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/lit/ - Literature

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16601068 No.16601068 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw anglo
>tfw cant be a NEET for more than a few weeks without developing an uncontrollable urge to get back to work or chimp out
I guess he was right bros

>> No.16601100
File: 358 KB, 400x469, 1600125902694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why Weber isn't more popular on /lit/. His rationalisation thesis is an excellent critique of modernity and fits well with a lot of /lit/'s sentiments. Maybe he just isn't easy to meme.
It's a shame because he's one of my favourite writers.

>> No.16601122

That's not even what that book is about idiot.

>> No.16601128

Max Weber

Start with conclusion that white people are “The Best!” and then find the stories that will lead to that, and piss on the stories that don’t.

So we can’t have rationality therefore there is no cause and effect, or at least the causes that show white people to be thieving con artists.

And we compare to the asians and the africans and the jews because they can’t into capitalism without revolting; therefore capitalism is white - did we mention white people are "The Best?" Then lump the Pinkos into that group too because if they were really white, then they too could understand how capitalism is god.

Then make a story of white capitalism that leaves out all the exploitation, extortion, and thievery that makes capitalism work.

Top it off with, “Because God said so.”

Did I get it right?

>> No.16601145

Not even close.

>> No.16601160

maybe next time buddy.

>> No.16601183

This is just sad when a shitposter can't even be bothered to skim the wikipedia summary

>> No.16601219
File: 278 KB, 500x352, 1600125902632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, given this reply maybe it's better than /lit/ doesn't talk about him.

>> No.16601232

>white people are “The Best!”
obviously true

>> No.16601237

>capitalism bad!
>work ethic bad!
proto-marxist cope

>> No.16601243

Literally the opposite

>> No.16601254

Goddamn, every single fucking bait reply only makes me realize how unintelligent and ill-read this board is. You couldn't even skim the fucking wikipedia summary.

>> No.16601336

Regardless of what Weber says, both of those statements are true.

>> No.16601376

I don’t need to read the book it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.16601385
File: 85 KB, 305x374, Bohm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is still better than its alternative.

>> No.16601423


>Did I get it right?

Yeah. I got it right.

>> No.16601467
File: 446 KB, 1024x1555, 8pm3f-eziex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weber was another retard economist who, like ALL retard economists, lacked a decent theory of economics based in science; human behavior, thermodynamics [energy] and entropy, and real wealth [natural resources] vs artificial wealth [debt] - you won't find any of this in Weber, who associates the success of the western nations with "work ethics", which is the equivalent of your grandfather saying that the economy in his time was great because everyone had more gumption in their work spirit. If this is truly what you believe then congratulations, you're a bona fide modern economist fit to teach at Yale! But if you want some real knowledge you'll do better to study natural, physics-based phenomenon and laws such a dissipative structures and and the role of energy in society (read Earl Cook's "Man. Energy. Society" for something well rounded on the subject).

>> No.16601480

>white people
>work ethic
I guarantee that 99% of the one million hardest working people in the world are non-white third worlders

>> No.16601485
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans literally cut off their own arms if it means not having to work too much

>> No.16601488 [DELETED] 

doubt it, in low trust societies like in the 3rd world hard work isn't really rewarded

>> No.16601502

hard work means survival in many of those shitholes, seems like a pretty fair reward
meanwhile in western society the people rewarded most are ones born never having to work a single day in their lives

>> No.16601513 [DELETED] 

guaranteed jeff bezos works harder than you can even imagine

and if you guys had actually read ops book you'd know the reason the work pays off is because when trad prots get paid they dont blow it consooming bullshit, they save it and reinvest in new ways of increasing their productivity

>> No.16601529
File: 23 KB, 741x649, 1437392201671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the richest country in the world because Americans work harder than everyone else.

>> No.16601536

they did yes, emphasis on the past tense. Japs did the same and modernized quickly despite lack of natural resources.

>> No.16601537

holy shit the kid who deleted his posts is almost too pathetic to be funny
what infographics are the zoomers getting all their information from these days?

>> No.16601894

no its because Europe was bombed to shit in WWII effectively destroying the competition the US had since they basically exited WWII unscathed.

>> No.16602254

no. and even if that were true it would be from necessity not a cult of worshipping work, 'productivity' and your boss. most people in undeveloped and developing countries, like most human beings that ever lived, do not work for someone else and may not even have this notion of 'having a job' and 'working', they just do what their family does, they don't rat race or obsess over notions of holding a job and being productive. there is a huge cultural difference.

also, it's not 'white people' it's mainly germanics who have an autistic work culture. if you've ever worked with non-whites who are not inoculated into germanic culture you'll find they seem pretty lazy, get distracted easily and don't really care about doing things properly (at least not without an authority figure breathing down their neck). and yes this applies to east asians too.

>> No.16602268

there's a difference between laboring like a mule and being productive, most mules are lazy anyway tho lol