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/lit/ - Literature

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16601123 No.16601123 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? This extreme exercise begins on November 1st and ends at midnight of November 30th. We've already got a fair number of /lit/izens preparing to attempt the challenge.

Invite to our Discord. Join for casual writing talk, stay for the familiar 4chan autism.

Our thread over on the NNWM forum. Their website is rather useful for tracking your novel but the forum is not helpful for people like us.

Use this thread to discuss ideas, ask questions, and tell us it's not possible to write anything worth reading in 30 days.

>> No.16601131
File: 80 KB, 900x878, Well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you writing YA this NaNo?

>> No.16601139

I just signed up on the website earlier, not sure what to do with it tbdesu. Do you just use it to announce you're writing something as an incentive to commit to it?

>> No.16601140
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I'm writing about a Young Adult women getting viciously FUCKED so yeah I guess so.

>> No.16601147
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yeah and then you join our discord for the actual camaraderie required to feel a vague sense of community

>> No.16601151

>Young adult women getting viciously FUCKED
Haha yes but remove the adult part. I-it's ok tho because he's a villain.

>> No.16601164
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>5 posts in and we're already talking about raping

You'd fit right in on the discord server.

>> No.16601170

So how do they tell if you've gotten a head start? Or is it just for doing it for yourself?

>> No.16601174

What's his name?

>> No.16601175
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You can get any kind of headstart you want. All that matters is you write 50,000 words during the month of November. It's just up to you to be honest about your word count over on their site.

>> No.16601184

meant for >>16601170

>> No.16601210
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>Want to write Science Fiction
>start writing
>too much of a brainlet to know how science works
>have to look up things like speeds for orbits, how lasers work, pressure and relativity and time
>Every thing I look up leads deeper down the Wikipedia rabbit hole
>Give up

>> No.16601217

God I want to fuck them. I want to do what Holden did to Phoebe. But with both of them.

>> No.16601225
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Take them for a nice and wholesome walk in the park? :)

>> No.16601231
File: 63 KB, 200x198, baleful cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that means you don't actually have anything to communicate and should probably stick with your vidya. sorry bub.

>> No.16601234

rape the shit out of them.

>> No.16601236

Im gonna do it. Im gonne write a book.

>> No.16601240

sure you are, buddy.

>> No.16601250


join the server and prove it, faggot

>> No.16601253

It's gonne be a sickie.

>> No.16601259
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We're all gonna make it

>> No.16601314

I'm finally going to do it this year lads. I'm going to open my creative sphincter and let it ooze out after all these years of constipation.

>> No.16601340
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That sounds...good.

>> No.16601479

R8 my premise

>Crow's Laughter Island is shocked and terrified when a mutilated body is found in the Crowbarrens outside of town. The victim's eyeballs have been ripped out and all of his buttons stolen. Mayor Peckfeather seems eager to hush up the discovery and move on with life, claiming that the victim died of exposure to the elements. Unbeknownst to him, the victim had purchased a life insurance policy which awards one million dollars in the even of death by exposure. Private Investigator Mitchell Caugh is dispatched to find evidence to disprove the claim and avoid the massive payout, but finds himself conflicted after meeting with the victim's niece/beneficiary and discovering that things don't quite add up. Hoping to get laid, he sets out to battle the island's hyperaggressive crows and hostile locals in order to discover who (or WHAT!?) really killed the man in the thrilling novel... DEATH BY MURDER

>Caugh struggled onward through the flock of crows, nearly tripping as they pecked and ripped at the hem of his pants. He casually let loose the dry stalks of wild corn, not noticing as they snapped back to slap Paige Halloway in the face and spilled shriveled kernels all over the ground.
>"I never want to see another crow for as long as I live," said Caugh. A nearby crow cocked it's head and looked longingly at Caugh's eyes, almost as if he had understood what the detective was saying and was prepared to fulfill his wish.
>"Maybe," said Paige. "If you'd stop knocking the corn loose they wouldn't follow you so much."
>Caugh stopped short and held up a fist to silence Paige while he used his other fist to swat away the agitated crows.
>"Did you hear that?" asked Caugh. "Someone was calling my name."
>"It was the crows again."
>Caugh unholstered his revolver and clicked the hammer back.
>"I'm not afraid to use this thing," he hissed. And then he was shouting.
>"I'm not afraid of anything!"

>> No.16601504

mite b cool. at least somewhat unique. join our server

>> No.16601524

Fellas, is it a crime wanting to write a strong and unopposable female character?
Does that make me a cuck and an unchad? Or does it just mean I miss my mummy?

>> No.16601530
File: 24 KB, 355x401, 1549036520881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get back to your femdom vids

>> No.16601535

That means you're a fucking faggot. Stop sperging your fetiches out.
This is a real man: >>16601234

>> No.16601574

>researching science and facts for a novel
>not just making science up as you write
>not realizing it's a made-up story so it doesn't matter anyway
I found the faggots!

>> No.16601579
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but what about muh authenticity

>> No.16601628

>Take them for a nice and wholesome walk in the park? :)
I'd do anything to have a fulfilling relationship with a girl like this, filled with mutual love and admiration.
We'd look out for one another, and understand each other like no one else could understand us.
We'd be the beginning of a family, and eventually build that family together.

>> No.16601666
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Please remove this post.

>> No.16601708

I like it but it also sounds very cheesey, i dont mean to offend by that but its very 1950's pulp magazine story tier sounding

>> No.16601722

keep this shit to tumblr and youtube faggot

>> No.16601774

t. brooding crab in a bucket with no novel

>> No.16601827

Everyone knows both of those platforms are dead.

>> No.16601978

yeah i guess. i guess i should start planning though. did it last year but the whole novel was stream of consciousness, just making it up as i went along

>> No.16601989

I used to do that at high school English and in pencil and the night before it was due and get a B+ but I think out of spite because my shit was good

>> No.16602009

i cringe so much whenever i read someone using their PhD as a central part of their personality

>> No.16602056
File: 80 KB, 750x872, woodandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cringe so much whenever i see someone with a twatter account think their opinion means anything whatsoever

>> No.16602067

I’m not participating.

1) it’s a novella despite its length
2) I’m not writing it, I’m editing it, or perhaps anadetourning it
3) I’ve got a publisher lined up (of course not a major, it’s a fucking copyvio, only bitches produce “original” art
4) I’m starting this week

>> No.16602319

It's a novel by every standard I've seen.

>> No.16602421

Not the standard. What I’m writing is a novella. Also fuck nationalism.

>> No.16602493

Unless you're intentionally writing hard scifi, just gloss over that shit, except the parts that are the main focus of your story.

>> No.16602728

a high school essay isn't the same thing as a 50,000 word novel, anon

>> No.16603256

Use point of view narration, your narrator doesn't have to explain how things work and can only describe what he sees and understands and if you don't explain the science it becomes speculative on the readers part. You can fill in all the scientific stuff later in another story or as a text book or whatever if you want to.

>> No.16603269

>a 50,000 word novel
That'd be like 2 weeks of actual work, and seems like easy e-fame points, but I'm too busy with other projects at the moment. Maybe next year

>> No.16603498

Shit opinion. It's one of the few proper titles you can earn.

>> No.16603595

Where do you publish these writings after you're done?
Is there some kind of social media for writers? Is it just as shit as I imagine, with most of the content being porn fanfiction of Harry Potter written by 13 year olds and everything above lobotomy levels of intellect receiving 0 views?

>> No.16603625

lacan said something like how the male ideal of love is that men want to be loved for something they intrinsically are. this is a fantasy of course and not at all how the world or anything works.
the female conception of love is a bit more realistic. they understand that they are loved not for what they are (which is meaningless) but for what they have. in this springs all the neurosis and narcissism that women are stereotypically cast as having
i guess the point of this comment is to say that your idea of love is nonsense and akin to a young adult novel. its not about who you are or what you are. that love is reserved for dogs

its about what you do and what you have

>> No.16604056
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>its about what you do and what you have


>> No.16604060

first learn English, nigger.

>> No.16604064
File: 351 KB, 220x264, 1554939773701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point was that the stupid negress thinks the title means her retarded input is worth anything.

>> No.16604596

Don't feel bad, it was random nonsense that I just came up with, mostly stolen from an old Jack Handey joke.

>> No.16604609

Say that to James Joyce i bet you wont.

>> No.16604669

Want to write a book that is like Dark Souls and Berserk.

Have the English ability of a retard.

I don't understand I have a degree in Mathematics. I can do algebraic topology and advanced number theory. Yet my grammar is shitty even through I spent a ton of time studying it.

>> No.16604727

>Want to write a book that is like Dark Souls and Berserk.
You could probably do this fairly easily. Just come up with some generic Hero's Journey and make a point to mention how all the settings are dilapidated and ruined.

>> No.16604932

discord invite expired :(

>> No.16605143
File: 39 KB, 749x500, raAKodrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New discord invite.


>> No.16605183

Dragon's Dogma is like Dark Souls + Berserk, the game

>> No.16607086

Bump I guess

>> No.16607278
File: 98 KB, 953x1388, PWNumyuSrx7iRAVNbfJ3y84XtQoKMuceJg88vLoG9fI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I Bump

>> No.16607315
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 1597384956607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I was taking a shower when the idea for my "novel" came to me.
It is already written in my mind.

>> No.16607406

Create a too edgy for you hero. Everytime he is about to accomplish something have him suffer, but still live. Everyone around him must die. Death is everywhere. Somehow he always survives, but that only increases his suffering.

>> No.16607417

Unironically kill yourself and learn from a realist >>16601234

>> No.16608203
File: 139 KB, 736x906, 1568997125671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess none of you faggots want to write a book with your bros? bumperooni

>> No.16608375

Why can't you guys start on your 50k word novel now? That way, during November, you won't have to write so much per day

>> No.16609742
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Because that isn't the point of the exercise, silly.

>> No.16609746


>> No.16609827
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>> No.16609847

boobies! MOMMA

>> No.16609868
File: 103 KB, 379x547, mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you interested in writing or are you just a coomer

>> No.16609879

neither. I don't coom I just want to touch booba

>> No.16609892
File: 25 KB, 500x500, ytAiCsUd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the goddamn booba poster on /pol/ or is this becoming some new meme?

>> No.16609914


>> No.16610018

I'll write two 35k books in November because that's what I want to do.

>> No.16610053

Do they ever stop being aggressively butthurt and seeing demons everywhere? Being BLACK is actually a mental illness on Twitter.

>> No.16610717

you have my interest. where can i read more?

>> No.16610757

let that Thinkturd out of your Sphincter

>> No.16612390

Is that legal?

>> No.16612407


>> No.16612412

Lol dumb jigaboo, hoping she runs out of food stamps and STARVES like the monkey she is

>> No.16613185
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>> No.16613241

The discord for this is sperging out about Butterfly. People are so obsessed with Butterfly that they post about her offsite. Utterly embarrassing.

>> No.16613352
File: 209 KB, 700x700, 1554905150974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utterly embarrassing
>how dare people discuss things about their shared community
>I literally cant even

>> No.16613374


>> No.16613379


>> No.16613436
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>> No.16614580


>> No.16614628

Can I write a short story instead?

>> No.16614671

all you have to do is write 50k words in the month of November.

>> No.16614706

what do we do once we complete 50k words

>> No.16614723

Then you can shave and pound off

>> No.16614749

These people are sad honestly.

>> No.16615066

I don’t read so she’d one of the more interesting things on /lit/

>> No.16615149

epic reddit posts

>> No.16615171

thats a tranny

>> No.16615396

just make shit up. go back and fix it later.

>> No.16615835

am i allowed to write in german instead of english?

>> No.16615913

why 50k? why is this particular number set?

>> No.16615977

Cause that's generally the minimum word count for what's considered a novel.

>> No.16615990
File: 329 KB, 576x535, 1567486140809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im writing a nature style program on the end of America

The Fed. A solitary creature. Wakes up every morning and salutes the American flag, and then the anal sex flag, and then the communist flags of his or her persuasion.

As he gets to work, he comes to his cubical and begins his long day of surfing the internet. Some might pick out that he is little different than a jobless hobo. But that would be a mistake; he is more like a state sanctioned child predator.

He careful screens through the list of different children he is currently trying to gay op. He sends tentative messages such as “Lets bomb x building” and “I can sell you guns for x amount”. Sometimes he will even sneak into little boy or little girls bedrooms to groom them more properly.

He calls this terrorist work, but we would more commonly call it, paedophilic grooming of under aged children.

Suddenly he jumps up straight in his seat. His penis becomes incredibly erect as he feels his prey getting closer. He begins typing with an erotic and unearthly fury. He sucks on his plastic cross he got from his mega-gay church as he lays his trap, it helps him to focus.

“Lets meet at x street at x oclock” he types. “Im not sure, but as long as its nothing illegal” types the 13 year old patriot, unaware of the danger he is in “Don’t sweat it bro” the 57 year old child predator types “Just you and me getting to know each other”… The moment is coming, his sweat beads down his back into his anal cavity as he waits for the answer “Okay, see you then I guess”.

Suddenly a euphoric roar comes from the FEDs chest, he rips apart his shirt with an unhuman strength showing his ironing board like smooth chest and starts beating his penis with an unending fury. He uses his seed to cover his office cubical as he screams “GAY OP GAY OP GAY OP” and then starts typing with his sullied keyboard on to the database threat matrix the age, address, sex, DOB, dimples, baby photos and penis size of his Gay op target.

His boomer boss comes to check on him and sees the mess. “Fantastic, well done Ed! Thai tranny hookers are on you tonight!” as he gives Ed a thumb on the back before retiring to his boomer hole where he can relive memories of the bay of pigs and think of ways to transport Chinese and Thai child tranny hookers to the office 24/7.

>> No.16616780


To be followed by December: the lit agent and publisher's worse month of the year.

>> No.16618239

Fuck em. Read it up , janny.

>> No.16619243

New Link: https://discord.gg/acdrx7

>> No.16619349
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Is everyone going to use English or other non-Anglosphere like me are going to use their native language?

>> No.16619652

Are we just doing this on our own or are we going to post the finished works somewhere?

>> No.16619977
File: 54 KB, 677x685, 1493674363681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to you. If you want feedback and critique you can share with us. Or you can just keep it to yourself. In the Discord we do individual channels for posting your work. There's been a little talk about creating an ongoing /lit/ writers' group.

>> No.16620062 [DELETED] 

>woman understand they are loved not for what they are but for what they have
This isn't exactly correct though. What women have is an intrinsic existential quality that men are attracted to (that is being born female) where as the opposite isn't really true for men. Men have to create their own social value since females don't just value them for being born male. Its the entire reason why there are armies of simps and incels out there and why females are so selective and men aren't.

>> No.16620099

>woman understand they are loved not for what they are but for what they have
This isn't exactly correct though. What women have is an intrinsic existential quality that men are attracted to (that is being born female) where as the opposite isn't really true for men. I.e. Women are loved because what have is what they are. Men have to create their own social value since females don't just value them for being born male. Its the entire reason why there are armies of simps and incels out there and why females are so selective and men aren't.

>> No.16620340

are you sure she isn't being humorous? I mean, anyone knows an "adult" novel implied heavy sexual or erotic content so labeling your own novel as "Adult" instead of "Young Adult" implies that you write smut.

>> No.16620478

You're not necessarily wrong. But I would argue that "being loved for what you have" still applies to your point. It's true that men are much less selective but it doesn't mean they aren't selective at all. Would you rather pursue an overweight single mother roastie who is a server at Texas Roadhouse or would you rather pursue an attractive, youthful, well-read Christian bride?

>> No.16620509

i've been away from lit for a while but randomly thought of NaNo the other day. i think i'm going to give it a shot this year, for real. what's the harm?

>> No.16621218

Is this the discord that was talking about butterfly yesterday?

>> No.16621361

start with seminar 11

>> No.16621437
File: 1.65 MB, 500x500, 1441405352566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sorta did this a few months ago, without knowing what NaNo was.

>Have a really vivid nightmare, like none I ever had before. It was like a whole narrative was beamed into my brain while I was asleep.
>Wake up, and think, "Well shit. I guess I better write all of this down.

I already spent the past year writing a bunch of scary books, which I only recently published. So, I already felt kind of burned out, from all the writing I've been doing.
Nonetheless, I knew I should try to finish the manuscript, since it was fresh in my mind, and so detailed.
I did it all in 13 days, with over half of that time spent editing. Link related, this book is the end result. Feels kind of strange, because I spend months writing all my other books.


>> No.16621444

Yeah we know, you never shut the fuck up about it

>> No.16621476

Now there's no need to be hurtful, my friend. This is a Christian image board, after all.

>> No.16621586
File: 128 KB, 378x415, American motto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what have you written?

>> No.16621588
File: 13 KB, 216x225, 1600738313437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the goddamn fucking difference does it make?

>> No.16621600

Not really the point, he’s literally been spamming the same amazon links all over 4chan since July despite being repeatedly called out on it

>> No.16621622

This book.

No need to take the Lord's name in vain, anon.

>> No.16621629

Since July? You're mistaking me with someone else. I only published these books, last month. I wasn't even done writing them all, at that point. If you don't believe me, check the publication date. It's listed there, plain as day for all to see.

>> No.16621632

I love this place, but it's unfortunately filled with bitter and mean spirited people like this poster, here. People who I presume are unhappy with how their own writing careers or similar aspirations turned out.

>> No.16621641

Ok whatever. I read Call of the Arcade when you first posted it btw, it didn’t get annoying till you started spamming here and /tv/ and bragging how high your shilling got you on amazon. You really just overdid it and and started taking advantage and when I see you trying to sell on /lit/ it just makes me feel like an ass. For instance you obviously don’t give a shit about NaNo you just wanted to do your plug.

>> No.16621669

I actually am going to give NaNo it a shot, believe it or not. I'm curious if the time I managed to finish my last book, was a fluke or not.
I wasn't trying to brag about my books from before, but I think I know what you're referring to. For a brief period, one of my books managed to rise to the number 1 "horror and suspense book" on Amazon, due to a ridiculous amount of free downloads I had.
By which I mean, in the "free" Kindle store. They're not actual sales, since they're free, so the rankings reverted back to normal, once I couldn't give them away, any longer.
Yes, I did at the time mention the ranking, but that's just because it's a good way to attract people to your books. It's not really different from when people put a sticker saying "best seller" or raving reviews on their covers.

>> No.16621801

I have thought about participating, but being completely honest, at this age I have nothing meaningful to say. I do expect when I'm older to write epic poetry, though.

>> No.16621863

Oh, I nearly forgot. You said you read one of my books? You have my sincere gratitude, if that's so. If I was overdoing things before, it's only because I'm extremely new to this game, and it is difficult to get your foot in the door if you're an indie/self published author.

>> No.16623179
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How do you expect to write something worth reading when you're old if you never get started when you're young?