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16622107 No.16622107 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't really know which board to post this to but i guess this one would make the most sense

So basically me and my girlfriend have this thing called "Acid Hearts" where it's 2325, magic shit is everywhere, a fourth world war happened fifty years prior and some countries split/fused

So far we established that Japan grew, Mexico took back cali, arizona, and texas, theres a west korea, and the us is half the country it used to be

We kinda just need ideas for other places in the world and what happened to them, suggest anything that you think sounds cool to you

>> No.16622122

>have this thing called "Acid Hearts" where it's 2325, magic shit is everywhere, a fourth world war happened

Wtf kind of "thing" are you talking about? Use your words.

>> No.16622164

It's not really a book or anything, it kinda like a bunch of ideas for our characters n shit

>> No.16622195

turn it into a short novel go from there

>> No.16622471

Please tell me she has a penis

>> No.16622493

>Japan expanded
>west Korea

So essentially China collapsed? Together with the US declining you could assume the two had a war and it severely harmed both of them to the point that nearby powers could seize anything of value from them. With the US no longer being world police you could assume that either Germany now dominates Europe or a couple of smaller European countries are engage in extensive recolonization of African countries.

Basically get rid of the gay magic shit and focus on how the fates of nearby countries would change the map of the world.

>> No.16623032

>Didn't really know which board to post this
/tg/ has worldbuilding generals

>> No.16623052

It will be shit. Just write it.

>> No.16623057

Stopped reading at my girlfriend

>> No.16623063

Pangaea. Also no magic stuff. That sucks.

>> No.16623286
File: 60 KB, 800x450, 1577279199803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to think up a name for my planet
>too obvious
>too short, tho
>how about "all of gea?"
>what prefixes mean all/over/etc?
>Pan! Pan's good!

>> No.16623795

I like your plan of Europe being head of the world again, any name ideas for the African colonies? Also the gay magic is kinda how fights get started, like it has alien tech mixed with an heirloom that's basically a magical girl power up, god descendants that could go from love to weed, just weird shit like that in general

>> No.16624103

>Also the gay magic is kinda how fights get started, like it has alien tech mixed with an heirloom that's basically a magical girl power up, god descendants that could go from love to weed
One of these should work. They also have one for monstergirls. You might have better time talking worldbuilding there. The way you type is weird, like some dudebro from California or something. May I ask you what board do you usually use?

>> No.16624120

This one

>> No.16624186

more like pan gay haha

>> No.16624207

With China and the US's collapse, Russia would fill the power vacuum now that it's two peers have stopped holding up the stalemate of superpowers. Are Mexico and Canada carving up the US, or are other foreign powers coming in? I could see Russia finally getting Alaska back.
I like the idea of Germany and Japan becoming tier 2 superpowers. Germany would just be wrangling the E.U. into shape like it's always wanted to and been trying to do. Japan has had quite the massive national paradigm shift since its imperialist identity in WWII, so I wonder how a re-expansion could be justified by and to its citizens.

>> No.16624500

After the war, what's left of the Romanian population decides to rebuild their country by taking control over their resources, denying foreign companies the right to extract (but not to process) said resources. In time, as countries and companies struggle to regain balance, hindered by corporate machinations, a warrior cast of Romanians sets out to reclaim what the West has stolen. They are fierce fighters and excellent tactitians. - think of it like Romania being Arrakis, tge Romanians Fremen, in a unverse where the fremen decide as a people to conquer their part of the galaxy

>> No.16624513

Mostly /pol/ to know what stuff is happening around the world and /toy/ for photography and collecting

>> No.16624598

>We kinda just need ideas for other places in the world and what happened to them,
The Dutch commiting racial genocide against the French?

>> No.16624718

World building is for people with more imagination than sense.