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16597190 No.16597190 [Reply] [Original]

What are some instances of rivalries between writers or just writers being petty towards each other?

>> No.16597195

Tom Wolfe vs. Norman Mailer and Johns Irving and Updike.

>> No.16597208
File: 19 KB, 439x335, vidal_v_buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gore Vidal vs William F Buckley

>> No.16597209

Brett Easton Ellis and DFW had a spat which BEE details in his essays White. Basically DFW said BEE is not a good writer because there's no hope or happiness in his writing. I may get some flak on here but BEEs works are far more influential than DFW and WAY BETTER WRITER so BEE just pointed out that Wallace is a woman beating shitbag. DFW ultimately killed himself from getting picked on by the Truman capote clone and BEE continues to rub his dead nose in his shit works that fade with each passing year

>> No.16597210


>> No.16597212

Wasn’t there a German writer who was trying to flee Germany during WW2 and when he found out Zweig was already in South America he decided to go somewhere else because he couldn’t stand being on the same continent or hemisphere as him?

>> No.16597214

nietzsche and his one-time idol wagner
kermit peterson and slavoj zizek
h.c. andersen and charles dickens
(Andersen visited Dickens to stay there for two weeks, but ended up staying five weeks. He also made Dickens' son shave him, playing it off as a danish custom, but as a dane I know that's not true. At one point he fell down crying in the garden after reading a review. When he left, Dickens wrote:"Hans Andersen slept in this room for five weeks—which seemed to the family AGES!")

>> No.16597217

That sounds fucking hilarious

>> No.16597218

You seem very invested in this, tell me more.

>> No.16597231

Fitzgerald and Hemingway had a rocky relationship.

>> No.16597249

Dostoyevsky and Turgenev, most amusingly portrayed in Demons

>> No.16597254

DFW is a one trick pony and he knew it himself most of all. His one trick was an almost unreadable marathon that employs nothing new to the literary scene except allowing pseuds to brag about investing months into something almost worthless. BEE on the other hand accurately critiques modern bourgeois while employing daring new ideas like extreme violence and unreliable narrator to nail the schizo times we live in right on the head

>> No.16597258

Yeah, I remember someone posted an excerpt from a biography or memoir that said something like, “South America was now out of the question: it was enough to know Zweig was already running around on that same continent. He would have to go elsewhere.” I can’t remember who it was though.

>> No.16597262

I remember that thread too
It was Musil if memory serves

>> No.16597268
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Speaking of Vidal and Mailer

>> No.16597273


>> No.16597288
File: 35 KB, 807x380, vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16597304


what the fuck was Vidal's problem?

>> No.16597317

I thought got on quite well for the most part and only had a few occasional spats, which can probably be chalked up to Hemingway just being a bruiser.
Now Hemingway and Faulkner, there was a feud.

>> No.16597328

The Fitzgerald section in A Moveable Feast is one of the funniest things I’ve read.Also touching at the end

>> No.16597350

Schopenhauer was petty af towards Hegel and I love every minute of it.

>> No.16597355

Bloy on Maupassant : "Sa parfaite stupidité de jouisseur est manifestée par des yeux de chien qui pisse." (His perfect stupidity of pleasure-seeker is manifested by eyes of a pissing dog)

>> No.16597441

>”Musil couldn’t get into the USA, and Mayer was suggesting the relative obtainability of Colombian visas as a pis aller. Musil, he wrote, ‘looked at me askance and said: Stefan Zweig’s in South America. It wasn’t a bon mot. The great ironist wasn’t a witty conversationalist. He meant it … If Zweig was living in South America somewhere, that took care of the continent for Musil.’” (quoted by Michael Hofmann: Vermicular Dither, London Review of Books, 28. January 2010)
Thank you

>> No.16597452

The penis size part is probably one of my favorite book moments

>> No.16597487
File: 108 KB, 590x871, 1573740229896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-do you have more pics like that, Op? it's so comfy..

>> No.16597527

Gombrowicz and Borges. Apparently, Borges insulted Gombrowicz at a dinner party once by not even acknowledging him, which infuriated Gombrowicz so much he made Borges a character in his novel. His character is described as a pseudo-intellectual charlatan. When Gombrowicz was leaving Argentina to go back to Poland, people were asking him advice for Argentinian writers (since he was heavily involved in supporting up and coming writers) and Gombrowicz said, “Kill Borges! If not, you’ll forever live in his shadow.” Years later, Gombrowicz’s wife went down to Argentina after his death to meet his friends and see his life as he lived in exile and she met Borges. When she asked Borges about her husband, he basically remarked “Literally who?” Which probably made Gombrowicz seethe in his grave lmaoo

>> No.16597546

Reminds me of that Birbiglia joke where he feels insulted when he goes to shake a man’s hand and the guy walks past him without acknowledging him, makes a point of bringing it up, only to find out the guy was blind and literally didn’t see him.

>> No.16597573

he was a queer

>> No.16597581


>> No.16597878

yup to both

>> No.16597880

based on what?

>> No.16597908

Only redditors ask this bullshite question

>> No.16597916
File: 187 KB, 404x540, D-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but it's a series of photographs meant to evoke the 1950s. They're called Peter McGough and David McDermot I think. Their whole schtick is they evoke the past through their art and life; they think they're somehow evading the trappings of contemporary life by revelling in the consumerism of the early part of the 20th century instead.

>> No.16597931

Nabokov and everybody

>> No.16597932

unexpectably great take. but i was looking for pics of cute guys reading

>> No.16597938

quevedo and gongora hated each other and were constantly flinging shit at each other in their writings, here is the most famous example, although it's one of the most boring in my opinion:

Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado,
érase una nariz superlativa,
érase una nariz sayón y escriba,
érase un peje espada muy barbado.
Era un reloj de sol mal encarado,
érase una alquitara pensativa,
érase un elefante boca arriba,
era Ovidio Nasón más narizado.
Érase un espolón de una galera,
érase una pirámide de Egipto,
las doce Tribus de narices era.
Érase un naricísimo infinito,
muchísimo nariz, nariz tan fiera
que en la cara de Anás fuera delito

quevedo didn't like jews

>> No.16597939

Even the Hemingway/Faulkner feud is overblown. They had different styles, but they were fans of each other's work. Faulkner wrote a nice review of The Old Man And The Sea, calling it Hemingway's best work

>> No.16598769


>> No.16599072

I think Vargas Llosa punched Garcia Marquez once. I heard different stories on why. One version said it was political another said Garcia Marquez hit on Vargas Llosa’s mistress.

>> No.16599085

Hemingway had a punch out with Wallace Stevens. Apparently Stevens was drunk and started it and got a black eye for his trouble

>> No.16599091

Bolano hates Isabel Allende

Im not sure if he hated Octavio Paz as much as Arturo Belano did

>> No.16599162


Whoops I had it wrong. According to the article, Vargas Llosa left his wife and took off with his mistress. Garcia Marquez consoled Vargas Llosa’s wife. The article implies that he soothed her with the dick. Then Vargas Llosa returned to the wife and punched Gabo.

>> No.16599180


based and cocksoothpilled

>> No.16599313

For every nice thing they said about each other there were three insults.
Faulkner said after Papa's suicide: "Hemingway shot himself, I don't like a man who takes the short way out."

>> No.16599321

Hemingway also fought Orson Welles at a film festival.

>> No.16599784

I would translate this as "His perfect stupidity of hedonism is encapsulated in the eyes of a dog while it pees."

>> No.16599798

BEE was pathetic dissing him after he passed. He should have just left it.

It was stupid of DFW to diss him in the first place. He writes post modern literature about stoners and tennis he's not fucking tolstoy.

Also DFW>BEE but American Psycho>Infinite Jest

>> No.16599822

Faulker was so bitter that hemmingway was the huge acclaimed rockstar writer that he was.

>> No.16601012


>> No.16601255
File: 33 KB, 680x531, 1599871605843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schedules a university lecture at the same time as Hegel's as a direct challenge
>Hegel's is packed while only a handful of people attend his
>Proceeds to resign from the university and spend the rest of his life bitterly attacking academia in his writings

>> No.16601345

I love small shit like this, just proves that they're just as human as us.

>> No.16601357


>> No.16602100


>> No.16602107

Buckley calling Vidal a faggot was pretty based. He had it coming the smug bastard.

>> No.16602125

Vidal was baiting him, you brainlet.

>> No.16602132

Hey, get your ass back over here.

>> No.16602220

Duh obviously. But my point was is that you could see Buckley upset not at the fact that Vidal baited him into saying it BUT that Buckley stooped too low to the queer Jew's level. That look of regret from Buckley contrasting Vidal's smug I expression of "haha I got you" says everything. The two of them were in a battle of morals and obviously Buckley came out the better man. Oh and fuck you too faggot

>> No.16602239

Extreme violence and unreliable narrator are NOT (!!!) daring new ideas. Stop sucking on that faggot cock

>> No.16602265

Goethe and Kleist. Kleist wrote many letters sending Goethe his plays, eventually Goethe decided to direct one of them in Weimar, even though he said before it isnt that good and probably something that is better read than played.

Before "the broken jug" by Kleist was played there was a two-hour opera.

The Broken Jug thus flopped terribly because it was so long-veiled. Goethe blamed Kleist and Kleist blamed Goethe and wanted to ask him for a duel. Goethe later talked about Kleist having something anxious in his soul and how "The Water Jug" [sic!] is a horrible play.

>> No.16602670


>> No.16602675

Russellianism. Smug soulless anglo.

>> No.16602914

hey now don't bring Betrend Russell into this