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16633699 No.16633699 [Reply] [Original]

War is cool. Give Books about the tendency of limp wristed moderates to reject the virtue of war and struggle as a whole.

>> No.16633712
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Junger lmao

>> No.16633852

Frodo? More like I hate homosexuals. I'm based and redpilled.

>> No.16633888

Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola

>> No.16633894

War is HOTT

>> No.16633895

you already got exposed as a fraud in the other thread

>> No.16633907

You're wrong. I'm not American

>> No.16633909

A society needs priests as well as warriors, though I admit that martial training is a fine minimum.

>> No.16633977

War is cool [for the winners (who aren’t risking their lives) no doubt] and sexy.

>> No.16633988

Winning is cooler.

>> No.16633994

War is cool for the same reason that hunting an animal or wrestling someone is fun.

>> No.16634010

War is gay. Winning is cool. Bringing everybody with you is best. Helping everyone find their own way is based. Knowing they will is alethia.

>> No.16634030

Junger viewed war as a transcendentalist experience and that it (personally) brought out the best in him. He was not pro-war.

>> No.16634037


>> No.16634048

People who glorify war are always weak faggots themselves, it's the same with social darwinist incels

>> No.16634058

Forgot to mention I'm American

>> No.16634068

>War is cool for the winners
War is cool for elites playing chess, it's normal people who suffer

>> No.16634224

Thank you fo repeating yourself. :)

>> No.16634294

I never read Junger if you can’t tell

>> No.16634593
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War isn't cool, but the simulation of war is cool.

>> No.16634627


>> No.16636059


>> No.16636404

>war good
>but war bad

shut up retard

>> No.16636415

yes there's literally a multitude of other shit you can do in life to "bring the best out of you" - namely academia. Go read a book you stupid larping faggot. Extinguish that hatred inside you

>> No.16636422

Don't listen to him OP this book his horrible, it's just "old religion glorify warriors and now we are too cucked..."
It's basically a /pol/ rant into a book

>> No.16636450

lmao yeah sitting around in an ivory tower fantasizing how the world is or how it really should be truley shows what a man is really worth rather than when he is put in mortal danger

>> No.16636455

You can learn a lot from the littlest things. Deep contemplation and mediation just from simple farm work, or reading poetry. We start to construct these ideas in art, and we can see a simulacra of what could've been, and there would be no need for actual violence and tragedy.

>> No.16636457

You're definitely one of the "limp wristed moderates" OP was talking about.
It's a well-researched book, you can disagree with some of his views but there's no denying Evola knows his subject.

>> No.16636463

You are saying this from the comfort of your mother’s basement with a running internet connection, hypocrite larper. You’ll be the first to hide and cry if shit hits the fan.

>> No.16636469

>it really should be truley shows what a man is really worth rather than when he is put in mortal danger
Neurosis fueled by video game violence and uninspired childhood?? Sure, a kid would do anything to get out of boredom

>> No.16636472

You act as if those things show or achieve the same thing as each other, war has its merits and so does your poetry and "academia". But to act as if they are the same, and that in meditation one can ever understand the experience of war is an honestly disgusting idea, such bourgeois conceit.

>> No.16636475
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>You are saying this from the comfort of your mother’s basement with a running internet connection, hypocrite larper. You’ll be the first to hide and cry if shit hits the fan.

>> No.16636478

Junger would think you guys are faggots

>> No.16636491

Our priorities need to checked. To what extend do we need to experience war? What does it feel like to be a rape victim ? To experience nuclear annihilation??? All it takes to know is to meditate, to imagine, and to manifest it in an art work of some shape or another. Our minds are stronger than we make them out to be. It wasn't too long ago that an individual self was even discovered, and not too long ago that we discovered language while there was a longer period of time that we couldn't even speak

>> No.16636500

Let me implore you that we discovered our inner mental life, a developing understanding that humans have a unique and individual inner world of thought, through Homer's literary works of poetry. It was art that increases the capacity of our consciousness

>> No.16636504

lmao are you fuckin kidding me? not even worth arguing with some heads in the cloud retard who thinks we can understand everything sitting around singing kumbaya

>> No.16636506
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literature died with this post.
i'm so sorry you never found that spark in your life anon, and you decide to cope by trying to find it in de_dust2

>> No.16636509

>bro if you write a poem about war its like you really experience it!!

fuck off hippy freak

>> No.16636513 [DELETED] 

>writing it
It goes so much deeper than that. This is a failure of the imagination. The Rig Vedas was literally just a collection of sounds until someone decided to write it down.

>> No.16636520

>writing it
It goes so much deeper than that. This is a failure of the imagination. The Rig Vedas was literally just a collection of sounds and mnemonics that ancient peoples meditated on and passed down through generations, and many people still debate to this day whether the whole of metaphysics was inspired by the Greeks or by Hindus

>> No.16636525

lmao you can meditate all you want you're not going to have a clue what war is until you actually experience it delusional hippy

>> No.16636540

lmao please enlighten us all on what our life experiences really are through your meditations in the basement

>> No.16636542

i'm sure you will have your moments of adrenaline rushes and survivorship biases.
>fighting for what
This was never clearly thought out.

>> No.16636566

>point your murderstick at some guy and pull the trigger so israeli bankers get 0.01% richer

>> No.16636572

Hey retards. This is a Junger thread, you should at least think a bit about what you post. He literally thought Tristam Shandy was more exciting than the war.
Try reading before shilling.

>> No.16636648

I want to hear you talk about how you need war after you experience the loss it brings


>> No.16636655

>t. amerimutt

>> No.16636795

Junger didn't mean that war bringing out the best in you is a good thing and something to be proud of. it's like the full metal jacket 'born to kill' meme in real life.

>> No.16636815

Academia is shit, and ironically part of the same war process you criticize.

>> No.16638138


>> No.16639826


>> No.16639834

To destroy the illegitimate state of Israel, of course

>> No.16639840

ummmm, you just said something problematic. dont be such a homophobe

>> No.16639849

i'm denying it, he's a fag