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16612416 No.16612416 [Reply] [Original]

>In our thirties, consequential experiences start to slow. School will be over or nearly so. We will have invested time in careers or made the choice not to. We, or our friends, may be in relationships and starting families. We may own homes or have other responsibilities that make it difficult to change directions. With about 80 percent of life’s most significant events taking place by age thirty-five, as thirtysomethings and beyond we largely either continue with, or correct for, the moves we made during our twentysomething years.

>The deceptive irony is that our twentysomething years may not feel all that consequential. It is easy to imagine that life’s significant experiences begin with big moments and exciting encounters, but this is not how it happens.

>Researchers in this same study found that most of the substantial and lasting events - those that led to career success, family fortune, personal bliss, or lack thereof - developed across days or weeks or months with little immediate dramatic effect. The importance of these experiences was not necessarily clear at the time but, in retrospect, the subjects recognized that these events had sharply defined their futures.

You ARE making the most of your twenties, aren't you Anon?

>> No.16612449

Stop reading self-help bullshit.

>> No.16612553

>tfw 26 and already failed to set up a path to achieving my dreams
It’s all over for me, isn’t it.

>> No.16612582

I knew a physician who was pretty much - while not a loser - very unsuccessful until he was 30, when he went to medical school. Your 20s don't matter. People want you to think they do so you stop trying later on. If you're going to stop trying, do it right and collect SSA disability income. Don't cope out and get stuck making 50k or 60k at 30.

>> No.16612590

Why does this matter. Just youthmaxx and follow your heart.

>> No.16612598

20's don't matter and you forcing everything in your 20's doesn't mean you're wise enough to take advantage of it.

>> No.16612623

How do I youthmaxx bro?
I NEED friends.

>> No.16612644

Late teens to late 20s is the time where you have to set up your trajectory for success. This includes career prospects, physical health and social skills. Once you hit your late 20s, early 30s these fundamental differences simply accelerate the actual differences in finances, social status, access to resources, health, sexual choice etc. on auto-pilot. It's very difficult to turn things around, you basically need a stroke of huge luck (usually by assuming huge risk with investment or business) to catch up and overtake your peers.

>> No.16612657

the cult of youth was so early 19th ce

>> No.16612685

Highly hylic thread, enter with caution

>> No.16613675


>> No.16613691
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Iktf. The worst thing is knowing that even I had a second shot, I'd just fuck my life up all over again.

>> No.16615126


>> No.16615255

Fuck off shill

>> No.16615310


>> No.16616221

Stop coping loosers

>> No.16616253

>Taking advice from women who aren't your mother

>> No.16616663

I'm 34 and this is partly true. You can still take some sharp turns in life, but it becomes more painful as you age.

>> No.16616672

>just sit on 4chan
>don't do anything with your life
>don't set up your future
>refresh refresh refresh
>sit around asking questions, don't do anything
>reject society, you don't need to live in it

>> No.16617657

This, make sure you have a good mother though.

>> No.16617666

You don`t need to do this in order to reject the OP. These self help books are truly about getting one ASAP on the treadmill.

>> No.16617669

Bro I'm 27 and feeling it already. What would you have done 7 years ago (meaning you'd be my age) to improve your life?

>> No.16617833

Shit I'm on track to be making 60k at 30. I have the resources and time to obtain more education/credentials, but have no solid idea what to do. Even if I went for an MBA who knows if I'd be doing better than now.

>> No.16617852

Develop a skill, value your family and relationships and take care of your health.
Also, don't stress the small stuff.

>> No.16617916

I'm not having that great of a time in my 30s. I'm more financially stable, sure, but not much is new and exciting anymore.

>> No.16617936

im khv 27 year old and still stuck in a dead end job and have no energy to learn any new skills or even to engage in my hobbies. my life's already over

>> No.16617937

Why the fuck should I care about half that stuff as 22 year old if I will either work till I'm 78 or get automated away by 42, and probably live till 110 if I don't spend my days eating greasy fast food considering the medical advances we can expect till just 2060?

>> No.16617980


Your 20's for sure define a lot of shit in your life, but I dislike the defeatist behaviour lots of anons here and irl take in relation to it. Just because you are 30 doesn't mean you will be sad for the rest of your life because your 20's were shitty. You can still improve your health, career, hobbies, family and such, it will just be harder if your foundation was shitty. It's no big deal and >>16612449
You should have enough money for it to not be a limiting factor in your life. Having enough money to buy a house, raise your family, to eat decently, life insurance, go to a gym and do outdoor activities without worrying is the objective. Making more than six figures a year is pointless, but making about that value is just enough balance between work and free, quality time, but 70k can be just enough in small cities.

>> No.16618606

i dont understand this book. read it during a major existential crisis last year and it was of no help at all. just random stories from people changing something in their lives, sure if you are a normalfag in the exact same situation with the exact same personality you could do the exact same thing, but asides from that it's just clickbait. good thing i didnt buy it and read the epub

>> No.16618637
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kinda off topic but can some old anons tell me what dating is like in your late 20's/early 30's? I'm 25 and just had a breakup and I want to know if it gets easier or harder to find a long term partner. meeting girls is harder now that I'm not in school, that's for damn sure.

>> No.16618704

i'm afraid it looks like your best bet is online dating. i faced the exact issue as you about a year ago, and after observing the dating processes in friends/acquaintances, most all of them met their romantic partners through tinder. might be different because of geographical and age differences (i'm a tad younger than you) but i honestly know very little couples/flings/whatever's in between that didn't meet online. interestingly enough (some anons might say obviously) those that did meet offline tend to last the longest.

>> No.16619309

Please don’t get more into debt getting an MBA at a meh school that your work doesn’t pay for

>> No.16619315

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.16619324

Bro, only go to an MBA program if it's really top tier. The value of an MBA is twofold: a) brand recognition in your CV; and b) connections/networking.

>> No.16619336

life is a serious of struggles and moments of elation and we can only improve at getting better at recognizing when we are inside of each one but we will never succeed completely and thus is the journey and money doesn't FUCKING MATTER YOU IDIOTS

the money doesnt


do a job that makes you feel useful

>> No.16619342

Wait until you have kids and come back to me with this shit.