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16623724 No.16623724 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a god-tier philologist?

>> No.16624396

Saved. Grimm, the older brother of the "Brother's Grimm" was a sanskrit scholar and he invented Grimm's law which was the first advancement in understanding Proto-Indo European.
Sir Richard Francis Burton, the famed translator/adventurer of the arbian nights and the kama sutra. He could speak 29 languages at the time of his death.
Just start learning languages and just do baller shit, translators who are ethnographers are cool. Just study anthropology and not get the gay academia virus.

>> No.16624429

learn the languages that make up your native tongue first and then move on to other families if you so wish

>> No.16624589

is chomsky really monolingual lol

>> No.16624599

He at least knows French based on his debate with Foucault.

>> No.16624608

No, he speaks and has worked on Hebrew. For some reason during his professional work after he got big, he started only doing work on English.

He also may have competence in various other European languages, but I don't know. Still, his professionally monoglot tendencies are unusual in modern linguistics.

>> No.16624611


>> No.16624613

>As he stated: "I'm about as monolingual as you come, but nevertheless I have a variety of different languages at my command, different styles, different ways of talking, which do involve different parameter settings." May 26, 2013

what did he mean by this then, that he's not fluent? i can at least read books and shitpost in and speak baby russian to people on discord and video games so i consider myself bilingual

>> No.16624621
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>I'm about as monolingual as you come, but nevertheless I have a variety of different languages at my command

>> No.16624630

standards for fluency in academic linguistics are higher than in shitposting

>> No.16624645
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Follow this guy's advice. Learning French in high school was one of the greatest things I could've done with my youth.
Gallica.bnf.fr has a large amount of pdfs that contain anything from history, classical studies, to grammar books that expect intelligent readers, unlike today when such books hold your hand, thereby slowing the acquisition of languages.

>> No.16624652

yeah i guess the context is academic but it's still a funny quote and makes me wonder how well chomsky actually speaks a given non-english language. my guess is that he might actually be worse at actually speaking anything than I am at russian, which seems absurd for a linguist. in the foucault debate he's not speaking french.

>> No.16624676

whats nietzsches power level compated to other philologists?

>> No.16624690

didnt Derrida BTFO de Saussure?

>> No.16624700

When Neo sees the Matrix should he look at the woman in the red dress?

>> No.16624708

I don't remember what happens in that movie

>> No.16624780
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Sir Burton has some of the best advice on language acquisition:

>"How," asked Mr. J. F. Collingwood of him many years after, "do you manage to learn a language so rapidly and thoroughly?" To which he replied: "I stew the grammar down to a page which I carry in my pocket. Then when opportunity offers, or is made, I get hold of a native—preferably an old woman, and get her to talk to me. I follow her speech by ear and eye with the keenest attention, and repeat after her every word as nearly as possible, until I acquire the exact accent of the speaker and the true meaning of the words employed by her. I do not leave her before the lesson is learnt, and so on with others until my own speech is indistinguishable from that of the native."—Letter from Mr. Collingwood to me, 22nd June 1905.

>> No.16624818

What's that in your picrelated?

>> No.16625193

I completely slacked on learning french in school, pretty annoyed about that now

>> No.16625456

A side by side 19th ce translation of the Æneid with the Latin on the left and French on the right. Essentially, the philologist broke up the poetic diction to make it match with that of modern languages for easier reading. (SOV -> SVO). They have a lot more on other Latin poets and prose writers and another series for ancient Greek.
Never too late to dust those cobwebs off. You'll be at an advantage anyway since all you have to do is reactivate those neurons.

>> No.16625469

oops I meant poetic syntax not diction

>> No.16625476

Peirce is way better than him.

>> No.16625485

>no major books
>just thousands of review articles and scribblings

Aint nobody got tiem for dat

>> No.16625488

Chomsky would be alright if he didn't believe in Universal Grammar and if he didn't pontificate on politics and society.

>> No.16625504

No deposit, no return. There are scholars who have compiled coherent books of his thoughts too.

>> No.16625517

>I get hold of a native—preferably an old woman
>preferably an old woman


>> No.16625522

Well to be straighforward, that makes it easier. I don't have to wade through a lengthy tome, a few pages of well-thought material suffices. What anthologies do you think are the most interesting?

>> No.16625541

Old people tend to have lots of experience in a particular area and monolingual women are typically knowledgeable in the customs of their society. If you can pass for a native under their inspection, you have a high chance of doing so with almost everybody else.

>> No.16625568

manufacturing consent might be a bit long-winded and presumptuous but it should still be required reading so that all these fucking twitterbrained idiots would stop thinking amerimeme democracy is real

>> No.16625569

I liked Philosophical Writings of Peirce edited by Justus Buchler. It was first published in 1940, but its pretty good. Each chapter is mostly self contained so its easier to parse.

>> No.16625620

I liked Philosophical Writings of Peirce edited by Justus Buchler. It was first published in 1940, but its pretty good. Each chapter is mostly self contained so its easier to parse

>> No.16625663

How is Chomsky's linguistics now discredited?

>> No.16625729

you know where I can pirate assimil?

>> No.16625913

it wrong

>> No.16625953

Women talk a lot and the older she is the more tales she has to tell

>> No.16625954

PirateBay, LibGen, etc.

>> No.16625967

with audios?

>> No.16625987

We learning languages in little old lady voices boys

>> No.16625994

the ones on Piratebay have them w/ audio but the ones on libgen only have the pdf

>> No.16625995


>> No.16626002

>The White Nigger

>> No.16626058

I figured the answer would be something like this, that is to say, old but not senile women are probably the most verbally proficient people in any given population if you exclude groups whose entire role is to be verbally proficient but are hard to get a hold of in situations which Burton likely found himself when he travelled (lawyers, writers, etc.)

>> No.16626073

Practicing structural linguistics today is about the same as practicing alchemy.

>> No.16626218
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that's based desu

>> No.16626224

Are you the guy who has been posting this channel? If so, thank you. Have been following this guy's advice for ancient languages (already know French and German) and have been making excellent progress, while also having much more fun with it.
Would recommend

>> No.16626247

>tfw hikkikomori with no acces to old ladies


1lib.eu has them as .zip containing pdf and audio

>> No.16626314

I frankly don't know what this guy is talking about. I'm an eastern euro ESL who had to decide between English, German, and French resources for learning Latin and Ancient Greek and English has by far the best material available for those two languages. Believe me, I did the research. I'm not aware of anything like Yale's Learn to Read Latin/Greek in German or French, for example.

>> No.16626349

The only person Derrida has ever BTFO is Derrida.

>> No.16626420
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>I speak can speak 50 languages but I choose to speak only one

>> No.16626479
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Be aware that this site's servers take a massive shit when heavy with traffic.

>> No.16626551
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>> No.16626554

Follow in the steps of Nietzsche

>> No.16626563

Bilingual books are amongst the most kino things ever

>> No.16626599
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>i right too language vary well

>> No.16626675
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Yup. I became aware of his channel thanks to another anon who was studying ancient Greek and decided to spread the wisdom. Glad to see my shilling has been effective.

>> No.16626824
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Discoveries like these are how I justify wasting away hours and hours of my life making mostly low-quality posts on this website

>> No.16627245
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he knows some french but he cant actually speak the language
do what the twitter meme says and read Ferdinand de Saussure's Course In General Linguistics
chuckled thanks anon
yea Derrida is interesting sometimes but on the whole absolutely retarded
the BTFO was supposedly proving that writing was contemporaneous or even prior to speech not as Saussure held - that Speech was primary and prior to writing

but as Generative Anthropology shows us, speech acts definitely had to have come first and most anthropologists and historians will tend to converge here on this position too

its absolutely absurd to posit that writing came before the spoken word in any form

>> No.16627257

this is really good advice