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16618447 No.16618447 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /lit/ final words ever uttered?


>> No.16618499

we had this thread already

>> No.16618508
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Would you reply again tho?

>> No.16618520

You are misunderstanding. “We had this thread already” are the most /lit/ last words.

>> No.16618524


>> No.16618529 [DELETED] 

>Goodbye, everybody!

>> No.16618535

"Am I dying, or is this my birthday?"
Lady Nancy Astor

>> No.16618545

Who cares, bitch. I’ve never seen it

>> No.16618546

>Goodbye, everybody!
— Hart Crane, American poet (27 April 1932), prior to jumping off cruise ship

>> No.16618553

When Generalissimo Francisco Franco was dying, they told him his cabinet members were coming to his room to say goodbye.
Where are they going? He asked.

>> No.16618580

Behold the flames of fury! The fires of Hell will purge me clean! I can see it! Mission control, do you read me? I'm coming home!! I see the Earth...

>> No.16618584

I love Odilon Redon.

>> No.16618607

>Thomas J. Grasso: "I did not get my Spaghetti-Os. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."

>> No.16618609

>Raise the divine in yourselves to the divine in the All.

>> No.16618618

Formerly “hi”

>> No.16618661

Those are the most 4chan last words, honorable mention.

>> No.16618665

>All right then, I'll say it. Dante makes me sick
Basado Lope de Vega, fuck Dante.

>> No.16618714

>Don't leave me

>> No.16618734

Just teared up when I read Bob Hope’s because of how perfect of a line it was coming from him
>surprise me
When asked where he wanted his remains buried

>> No.16618750

>"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have."[21][40]:196[43][note 7]
("Ho offeso Dio e l'umanità perché il mio lavoro non ha raggiunto la qualità che dovrebbe avere.")
>— Leonardo da Vinci, Italian artist and scientist (2 May 1519), to King Francis I of France
>— Raphael, Italian artist (6 April 1520)

>> No.16618752

>Mehr nicht

>> No.16618774

of that list it's definitely
>"I die."[38][51]
>— Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician and scientist (18 September 1783)

>> No.16618789

>"I have loved justice and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile."

>> No.16618809

The rest is silence.
O, O, O, O!

>> No.16618817

The rest is silence

>> No.16618819

>"It's not an aircraft...it's....."
>— Frederick Valentich, Australian aviator (21 October 1978), last transmission before disappearing after possibly sighting a UFO

bros I'm scared

>> No.16618823

>"Oh fuck, I think it's ruptured."

>> No.16618825

I love Euler so much!

>> No.16618832

Who else bros.

>> No.16618843

>Shoot me nigga!

>> No.16618846

Steve “crocodile hunter” Irwin -

>> No.16618875

>Dear me, I think I'm becoming a God

>> No.16618906

>"Goodnight my kitten."
>Ernest Hemingway, July 2nd, 1961

>> No.16618915

"Now is not the time for making new enemies."[61][note 12]
— Voltaire, French writer (30 May 1778), when asked by a priest to renounce Satan before his death

This is pretty dope

>> No.16618986

Some of these are funny

>"Doctor, do you think it could have been the sausage?"
>- Paul Claudel, Feb 23rd, 1955

>"I'm finished. I don't even trust myself."
>-Joseph Stalin, March 5th, 1953

>"You ass-face!"
>- Vicente Huidobro, Jan 2nd, 1948

>"I'm bored. I'm bored."
>- Gabriele D'Annunzio, March 1st 1938

Some of these are truely /lit/

>"All fled, all done so lift me on the pyre. The feast is over, and the lamps expire."
>- Robert E. Howard, June 11th, 1936

>"Does nobody understand?"
>- James Joyce, Jan 13th 1941

>"Go away. I'm all right."
>- H.G. Wells, Aug 13th 1946

>"Now we can cross the Shifting Sands."
>L. Frank Baum, May 5th, 1919

>"At fifty, everyone has the face he deserves."
>George Orwell, Jan 21st, 1950

>"Goodnight my kitten."
>Ernest Hemingway, July 2nd, 1961

>"Ow, fuck!"
>Roald Dahl, Nov 23rd, 1990

Some are just scary though

>The object is directly ahead of and above me now, moving at about half my speed... It appears to be a metallic obkect or possibly reflection of Sun from metallic object, and it is of tremendous size... I'm still climbing... I'm trying to close in for a better look."
>- Thomas F. Mantell, Kentucky Air National Guard captain, during fatal pursuit of an UFO, Jan 7th 1948

>"Its not an aircraft...Its..."
> Frederick Valentich, Australian aviator, last transmission before disappearing after possibly sighting a UFO, Oct 21st, 1978

>> No.16619009

>"This is good, isn't it?"

>> No.16619049
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>"I don’t know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."[44]
> — Isaac Newton, English physicist
This is such a fitting last messages when compared to Kant always talking about a Newton coming by and explaining every detail about a blade of grass.

>theres some really funny ones in that list

>> No.16619050

"Now comes good sailing. Moose...Indian."
-Henry David Thoreau, high out of his mind on opium

>> No.16619071
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>and but not so

>> No.16619072
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OP, check out pic related; it's a whole book full of interesting last words.

>> No.16619082

Che's will always be kino, but Christine Chubbuck will always have the best.

>> No.16619105

>Shoot, coward! You'll only kill a man!

Coco Chanel
>This is how you die.

>> No.16619118

>"Ow, fuck!"
>— Roald Dahl, British author (23 November 1990), after a nurse pricked him with a needle

>> No.16619302

>"I mean, hey, two wrongs don't make a right, you know..."[378]
> — Etika, American YouTuber, streamer and model (c. 19 June 2019), in his last video, "I'm Sorry"

>"I can't fix myself."[379]
> — Elijah McClain, American massage therapist (24 August 2019), after being put in a chokehold by an arresting Aurora, Colorado police officer
>"My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts ...[383] Man, I can't breathe."[384]
> — George Floyd,
>"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."[386]
> – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Holy shit the quality drops immensely at the end. Sad to think that this will actually be like what we will leave behind for the future.

>> No.16619317

“How I wished I had not expressed my theory of evolution as I have done.”

Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882

>> No.16619379

Presumably his last words were a gurgling choke as he screamed after breathing in a deadly lungful of water.

>> No.16619384

>"The prettier. Now fight for it."[57]
>— Henry Arthur Jones, English dramatist (7 January 1929), when his nurse and his niece asked which of them he would prefer to stay with him

>> No.16619417


>> No.16619434

>Does nobody understand?
>What's that? Do I look strange?
Emily D
>I must go in -- the fog is rising --
>It's a long time since I drank champagne
>But the peasants? How do the peasants die?
Stonewall Jackson
>Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees
K Marx
>Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!
All these are pretty uncanny, I think.

>> No.16619441

based to the end

>> No.16619447

>Tolstoy literally died thinking about muh peasants
jesus the guy was obsessed

>> No.16619451

>Fuck you."[327]
— Tupac "2Pac" Shakur, American rapper (13 September 1996), to the first responder police officer at the scene of his murder
N—ers everybody.

>> No.16619461

I like how you conveniently left out the 4chan one about the skyking. Keep cherrypicking

>> No.16619464

>"I've had eighteen straight whiskeys--I think that's the record."

>> No.16619466

Crazy, but it's true

>> No.16619469

please stop now before you completely ruin the thread

>> No.16619475

>I guess this is the final twist... in my twisted world

>> No.16619481

"My name is Nick Berg, my father's name is Michael, my mother's name is Suzanne. I have a brother and sister, David and Sara. I live in West Chester, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia."[346]
— Nick Berg, American radio tower repairman (7 May 2004), on video before beheading by Islamist militants

kinda sounds like my diary, desu.

>> No.16619490

"What are you shooting at?! I'm Pat Tillman! I'm Pat fucking TILLMAN!"[344][345]
— Pat Tillman, American football player and Army Ranger (22 April 2004), while being fatally wounded by friendly fire in Afghanistan

>> No.16619496
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>Do not disturb my circles
-- Archimedes, before being stabbed to death.

nice quote by Alfred North Whitehead on it:
The death of Archimedes by the hands of a Roman soldier is symbolical of a world-change of the first magnitude: the Greeks, with their love of abstract science, were superseded in the leadership of the European world by the practical Romans.

>> No.16619517

Honestly dude deserves it for that narcisissm in his last words. Wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional.

>> No.16619566
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Thomas de Mahy, marquis de Favras, upon reading his death warrant: "I see that you have made three spelling mistakes."

>> No.16619589

I don't think it was narcissism, I think he was trying to identify himself so they'd stop shooting at him . . .

>> No.16619613

you're a fucking retard

>> No.16619662

>niggers tongue my anus

-Anon, 23, passed away from blunt trauma to the rectum in October 2020

>> No.16619818

>you transposed the double s's!

>> No.16619820

>Heil Hitler
>The Bolsheviks will hang you one day

>> No.16620428

>I beg of you, burn all of my works. It’s worthless, there’s nothing to be gleaned from anything I’ve ever written. I’ve also received a premonition of a certain “chapo trap house” that will emerge in the distant future because of my work. Torch it all, damnit!

>> No.16620679

Three flavours:

>I am Heinrich Himmler

>You ass-face!


>Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. And my advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it."

>> No.16620707
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That smug motherfucker

>> No.16620709

>"I desire to go to hell and not heaven. In the former place I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings, and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks, and apostles."
Biggie stole this line

>> No.16620753

Who said that?

>> No.16620794

The puritan guy who was executed by being flattened with rocks and his last words were "more rocks." This is depicted in the Crucible.

>> No.16620810

Also Hadrian's makee sad- anima blandula ;-;

>> No.16620826

Imagine living life with either absolutely no passion or no sense of humanity. Good luck retard.

>> No.16620830


>> No.16620847

Pretty sure it was the journalist who was trying to cover the history of El Chapo-the infamous drug lord who's like 4 feet tall-and found out they were going to be killed. Idk their name. Good quote though.

>> No.16620857


>> No.16620915
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Animula, vagula, blandula
Hospes comesque corporis
Quae nunc abibis in loca
Pallidula, rigida, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos.

Little soul, you charming little wanderer, my body’s guest and partner,
Where are you off to now?
Somewhere without colour, savage and bare;
Never again to share a joke.

>> No.16621058
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>"On the contrary!" — Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright (23 May 1906), to his maid, who had said his health was improving

>> No.16621260


>> No.16621263

this is by far the best one in the thread

>> No.16621391

>“Hack away you mean red nigger!”

>> No.16621421

Perfect if the maid had said his health was declining

>> No.16621608

>We are beggars. This is true.

>> No.16621687

fuck the police, we ride till we die

>> No.16621701
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>> No.16621759

He raped peasants

>> No.16621812

like a dog - just like a brute

>> No.16621900

>Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

>> No.16621976


>> No.16621986
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"I'd rather be fishing." -Jimmy L. Glass, executed by electrocution in Louisiana on June 12, 1987

>> No.16622123
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>Doc Holliday
In 1887, prematurely gray and badly ailing, Holliday made his way to the Hotel Glenwood, near the hot springs of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. He hoped to take advantage of the reputed curative power of the waters, but the sulfurous fumes from the spring may have done his lungs more harm than good. As he lay dying, Holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. When she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. The nurses said that his last words were, "This is funny." He always figured he would be killed someday with his boots on. Holliday died at 10 am on November 8, 1887. He was 36.

>Western badassness

>> No.16622239

>"Have I played my part well? Then applaud as I exit."

>> No.16623198



>> No.16623206

Dare i say...

>> No.16623217

It might be apocryphal but supposedly Hegel's last words were: "Only one man ever understood me, and not even he understood me."

>> No.16623257

The best move Caesar made was naming Augustus as his hier.
Imagine if Antony took over the throne.

>> No.16623277


>> No.16623285


>> No.16623538

To die in harness..
Fine anecdote, anon. Appreciate

>> No.16623570

fuck i love this one

>> No.16623842

Dialectical until the end, the old chaos magician.

>> No.16623964

Cheeky fucker

>> No.16623999

as if remembering a past life and realizing you're doomed to be reborn yet again

>> No.16624681


Nero's while the entire nation is looking for him to beat him to death

>what a mistake they're making.
>what an artist they're losing
>becomes an hero

>> No.16624748
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Always liked: "Isn't it true that we weren't cowards at Sedan?”
A story of decay come to its end.

>> No.16624771

>I'm tired of ruling over slaves

>> No.16624804

Pretty /lit/ life desu. He shouldn’t feel ashamed of it even if he wasn’t as successful as his uncle in the end.

>> No.16625197

Fuck man he tried his best.

Unfortunately for him no one’s ever gonna call Sedan a Waterloo though

>> No.16625377

It's been 5 years since I read BM and I still think about this.

>> No.16625524

>More light!

>> No.16627397
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>Die? Why, that's the last thing I'll do!
–Groucho Marx

>> No.16627446

Lol this can’t be real. These guys been rehearsing these lines for when they see the light or is it spontaneous?

>> No.16627808
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> "Now comes the mystery"
— Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman (8 March 1887)

>> No.16627851

>Dr McCoy, in his new loose-fit Wrangler jeans, rushed out onto the wing to physically remove Q’s giant hoolahoop
>What had possessed the man to even try this dangerous stunt, the Captain wasn’t sure.

>> No.16627922

Also from Groucho: "I intend to live forever--or die trying."

>> No.16627987

those weren't words so much as noises

>> No.16628352

Wasn't that Yossarian, in Catch-22?

>> No.16628363

>Doctah please, lemme suck that baby boy dick one more time. Please doctah, lemme suck that baby boy dick

-Michael Jackson

>> No.16628418

you have considered some templates for composing a death poem as you are dying, haven't you anon?


>> No.16629182

>Tis well. I die hard, but I am not afraid to go.

George Washington was such a fucking chad.