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16629104 No.16629104 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the merits and benefits of war?

I really feel like we need a good war to wake the west up

>> No.16629111

Storm of steel
1929 translation

>> No.16629121

Do not be overfond of war, it turns humanity into beasts.

>> No.16629130

>Imagine wanting to be cannon fodder for some retarded elites
No thanks, part of why Im still pro EU is because its a quite effective way to prevent pointless wars
I enjoy living in a nordic social democratic country as neet who gets arond 900$

>> No.16629138
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Okay mom, I'm up.

>> No.16629177
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b-but anon your country needs you!!!!!

>> No.16629257
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War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?

>> No.16629262
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The kinds of people who post this kind of shit are the same kinds of people who would get rejected from conscription due to physical deficiencies.

>> No.16629267

Catch 22

>> No.16629271

>I really feel like we need a good war to wake the west up
Spoken like a true incel who will never experience war and never has, and never will volunteer to be a part of any army, or law enforcement. In other words, you’re the very same thing you claim to despise

>> No.16629280
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>I really feel like we need a good war to wake the west up
No you don't. That isn't your thought, it is received opinion that you have picked up from /pol/. What is astounding—the apogee of propaganda—is that you don't even recognize this "feel" as something foreign to you, but think it your own. And who can doubt their own thoughts? perhaps the content, but never the underlying sincerity. You've let this surrogate opinion grow inside you don't even realise it. When you think about it, it's actually very similar to the reproductive cycle of the cuckoo. An egg has been snuck into your head, and you've mistaken it it for a regular feel. And now that it has hatched, here you are seeking to nourish it with tomes, night & morn as if your own, while it ejects all other thoughts in your head so to better monopolise your attention. And even as it grows to its grotesque. monstrous form, you smile at it and coo and baby it, continuing to care for it. After all, a mother cannot help but love her child. You are in the midst of a mental cuckolding, in its most classic meaning.
Now of course, we are all mental cuckolds of some degree: that is simply what we call culture and education. In a somewhat Durkheimian sense, these social memes and mores think through us, we do not think them. But a discerning mind will recognise these external thoughts as just that—external, not our own; though whether to still cherish and celebrate them, or try and isolate their influence on us, whose to say? sometimes it is beneficial to harbour noble lies. Perhaps it is precisely that action—in knowing them to be foreign, but accepting them anyway—we in a way truly make them our own.
But a curious phenomenon occurs on this website where anons seems to have a half-understanding of this. They see the prevailing winds, the cultural currents, the boats responding gaily to hands expert with sail and oar, and reject them with disgust; they castigate those who do not recognise they are merely kites tossed by the wind as NPC's and parrots. But then, in splendid hypocrisy—a feat of propaganda equal to that which dominates the mainstream—they do not realise this turn as equally conditioned. Many seem to hold the opinion that if one of their received opinions is taboo, it could not possibly be anything but my own! I made this choice! But in truth they are merely being swept up and carried by a current all the same, their hearts too responding gaily, when invited, beating obedient to controlling hands, as clueless to their pilot as those they so fervently disdain.
But enough pseud musings, i have my own views to sun with soft deceitful wiles.

>> No.16629282

war fosters technological innovation, if millions must die in order for cheaply available sexbots to become a thing then it's worth it, so long as it doesn't affect me

>> No.16629283

lmao lot of triggered humanists and liberals in this thread

>> No.16629296


>> No.16629299

And no brave conservative saviors of the west that ever have, or ever will enlist, which is much more telling

>> No.16629304


>> No.16629453

You could have just said spooked

>> No.16629465

I don't think that would have any chance in swaying another person to be frank.

No one should rationally want for a modern war knowing the broad truths and consequences of it.

>> No.16629545
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Many such cases.

>> No.16629612
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>> No.16629674

no benefits of such. ernst junger became a pacifist late in his age.

>> No.16629689

That's not even true, that was a common fallacy within scientists that moral prohibition can affect the outcome of their research -- it made no difference whatsoever. innovation can be done if there is a incentive -- which is all cultural. Truth of the fact is: no one wants war except... ungodly incels? lost touch with wonder of the world and hasn't read up on the greeks and neoplatonism?? So many people don't know what they're missing out on. You're deluded anon-chan

>> No.16629699

James Joyce once made a similar comment about American literature. He said they needed a good war or two before they'd be capable of producing a really legendary writer.
He would probably refine his statement to specify a war on US soil or one that they lost badly if he saw the state of the USA today.

>> No.16629707

It is true in the sense that spurious science gets rapidly thrown in the bin during war. The amount of people I know who publish absolute shit purely for the publication count is unreal. Science is in a shockingly bad state because of the culture, and academic culture is actually improved drastically by war since theres no time for any of the absolute retardation most academics can and do get away with nowadays if you let them.
Which is not to say we need a war, but war is one way of giving science a much needed kick in the asshole.

>> No.16629721

ESL or non-white?

>> No.16629724

James Joyce was one of the worst analytic minds among all great authors

>> No.16629731 [DELETED] 

I am German

>> No.16629746


>> No.16629750

i'm black you goofy ass cracker

>> No.16629751


>> No.16629886

What's humanity?

>> No.16629892

NATO is responsible for that, not the EU

>> No.16629902

Unlike being forced into allotments of cuck sheds.

>> No.16629905

How are you and your thoughts any different though? Are you just immune to propaganda?

>> No.16629930

War can either unlock the higher potentials of a man or reduce him into a shuddering husk trapped within his own mind. It's not a kids game, that's for sure.

>> No.16629949


Didn’t read lol

>> No.16629979

>Metaphysics of War (Evola)
>Storm of Steel (1929 tr., Jünger)
>Iliad (Homer)

>> No.16630018

People who want a war just want to feel in control of themselves. They feel crushed by society and think that a war might bring forwards their individuality. This will be true for some, but most will die and kill in their shit-stained pants. These people also don't realise that modern warfare has changed and is rarely between two advanced nations and that most country just use a professional army: you'll probably be meat for bombs. The thing is that you can go at war now if you want to, it's not that hard. See for yourselves if your theory are true instead of larping on 4chan. The good news is that you don't need a war to feel in control: write, paint, walk... The only values war bring in societies as a whole is hate and survival, without God there can be no forgiveness.

>> No.16630047
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>war separates the men from the boys

>> No.16630076

The socially constructed code that separates us from other animals

>> No.16630196
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>It was the NATO that introduced trade between european coutries so that they are dependent on each other and can't go to war and not the European Coal and Steel Community

>> No.16632037

does it though? people are rarely perfect ideals of humanity. No amount of asceticism can seem to completely separate us from being labeled animals. But again, does it really? Man is apart of nature meaning that everything man does is, following that logic, natural. If some asshole you know treats you like shit what usually happens to you? do you treat him in kind and defend your dignity, or do you start resenting him quietly and ruminate on it until it becomes unbearable?

>> No.16632057

No, stop being dishonest. It was NATO that integrated these nations militaries, turning them into a bloc and effectively made them allies.

>> No.16632059

If you're facing war, you'll be begging for a cuck shed.

>> No.16632072


>> No.16632073

War is a racket for Jewish interests. Kill yourself for want to slurp schlomo cock

>> No.16632098

Not only that, but the politics in these advanced nations have castrated their militaries and force them to fight fair with inferiors

>> No.16632107

maybe not, everyone in reality desires some conflict, It's the essence of politics. Nowadays most people quench this frustration by 'protesting'.

>> No.16632115

ah yes I'd love to be cannon fodder for foreign elites

>> No.16632122

AH was gassed and received an Iron Cross 1st class. But he wasn't really conservative I suppose.

>> No.16632149

Do you actually really take time to watch programs like picrel?

>> No.16632581

It's actually pretty good. The witch is a complete sociopath but the show plays it like she isn't.

>> No.16632869

Nuclear Weapons are responsible.

>> No.16632956

Men in suits plan and plot, and the dudes on the ground are the ones who pay. What's the point of it?

>> No.16632969
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>I really feel like we

And by 'we' you mean sending off those people you deem inferior to yourself to go kill those people you deem inferior in foreign lands all the whilst nothing significantly debilitating, demoralising, or unfortunate happens to your own life whilst this 'war' goes on. Then normal life resumes and you, the victorious victor, gets to reap the benefits of less competition and less people you don't like in the world?

>> No.16633049
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Although I do feel like combat has the possibility to be a transcendent experience, the time for such combat has been behind us for hundreds of years.There's nothing edifying about getting blown up by a mortar shot, or being mowed down by machine guns. Maybe back in Ancient Greece there was some nobility in warfare, but there's certainly nothing left of that in the age of mechanized mass warfare. Technology cucks the life out of everything.

>> No.16633089

Also >>16632073 and >>16632115. I certainly have no interest in getting mutilated just so that Schlomo can profit shekels off the war economy and misdirect us about where the true enemy lies.

>> No.16633107

i really feel like we live in a society

>> No.16633171

>There's nothing edifying about getting blown up by a mortar shot, or being mowed down by machine guns.
But do you think THERE WAS something edifying about being decapitated by a scimitar or having your head crushed by a rock?
War was always a brutal affair, anon. Didn't you read the Illiad?

>> No.16633180

The main heroes in the Iliad seemed to be having a good time.

>> No.16633182

god why are american war nerds are so fucking weird

>> No.16633218

But melee combat actually has both parties involve themselves in something close, personal, and dangerous. Getting rocked by artillery fire or an airstrike from miles away does not.

>> No.16633220

Good but kinda faggy post.

>> No.16633273

You don’t know anything about European construction. In fact the idea existed long before the end of WWII. Some writers like Drieu La Rochelle thought that Hitler would achieves this for instance.

>> No.16633356

OP is experiencing the natural immunoreactive sensation of his culture and people. Masculinity will correctly ascertain the presence of infectious malignant elements within it's realm and seek to purge them through violence. The craving can be satiated only through internecine conflict; wherein these foreign elements are expelled or destroyed.

>> No.16633461
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It seems like the gist of your argument is: -If you're gonna kill me at least do it with some passion, with personal involvement.
Get your hands dirty, make me feel you really care. As you fellow man you owe me that.
I'm human, feel my blood. Touch me while you shoot me. Seize my life but at least look into my eyes while you're at it.
Do it with sentiment, like old time lovers.
May God grant you a good death too
thanks and farewell

>> No.16633483

That's a pretty gay way to put it, but I suppose that's the gist of it, yes.

>> No.16633521
File: 142 KB, 800x790, Akhilleus_Patroklos_Antikensammlung_Berlin_F2278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know? War and homoeroticism walk side by side since ancient times. Kek

PS: "You're also Alexander"

>> No.16633655

>The main heroes in the Iliad seemed to be having a good time.
Yep. Like Hector...

>> No.16633710

>be of the first or second warless generation
>post this


>> No.16633828

They will hate you but you are right

>> No.16633853

Europe is just a really just a puppet of the American empire, and that's a good thing

>> No.16633864

It's pointless pilpul, the same exact thing can be said about him and you, are you're ideas really your own?

>> No.16633868

Do you lack basic reading comprehension? The post admits as much

>> No.16633879

If that's the way you want to look at it then nobody can stop you. Do you really care if a person is gay?

>> No.16633896

And I repeated it. Again, why even bring it up then? it doesn't make their beliefs any less valid, It's just you being insecure because some guys on the internet don't think like you do.

>> No.16634335
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He loves it.

>> No.16634490
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>> No.16634663

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.16634779
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Lol. Don't take it so serious, lad. I was talking more about "bromance" if anything. That's actually a frequent trope. "The one where the military are actually secretly gay." kek
An all male band. A not so long ago completely masculine reign...
Also, I think I was hinting to something else.
Do you recall how fast Venus fled the battlefield?
Do you remember how the hippies used to shout -make love not war?
It was as if they were saying:
Why don't you stay here and fug, bro?
Who in their right senses wanna fight?
It comes to mind the remembrance of a talking to a girl and their natural (almost universal) aversion for violence (a common trait at least in the good ones).
Why do we feel somehow attracted to the struggle?
And chiefly, what kind of man does it make us?
Are we sociopaths?
After all, there must be something broken in these minds.
This is so "unnatural".
I guess we were suposed to wanna make money and lead a tranquil life.
Then why it doesn't seem satisfying to some of us?
What's the trouble?

PS: I'm just rambling, man.
Don't know where I wanna get.

>> No.16634802

This thread is full of pussies that have never even thrown a punch in their whole lives. War is based as fuck and fuck all you stupid pacifist retarss.

>> No.16634814
File: 69 KB, 468x773, article-1041698-01F565E600000578-600_468x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR = /pol/ are a legion of npc devils

>> No.16634817

>This thread is full of pussies that have never even thrown a punch in their whole lives
It's usually those exact people who glorify war and militarism

>> No.16635068

You won't be throwing many punches in modern war.

>> No.16635076

lmao what a fucking pseud

>> No.16635080
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>That isn't your thought, it is received opinion that you have picked up from /pol/.
>I get all my ideas from the internet so you do too

>> No.16635085

only because they lose, a lot of people become dillusioned through disapointment

>> No.16635095
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Dont get me wrong , anons, I too, hate the guy
But how's the book, Mein kampf

>> No.16635124

lol the gay hand on his waist

>> No.16635131

I fucking hate how anglophones write why do you have to be so autistic

>> No.16635145
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He's right though, /pol/ is what happens when hordes of machines fall for Poe's law and become toxic parodies

>> No.16635163

Yeah, god that worked out great the last time a bunch of westerners thought that. We had the fucking Great War which ruined all future wars. Fucking turn-of-the-century pseud dipshits ruined everything.

>> No.16635173

The biggest arguments I can see are population control and technological advancement.

Population control is pretty self explanatory, and most modern technology comes from military science.

>> No.16635177


>> No.16635193

It's a trannypol thing

>> No.16635514


>> No.16635555

He addressed this in the post. If you can't find it let me know and I will green text it for you whilst laughing at you and rubbing your nose in it.

>> No.16635574

Population control, why? And I mean to what ends and what's the logic in it, what do you think of it?

>> No.16635581

Too long, faggot. Didn't read
my diary desu

>> No.16635608

I thoroughly disagree with this take. being mowed down by a machine gun is no different than dying because your formation was ordered to attack a phalanx . war has always been a reckless meat grinder, people weren't having noble 1v1s and testing their skills with a sword or something, they were being ordered to their deaths in formation and most the time there wasn't much any individual could do about it

>> No.16635663

Nietzsche believed war created competition which advanced nations

>> No.16635679

Any books similar to these feels? idk why but i frequently will put myself in danger or struggle despite my life going well like the other night after work i just decided to walk around the highway where all the crack addicts chill or i remember when i first graduated uni I had some crazy urge to join up with the marines lol

>> No.16635687


>> No.16635727

You're a fucking faggot and a tranny and could have said the exact same thing in less than a third of those words, but you chose not to because you're a little faggot.

>> No.16635791

You can't control shit with war. Japs could only kill a few million chinks out of hundreds of millions. Krauts only killed 27 million Russkies in the most genocidal war in history, and most of them weren't even soldiers. War is not enough to purge the Earth of its excess population, you have to thoroughly massacre every woman and child to get anywhere.

>> No.16635801

cringe. Military alliances can be broken, national economies cannot magically become independent of each-other at this point. War for profit no longer has a point

>> No.16635814

yeah Hector is having a blast, Achilles, whose lover got murdered is having fun too

>> No.16636065


Then join a private militia.

>> No.16636414
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>the tard militia
>the "special" forces

>> No.16636420

he seems to be fairly happy late in his life doe. It seems more like he's grown up

>> No.16636435

Seems the yearning for struggle derives from a higher instinct and desire whereas fornication is much more base and quickly becomes meaningless. But even at home atruggle ensues. How many hippies do you think were jealous of that one guy seemingly hogging all the women while they had to settle for scraps? And where are all the hippies now? Gone whereas war endures. No, the hippie lifestyle is itself a game, like war. The foregoing of work in favour of willfull desire, and power. However, War is better because it is the ultimate thing that judges a mans worth in life and the univerae as a whole. Maybe that's why people love struggle.

>> No.16636448

NATO is still hasn't broken and came before the EU. But nothing lasts forever and eventually it will fall along with the EU

>> No.16636467

Maybe those guys weren't getting any fug or it was just never important to them. Doesn't really say anything.

What's unnatural about anything that man does? Is man not apart of nature?

No psychologist formally uses the term sociopath, that would be Anti-social behavioural syndrome.

Decadence isn't exactly fun or exhilirating to most people.

>> No.16636480

Handsome man

>> No.16636489

Neetch fell off his horse while mounting. Then cried for yearrs becausee off his booboo

>> No.16636494

>not apart of
I will fucking skull you with a cricket bat.

>> No.16636498

I'm on my phone, give me a break

>> No.16636992


>> No.16637254

Empire strikes back novelization