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16634201 No.16634201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the western canon a Mediterranean thingy?

>> No.16634219

Christian culture is mediterranean in origin, everyone knows that.
Stop listening to libtards

>> No.16634225


>> No.16634234

Considering that almost nothing of value contributing to it was created post-classical period until the early modern period and the greatest contributions at that time were from Northern Europe, no. Le fat arab is coping with the fact that his homeland didn’t intellectually recover from the dark ages like Europe did, and in fact has only gotten worse
>inb4 Middle Ages weren’t dark
They weren’t as unhappy as modernity makes it out but it was ignorant enough for Jewish offshoots to take hold of both Europe and the Middle East.

>> No.16634236

Yes. Doesn't mean modern day Arabs are worth anything.

>> No.16634253

Why do Northern Europeans think that every south of them is savage even though they constructed the worst genocide in history less than 100 years ago?

>> No.16634258

Taleb is such a desperate LARPer. He uses the worst possible facial reconstructions, as well as the worst and most cartoonish colourings. I suppose he would say in Achilles case however documented blond hair and fair colourings are "just a colour", but he claims the most pathetic lineage to a giant such as Plato through a guess at colour alone.

>the middle ages were so bad by the proof that Christianity and Islam grew to dominance
Man you're an A-class clown aren't you. I've never heard such an a-historic view of history. At least most people try to take into account why Christianity grew to popularity, when it was prior to the dark ages, not to mention that you seem to think all of the medieval era was a "dark ages".

>> No.16634265

Russia isn't strictly Western, most of it really isn't Western.

>> No.16634267

Mercy is more savage than genocide sometimes

>> No.16634268

They take after Jews in the fart-sniffing contest. If they fuck you over it was for your own good.

>> No.16634285

Literally me

>> No.16634296

>Achilles case however documented blond hair
This is a bad understanding of the Greek classics.

>> No.16634315

>Northern Europe
What does that mean, exactly? If by "northern Europe" we mean Scandinavia, there's nothing of value coming out of that cold wasteland. Do we mean Germany, the land of cerebroautism that killed millions of people? Do we mean Great Britain, that stole everything from Italy and France (just like Germany did from Greece and Rome)? Don't make us laugh.
Yes, the Western canon is a Mediterranean thing.

>> No.16634325
File: 375 KB, 2048x1152, D0C83503-569A-4BF2-968F-A7B9742DB1FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mediterranean is the most Chad region on Earth. No other part of the world beats in cultural output and historical significance.

>> No.16634328

To be fair the Dutch were pretty badass man. They had the largest army of all time via mercenaries and pioneered modern capitalism which allowed them to run circles around people stuck in feudalism still.

>> No.16634334

The Mediterranean now is not the same as it was then buddy. It’s populated by theme park employees

>> No.16634336

Really hard to argue against considering the contributions of both the ancient Greeks and Rome.

>> No.16634337 [DELETED] 

Its not genocide if theyre subhumans though

>> No.16634347

>gives me an entire page of some soicuck trying to explain why Achilles could have actually been black, while showing that "yeah technically the words meant blond and blue most often, but they also were used to mean different things sometimes, even though the reference to the colour was always there in some sense of its meaning"
Bravo retard. Did you even read half this article yourself? It has the most typical midwit arguments like "muh red wine" while even ignoring what most scholars interpret the use of the word wine to mean in that context. It's absolutely pathetic, more so than Taleb.

>> No.16634353

This is such an unbelievable cope. It's like saying that because we use "yellow" to also mean cowardly or false, that if I describe a Chinaman as yellow, it doesn't exclude the possibility I could be referring to him by the ancillary definitions of the word.

>> No.16634354 [DELETED] 

Why do modern meds/shitskins have to cope that they have done nothing in history by insulting whiter nations than they?

>> No.16634362

The arguments are pretty convincing. And as you see otherwise, it's pretty clear that you didn't read it.
Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.16634363
File: 13 KB, 231x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally the truth about the wester canon and Plato (pbuh) is coming out

>> No.16634410

>Done nothing in history
why do you insist on clinging to your unreality? All civilization comes from the mediterranean, sorry if that hurts your feelings

>> No.16634517

>mmmm...take a whiff of those panties. I paid extra for her to pee on them a little.

>> No.16634535

The guy is literally trying to defend Achilles being black, you're a retard and a coping nigger. The arguments weren't convincing in the slightest and he didn't even do it as good as other academics have.

Yeah and you've done fucking shit all for the past 1500 years except for whiter Northern Italians.

>> No.16634541

Imagine being this mad

>> No.16634570
File: 3.72 MB, 347x244, 0b02128a85d3c8c18caa34e1a11a912f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holocaust happened

>> No.16634598
File: 8 KB, 233x216, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses a statue as a reference material

>> No.16634606

Be sure you don't know a single fuck about Mediterranean people post-1700. And stop watching Hollywood, shitbrain.

>> No.16634613

>Why do Northern Europeans think that every south of them is savage
because they're savages

>> No.16634617

>Yeah and you've done fucking shit all for the past 1500 years except for whiter Northern Italians.
You don't even know that Sicily has the best literature of Italy and probably the highest concentration of authors in Europe. Please, get the fuck out and learn something different from the nutrition labels on your chemically compressed energy snacks.

>> No.16634624 [DELETED] 

It's not a real tweet lol

>> No.16634660

Fucking worthless Arab supremacist.

>> No.16634698

>Scandinavia, there's nothing of value coming out of that cold wasteland
Medieval Norse literature and later authors like Hamsun, Kierkegaard, Strindberg etc. have been very influential worldwide. Scientifically they've discovered a bunch of elements, invented taxonomy, dynamite etc. Also reached the new world centuries before Columbus did.
>Do we mean Germany, the land of cerebroautism that killed millions of people?
Yeah, just like pretty much every major nation through out history. But I guess it's okay when people like the Greeks and Romans do it because they happen to live closer to a certain body of water.
>Do we mean Great Britain, that stole everything from Italy and France (just like Germany did from Greece and Rome)?
Pretty vague and broad claim tbqh. By the same token we can say that Greece and Rome stole everything from Mesopotamia. And no Mesopotamia is not med. If it is then so is Germany or at least Austria and Switzerland for lying somewhat close to the Med.

Really Nassim you can stop larping as a non-Arab any day now. It's legit pathetic and you're honestly only one step removed from literal WE WUZ KANGZ joggers.

>> No.16634723

>Do we mean Great Britain, that stole everything from Italy and France

Big Yikes from me

>> No.16634726


>> No.16634740 [DELETED] 

He's appropriating ancient European Mediterranean cultural achievements
as a non European just like blacks who appropriate Egyptian culture.

Arabs like him didn't make their way into that region until centuries after the Hellenic/Roman age ended.

He's basically doing a version of the progressive attack on western nations by trying to undermine it's European origins with European people's.

Arabs have contributed virtually nothing to human advancement no matter how much modern western scholars try to shoehorn Arabs' mediocre advancements into our canon.

>> No.16634760

Sorry response "Nicholas". I thought you were high IQ?

>> No.16634790

Other than people like Taleb who even wants to make retarded black-and-white statements like this?

Ancient Greek and Roman culture have cultural antecedents form both specifically European sources and from North Africa (i.e., Egypt) and West Asia. Describing them as being exclusively one or the other is false, but at the same time that does not mean they only belong to the Mediterranean. They have genuinely continued on by both Western and Islamic traditions outside the Mediterranean.

>> No.16634791

Sicily is African

>> No.16634819 [DELETED] 
File: 969 KB, 1200x800, big beard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot's race science is varg tier but he's not even the patron saint of black metal so it's cringe. imagine having the aristo tier background he brags about where he spent his youth in lush libraries and still coming out an arab /pol/tard

>> No.16634823

>Plato’s grandchildren are guidos selling tour maps!

>> No.16634842

I always interpreted the Western Canon as a living document that follows the movement of western culture from it's beginnings in the Fertile Crescent to the present day.

>> No.16634853

>Sicily has the best literature of Italy and probably the highest concentration of authors in Europe
I'm not dumping on Sicily, I like it, so did Goethe, but fucking hell you're a retard. Maybe they're famous as specifically national poets and writers in wogland, and you get your foreign intellectuals read them too, but there's a reason almost entirely your greatest artists are from northern Italy.

>> No.16634862

One, the mediterranean origin of greco-roman culture shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.

Two, meds aren't semites like arabs. I don't know what he is talking about.

>> No.16634883

I believe his end goal is to dismantle the idea of racial identity as a whole and move toward more regional community identities. Either that or he is trolling.

>> No.16634896
File: 126 KB, 1200x1200, cheddar man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people living in [region] are the exact same as people living there 2400 years ago


>> No.16634898

Wasn't the cheddar man reconstruction showed to be pretty disingenuous?

>> No.16634911 [DELETED] 

The funniest part is that Taleb spent forever railing against the entrenched neoliberal intelligentsia, but now that he's finally rich and part of the pop sociology celebrity club, he's suddenly a massive shill for globohomo and constantly shit talks western civilization just like everyone else.

He is now the machine he raged against.

>> No.16634916

I don't think he actually buys his own shit, he's just seething. Talk about an inferiority complex.

>> No.16634932

In what way? The people who did the reconstruction admitted upfront that they chose his skin color as a political statement and not as an indication of what they feel his skin color actually was.

>> No.16634940

Western canon was only dominated by Mediterranean (from countries bordering the Mediterranean sea) scholarship until the Reformation. The rise of northern European Protestantism as the dominant expression of Western culture around the world (America and the United Kingdom as Protestant nations) means that Aristotle, Plato, Dante, and other southern European authors are important for intellectual heritage, but are not currently influential.

>> No.16634945 [DELETED] 

Wtf can I get a source, it seems intellectually dishonest to do something like that instead of trying to find his real skin tone.

>> No.16634984

You're forgetting about all the important medieval shit before Dante which mostly came from France and Germany.
>Song of Roland
>Arthurian literature in general
>Plus all the Nordic myth and associated works from Scandinavia

>> No.16635044 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 800x813, seanconnery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Taleb not think people with dark hair and brown eyes live north of the Mediterranean coast?

His views on race are pretty much as retarded as Varg

>> No.16635065
File: 769 KB, 1600x1280, Eurogenes_westcentraleurasialabel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The genetics studies that have been done show there is a strong link between "ancient" Greece and modern Greece. Modern Greeks cluster with other Europeans.

>> No.16635128

at this point who cares?

>> No.16635159

This guy's fucking larp about ''''meds'''' is actually ridiculous. I have never seen a more ridiculous classification of people, it's a fucking sea bordered by 3 continents, like 5 races, millennia of distinct civilizations. It means literally nothing

>> No.16635215
File: 821 KB, 1207x1573, updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been debunked. Here is the updated facial reconstruction according to the latest science.

>> No.16635317

There are plenty of people in Europe with dark hair and brown eyes, even in Germany. Taleb is a retard.

>> No.16635329

I cant believe /lit/ has devolved this much....

>> No.16635331 [DELETED] 

Well I mean considering the whole reason it got fame was that he was black, it's pretty disingenuous they even gave him that skin colour. They did that on purpose.

>> No.16635332

Kekked, looks a lot better desu.

>> No.16635361

At least it hasn't degenerated into haplogroup autism yet. Jannies need to start killing these twitter polbait threads though

>> No.16635382
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>Plato (pbuh)

>> No.16635398
File: 188 KB, 614x437, Remagen_enclosure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about either the Rhinewiesenlager or the camps of the Second Anglo-Boer War.

>> No.16635527 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 850x620, 1684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims meds (it includes the mediterranean near-east/levantine region, see map) were responsible for civilization and everything that sustains it
>we wuz

yes you people are the polar opposite of black people, keep up with the whitetainting

>> No.16635575 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 845x382, king tut western european we are kings white sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the western canon a Mediterranean thingy?

Yes, inasmuch as the Mediterranean was dominated by Western culture. "Old, white North Africa" was a thing.

>> No.16636054

He is just an arab larping as a med. I am med myself but i dont understand this need that arabs have to try and steal our culture since they also have a rich history.


You nordicists are no better than niggers

>> No.16636099

>there's a reason almost entirely your greatest artists are from northern Italy.
Such as?

>> No.16636131

most people in middle and south germany have brown hair, the guys just completely retarded

>> No.16636135

>Giacomo da Lentini, Verga, De Roberto, Pirandello, Evola, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Quasimodo, Sciascia, Bufalino, Consolo, D'Arrigo, Camilleri
The fact that anglo clownworld ignores most of these does not constitute a justification to shit on them. Because – you know – it would be like shitting on someone's face in the dark... what if it's the face of Dante or Goethe?! That would be pretty mortifying.

>> No.16636137

Unironically race rhetoric is to blame

>> No.16636139

>having brown hair or dark eyes means you're not white
You're also retarded I guess

>> No.16636159

Yeah too bad for you mr. Soprano Dante and Goethe were white.

>> No.16636179

Those people aren't germans

>> No.16636182

>race rhetoric
Americans and Americanized people are behind it and you know it.

>> No.16636187

By regional community identities do you mean nation states? Because we already have those.

>> No.16636189

Does Mediterranean include Spain and France?

>> No.16636203

It's incredible seeing retards seeking validation for their culture(?) by trying to associate themselves with people as far removed from them as the fucking Buddha.
None of the race scientist here have the capacity to truly understand the works of people like Plato, most have not even read him.
This is actually pathetic.

>> No.16636216 [DELETED] 

that man is disgusting.
he keeps trying to take credit for his filthy race of the europeans' achievements.
meds are europeans, both genetically and culturally. MENA are not meds, neither genetically nor culturally. period.

>> No.16636238 [DELETED] 

Not france. They are germanic. So they'll never be arab