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16629159 No.16629159 [Reply] [Original]

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16629175

based OP.

>> No.16629302

Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice

>> No.16629856

Just started reading. On the Detroit Red Chapter (he's just taking up residence in Harlem, gone are the zoot suitin' Roxbury days!)-- really enjoying it.
For the experience of the generation before check out DuBois' The Souls of Black Folk, which is a different shade of Based.

>> No.16630393

nigger-tier trigger discipline

>> No.16630558

What I got from it was an understanding of just how alike American blacks and whites are, a reality both mutually reject (for unwillingness to see). Kind of sad, really, but it'll change sooner or later.

>> No.16631938
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Assata by Assata Shakur
Bad by James Carr
Autobiography of Leroi Jones by Amiri Baraka
Autobiography of Angela Davis
Incognegro by Frank Wilderson

>> No.16632246

I'm reading it now, I found a copy on the curb in Roxbury MA (where he lived for a little while, I visited the house when I learned this) and it's a fascinating read. Learning about his hustling, stealing and dope dealing days were really interesting, as was his contempt for his old ways and the ignorance of the black community in general. It's funny that from zoot suits and cadillacs to nike dry-fits and jordans nogs have always been nogs, and there have always been the X's of the world smart enough to wonder why they're like that.
It gets really repetitive after he goes to jail, imo all his experience hustling made him the perfect spokesman for the nation of islam once he got recruited but you realize he never actually came up with anything of his own and was kind of just really angry at white people. He comes pretty close to naming the Jew though, which is cool I guess.

>> No.16632345

I found it to be kind of sad. He tries to assert that Africans have a detailed and advanced history that was taken from them and suppressed, which I found hard to believe. Reading about how he educated himself in prison was pretty amazing though, reading every chance he got and writing words from the dictionary in alphabetical order to improve his vocabulary and handwriting, you can tell he was really dedicated to improving himself. I think he really was an intelligent person, and it's a shame he was killed before he got to flesh out his ideals and decide who he really was. Also, I read that the ghostwriter left out some of his more controversial opinions, including stuff about jews.

>> No.16632373
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>> No.16632446

I loved the prison part of the book because you can tell that like a lot of people on this board he really got what reading was all about and it lit a fire under him. In jail, for the first time, he was learning for the sake of knowledge and living to improve himself, not just to hustle or stick it to whitey like he had been before. Its fascinating but tragic to see how he got sucked into the NOA - there's passages in the book where he talks about Yakub the mad wakandan scientist creating the white race like it's actual, historical fact. I guess it just goes to show how easy it is to get suckered into a belief system that caters to your particular wounds and insecurities.

>> No.16632453
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>trigger discipline

>> No.16632480

It's a shame they killed him after hajj and he found Islam. Once he rejected all the racialist bs and embraced the sunnah he had the tools to really articulate an escape from the satanic hellscape that is Amerikka.

More often than not it seems like he's just used as a mouthpiece for the kinds of ideologies he ended up denouncing in his intellectual development. When he was preaching hate he was a feature on the nightly talk shows, when he started preaching brotherhood he gets shot dead and his image "sanitized" by them.

>> No.16632507

I'm pretty sure he recognizes that Yakub is retarded, he's just presenting the idea in a clear manner so the reader can understand. At least, that's what I figured since he doesn't touch on it much after that and he seemed to reject much of the NOI's ideas after he left them

>> No.16632567
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Why did he do it, bros?

>> No.16632801

Thanks, anon

>> No.16632821

4/4 of those words are written like a true hick

>> No.16632849

Exactly, that's how I read it too - the same way he does not really denounce the HPEM while describing his time with NOI, even though by the time he is writing he has already renounced and denounced him. I don't believe in any of the religions he mentions in the book, but what is important is that he uses them first to articulate his accurate felt reality (living in a system that is built on his oppression) and then to begin to articulate a more progressive solution than separation. This is the part he was still working on when he got smoked.
I agree that the prison library scene is the most inspiring part and the part most likely to resonate on /lit/, though the Harlem scenes are good too.

>> No.16632855

Is that Yacub?

>> No.16632907
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Me too, we're never gonna get a solid racial dialogue in this country again until it's too late.

>> No.16633080

Too true. Once there were articulate leaders and supporters with legit grievances and definite aims, now there's an aimless 'brand' with the perfect apotropaic name the only desire of which is its own self perpetuation. And yet it can't even sell itself to itself. (Defund the police! Outlaw the filibuster! End racism now!) Weird times.

>> No.16633186
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>now there's an aimless 'brand'
All too true, racial politics have become a form of manufactured dissent. It's funny because boyz n the hood was the film that made me realize that racial politics are reproductive politics, as a white. It's now considered racist to look at birthrates, population demographics, and "conspiratorial" to believe in white genocide and systematic issues like planned parenthood in minority racial communities. If people wanted change, they'd have more children, they'd bomb red liquor stores and abortion clinics, they'd start families and advocate for a high quality single income household. People like Malcolm X, weren't ahead of their time, they were just saying the truth that we did nothing to prevent. Now that racial politics have become a media dominated shit show, I fear that the violence between racial demographics will only become worse as we didn't heed their words.

>> No.16633194

Rundown on his rationale for creating whitey?

>> No.16633224

Iirc he was jealous and argumentative with his black brothers so he took his followers to an island (Cyprus?) and continually cross-bred lighter skinned brothers until he had created whitey. Then he unleashed them to reign for 6,000 years.
Tl;dr: hater

>> No.16633228
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You probably have a little writer inside you.
Why don't you pen what's on your mind?

>> No.16633253

Of what specifically? More than a little confused here, m8, but thanks for the rundown.

>> No.16633284
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I got you bro
>Yakub is said to have been born in Mecca at a time when 30% of original black people were "dissatisfied".[4] He was a member of the Meccan branch of the Tribe of Shabazz. Yakub acquired the nickname "big head", because of his unusually large head and his arrogance. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel.[5] This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man."[5] By the age of 18, he had exhausted all knowledge in the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the "original black man" contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers, he went to an "isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan", which Muhammad identifies with Patmos. Once there, he established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies, and created a brown race after 200 years. Yakub died at the age of 152, but his followers carried on his work. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics, the white race was created.[6] The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them—or made by nature a liar and murderer".[3]

>The new race traveled to Mecca where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language....Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise....The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing."[3] For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.[7] However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process;[4] however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."[3]

>> No.16633296

>Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.

>> No.16633336

Weird, as it's where St. John the Divine penned the Apocalypse, i.e. the NT book that most caught Islam's fancy..
Should've been a Funkadelic album title: I like it!
Thanks, m8

>> No.16633348

This shit's in Exodus!

>> No.16633504

>Exactly, that's how I read it too - the same way he does not really denounce the HPEM while describing his time with NOI, even though by the time he is writing he has already renounced and denounced him. I don't believe in any of the religions he mentions in the book, but what is important is that he uses them first to articulate his accurate felt reality (living in a system that is built on his oppression) and then to begin to articulate a more progressive solution than separation. This is the part he was still working on when he got smoked.
He wasn't "working on it", he discovered it in Islam.
America is a satanic country which is why they couldn't accept that, and the media has carefully crafted a image around brother X which focuses on everything but his sincere acceptance of Islam. America's race problems aren't rocket science, once you have the humility to accept God into your life and recognize and appreciate the differences of people while still seeing them as fellow worshipers of God then the problems disappear.
The elites in America want you to believe that racial issues are some insurmountable irreconcilable problem which demands a constant dialogue, riots, racism, antagonism, etc. from both sides. This is just a wedge issue they use in elections. No matter what party gets voted in, no matter how much they "represent" the "black community" or the "white community", all politicians in America are slaves to the jews and slavers to capital.

>> No.16633508

>No matter what party gets voted in, no matter how much they "represent" the "black community" or the "white community", all politicians in America are slaves to the jews and slavers to capital.

>> No.16633512

>gets blown up with dynamite

>> No.16633524

Based take alert

>> No.16633720

Did he really believe white people were made in a lab?

>> No.16633956

The pun escaped me at first

>> No.16633978

Not untrue chemically howsoever sliced. Of course it applies to everything else as well but whitey *whew boy* what a freak. Yacub must have been REALLY pissed
*pissed in Americanese is angry

>> No.16634157

My man, I've been waiting all day

>> No.16634177

any other coloured supremacists?
Not many people in modern age who came to terms with the biology of race but still decides to take charge and not wallow in pity.

>> No.16634184

ayo fuck this nigga malcom x he suck my dick

>> No.16634581

I think he was at his controversial peak during the times when he was sticking it to everybody.

>> No.16634703

But not nearly at his peak given his rare celebrity-- has there ever been another even remotely like him? Straight-edge in thoroughly unlaced times, for starters--angry but earnest, outspoken but willing to listen, wanting what he felt was best for his own people to wanting what he felt was best for all humankind. Given the platform that he earned for himself and the wide open ears of an entire nation it was an absolute tragedy, not just for his family and for his people but for the United States of America, that he was cut down when he was. There will never be another.

>> No.16634708

>there will never be another
>who is Lil Nas X?

>> No.16634772

I win! In celebration, I'll walk my dog. Thanks for the notice, bro. Peace

>> No.16635168

Well they are both gay men who became popular through masculinist poses so yeah, good call

>> No.16635264

>the prison library scene
Its actually pretty interesting the number of people who actually get self edjucated and actually become real intellectuals in the american prison system. (IDK about others). Of course its not a massive percent, but there seems to be a consistant small minority of people who completelty restructure their lives through the sure regimentality and nothingness.

>> No.16635761

>sure regimentality and nothingness
That's life, Esther!

>> No.16635880
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Started it about the time this thread was posted and now about three-quarters through. Almost got a first edition Grove Press '65 from my dealer two weeks ago but had to settle for pic related as it slipped through my fingers ('66, 14th printing). Many it seems are reading this right now- what I'm especially diggin's the period atmosphere, feeling a little nostalgic for times not my own

>> No.16636271

Bravo. I'm impressed with /lit/ for this thread

>> No.16637442

>reproductive politics
Yeah, it's a vicious circle as one cannot help but feel at least half the aim here is the perpetuation of 'racism,' odd as this may read. In one sense its necessity (for its purveyors on the political end) is palpable: by what other means have minorities gained even the semblance of power in this country? On the other, had Malcolm lived he would have shown this dynamic for what it is in its full clarity, would have had little patience for it, and would probably have devoted years toward the resolution of it as perhaps *the* fundamental social problem (as perhaps it was for a brief spell *anyway* in the 'feel good' '70's through the administration of Jimmy Carter) besetting this country, which no one here black white brown or yellow has ever had the balls to address with any legit passion, any real force, ever since. Racism truly is a problem, but it's the kind of problem (like many mental problems) by which too many people in this country rely on for their daily bread, and therefore to whom a 'solution' would prove not just economically disatrous. Pity is that at its most virulent racism's entirely goaded into being, this much is clear.

>> No.16638116

Thanks, boss
Each time I've posted I've read through this thread and though it's all over the place, predominantly off topic, etc., it is kind of fun, even a little informative.
No one's mentioned Booker T. Washington's Up from Slavery (I guess because many view him as a kind of Uncle Tom, unfairly, but then lack of sympathy or even unkindness isn't the monopoly of a single race).

>> No.16638780
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>> No.16638795

>Wanted black people to live amongst themselves rather than with white people
Why didn't the black people like this idea?

>> No.16639286

>In celebration, I'll walk my dog

>> No.16639300

>didn't like women
>had 4 daughters and no sons
poor guy

>> No.16639754

Google "Malcolm X" + "Willie Mae", he loved women who packed a little something extra...

>> No.16640001

Wtf I love Malcolm X now

>> No.16640215

Are the gay stories psyops?

>> No.16640216

>>didn't like women
What do you mean by that, fela?

>> No.16640232

Few things I'd rather do
>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave
Don't see it listed

>> No.16640485

Not him but it's clear from the autobiography, such as his numerous statements about the natural untrustworthiness of women, including his wife. Also there's the letter he wrote to HPEM admitting that he cannot satisfy his wife, who accused him of impotence. Finally the numerous reports of his hidden bisexuality, self-prostitution to white men, love for trannies, etc. He's my hero btw, but anon is basically right (or at least not wrong).

>> No.16640546
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>> No.16641811

Interested to know if this undermines his legacy for anyone on here

>> No.16641822

something like sexuality is deep the fuck down inside and there's (almost) nothing you can do about it.

>> No.16641876

Not at all. The odd thing about Malcolm is that he was almost diametrically opposed to his times. Is he not openly conservative, penitent and therefore deeply religious, clean cut, earnest in the way that his use of irony is always made crystal clear? Ingredients are one thing, the cake another -- and the cake is what matters in the end. Speculations concerning his sexuality, and even a consensus to (want to) believe him pinned, do little to change that. Whatever his sexuality he rose above it to become an exemplary HUMAN BEING

>> No.16642614

Don't forget that the only author he ever refers to is Baldwin.

>> No.16644114

>Let me tell you something: from then until I left prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading in the library, I was reading on my bunk. You couldn't have gotten me out of books with a wedge....months passed without my even thinking about being imprisoned. In fact, up to then, I never had been so truly free in my life.

>> No.16644542

The problem here is that he doesn't really present how this can be achieved. If America was a white man's world, how could blacks ever hope to establish so much on their own?

>> No.16644670

le classic negro plankhead, better known as "I will do something about it" man