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/lit/ - Literature

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16629109 No.16629109 [Reply] [Original]

>Major lockdown starts today in Czech republic due to Corona
>everything is closed
>not allowed to leave your home accept essential purchases
>15k new cases yesterday

Bought this in second-hand bookstore for some light reading in this crucial times

What are you reading /lit/?

>> No.16629116

I longer believe that most Marxists on this site have actually read all of Das Kapital. I thought it was around the length of the Communist Manifesto, not that tome.

>> No.16629117

Lmao you guys got a funny Ass language

>> No.16629119

No Longer

>> No.16629125

>he thought Marx's life work was short
He didn't smoke all those cigars in his NEET apartment for something the length of the communist manifesto.

>> No.16629131

i'm reading
>crime and punishment
>land of destiny: a history of vancouver real estate
and a book about tree species

>> No.16629136

Do Czechs known German?

>> No.16629137

I'm not a Marxist quite opposite actually. I believe you should not constrain yourself by reading only books that share your political/religional standpoint.

>> No.16629142

It's not uncommon.

>> No.16629145

Some of those who live by the German boarder but otherwise you need to learn it like everybody else
>>land of destiny: a history of vancouver real estate
Is it for work purposes or a hobby?

>> No.16629146

Are you a retard?

>> No.16629152
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I am reading the Poems of Alexander Montgomery.
A diverse renaissance poet who was Catholic after the Protestant Revolution in Scotland and was so loved by the King that he was allowed to be buried in a now Protestant church yard.
His writings reflect the anglicisation in spelling but they are still clearly Scottish in character.

>> No.16629201

Okay but you could at least read things that are either A) fun to read or B) relevant
marx is neither. Ask a marxist what a cashier produces some time and see how many mental flips they have to do to answer you

>> No.16629213

Do even slavs accept being under house arrest because of the flu? Weren't you supposed to be based?

>> No.16629221

I chuckled. But I don't agree about its irrelevance. Most of these "socialists" did not read it. For me this is knowledge which can help me in debating them (however pointless it might me).

>> No.16629231

isnt the flu. government gets paid millions. think the prime minister of india got 1 billion for it.

>> No.16629237

Don't you get tired of LARPing

>> No.16629256

I already had it. It was less then the flu. Although I am young and healthy. I would be at home either way. We have online classis and I'm not that social.

>> No.16629259
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I'm reading this, it's extremely cozy. Both volumes together are almost 3000 pages in lengeth.

A few weeks ago I made a thread asking for American history recommendations, particularly early American history and no one mentioned this. Shame on them. As always I can only rely on myself to find the good stuff.

>> No.16629319

holy shit the spine on that bitch is going to get so fucked up

>> No.16629327

A service of taking money for products? Wasn't that hard.

>> No.16629349

i just want to know why it's so fucking expensive to live here, and it's interesting learning the history of this crooked little city

>> No.16629391
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Einmal Gulasch mit Knödel und ein Helles bitte, mein slavischer Sklave.

>> No.16629395

Infinite Jest

>> No.16629469

Read it about a year ago. Difficult for non-native speaker but worth.

You might enjoy this movie about D.F.Wallece, very comfy


>> No.16629495

Had to stop reading novels as of this week. I need to churn out a PhD proposal by year's end and I already have over a dozen novels I'm keen to analyze. Sadly I am now obliged to dive into secondary literature which is much less fun.

>> No.16629638

Aj houp jů endžoj jour Karlík Marxů anon. Idz šit, bat jů ken baš somvan tu ded vit suč thik buk. Start vit Prymula. Stej helty.

>> No.16629755

Yeah the WHO is bribing politicians to keep pretending that the end of the world is upon us. Lukashenko refused the money and they immediately staged a coup.

OP you should go out and protest instead of reading books.

>> No.16630465

the cashier produced spare time for the owner since he doesn't have to stand there and do it himself

>> No.16630474

i loved these, great choice. also check out "the california and oregon trail", it's even cozier

>> No.16630479

zero k

>> No.16630494

Agreed, but if a book is completely opposed to my world view, I can't get through it. I stopped reading Age of Anger after the first chapter because it became clear it was only talking about right wing anger and how individualism is at fault. However, I thoroughly enjoyed a book on Bataille which shares some of the same ideas.

>> No.16630517

That cover is so neat

>> No.16630521

I recommend Bradbury's Travels: in the Interior of America

>> No.16630524
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>country is about to get locked down
>work in a hospital
I too want a free vacation to have time for reading.

>> No.16630563

>15k new daily cases causes a major lockdown
Your government is cucked or your people refuse to wear masks and social distance.

>> No.16630567
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Thank you for your service

>> No.16630574

>I already had it
Try jogging and tell me how your lungs are mate.

>> No.16630580
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>> No.16630587

It's relevant to the size of the population, my dude. Pretty sure they are a small country.

>> No.16630630

>fun to read
Marx is quite dry but he has his fun moments, lots of cheecky jokes in Capital also lots of references if you have the eye to spot them. Also he invokes a lot of Gothic imagery.
How is Marx not relevant you moron? He is the most influential philosopher of the last 200 years. Capitalism is our socioeconomic system and Marx is the number 1 when it comes to a thorough critique of it. You're absolutely a drooling mouthbreathing zombie if you somehow think Marx isn't relevant anymore.

>> No.16630636

>How is Marx not relevant you moron? He is the most influential philosopher of the last 200 years

>> No.16630689

>He is the most influential philosopher of the last 200 years.
Yes and look where the last 200 years have taken us

>> No.16630704

That his thought has been a disaster to the human race doesn't make him irrelevant though, quite the opposite

>> No.16630721

China has surpassed the US and is now the number 1 economic power in the world. Marx is studied all over china by its people and political leaders. Not only that Marx his influence has been prominent among pretty much any serious philosopher that came after him.

>Yes and look where the last 200 years have taken us
Yeah, global capitalism has hollowed our culture our humanity, has promoted massive inequality, we live with our subconscious thought that we're driving straight into ecological disaster. Marxists warning us for years, longing for radical change, but we ignored them, supressed them.

>> No.16630758

I am reading the Summa Theologica, its such a cornerstone of scholastics and medieval thought that I've always felt like I had to read it to at least have a good background on it but the few times I tried I found it dry and a dogmatic retelling of Aristotle... but this time around it's clicking right for some reason and I'm having a comfy time with it. I think I needed some maturing time and more patience.

>> No.16630834

And during that time, how many Marxist governments went down in flames?

>> No.16630855

why don't you guys like vowels?

>> No.16630858

That is volume 1 & 2. 1 is the only one marx actually finished though.

>> No.16630870

Read Thwaites Jesuit Record and allied documents for the absolute most comfy read of your life bro

>> No.16630876

Why wouldnt you as a czech learn to read german. You can hate germans as much as you want but the german language was so influential for the czech region (people) that separating yourself from it is simply cutting off your own nose.
Your biggest university even still has courses in German.

>The most famous czech (writer) spoke german
>ein Helles
If you are in bohemia then at least get a Pilsner not a helles

>> No.16630931
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I'm literally taking a shit and phoneposting.

>> No.16630963

I read Faulkner's "A Fable" and I liked that quite a bit. Now I'm reading Kafka's stories and dany anything Tolstoy related.

>> No.16631086

A good friend of mine received this as a gift from a retired historian who shopped at a store we worked at and would stick around and talk to us. Very based.

>> No.16631260

I'm clapping for you!

>> No.16631526

Czechbro have you read Svejk? I read that last month and I'm going to read War with the Newts soon. Please recommend some other essential Czech literature and give us your thoughts on Svejk

>> No.16631534

You haven't read jack shit, have you?

>> No.16631557

I'll violate the lockdown to go bash your head in where do you live?

>> No.16631758

you know youre a nerd right

>> No.16631904

sadly he is, also probably indirectly has one of the highest body counts too.

>> No.16631983

I'm thinking Adam Smith beats him

>> No.16632074
File: 23 KB, 1200x900, Youre+nothing+loser+maybe+if+you+imitate+us+like+the+_3a62f08df03c859d7c3b49fbdf1312d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No longer shall they laugh.

>> No.16632114

The country has like 10mil people

>> No.16632359


I'm not a Czech anon but I've enjoyed Valerie and her Week of Wonders it's a bizarre Alice in Wonderland/Dracula type sort of crossover but a really cool surrealist story. You're going to like War with the Newts.

>> No.16632424


>> No.16632437


You will not defy capitalism with Marx, turbotard

>> No.16632687

I've liked everything I've read by Hrabal.
Much of his work is free to (legally) download at mlp.cz too.
And Kundera is good obviously.

>> No.16632734


>> No.16632765

Based American. Simultaneously believing that Marxism is the biggest threat of the 20th (and 21st?) century, and also believing that he's irrelevant and nobody should bother reading him. Imagine swallowing propaganda this thoroughly.

>> No.16632772

>China has surpassed the US and is now the number 1 economic power in the world. Marx is studied all over china by its people and political leaders.
And yet nothing marx said is practised by China? Where is the abolition of private property marxists advocated for?

>> No.16632792

Based, but honestly I think the Summa is more of a reference book. I don't think it was ever intended to be read cover to cover, unless you're in seminary

>> No.16632818

One book you would recommend from Hrabal and Kundera?

>> No.16632951

All are good. I'd say Ostře sledované vlaky is a good start.
Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí

>> No.16633006

Marxism, as described by Marx, is irrelevant. You are conflating Neoliberal Imperialism, which is entirely rooted in ruthless capitalism, with Marxism, due to the misnomer of cultural Marxism. The economic theories of Marx are dead. What we have left is hollow platitudes of equal slavery to the elite. But this time the elite aren't pretending they're equal too.

>> No.16633037

China has both an authoritarian govt. and one that is less restricted than the US'; but, also, there has been an explosion in millionaires in China and there is still massive poverty.

I doubt Marx would look at China with gleaming eyes that you think is the case.

>> No.16633046 [DELETED] 

>not realizing that the horrifying world in which we live is not capitalist but already communist
It is beyond how /lit/ keeps being this retarded after so many years

>> No.16633068

>not realizing that the horrifying world in which we live is not capitalist but already communist
It is beyond me how /lit/ keeps being this retarded after so many years

>> No.16633128

Thanks I will check these out

>> No.16634298

>The thin pale wrists of a Communist
Many such cases