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16623687 No.16623687 [Reply] [Original]


Jiwoon Hwang was a prominent figure in the antinatalist movement and was the editor of the antinatalist magazine. He moved to Svalbard where he tried to set up ''Refuge Island'' - basically a homeland for antinatalists where it is illegal to procreate.

Two years ago he took antinatalist philosophy even further and coined ''promortalism''. Not only was it immoral to procreate, it made more logical and ethical sense to cease to exist.

He shortly after killed himself.

>> No.16623697

Finally, an antinatalist who actually believes in that philosophy

>> No.16623706

Why is Harry Potter in a picture for anti-natalism though?

>> No.16623707

lol, no surprise that he came from south korea

>> No.16623730

Take notes "philosophers", he had a philosophy and worked towards implementing it, right down to his final act. If you and your "e-leaders" aren't living your out your ideals to the best of your ability, you are a larper.

>> No.16623740

>aren't living your out your ideals
lol my bad meant
>aren't living out your ideals

>> No.16624121
File: 190 KB, 612x380, D798342B-249E-4B34-A889-1D28ED3F5ECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d go to that island and breed all the girls there

>> No.16624633

Of course he was asian

>> No.16624729

incredibly based

>> No.16624814

The only antinatalist I respect because he actually followed his own philosophy in practice unlike that coward Ligotti.

>> No.16624826

>Jiwoon Hwang was a prominent figure in the antinatalist movement and was the editor of the antinatalist magazine. He moved to Svalbard where he tried to set up ''Refuge Island'' - basically a homeland for antinatalists where it is illegal to procreate.
He didn't make good furniture like the Shakers

>> No.16625061

Reportedly, Ligotti has struggled mightily with what he calls the Hwang Paradox. But to no avail, thus far. He is cautiously optimistic, however, that the next generation of antinatalists will be able to solve the problem.

>> No.16625621

Dangerously based. Take notes, anti-natalists

>> No.16625634


>> No.16625705

>Actually follows the ideology to it's ultimate conclusion

Pretty based desu

>> No.16625895

In this edition, a man with cancer sticks it to the breeders by causing more unnecessary harm while a menacing, moon-faced Korean looms on the horizon

>> No.16625997

What a beautiful person

>> No.16626024

Antinatalist women?

>> No.16626412

antinatalists kind of sad, but mostly funny for the lack of engagement with the rest of philosophical discourse. poor bastard didn't read any plato or buddhism 101, now he's going to reincarnate as something lesser

>> No.16626440

Antinatalism doesn't mean you have to commit suicide, midwit. It just means you shouldn't reproduce.
Honestly how you people think you can hang in even basic philosophical dialogue boggles my mind.

>> No.16626520

resentful cope

>> No.16626553

I mean....at least he’s dedicated to his philosophy, which is more then can be said of most

>> No.16626559

They’re just eager for the idiocy of it to go away

>> No.16626582

this desu

>> No.16626585
File: 17 KB, 128x128, Congaparrot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the next generation of antinatalists

>> No.16626617

Based movie

>> No.16626638

Which promortalists are you referring to?

>> No.16627156


feel free to elaborate

>> No.16627178


Wow so all I have to do to earn the respect of anonymous posters on the internet is kill myself?
Definitely worth it

>> No.16627320

Easily one of Scorcese's weakest. Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz really feel out of place in 19th century NY, sort of like Orlando Bloom and that actress in Pirates of the Caribbean. The movie is too long and too similar to the rest of his work, only standing out due to the period setting.
You probably only like it because the villain Billy the Butcher is "based" because he's a nativist, although I'll admit Daniel Day-Lewis kills it with that performance. Liam Neeson is also pretty good but has little screen time.

>> No.16627326

Sorry but antinatalists whine all the time about life being full of suffering. If it's so painful then you can easily end that suffering with a quick jump off of a tall building.