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/lit/ - Literature

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16613052 No.16613052 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw spending my entire 20s reading and writing literature instead of being a normalfag who goes out with the lads every night to chase women

Please tell me I’m not the only one. Am I going to regret this when I grow older?

>> No.16613069

No, as a normalfag who used to go out and do dumb shit to try and trick drunk whores into fucking me, I regret wasting my time on mindless hedonism. Over the past year I have gotten much deeper into reading history, literature, and philosophy, and am now currently writing notes on my first book idea. I am almost 27 and hope to be published before 28

>> No.16613076

>writing literature

>> No.16613087

Same dude. I've been spending more and more time by myself reading, working, and whatever else. What is the point of a group of friends in social situations where you honestly aren't even that appreciated or cared for? I don't know if everyone can relate to that. But it doesn't benefit me at all and many times what they're doing I'm not even that interested. I merely stuck around for the friendship, but it's mostly never reciprocated. People are largely disappointing dude. I haven't given up on all social outings but I have cut back considerably. And I can honestly say I'm quite content. I play games with some of my pals a few times a week and we chat, have a nice time. I talk to my dad. It's not bad.

Schopenhauer is right. Divorcing yourself from your primal urges is ideal. That is the source of much suffering.

>> No.16613090

sex is overrated

>> No.16613104

I read and write literature with the lads every night. And by the lads I mean my roommate and my cat.

>> No.16613136
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I know that feeling man.

For most of the week I'm just rotating from working my bug job to reading & studying. I often go several days without talking to anyone. I have roommates, but I usually get home so late that I don't see them.

The weekends are much of the same except I sometimes drink beer with my roommates on Saturday nights. That's been the bulk of my socialization for the past year.

Has anyone followed this lifestyle and achieved anything? I've read 50+ books so far this year and feel that I've learned a lot, but I don't think I've improved myself in any way materially. I'm trying to figure out if I should give this up and go back to mindlessly trying to score dates with women or watching tv shows.

>> No.16613147

God I fucking hate humble braggers

>> No.16613165

You can always regret what you didn't do. It only matters so far in what you are going to do.

>> No.16613175

>he doesn’t do both
Do you think history’s great artists and thinkers were all autistic recluses? They played both fields.

>> No.16613177

I didn't know it's either / or.

>> No.16613178

Most likely, you're not attractive enough to be appreciated by women, maybe even too ugly to have enjoyable socialization. Even if you were not aware of this, you subsconsciously adopted the best strategy, which is to shelter yourself, not being exposed to harm or ridicule.

>> No.16613191

Any time I see arguments like this, which imply that somehow you can't do both things, make think the person is a fucking retarded moron.

>> No.16613195

Why don’t you think you can do both? Having a gf is time consuming but chasing pussy and getting laid really isn’t. You’re probably a coomer and don’t talk to women.

>> No.16613224

>tfw spending my entire 10s reading literature and will probably spend my entire 20s doing the same thing
I want to be a monk though so all’s aight fellas

>> No.16613235



>> No.16613244

why do anonymous people on the internet tip toe around calling themselves incels?

>> No.16613245
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Me too. Im coming up on my 20s and I've already given up on trying to find a relationship, or even lifelong friends at this point. Maybe if I keep telling myself that books are all that i'll need it will become true.

>> No.16613259
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>be former neet
>now pass as a normie for about a 72 hour period of knowing me
>can confirm what this >>16613069 anon says
>realize I had it right the first time by going full ascetic

All that matters is you making the most of the time.

>> No.16613264

>this nigga telling himself it's over despite having 60 years ahead of him
why do people do this?

>> No.16613270

if you had done the opposite you'd spend every day fantasizing about either suicide or homicide. ever seen an incel? you are blind to your own privilege

>> No.16613318

Why is /lit/ full of normalfags? I just want a board full of book reading autists, not some whiny faggots wishing they were chad.

>> No.16613329

>tfw spending my entire 20s reading and writing literature instead of being a normalfag who goes out with the lads every night to chase women
Interesting. Where I live, that *is* being a normalfag.

>> No.16613338

People will value what they never had
The sick values health
The old values time
The young values money
The orphan values parents

>> No.16613356

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.16613370

Chill out Elliot Rodgers, all’s good in the hood.
But seriously though, I really can’t imagine what life would have been like had I not been the thot stuffing athlete stud throughout hs and college who now leads a philosophy reading, 4chan browsing, squat pumping neet lifestyle.
tldr pussy is overrated. severely so. the one gay encounter freshman year can attest to that. (No homo)
Tltldrdr buy hooker if desperate or get grinder and get dik suk. (No homo)

>> No.16613378
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>went on a social outing like twice in the last 7 years
I find zero value in socialization, it just doesn't interest me whatsoever. My extremely low need for human communication if it exists at all is satisfied by the internet.

>> No.16613381

Think you’re my roommate

>> No.16613383

>the one gay encounter freshman year can attest to that.
>get grinder and get dik suk.
>(No homo)

>> No.16613390

please don't be cringe

>> No.16613401

Moderation in all things homie.

>> No.16613539

I did not know what an incel was at that point in time. You need to remember incel is a relatively new "mindset". Virgin shaming is at its peak right now, but in the simpler times of the early 2010's being a virgin in college held no special status. It is only with the rise of tinder, and its unfalsifiable proof of hypergamy and the 80/20 rule being thrown into the face of average man against his will did this group rise to being from a fringe collection of men believing themselves to be late bloomers to the dark truth of them being doomed from birth. I don't have any qualms about incel thought, I can see the injustices from the outside. But nature has never been just, its only been magnified due to these groups of men finding each other and finding their common failings are all rooted in similar problems they have no hope to change.

>> No.16613553

I'm 21, I spend my days reading philosophy and my nights reading fragments from Greek poetry. I regret nothing and if I ever marry my kids will have the most interesting childhoods ever.

>> No.16613564

You're not the only one. I've recently turned 27 and regretted it bitterly.

>> No.16613583

>I'm coming up on my 20's
>my social life is over
Are you severly disfigure or severely overweight? Stop loathing in self-pity. Most of the people who complain about no gf no friends are that way because they never even tried to get any. You've got to put yourself in situations to make friends and meet girls.

>> No.16613600
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Same except I'm not writing anything.

>> No.16613603

I envy you halfway. I'm a minorly published author who's only been with 1 person. I know people say sex is overrated but those people don't know how lonely it is being unattractive and borderline autistic. Many times I've thought to myself that I would trade writing for charisma (or at least good looks). I just wish there was a way to break out of the grass is always greener mindset

>> No.16613610

how, pray tell, do you make friends as an adult, let alone in the time of covid?

>> No.16613637

Do you seriously think people aren't hanging out in small groups or in large groups? You're naive. Assuming you're the almost 20 whiner, then you're probably in college. Join a fucking club at school. It's literally that simple if you want friends. Join the club talk to the people there. I guarantee your major has a club that meets weekly too. Show up to that. Do you live in a dorm? Guess what your dorm probably hold events. Show up to an event and talk to people. You don't have friends because you chose not to be involved. You expected people to come to you and ask you personally. You probably also think you are above people who party or drink socially. Guess what people can sense that, and that's why they don't invite you to shit. Stop making excuses like "muh covid" and take some goddamn initiative.

>> No.16613652

I'm not that young anon. I'm not in college. I'm 25 living at home with none of my friends in this city. Hence why I asked about making friends as an adult.

>> No.16613653

Duuuuude. The grass is always greener. Isn’t that just the craziest human condition? Fuck I even feel like animals experience that shit. What gives?

>> No.16613665
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if you're doing it because it's what you enjoy and you have no interest in relationships, thats great and there's nothing to regret. You'll be ready when you're ready. (though dont neglect friendships.)

If you're doing it to prove a point then oh boy are you in for it

>> No.16613667

same dude, i mean i fucked a ton of chicks too but i'm over that. there's more to life than sex. no shame in being a fucking human being instead of a mindless animal who will have shitty kids with some shitty bitch who will make the world an even shittier place, being stupid, shallow, selfish assholes, who will grow up to be uncultured philistines that only care about sex like most people
stop worshipping women

>> No.16613669

Do you have a job? Talk to people at work and arrange to do things. Don't have a job, get one. Don't want to get a job? Go join some sort of sports class or arts class at a local arts center. Talk to the people before or after class. You could basically join some running group or some exercise or yoga class. It doesn't matter. There is some sort of group thing you can join going on in your city. There is some sort of event being held in your city where you can meet people. If you're that desperate for friends get a fucking job.

>> No.16613672

The grass is always greener OP.
Try reading Kierkegaard's Either/Or

>> No.16613676

Have sex, incel, and you will regret it.
Do not have sex, incel, and you will regret it.
This is the essence of philosophy.

>> No.16613693

As long as you’re happy and healthy. I wasted those years with anxiety and “soul -searching” and wish I had someone to guide me to the way I am now.
Still looking to improve myself

Sex is perfectly rated. Unless it’s really good sex.

>> No.16613706

Finally someone understands the artist’s eternal struggle. We’re going to make it, brother.

>> No.16613711

The grass is always greener anon.

>tfw I spent my late teens to mid twenties going in and out of jail because I always wanted to fuck around and party.

If I could go back and change it, I'd rather be in your position

>> No.16613713

>“soul -searching”

Ah, so those years of whoring around proved unfulfilling. And now that you hit the wall, you’re finally ready to settle down? Enjoy being a spinster for the rest of your life.

>> No.16613801

Idiot take. I was trying to justify belief in a god of some sort. Sort of Gnostic for a while then agnostic
“Hit the wall”? People age. “Settle down”? I’ve always wanted to that. It means something different for a lesbian of course, but I’m happy enough as is.
You’re not gonna make it

>> No.16613821

what is ur job?

>> No.16613846

Making someone else money, pampering people that don’t deserve the time of day.

If not for the necessity of keeping this dumb job, I’d be *very* happy working on things I want to work on.

>> No.16613852

>pampering people
>making someone else money
ur pimp?

>> No.16613875

Recovering normie here. Keep doing what you are doing.

>> No.16613877

Hahah. Hell no, horny. All jobs are described like that anyway. Pimps and hoes metaphorically.

>> No.16613983

Because it's a buzzword whose original meaning has been lost?

>> No.16615021

dude just go out. maybe you love it and have so much fun that you start doing it all the time. good on you. or, you might do it a bunch, and see that most of the time you are not enjoying it, and are thinking about how you are wasting your time not writing and reading. just try it bud, and see how it is. that's the only real answer that will help you see if such a thing is worth doing for you, or if you are just thinking that "the grass is greener on the other side."
and here's a point which many people seem to neglect: why do so many of you think that sex will solve all your problems? for those of you who don't get laid, you should know that a lot of people who do have sex must deal with new problems to do with sex. you might suffer performance anxiety, get self-conscious about your body or dick, catch an STD, get a bitch preggo, etc etc. if you are THIS fucking starved for sex, just go find a slampig and get it out of your system. if you wanna wait for a 'quality girl' (good luck), then do that. if you have serious life goals that you'd rather pursue, or if you don't really like dealing with an attention-seeking time-consuming woman, then just do your thing. don't make life so complicated for yourself. do what you enjoy, but obviously not to an extent where it harms you. be healthy, happy, and productive. this is the best advice i can give you, fren

>> No.16615036

American pie, Superbad...

>> No.16615224

thanks bro, i needed to hear that :^)

>> No.16615234
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>> No.16615243


do beta men really enjoy entertaining whores for free? if so, no wonder society is fucking dead.

>> No.16615262

American Graffiti, Grease, Basically any teen movie....

>> No.16615282

My only regret is that I didn't withdraw from the world earlier. At 31 I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that the intensely extroverted Western world just isn't built for me. I spent much of my life trying to fit my square peg into the world's round hole and it made me miserable. I'm much happier now that I've started to genuinely recognize and accept the fact that I'm just not well equipped for conventional success in the society the extroverts have set up, primarily for themselves. If any younger anons out there are struggling with similar things, keep your head up. It's tough for people like us and it's only getting harder. That doesn't mean we're worthless because we don't want to constantly be social. You don't need a high-powered job or a bunch of money to be happy. You don't need a wife and you don't need kids. None of those things are objectively tied to happiness. The older I get, the more I am genuinely grateful for the freedom I have. If I wanted to, I could pick up everything tomorrow and move to Guatemala without ANY considerations beyond the logistical. I couldn't do that if I had more significant obligations.

>> No.16615291

Not op. I haven't been laid in years. I do think about it a lot but I'm not desperate or starved. I considered paying for it but decided the money is better off in my wallet. It's not sex but intimacy that i want. I know that sounds faggy and cliche but it's the truth. For me, this desire is a pure velleity. A man can dream of a better life without seeking it out, surely... the real trouble is allowing that slave mentality to creep into my artistic life

>> No.16615305

There is a balance, you know? Of course you wouldn't be able to maximise the amount of literature you're able to digest, but at least you'd get some of the normalfag social experience. I dislike the narrative of it being some noble sacrifice to act like an autist, there's plenty of well-read, well-articulated, people who also go out with friends to get drunk and chase women.

>> No.16615342

Underrated post. Patricians mate in spring, read in the summer, write poetry in autumn, and prose during winter.

>> No.16615417
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This is the way

>> No.16615423

even if you do regret it, remember that at the time you would have rather stayed at home and studied.

>> No.16615425
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>Do you think history's greats were [thing you are]? They were [thing I am].

>> No.16615590

It's difficult. Of course you can do things like do sports and see whether there are people you like and vice versa but usually these are only good for not feeling alone. They usually aren't genuine friendships.
For that as an adult you need common values and time to spend together.
My advice: get a gf, marry her and have children.

>> No.16615593

>My advice: get a gf, marry her and have children.
Yeah, and don't forget to buy product. What could go wrong?

>> No.16615598

So what are you going to do in your life?
I'm curious.

>> No.16615607

buying something won't help him being lonely.

>> No.16615618

I did both for most of my youth and early 20s, but I'm a little more introverted than I'd like to be, tend to have episodes of depression and am kind of socially dumb, I ended up an alcoholic.
I've been in and out of rehab since then and now my life is 100% reading and writing because I can't enjoy social gatherings much without being intoxicated. From time to time I worry how I'll ever meet new friends or a partner like this, but mostly I'm fine. It's not like the people I met during my "party days" were that interesting.

>> No.16615621


I wanted the nerd table that played dnd not some low iq fags seething over chad and stacy fucking

>> No.16615624

> chasing women
Simpus Maximus.

>> No.16615628

No, OP. Women are a waste of time and a source of corruption. If you really want a wife then I can almost guarantee you that if you dislike overly indulgent shallow gatherings then it'd be best of you not to worry about meeting a woman there.
Have sex with one you've had sex with them all.
I regret wasting my time with so many of succubi and I'm only 25.

>> No.16615693

I'm still figuring that out. I am not just introverted but intensely introverted, and there aren't well-defined, general roles in society for people who get as overstimulated as I do by being around others. Right now I am 100% stable and self-sufficient, and for right now that's enough. It's still a little scary to me how comfortable I am with so "little," at least as far as societal messaging is concerned, but like I said, I'm finally starting to come to terms with the fact that I really am just different from most people in a pretty significant way. I don't think that makes me better than anyone else. Hell, I'm still working on just not seeing myself as worse. But I can't just ignore it anymore and pretend that I'm not just a different kind of human. Honestly, if I can just kill that specific demon, it doesn't matter to me if my writing never catches on, or if I spend the rest of my life comfortably alone. There's a big part of me that just sincerely wants that and doesn't care about the rest. I didn't make this world, and it wouldn't be my job to fix it even if I were capable of passing judgment on it in the first place.

>> No.16615894

If you dont live the life outside your house, what will you write about? It will certainly be shitty literature, grounded on more literature, instead of being grounded in reality. To write, you must live.
“People are the best show in the world, and you don't have to even pay for the ticket.”

>> No.16616035

>Am I going to regret this when I grow older?
Probably if you will be unhappy in your later life with your situation. A lot of our media is telling us that we miss something in order to sell us products.

>I am genuinely grateful for the freedom I have
>If I wanted to, I could
>people who get as overstimulated as I do by being around others
You describe yourself as a very introverted person who has a hard time around other people, plus you have a job where that isn't a problem and are happy with that.
Anon in what way are you free if other people easily drag you down?
Are you only free if you isolate yourself in nature and on the internet?

>> No.16616234

You might have to regret it in future, even if what you have chosen to do, is a LOT MORE APPRECIATABLE AND IMPORTANT FOR HUMANITY, than hanging out with friends and fucking. Let me explain you why. These days SOCIAL MEDIA RULES PEOPLE'S LIVES. You actually need to have friends irl, to post about your meetings with on your social media page, to be able to get some following for your page, as NO ONE FOLLOWS A LOSER WITH NO FRIENDS. And, no need to mention, you need to have following for your social media page to be able to become hired by someone or to find some collaboration partners, because NO ONE HIRES OR WORKS WITH A LOSER WITH NO FOLLOWING. There are only a few fields of work and professions this shit does not apply to, and WRITING IS NOT one of those. As a matter of fact, you need to be EXTRA POPULAR in social media, to succeed as a writer, because people read books not because of the story but because of who wrote the story.

Just for your information. Do not wonder if you do not succeed as a writer, in case you have no social media page or you are not popular with it. I am not a writer even if I dream about writing, but on the field of applied arts and this SOCIAL MEDIA SHIT heavily applies to me too.

I need to preach about this tyranny of social media as most people are too stupid to see it. You know, just going with the flow, not being able to look outside their box.

>> No.16616243

>because TODAY people read books not because of the story but because of who wrote the story.

>> No.16616330

Hahaha. I haven't had any friends for 25 years now, only acquaintances I can have a chat with every now and then. This is partly because I am sexually failed and can not find anyone who'd be as failed as me in that sense (the ill and the disabled do not count as they are not failed but hindered) and would accept me as a friend, and partly because I pull away when someone is trying to make friends with me, because I know they'd drop me for getting to know, after a while, that I am sexually failed, badly so. Then again, I do not really desire to hang out with friends, even if it would be helpful to have some, to be able to go places where people do not usually go alone, and also to turn to, when having difficult times. Otherwise, my social needs are satisfied by chatting with someone in the internet or meeting people at work or school/uni etc. At the moment I do not go to work or have courses to attend to aside from one.

I just wanted to tell this, because so many people complain about not having friends when they had to spend alone for a few months or years.

>> No.16616428

>Show up to an event and talk to people. You don't have friends because you chose not to be involved.
Shut up, normie. PEOPLE WON'T TALK TO YOU IF YOU APPEAR TOO WEIRD. In other words, if you are a young person, and can not be like your peers, can not act, talk or think like your peers do in general or in some sub group of your peers, YOUR PEERS WILL THINK THAT YOU ARE MENTALLY DISABLED and turn their back not replying to you. That's just the way it goes to some of ua. I am not young anymore but that is how it was already back when I was young. I have only fully grasped it as older. Back when I was young, I actually thought that I am low IQ or mentally disabled, as everyone of my peers seemed to think so (because I wasn't able to be like them), even if I clearly am not low IQ or mentally disabled, posting here fluently in a foreign language, even about complex topics at times. Also my grades always were good if only I wasn't too depressed to do my homework.

I fucking HATE the way normies always try to make it look as if the SOCIALLY REJECTED individuals fucking chose their isolation themselves. They do it, so that no one would accuse them of socially rejecting part of the people, the ones who are not normies, or having it better, having friends.

>> No.16616443

You can do both.

>> No.16616447

That's the thing. History's greats were all chads.

>> No.16616476

I think you'll regret less than spending all your time on 4chan and a very smell percentage of that reading and writing like me.

>> No.16616482

>Am I going to regret this when I grow older?
Regret is a choice you make. I appear quite normal to outsiders and partake in normal activities like this anon >>16613069. I still occasionally enjoy mindless hedonism, but I've more or less settled down with my qtp gf. The most important thing is the goals you set for yourself. You feel regret because you feel like there's no meaning in what you do, but nothing means anything unless you want it to. I still struggle with this despite all the 'accomplishments' incels would hate me for.

>> No.16616485

I made zero friends among my classmates in undergrad. The only people I could vaguely call “friends” were certain professors who would invite me over to dinner frequently to talk about books. Other than that, I spent my entire wary 20s reading and working out. Never really cares for friends and I don’t regret it at all.

>> No.16616486

get off of english internet websites you shitskin pajeet rat

>> No.16616500

If you're using literature and the intellectual lifestyle as some kind of a faux identity that should compensate for your inability to fit in the normie herd in spite of wanting to be one of the lads obsessing about cars, drinking in bars, talking about sports, you will deeply regret your decisions.

>> No.16616520

I spent my teens on 4chan then in my early twenties I out of the blue just moved into an apartment completely on my own with absolutely no friends and proceeded to spend quite a good number of years going down a rabbit hole of trying to adapt to social life. There was a lot of drug abuse and madness in that time and I pushed quite a good number of people away squandering my chances at a "normal life". 28 now living back at my mothers and in the last few years I've read more and more and more and generally I'm thankful for all the horror because it's definitely added a depth and application to the things I read and I feel a lot more "whole" these days but man if life can't be a really difficult thing. I wouldn't hold anything against yourself if that's you , then do you because the worst thing you can do to yourself is try and be something you're not.

>> No.16616537

sex havers are disgusting
get an std and die

>> No.16616566

You’ll regret it either way.

The solution is to try to know yourself.
Kierkeegard might help.

>> No.16616575

Just pay a prostitute, it's the same thing but without the bullshit and might even be cheaper.

>> No.16616604


>> No.16616614

You already regret it

>> No.16616691

>That's just the way it goes to some of uS.

>> No.16616716

You don't understand Kierkegaard's writing at all.

>> No.16616752

When is the last time you had sex? If under a year, your opinion is discarded

>> No.16616766

>Anon in what way are you free if other people easily drag you down?
I'm free because if I don't get tied down emotionally I don't have any moral obligation to act in ways which take their interests into account. It's true that I get fatigued really quickly by even surface level social interaction, but if I get tired from that, emotional connection is overwhelmingly intense and exhausting. By maintaining my distance I can protect myself from people's expectations as well as their expectations from me. I experience things really intensely in general -- intensely enough that I really don't need much from the outside world to feel fulfilled. My outer world is a destitute collection of "things," but my inner world is rich, dynamic, and nuanced. Does the internet play a factor? Yeah, maybe. With the internet you have something that approaches the collective output of our entire species since the dawn of written history. How could you possibly have all that and ever feel bored or uninterested? I get stuck in the rationalizations as well. I doubt myself frequently. I'm a human being, and human beings are a social species. Am I lying to myself? Do I have this deeply harbored longing for the outside world I can't admit even to myself? I am constantly asking myself these questions, and I sincerely try to find the answer every time. Am I incredibly lonely and deceiving myself? What it just comes down to is that I'm never lonely. I don't know what it feels like. I know what it feels like to be overstimulated and emotionally exhausted, but I don't think I have ever once been lonely. I trust that more than I trust any abstract reasoning where my own internal state is concerned.

>> No.16616769

If you have talent.

>> No.16616926

Why can’t faggots just explain what they think instead of just writing ‘lol you’re wrong’. Makes me tired.

>> No.16617030

Probably just because you basically said the opposite thing in the same way. You said that Kierkegaard was relevant to OP's question without giving any reasoning. That suggestion was dismissed without giving any reasoning, probably because there wasn't anything to engage with.

>> No.16617035
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>mfw I'll have read the canon by age 30
>mfw others will have two children and an unstable marriage
thinking good marriage is preferable to no marriage is preferable to poor marriage. I'm content with being a worker on the outside and a NEET in my heart/interests, at least since I'll probably get out of grad school at 25/26 (then I'll have to go full productivitywank and contribute to society).

>> No.16617066

If you can't find a way to balance both then you are ngmi anyway. Most authors are pretty normalfag in many ways besides a few figures

>> No.16617208

No, I gave reasoning that self knowledge is the key when making a decision and he wrote about importance of it. That is my understanding of him. Do you fucking want me to add a reference? This is 4chan post faggot not a peer review article. So you can either explain why you think I am wrong and what your understanding is, or stfu.

>> No.16617236
File: 99 KB, 526x774, 1598920987779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a virgin and will remain so until marriage, and will remain so until death if I don't marry. There is more to life than sex.

>> No.16617624

It's amazing, isn't it, that when people complain about their loneliness, telling that the reason for it is that they are introverted or not fitting in, they get a HUGE pat on their back, all kinds of people supporting them and trying to solve their problem. But, if they tell that they are lonely, because they are failed or weak somehow, EVERYBODY JUST IGNORE them. So, is it that when people give their support to the lonely one, they are actually trying to socialize, to make friends? And that when they leave a loser alone to suffer from their loneliness, without support, it's because they DO NOT WANT TO socialize with that person, but get the hell away from them.

Just a question. Of a commonplace thing to happen everywhere, also in the internet. Also people deserve to be reprimanded about this shit as often as possible, because they are complete HYPOCRITES in this sense: helping other people with their problems as long as it is beneficial, not harmful in any way, to themselves.

And now you all of course ignore this comment, because that is the most common way of trying to invalidate other people's comments on /lit/, instead of presenting gross lies of the writer of the comment or calling them names.

>> No.16617834

That jealousy is going to kill you.

>> No.16617868
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grug parents migrate to other tribe when grug is a grugling, grug have spirit whisper "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" in two ears, grug haunted by spirit since grug was a grugling, grug also "achoo" from flower semen, grug no see big tooth cat far away, grug no want live in world ruled by long nose tribe. Grug only 20 cycles old, grug no want live 60 cycles more under living circumstances, grug no want live anymore

>> No.16617880

literally we-live-in-a-societyposting

>> No.16618204

tfw have psychosis and dunno whats real

>> No.16618502

Thank you for your answer, anon.

>> No.16618747

You would rather that the weak and ugly get any sort of positive attention? Preposterous!

>> No.16618759

Lesbians no not exist.

>> No.16618761


>> No.16620180


>> No.16620203

Probably a grass is greener thing, people obviously regret hedonistic shit too

>> No.16620258

I'm not doing anything
I'm just sad, I feel bad all the time or try to distract myself from feeling bad, it's all I do
If my mom wasn't alive I would killed myself by now

>> No.16620309

Straight people don’t exist.

These things are what bisexuals wish were true. Get over it.

>> No.16620317

based kierkechad

>> No.16620319

The masculine and feminine principles and their mixture are metaphysical fundamentals. Once again, homosexuality does not exist.

>> No.16620362
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i dont think the dichtomy is so cleary delineated
think of it in a greek frame of mind, since this board prefers antiquity out of sheer anachronistic zeal, though i dont fault it, but rather am slightly despaired at their lack of critical critique, and of treating books as if they were somethign sacred and not something to learn from. you cannot learn anything from a teacher that is not your equal, because all that man has is pomp and knowledge which puffeth up. sheer vanity.
hesoid says that men should be 30 when they marry, and marry a 15 yo tho that isnt possible at present.
what this means is that a man should cultivate himself, divorce himself from his instincts and learn, have something to teach his kids, so that when they grow up they dont just have another kid around as a parent, who really knows nothing of the essence of life, but is frequented with pure dull hedonism and superfluity of existence.
read with the zeal that you will teach your kids the lessons that you learned through great amounts of suffering, though they will suffer for the burden of wisdom, to the extent that you can extend it to them.
but know it is better to suffer in your dawn than rot in retrospect at twilight
there is nothing worse than ruing the sunset away, knowing that nothing you can do will sate the setting sun, and that its rage increases in proportion to the time you waste under its reign

also yoooo what manga is that

>> No.16620458
File: 59 KB, 600x465, E6C7C014-5FEF-4266-BAB3-632D9F1BC034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sice the latter is wrong, the former is up for question

>> No.16620835

Me mum made most of her friends at work.