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File: 87 KB, 827x541, 2AB90FDD-BDEA-42F3-A83D-66DF7347C3C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16630195 No.16630195 [Reply] [Original]

based arab

>> No.16630211


>> No.16630212

>Nassim "100 IQ people are exactly the same as 130 IQ people despite these two groups having totally different average outcomes because IQ only measures if you're braindead and therefore only very low scores matter and any differences between scores over 100 can't possibly be accounted for by my fucking idiocy" Taleb.

>> No.16630285

He's the most intelligent Arab to walk this planet.

>> No.16630544

its a good take

>> No.16630573

There are tons of 120+ iq dorks working, for example, as admins and managers... Not making much money. Less than an hvac or plumber or electrician.

I agree that iq can't be correlated to income after a certain point.

>> No.16630575

Taleb SEETHING at this post

>> No.16630609

100 and 130 IQs still have predictably different outcomes in life, it's not just about income

>> No.16630708
File: 119 KB, 1412x378, nntaleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone care to give a rube a quick rundown?

I learned of Taleb earlier this year, have read a few of his essays and am about a quarter into Antifragile.

I don't know shit about math so that stuff eludes me but between what I've read and his twitter I really like the cut of his jib. I got mad respect for the curtness and lifting metaphors which make me like him way more than most other smart characters. Pic related.

Anyways are there any substantial criticisms of his ideas?

>> No.16630709

Are there any other Medium posters worth following? I tried to get into it but they kept spamming me with leftist propaganda and I stopped going there

>> No.16630719
File: 10 KB, 250x250, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compares Salafi Islam with Puritan New England to make the point that their theologies are the same
This is such a pseud take; superficial resemblance at best. Taleb is forgetting that one book says "make war" and the other book says "make peace." You can complain that peace making involves violence at times, but INTENTIONS MATTER WHICH IS WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT ISLAMIC THEOLOGY.

>> No.16630888

>Taleb is forgetting that one book says "make war" and the other book says "make peace."
Hahahahahaha. Very ironic given you just called him a superficial thinker.

>> No.16631129


clear me up,
i know they are really intelligent
but the all religious institutions are retarded.

What´are they about.

I know stuff philosopher produced and it´s usefullness.
What about theology??