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/lit/ - Literature

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16636902 No.16636902 [Reply] [Original]

What topics in literature make you say
>fuck off I don't believe in any of that made up nonsense
>inb4 "genre shit"
>inb4 /sffg/

>> No.16636909

Enlightenment political philosophy

>> No.16636923
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Marxism. Mostly because I really regret having actually wasted my time reading Manifesto and Capital.

>> No.16636925

Literary theory

>> No.16636926

Human rights
International law

>> No.16637005

Philosophy. All non-fiction.

>> No.16637022

Paleoconservatism is pure fantasy.

>> No.16637035

Might as well just say national security law

>> No.16637037

Liberal Christianity

>> No.16637041


>> No.16637044

Alt-right “theory”
Dark enlightenment
Inter alia
If you like any of this shit, you’re genuinely retarded.

>> No.16637082

You didn’t read Capital, anon, it’s not polemical.

>> No.16637083


>> No.16637087


>> No.16637190

t. Commie

>> No.16637198

You didn't understand capital, if you think it's not polemical

>> No.16637203

>turns around and reads lenin

>> No.16637418

Dark enlightenment is fun when it's by Nick land but otherwise it's a waste of time.

>> No.16637423


>> No.16637430

racial theory

>> No.16637433

This, Freudianism, and 19th century German (AKA Jewish) art critique. 19th century German (AKA Jewish) thought as a whole really. I can't take it seriously, it's completely farcical.
>OY VEY GOY you don't ACTUALLY like that painting, you don't REALLY think it's pretty, you can only enjoy art if a secular rabbi gave it the six-pointed star of approval! Otherwise it's KITSCH!

>> No.16637441

anything that has come out of the humanities the last 30 years
gender theory
critical racial theory

>> No.16637444

I had hoped against hope that at least on the literature board I could escape from the "YouTuber Criticizes Marvel and Star Wars" genre

>> No.16637451

Any "theoretical" interpretation of an author using a theory that wasn't in existence until after the author's death. A feminist, Marxist, Freudian, or Queer interpretation of Milton, just about those theories.

>> No.16638075

Secular humanism
Anything "self-actualisation"

>> No.16638106

neoclassical economics and analytic moral philosophy

>> No.16638112

One of these is not like the others.

>> No.16638122

Fascism. "Scientific Racism". Anti-semitic conspiracies.

>> No.16638127

post modernism (for the most part, there's some ideas that are interesting)

>> No.16638221


>> No.16638391

Anything written by marxist-leninists

>> No.16638400

Critical """"""""""theory"""""""""""

>> No.16638425

Anything pre-modern that was written by an Anglo

>> No.16638479

>albergenisanists and all modern forms of catherism
>"spatial theory"
>non axial supra symmetry
>post modern "ironic" use of classical elements 'new classicalism '
>anti micro picturesque
>maximalism = tiled minimalism

>> No.16638531

Social science from the period 1945-1980
Analytic philosophy
Frankfurt School, Adorno especially noxious
Any mention of "algorithms" etc by innumerate humanities fags

>> No.16638562

Freud's works

>> No.16638576

holy shit fpbp why it is always this way
back to your containment board schizo

>> No.16638676

What a shit thread.

>> No.16639694

All sophistry, that guises itself as philosophy (post modernism for example).

>> No.16639696

Every topic is nonsense except Kafka. Kafka is sense

>> No.16639705

Fascism when it’s glorified by right-wingers instead of being analyzed

>> No.16639708
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>Friends, Roman, Countrymen, lend me your ears.

My ears are attached and I need them. Get your own fucking ears! Fucking Shakespeare.

>> No.16639719

you're a frogposter. underage. stop pretending to have read capital.

>> No.16639740

>subjectivity and moral relativism
been btfo many times
basically a meme at this point, been btfo beyond recovery
nothing against atheism but most atheist authors have no concept of theology or philosophy and just spew the same DUDE SCIENCE LMAO spiel that makes every intelligent person including other atheists roll their eyes
>literally anything that amounts to whining about white people or imperialism or something

>> No.16639748

Mystic racism, race souls etc. ‘The great gaels of Ireland are the men god made mad/for all their wars are merry/ and all their songs are sad’

>> No.16639759

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.16639762


>> No.16639765

Imagine reading capital for any reason unless you’re an academic writing about it or something. You really read that whole ass thing just to be able to smugly post how you didn’t like it?

>> No.16639827

>basically a meme at this point, been btfo beyond recovery
If free will was true, your actions wouldn't be determined by anything. So, everything you'd do would be completely random and unpredictable, which simply isn't the case. Free will = refuted.

>> No.16639832

The dictionary

>> No.16639856

free will simply a property of the will to be efficient without any alien causes. freedom of the will merely states that the will can determine itself

>> No.16639867


>> No.16639888

Is the will not determined by current stimuli, experiences, and instincts?
Also, you haven't answered how the will can "determine itself" without being completely random.

>> No.16639895

>Is the will not determined by current stimuli, experiences, and instincts?
it is influenced by them, not determined
for all practical purposes it can determine itself by virtue of being rational

>> No.16639909

>it is influenced by them
To what degree?
>for all practical purposes it can determine itself by virtue of being rational
Elaborate, please.

>> No.16639920

>German idealism

>> No.16639962

Any greek shit that tries to explain reality, I get they were trapped in their own times but the mere fact that people today keep believing some of that stuff is laughable

>> No.16639974

You're just lending them anon, he's a friend.

>> No.16639986

Structuralism and post structuralism especially, but also any of their offshoots, including critical theory. No, normal people don't think about their thinking being an interpretation or a metanarratives. And pretending these metanarratives have any effect on societal structures, especially non modernized societies, is laughable.

>> No.16640011

Brown skinned alt people getting theirs back from the Man.

>> No.16640020

psychology especially evo psych
IQ and psychometrics
behavioral genetics and heritability studies

>> No.16640041

Any self-help book or miraculous "this will change your life" book that's shorter than 300 pages.

>> No.16640043

>fuck off I don't believe in any of that made up nonsense
What kind of response is this? Fiction? FAKE

>> No.16640212

Literature written beyond 500 ad

>> No.16640220

>Esoteric Hitlerism
>Judith Butler

>> No.16640234

Object oriented ontology

>> No.16640242

All metaphysics.

>> No.16640256
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>> No.16640483

Structural Linguistics
You might was well be unsung alchemy and geocentricism.

>> No.16640515

r e t a r d a l e r t

>> No.16640526

incredibly and pathetically deep in the they

>> No.16640537

It is impossible to reject all metaphysics.

>> No.16640552

found the F*ucault poster. Go ahead and tell me how society is derivative of its insane and imprisoned, I'll wait

>> No.16640599
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human rights

>> No.16640628


>> No.16640668

During the 19th century Jews in Germany hit this point where they've amassed enough internal networks that they can live comfortably as an economic substratum that does a lot of financial and mercantile work that the Germans don't want to do. Tax collecting is a good example of this. They'd had a few centuries of fleshing out a Haskalah (essentially the Jewish equivalent of The Enlightenment) induced Liberal tradition, as opposed to the more conservative Orthodox tradition. In short, they lose the trappings of the Shtetl trotting Yid who goes around selling stolen children's shoes from a stroller and instead adopt themselves as a sort of educated separate class.

The problem is, they're stuck there. They literally cannot go any higher. Any further advancement would require converting to Lutheranism (The Catholics at this time form something akin to what the Jews are doing at this time). But if they do that, they lose access to the nepotistic Jewish group networks that are, y'know, the entire reason they can do this at all. So, they do the same thing that Protestants do in France due to a quirk of the revoking of the Edict of Nantes (tl;dr atheists are second class citizens, Protestants are actively eradicated).

This creates a period by which this new cadre of Jews does two things: first, they HEAVILY criticize Orthodox and Liberal Jewish society in order to get it to transcend its current state and lead it to a higher form. The Orthodox are holding the Liberals back, and the Liberals are holding the atheists back. Secondly, in order to gain further power in gentile society, they embark on a process of creating the educated secular "critical class". This is where Kitsch comes in, as it's a very blunt attempt at shoehorning a totally new phenomena (the value of art deriving from what is essentially a Rabbi's approval, rather than the actual tastes of the person who owns or is buying the work). The West as a whole still hasn't gotten over this idea. This phenomena being in place is why the CIA is able to do the whole "Modern Art as a tool of fighting Nazism and Stalinism" thing, but isn't part of some grand scheme. "PoMo" and "Cultural Marxism", similarly, derive from this class, but again are only taking advantage of an existing structure.

Freud and Marx are just doing "kitsch", but for psychology and economics: trying to insert the Jewish people into a European intellectual system that has no need, place, or even want for them.

>> No.16640705

Wow it’s fucking wild how Jews just live in your skull. Anne Frank is hiding in your subconscious isn’t she!

>> No.16640729



>> No.16640732
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>he doesn't know

>> No.16640733
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Wow, it's like you were really there.
>self-help books
>"my amazing life as a limbless man on a skateboard" inspo-porn
>Khaled Hosseni
>diets and lifestyles
>anything by someone who was on fox news or advertises having been on another major cable news network
>feel-good liberalism diversity tales
>books by youtubers

>> No.16640736

intersectionality and critical theory

>> No.16640739

I was. Reincarnation.

lol retard.

>> No.16640753

No, fuck you. You think you can say that racist shit and get away with it?

>> No.16640756

What is critical theory and why is it bad? In your own words

>> No.16640764

Yes. What're you going to do, kill me? I'll just reincarnate.

>> No.16640770


>> No.16640771

i don't believe in any of that made up nonsense

>> No.16640772
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Good post other than the fact that you definitely haven't read Marx because if you did you'd know his view on Jews is nothing like you imply. Actually, what the hell does "trying to insert the Jewish people into a European intellectual system that has no need, place, or even want for them" even mean? Both Freud and Marx were Atheists, and their theories both view all religion as inconsequential, and barely touch on Judaism in particular. I don't know about Freud, but the few times Marx mentions Judaism he generally doesn't have the nicest things to say about it anyway.

>> No.16640778

So you don’t know what it is? Cool.

>> No.16640794

>this is complex stuff not easily distillable from wikipedia, browsing /lit/ for a year, or a basic undergraduate education
>you guys arent geniuses like me
>Claude Levi-Strauss, Foucault, Adorno and the Frankfurt school are mine and only mine to understand

What a smug faggot

>> No.16640810

in a letter to his friend pastor pfister, freud literally confessed that being jewish is more or less a prerequisite to fully understand psychoanalysis. read "psychoanalysis and faith".

>> No.16640811

didn't marx even equate judaism to capitalism? I remember him writing in a letter that to abolish capitalism is to abolish judaism, and to abolish judaism is to abolish capitalism.

>> No.16640828

Cool, and Heidegger said Husserl was incapable of truly great thoughts because of his Judaism. Question is, who gives a fuck what those two had to say about Jews?

>> No.16640837

obviously you do

>> No.16640846


>> No.16642054

Man-as-ends moralism

>> No.16642148


I don't mean to offend anyone, but it seems so esoteric and "out there"

>> No.16642152


>> No.16642163

Marvel and Star Wars fucking suck, though?
Did you come onto /lit/ to talk about comics??

>> No.16642166

What’s wrong with Schmitt?

>> No.16642167

Came here to say this.

>> No.16642197

What’s wrong with the Platonic Theory of Forms?

>> No.16642199

Anything about faggots. There's nothing tragic about normal people being disgusted by shit fetishists.

>> No.16642202

This this this

>> No.16642207

They’re trapped in a system just like us

>> No.16642731

Everything except mathematics is useless , made up and cringe

>> No.16642821

>Any mention of "algorithms" etc by innumerate humanities fags
Indeed. You can add any pseud-philosophy based on interpretation of currently used laws of physics. I'm talking about "quantum physics proves/disproves [thing unrelated to empirical physics]".
Usually by non-physicsists or second rate ones. Schrodinger, De Broglie or Bohr mocked those morons.

>> No.16642838


>> No.16643310
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Are you me?

>> No.16643401


>> No.16643708

math is a human invention as well

>> No.16644066

>anyone who doesn't believe what I believe is a commie!!!

Consider suicide, clean up the gene pool a bit.

>> No.16644083

You'll reincarnate as a baby seal and get instantly rekt by drunkin fishermen.

>> No.16644094

Gnosticism is just a catch all term though right?

>> No.16644099

Theosophy, anachronistic traditionalism, "anthroposophy" and other bullshit like this.

>> No.16644120

Racism. Everytime it's tackled it comes off as unbelievably cringy.

>> No.16644508


>> No.16644516

What's wrong with evo psych?

>> No.16645003

3:4:5 right triangle proves you wrong

>> No.16645656

lmao fpbp

>> No.16645790


>> No.16645952

Plato wasn't aware that "ideas" are interlinked to evolutionary mechanisms inside our brains thus "ideas" are human abstract concepts wich means that if something outside our brains really exists it is independent from our own human perspective and vision.

>> No.16646531

What's wrong with them?

>> No.16647220


Never responded

>> No.16648411

In English doc?

>> No.16648886

wrong website

>> No.16648913

Basic rundown:
Pattern in brain, not in world.
Grug think many chairs is chair because grug see pattern, not because many chairs is actually chair in life

>> No.16648924


>> No.16648973

I don't think that really matters, "evolutionary mechanisms" is just a roundabout and maybe slightly extended way of talking about our selves. >>16648913
And whose to say that chair is not a manifestation of a deeper necessary object? Maybe we draw the boundary of the category based on our experience, but what if all intelligent lifeforms eventually develop "object to rest on"? Why can't the fact that the concept comes from grug's pattern perception be part of the higher truth?

>> No.16649027

Based. Anything not provable within ZFC+ goes straight in the trash.

>> No.16649029

a woman finding love

>> No.16649030

This but race denialist arguments. Anything along the lines of “race is a social construct” in your book and I can already tell that what proceeds is the product of an over-socialized, diseased mind.

>> No.16649056

if the outside is independent from our perspective, why are you so sure about evolution, as a concept that apparently preceded our brains, by looking at birds?

>> No.16649060

Because there’s no need to suppose it does. It’s an unprovable claim. If there were no higher truth, then grugs pattern recognition would be all there is, and it would work equally. You can sit there and suppose that there is a deeper object there for some reason, but there’s no particular reason to base a Theory (Forms) upon this maybe. You know, like if I start going on about the “Racial Soul” and how the eternal conflict between the French and the Germans is a product of it. You can reasonably reply “the French and Germans are an ethnicity, defined by genes, and their conflict is defined by history, your theory is superfluous, and frankly a bit looney”. The Theory of Forms is similarly based on an unscientific conception of the problem of Universals, which there is no good reason to entertain seriously.

>> No.16649159

>Anything not provable within ZFC+
You mean like ZFC+ itself?

>> No.16649853

Wow typical cogsci brainlet

>> No.16649863

anything about racism

>> No.16650873

If you actually read Capital, you wouldn't mention it in the same sentence as the Manifesto as if they were equivalent

>> No.16651501

Agreed on all of this except Schmitt. He's one of the best political theorists of all time.

>> No.16652169

absolutely BTFO

>> No.16652183

Conservatism/traditionalism especially of the Ted sort, and sometimes communism; everything else I can see at least an argument for.

>> No.16652621


>> No.16652757

Don’t bother with trolls. S: U&S. Contribution to a critique. Etc. most important: praxis introspection in ones own wage labours.