryan/Sintashta admixture on average. Aryan is now called "Proto-Indo-European" to avoid Nazi connotations due to political correctness. This is we find immense commonalities among pre-Abrahamic Germanic and Celtic myths, Vedic mythology, Zoroastrianism, and so forth.
Christianity is not derived from Aryan religion. It comes from Semites. This is fine, but there is no point in lying to ourselves.

>> No.16644425

The point was to establish a folklore for the British people that was lost during the industrial revolution and wasn't preserved by literal heros like the brothers Grimm

>> No.16644659

whatever helps you cope, mahmut

>> No.16644672
File: 28 KB, 300x300, JRRTolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World of Warcraft? Based, I'm gonna play an orc.

>> No.16644705

But it is. The Greeks were known to ancient Hebrews as they had included them in their etiology of man. Their association with Yahwe as the most high God, god in the firmament, and lord of Heaven is analogous to the sky father of PIE fame. The greeks had animal sacrifice and blood offerings as did the semites. These groups didn't develop in vacuum. Even, Europa was a Semitic phoenician.

>> No.16644949 [DELETED] 

>playing evil monster races
pick one

>> No.16645012

>What in the god damn does this mean?
It means exactly what I said it means. All the races are grotesque racial/cultural allegories, which is not only cancer to the genre but also something Tolkien specifically loathed.
>Drop out of college, it has fucked up your ability to think.
t. American
WoW appeals heavily to very certain broken people, and Tolkien isn't one of them.

>> No.16645075

>third most spoken native language
what the fuck are you on??

>> No.16645084


There’s literally nothing wrong with that.


That’s pretty much Dunsany’s whole schtick.

Gods of pegana or the gods and time or king of elfland’s daughter are all highly enjoyable.

>> No.16645116

Tasso is more grounded in reality tho, ariosto is fucking out there i love his stuff.

>> No.16645125

He'd think they're all Godless creations.

>> No.16645133
File: 85 KB, 492x280, doubt-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>both had a supreme God and both performed sacrifices, so they were the same people

>> No.16645144

>if I strawman anon's argument I'm right

>> No.16645151
File: 41 KB, 235x236, dont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I pretend it was a strawman, I win

>> No.16645159

Though he would hope that one escapes into moral material.

>> No.16645165

Where did I say they were the same? Kys.
The other anon claimed that Christianity was not derived from Aryan religion, but it is clearly plausible that these ancient religions and cultures influenced each other.

>> No.16645185

>Approves. Will scratch his linguist itch and kino lore
Are you four years old?

>> No.16645693

>linguist itch
okay explain this to me i don't know anything about warcraft but i'm certain the languages are for all intents and purposes indecipherable gibberish

>> No.16645796

>>literally redesign the Oxford English curriculum to require more Anglo-Saxon and Middle English
Fuck Tolkien!!!

>> No.16646163

Nah, they have I think 16 fully formed languages. Or maybe 15, there's one that only appears as snippets in item descriptions and books, and players can speak it when using a rare vanity item, so it's not clear if it's a full language or just those snippets.

>> No.16646180

Bugman rage.

>> No.16646318

>basic phonetics = fully formed languages
lol warcraftfags

>> No.16646320

No, really, please explain to us how Blizzard "started the trend of depicting other races and cultures as monstrous caricatures". I gotta hear this. Just continue assuming I'm a retard, explain it simply and clearly. Show me how it was Blizzard that started that, and explain exactly the extent of the "monstrous" depictions.

>> No.16646363

Why? No substance

>> No.16646465

>Warcraft originally depicts the humanoid monster men as irredeemably evil
>over time begins to "humanize" them by having them stand in for a real life cultural allegory
>fantasy as a framework becomes centered around the existence of these human-ish monster races that are sentient and are capable of morals, yet despite all of this human white males (obviously of European origin) are the protagonists of that universe for no explainable reason
>thus a juxtaposition forms where in an attempt to make the inhabitants of this fantasy world more sympathetic, you only effectively undermine what they are suppose to represent

>> No.16646471

Tolkien wouldn't play freakshit.

>> No.16646641

Meant to reply to this guy

>> No.16646687

/tg/ duh

>> No.16646881

How do you think Tolkien would react to Nurgle? Lel

>> No.16646886

Well, anon here >>16644201 said
>Christianity is not derived from Aryan religion. It comes from Semites
Then, in >>16644705, you said
>But it is
thereby saying that no, actually, they're the same thing.

Also, your statement in that post is wrong. Dyeus Phter is the boundless infinity of the infinite expanse of the sky. The sky is an infinite space that can be traveled. Yahweh, meanwhile, set the firmament in place. You cannot travel through it, it's a boundary. If you were to get beyond it, you'd be totally fucked as beings such as yourself cannot exist beyond it.

>> No.16647017

Lol this is brown fragility right here

>> No.16647044

Oh do go on, now explain how nobody did this before Blizzard and outline and trace for us the extent of the harm caused by Blizzard's vicious negative portrayal of cow people and goblins.

>> No.16647052

>implying I'm not racist
>implying I'm not calling Blizzard out for their slave morality biting them in the ass

>> No.16647204

>Oh do go on, now explain how nobody did this before Blizzard
I made my case, now make yours.
>and trace for us the extent of the harm caused by Blizzard's vicious negative portrayal of cow people and goblins.
Uhhh did you even understand the content of my post, /v/tard? It was never about social justice, it was about fantasy races being cheap lazy allegories.

>> No.16647225

>I made my case, now make yours.
I have no case.

>Uhhh did you even understand the content of my post, /v/tard? It was never about social justice, it was about fantasy races being cheap lazy allegories.
Allow me to quote a certain anonymous poster here:
>You mean the same series that started the trend...
Here the claim is made that Blizzard started what became a trend in (I assume the poster means) fantasy writing. I would like to see evidence that
1. Blizzard STARTED this trend, in the sense that there was no general trend before Blizzard created the warcraft series
2. That there was a trend at all. Perhaps cite some other fantasy works and show how they were inspired by Blizzard's works.

>> No.16647274


>> No.16647330


>> No.16647906 [DELETED] 

Not going to waste my time with you anymore, you're just being a pedantic faggot for the sake of being a pedantic faggot, probably a former disgruntled Blizzard fanboy.

>> No.16647918

>Still no rebuttal
Not going to waste my time with you anymore, you're just being a pedantic faggot for the sake of being a pedantic faggot, probably a former disgruntled Blizzard fanboy.

>> No.16647925

You still provided no evidence for your conjecture. That's all I ever asked for. Since you asked, I will now make a case: You are fucking retarded. Fuck you.

>> No.16647931
File: 5 KB, 476x267, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still harping on irrelevant details to make a point you don't have

>> No.16647938

Don't ever reply to my posts ever again.

>> No.16647940


>> No.16648069

Things to keep in mind when talking about Tolkien
>he was a procrastinator
>he had extreme difficulty concentrating and working on stuff he found boring, and this "boring stuff"... happened to be his serious academic work
>he was the founder of Old English studies on Oxford (and perhaps on all of England), but did fuck off on it, all the research came from other scholars
>only two things made him happy, and thus took up the lion's share of his productivity, making up original languages, and his fantasy work
>his academic peers disapproved him "wasting time" with this childish fantasy stuff while neglecting serious academic work
>he was quite self-conscious about this, often feeling guilty about spending so many years on a fiction book in lieu of the research he was expected to be working on
>he wasn't reclusive and eagerly corresponded with fans, there are thousands of his letters around, which only a fraction has ever been published

>> No.16648370

Nigger, Blizz has horde favouritism from top to bottom. The humans have been an afterthought ever since WoW's release.

>> No.16649065

Hordes have always been the antagonists of warcraft. The fact that they are presented with certain heroic traits doesn’t change it.

>> No.16649084

>Nigger, Blizz has horde favouritism from top to bottom.
That is exactly the problem the post goes over. It's very typical white liberal sentimentalist bullshit.

>> No.16649146

Okay, but did he did start with the greeks, though?

>> No.16649154
File: 180 KB, 736x1087, 07e3ac5ffe46d024815c83d7335e572d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His ghost is probably sitting in a Rocking Chair with the ghost of CS Lewis right next to him, chuckling with each other, since they're colleagues, as they both think about how infuential their works actually were.

Those two were mad lads(pic related).

>> No.16649161

Wholesome autism

>> No.16649174

based teaching

>> No.16649188
File: 86 KB, 736x886, 27a257e5e5c901ff9360edab41c41fc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was diagnosed at 3 years old, so you got me there.

And Indeed!

>> No.16649602

behead those who insult tolkien

>> No.16649605

theat point being is that riding a dragon causes the rider to develop a bad case of explosive diarrea

>> No.16649664

Fuck anglo-saxons and fuck Tolkien.

>> No.16649711

Kalevala. Which, You know, JRRT was ripping off.

>> No.16649743

>the Tolkien Finn poster is here

>> No.16649751

Pure jealousy.

>> No.16649765

>british people
lol. fuck off american.

>> No.16649795

I won't stop until this monglo's reputation is destroyed.

>> No.16650103
File: 18 KB, 499x555, 1470859462428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"that was good cunny"

>> No.16650121

You're only destroying your own reputation mongoloid, it's more than obvious that you finns stole the ideas from Tolkien.

>> No.16650291

Based and wholesome