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16638436 No.16638436 [Reply] [Original]

Lingua Latina stulta et homosexualis, et sic vos.

>> No.16638461

>t. filtered by declensions

>> No.16638826

Maybe you were but I've already displayed competence.

>> No.16638965

Google translate

>> No.16638980


Defaulting to SVO is a noob move.

>> No.16639110


>> No.16639122

the language itself or the book?

>> No.16639131

Using the nominative alone doesn't show competency, retard

>> No.16639134


>> No.16639749

Where dumbass?

You don't even speak English faggot.

>> No.16639788

I see no true defenders of gay play pretend with history. Only feeble Anglo speaking dropout tier losers.

>> No.16641298
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ecce rana

>> No.16641367

hic niger est.
You can't even type in English.

>> No.16641382

Good post

nice google translate monoglot faggot

>> No.16641383

Pedicabo et irrumabo vos

>> No.16641391

More proof Rome obsessed larpers are faggots

>> No.16641429

I bet you used Google translate to type out that post, ESLfaggot.

Statim interfice tē et dēscende in Tartarō.

>> No.16641446

Nope, I'm Ivy educated you dope. I'm better with English than you and your family combined.

The Latin you posted feels like gtrans amateur hour.

>> No.16641464

Sane quidem graeca peior

>> No.16641489

Discitus sum ab Cicerōne ipsō et cotīdiē ōs tuæ mātris mēō sēmine impleō.

>> No.16641491

Sed qui non legere Latinam potest non scit numerum partis quod Gallia divisa est.

>> No.16641510

Shut up, faggot. Learn the fucking language, pleb.

>> No.16641517

Tres partes

>> No.16641542
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mammas mammas da mihi mammas, nam lacte matris nihil dulcius est. pro mammis peream.

>> No.16641560

>cicero helped me like all my other imaginary friends
larping faggot ladies and gents.

>> No.16641592

>he didn't learn Sumerian in order to summon Cicero from beyond the grave

>> No.16641593

Larpores (impostores) Romae plebes veri est et homosexuales ut infernum.

>> No.16641600

I see some nice frogposters who know better than to take bait too seriously, but still no truly honorable defenders of Rome, only sad neckbeards who went to no name schools.

>> No.16641609

hola mi nombre es pedro

>> No.16641618

Don't forget angry. IDK where all that rage comes from, must be a plebeian thing.

>> No.16641626
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the absolute state of burgers who are deprived of a classical education in secondary school.

>> No.16641654

salve amice

>> No.16641676
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in nemore vicino
auditur cuculus,
nam e quercu buboni,
respondet vocibus:
cucu, cucu, cucucucucucu! (bis)

>> No.16641710

Tacite cinaede, in lingua pedicatus scribe, plebeie.

>> No.16641766
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Quaesivi bona et ecce turbatio

>> No.16641767

>lingua pedicatus
this means the language is getting fucked. self pwn

>> No.16641784

salvete amici inimicique :D
Latina me delectant sed parvum latinam habeo.
Verbae in multis formis non me delectant sed ecce fabela mea est.
Monete me magistri! Latinam pulchram quiro!

Quintus puer romanus est qui Romae habitat solus. Cur solus? Quintus solus habitat quia familia Quinti mortua est. Quintus puer parvus et maestus est qui nulla amicum habet.
In via Quintus Iuliam, feminam pulchram, videt sed Iulia non sola est sed cum amico suo Petro. Petrus non puer, sed vir romanus magnum qui penem magnum et formosum habet. Penis Quinti neque magnus neque formosus est, sed parvus foedusque. Quintus vertit et ab Iulia discedit. Quintus portam ambulat, et plorat. Parvo puer clamat, "Lacrimae cogitatos meos obscurant, Silvam Magnam ambulo quia vitam bonam et puellam pulchram non habeo!"
Quintus ex porta ambulat. Quintus Romae Silvam Magnam it. In Silva Magna multae periculae sunt sed Quintus puer solus in silvam ambulat.
In Silvo Magno Ursus magnus foedusque dormit. Ursus Quintum audit "Iulia!!!!!! Ama me!!!!!!"
Urusus magnus iratusque surgit et Quintum occidit.
Ursus rursus dormit, "Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz"
Urusus iratus est quia

>> No.16641794

>qui nulla amicum habet.
wow, quintus is literally me

>> No.16641802

Penem parvam foedumque habes

>> No.16641814
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>> No.16641817

KEK bonam fabulam scripisti
mihi placet penis formosus quinti! is in ora mea volo!

>> No.16641820

ah, the useless monoglot shitposter uses google translate to pseud in another thread, yet still cant bother to actually learn slav like her russian idols

>> No.16641827

excuse me, saying russian in reference to marxists is an insult to russians, so let me correct that to useless marxist shitpiles.

>> No.16641830

Niger, non lego omnem hoc excrementum

>> No.16641849

>salvete amici inimicique :D
>Latina me delectant sed parvum latinam habeo.
>Verbae in multis formis non me delectant sed ecce fabela mea est.
>Monete me magistri! Latinam pulchram quiro!

Honest, humble, funny, and not angry.

As OP of this troll thread, you win.

>> No.16642057

writing in latin doesnt mean anything, anyone can use google translate or know italian, if you truly studied latin you would know the classic stories they make you translate when learning it.
I start
>vipera et lima

>> No.16642082

google translate can't handle latin. put in tacitus or cicero and it spits out gibberish

>> No.16642132

idk never used google translate for latin desu, i remember we used an online dictionary sometimes and it could translate whole sentences but sometimes was broken as hell

>> No.16642135


>> No.16642147
File: 151 KB, 1280x714, 2F44C79C-5D49-451D-AFAF-3C062D214189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Mongolian girl razzing poor Latin.

>> No.16642153

>Urbem Romam a principio reges habuere; libertatem et consulatum L. Brutus instituit. dictaturae ad tempus sumebantur; neque decemviralis potestas ultra biennium, neque tribunorum militum consulare ius diu valuit. non Cinnae, non Sullae longa dominatio; et Pompei Crassique potentia cito in Caesarem, Lepidi atque Antonii arma in Augustum cessere, qui cuncta discordiis civilibus fessa nomine principis sub imperium accepit. sed veteris populi Romani prospera vel adversa claris scriptoribus memorata sunt; temporibusque Augusti dicendis non defuere decora ingenia, donec gliscente adulatione deterrerentur. Tiberii Gaique et Claudii ac Neronis res florentibus ipsis ob metum falsae, postquam occiderant, recentibus odiis compositae sunt. inde consilium mihi pauca de Augusto et extrema tradere, mox Tiberii principatum et cetera, sine ira et studio, quorum causas procul habeo.

>> No.16642157

>Rome at the beginning of kings the liberty and the consulship were established by Lucius Brutus. to the time of the dictatorship, they were used; the power of the decemvirs did not last beyond two years, nor of the tribunes of the soldiers, the consular authority of of long duration. The despotisms of Cinna and Sulla were brief; the rule of Pompeius and of Crassus soon yielded before Caesar; the arms of Lepidus and Antonius before Augustus, I have stopped writing in the, who rules all things under the dominion of the prince was wearied by civil strife, he received the. But the old Roman or by famous historians; and fine intellects were not wanting to describe the times of Augustus, till growing sycophancy scared them away. Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero, while they were still rankling after their death recent hatred. Hence my purpose is to relate a few facts about Augustus-more particularly his last acts, then the reign of Tiberius, and all which, without either bitterness or partiality, from any motives to which I am far removed.

>> No.16642158

It's so strange how Latin seems to come out as nonsense when put it into google translate, you would think that it would actually be quite legible excepting word order maybe. The grammar isn't too different from anything else to my knowledge, at least not so much that everything stops making sense.

>> No.16642159

i guess it cant decline well enough

>> No.16642168

ok but why did you feel the need to tag me

>> No.16642173

>Ivy educated
too dumb to avoid getting scammed i see

>> No.16642174

>I sing who first made from mouth
>Italy, the blest Lavinian
>the shore, and a lot of it, and on land and sea
>vî exil'd Juno;
>Many war too, until to the city, 5
>and bring the gods to Latium, whence the >Latin race,
>And the Alban fathers, And the long glories of >majestic Rome.


>> No.16642186

Even better than Dryden

>> No.16642218

greek translations on google are even worse. not to mention there are a fucking handful of major dialects that ancient greek classics were written in.

>> No.16642222
File: 199 KB, 494x535, 1603511337190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16642226

>no one can answer this
lol plebs

>> No.16642269

more like no one cares nerd

>> No.16642301

>no one cares
>devotes full threads to latin

>> No.16642303

theres more to latin than your gay private captcha

>> No.16642358

right from the start I can tell you this is horribly translated.
>Urbem Roman a principio reges habeure
Is roughly
The city of rome was held from the beginning by Kings
While your english sentance is gibberish

>> No.16643669
File: 31 KB, 220x220, elrisitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using an ablative for direction towards

>> No.16644008

Mater da mihi lacte quaeso da mihi magna lacte quaeso magna lacte da mihi da mihi reeeee

>> No.16644011

This must be bait

>> No.16644021


>> No.16644108

no, just an idiot who knows neither english nor latin

>> No.16644154

Languages are capitalized.

>> No.16644204


>> No.16644227

I still don’t get the difference between say “Olivae” and “Olivas”. The acussative I think?

>> No.16644266

you forgot an apostrophe for how's

>> No.16644273

I refuse to believe anyone can be stupid enough to be filtered by decl

>> No.16644459

99% will, including that greentexters author.

>> No.16644651


>> No.16644693

Olivae: Belonging to a single olive, a single olive that is the indirect object of a sentence, multiple olives that are the subject of the sentence
Olivas: Multiple olives as the direct object of the sentence
Usually you have to figure out which one it's referring to by the context it's in

>> No.16645698

rosa rosa rosam rosae rosae rosa

>> No.16645704

lupus lupe lupum lupi lupo lupo

>> No.16645735

bo bis bit bimus bitis bunt

>> No.16645749

i still remember many sentences, latin teacher used to hate me

>> No.16646235

Another anon explained it well but yeah, assuming its a feminine noun that declines like puella, 'olivae' is the nom. plural/ gen. singular/ dat. singular while 'olivas' is acc. plural