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16629704 No.16629704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What literature explains the phenomenon of homosexuality in the Roman Catholic Church?

>> No.16629714

Imagine still having hope in the RCC as a spiritual body. It's as degenerate as Freemasonry.

>> No.16629744

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.16629753

the rcc basically is a front for masonry today

>> No.16629763

why does God even have a problem with gay folx? has any book ever answered that?

>it's unnatural
so are civilization, technology, vaccines etc.

>they destroy society
no, war, famine and disease does that

>they molest children
homophobic bs

>they destroy families
it's not the far more common straight adulterers who do this (and get divorced) it's actually gay people just living their lives? okay

>it's just a fetish/a choice
I loved it when I "chose" to have my own parents chase me out of my house and I'm sure others love being killed/thrown in prison for their "fetish"

>> No.16629774

There was actually a book on this topic that came out a while ago, or maybe just a long article. I will try to find it anon, but the gist was that majority of priests were closeted repressors but quite sincere in their beliefs. The Church was simply a way to serve their community, be respected, and find refuge from pressure to be in a heterosexual relationship.

>> No.16629788
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Here we are:

>> No.16629796

I don't have a problem with "gay folx" I just don't think they should be getting "married" or "raising" children. "Gayness" should not be promoted, but it can be tolerated.

>> No.16629798

A book was written by Frédéric Martel about it (French gay journalist on France Culture)

>> No.16629801

>homophobic bs
Ok groomer
>civilization is unnatural
civilization is an evolution of human capability. Sodomy is not natural because it has no biological consequence or functional purpose. If it were meant to be part of nature it would lead to reproduction.
>it’s a choice
“product of conditioning” may be a better way to do it

>> No.16629802

Yeah the reason is obvious: if you're a repressed gay and from a traditional society then becoming a priest is the one career path where you can avoid the expectation of being forced to marry a woman.

>> No.16629805

Gay sex is perfectly natural, and I say this as someone who is not partial to queer types.

>> No.16629810

you are indeed correct, but it is a so-called naturalistic fallacy to suggest that because something is natural, it is normatively good. cannibalism is natural.

>> No.16629822

>homophobic bs
The statement that gay people aren't more likely to molest is quite untrue, and as much as I'm sure I'll get labeled a homophobe, the facts stand for themselves. 2 percent of the population (homosexuals) are responsible for 33% of the child predation. Molestation creates more pedos and gays, along with distant fathers and overbearing mothers. Here's your hate facts:
86% of of molesters of boys identify as homosexual.
Erickson et al. (1988). Behavior patterns of child molesters. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 17, 77-86

More? Sure...
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children stated flatly that “the vast majority of the offenders are male.”

The Journal of Sex & Married Therapy, in a study of male sex offenders against children, found that one-third of the offenders directed their sexual activity against males. And the Journal of Sex Research found that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of sex offenses against children. This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.

The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”

Fags make more fags through molestation of children.

>> No.16629828

facts, thank u

>> No.16629835

I didn't say it was good or that it should be promoted or that they should be raising kids.
>86% of of molesters of boys identify as homosexual
That's because majority of convicted molestors are men.
>2 percent of the population (homosexuals) are responsible for 33% of the child predation.
Compare this to heterosexual molestation and consider the fact that most of these cases are not actually reported.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”
Again, that's because men molest.

>> No.16629840

>cannibalism is natural.
So is hunger.

>> No.16629855

This is just how the world works. Some ideals have expiration dates that they reach when they're no longer fit to be adopted by humans. Abrahamic religions just like every other organized religion are completely dated and worthless in our age, and they will vanish within a century in western europe.

>> No.16629872

yes, and? did you understand my post?

>> No.16629873

Ok faggot

>> No.16629878

It would be so nice to murder these people, just absolutely feel-good

>> No.16629879

>islam and christianity is on the rise in 21st century with large convert numbers worldwide
>15 % of the world population is atheist


>> No.16629882

Not an argument, animals have gay sex without prior conditioning. Therefore it is natural.

>> No.16629883

Are you acting dumb on purpose

>> No.16629887

who cares if it is natural though?

>> No.16629888

>only way to reject abrahamism is atheism
imagine having a bunch of fedorafags live rent free inside your head

>> No.16629891

I said in western countries not worldwide you idiot. Of course in african and arabian shit holes you're gonna see more religious people.

>> No.16629894

He means that rich and privileged whites and Jews are atheist. This is what every single Prog thinks about when they try to understand reality, they think about what rich and privileged wasps and jews at harvard and in giant corporations think about reality, and they try to imitate it.

>> No.16629895

>muh abrahamic religions bad, let’s go back to worshipping sticks

sorry, i just didn’t think you were this ....

>> No.16629898

You are not addressing my point. Men are overrepresented among molesters, naturally gay men will be overrepresented in molestation of boys.
The people who are arguing whether it is natural or not.

>> No.16629901

There is nothing in catholic tradition to be against this. Its not a church marriage and therefore just simply doesnt concern the church, its worthless platitude to support a civil union or not to support it really since it doesnt concern the church at all. I would be mad if he supported gays to be married by the church but otherwise this says nothing to me.

>> No.16629921

>substituted ‘outdated’ religious chauvanism with fresh new ethnic/cultural chauvanism

wowowow enlightened one

>> No.16629937

imagine living inside their heads. it’s stunning

>> No.16629943


>causes the AIDS epidemic

>> No.16629969

>all rejection of abrahamism is paganism
>paganism is stick worship
youbare proving yourself to be evermore retarded with each subsequent post
disease is natural

>> No.16629990

>all rejection of abrahamism is paganism
Read a dictionary. That is the actual definition of paganism.

>> No.16629997

You got me

>> No.16630028


humans getting a Simian diseases is distinctively unnatural actually.

>> No.16630029

If it was unnatural it literally wouldn't have happened

>> No.16630046

Yes. You made some retarded comment about not wanting to eat people and tried to construct your shit taste as morality.

>> No.16630056

i said that granting something as ‘natural’ or ‘unnatural’ has nothing to do with whether it is right or wrong. i said nothing about my opinion on homosexuality, or cannibalism for that matter. read better, brainletto.

>> No.16630109

I'd throw you out too, I don't even believe in God. I despise homosexuals. Also all the points you attempted to refute still stand. Plato refuted you long before the Christians did by the way.

>> No.16630118

>Plato refuted you long before the Christians did by the way.
No he didn't, all he said was sex should be practiced in moderation.

>> No.16630123

AIDS is a good thing. Eradicating it shouldn't be a policy goal. It is nature's way of correcting perversions like sodomy. Trump is wrong and stupid for wanting to eliminate it.

>> No.16630132

>It is nature's way of correcting perversions like sodomy.
It's nature's way of correcting promiscuity.

>> No.16630142

Wrong. Plato said sodomites were impelled by their slavery to pleasure in Laws.

>> No.16630160

This level of cope. St. Bruno said sodomy was the worst sin to exist. Now look where we are.

>> No.16630161

>Wrong. Plato said sodomites were impelled by their slavery to pleasure in Laws.
Exactly, which is why he thought sex should be practiced in moderation, that's not a refutation of homosexuality.

>> No.16630168

the absolute state of copetolics

>> No.16630206

>St. Bruno said sodomy was the worst sin to exist.

Papal authority > St. Bruno

>> No.16630245
File: 284 KB, 1661x2560, Zizek_Against the double balackmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Zizek compares it to the phenomenon of sexual assault from refugees in this book.

>> No.16630260

I think faggotry is kind of like alcoholism. A disease semi-genetic, semi-environmental that replaces normal healthy behavior with obsession with pleasure, that results in destructive habits. Society being opposed to both these things is probably healthy.

>> No.16630294

cope, majority of """religious""" people don't live religiously at all and don't live much differently from atheists. Like it or not, religion as a whole is on its way out due to never before seen distractions.

>> No.16630301

Religion is actually growing, atheism is shrinking. You might mean that the people whose opinions you believe matter are atheist.

>> No.16630308

Catechism of St. Pope Pius X:
>Q. How should every Catholic act towards the Pope?
>A. Every Catholic must acknowledge the Pope as Father, Pastor, and Universal Teacher, and be united with him in mind and heart.

Pope Francis:
>“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they [gays] are legally covered.”

>> No.16630313

>60IQ nogs are breeding uncontrollably and are converting to Progressivism
Wow, you sure showed him.

>> No.16630316

>it's unnatural
>so are civilization, technology, vaccines etc.

Can't really qualify that, unless you have access to another humanity that evolved under the same circumstances and didn't produce such things; then we could ascertain which is "natural", with regards to human activity.

>> No.16630317

When full-on gay marriages are finally allowed in the Church this is the same cope you'll use then, you faggot-supporting degenerate.

>> No.16630324

Refuted by St. Robert Bellermine (pbuh).

>> No.16630328

I'm not Catholic and I even I can spell his name correctly. Shame on you.

>> No.16630333

>civilization, technology, vaccines etc.
All are useful unlike sodomy which is like justifying injecting heroin. Actually it's worse because the anus wasn't meant to have shit shoved up it causing prolapses, scarring, bleeding, disease and so on. Your kind is SCUM

>> No.16630340

Midwit. His name is an anglicized version of Bellermino, so it doesn't even matter how it's spelled.

>> No.16630341

It's not a platitude at all. It's saying that the state should condone and facilitate homosexuality. Leaders of state are ministers of God (Rom. 13:4) who have a duty to obey God just like you do. He is saying that leaders of state should sin and facilitate sin. There is no defense of it. It is evil.

>> No.16630347

Not what I'm talking about, idiot. The second vowel is an "a": Bellarmine / Bellarmino.

>> No.16630353

Wow, nitpicking over a single letter. Thanks for proving you're a midwit.

>> No.16630354

Well yeah I sure did show him that what he said was objectively wrong

>> No.16630361

>like, gawd, let me just get elbow-deep in some guy's asshole in peace, fucking bigots

>> No.16630366

>Thus saith the holy saint (pbuh (lol!))
>No I can't spell his name shut up

>> No.16630384

Mistakes happen. I don't see what you're trying to achieve by pointing out a spelling mistake.

>> No.16630386


>> No.16630394

I was just making some banter until you wanted to get assblasted over it.

>> No.16630396

He is not so holy if you jest and mispell his name you midwit fucking tard, and I'm not even the guy you're exchanging with.

>> No.16630460

so what is this guy? CIA?

>> No.16630759

>let’s go back to worshipping sticks
but christians literally do this.

>> No.16630774

The SJ dude is obviously gay.

>> No.16630796

>they molest children
>homophobic bs
If a man is attracted to boys, he is a homossexual by definition you fucking idiot
The psychology councils have created the pedophilia problem in the catholic church by not allowing the descrimination of gays

>> No.16630809

>There is nothing in catholic tradition to be against this.
Except Jesus Christ himself describing what marriage is?

>> No.16630939

Based.Faggots cannot be tolerated

>> No.16630974

Puto y peronista. The argentinian "left" is going to be the downfall of the catholic church.

>> No.16631066


Why would the Pope’s personal feelings about homosexual unions cause him to make an endorsement of this manner?

>> No.16632033

Dicks are delicious

>> No.16632101

yes there is. The thing if he actually supports civil unions or only the coverage of civil rights within that kind of convivence.