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16595596 No.16595596 [Reply] [Original]

Will this fix my insomnia? What canonical works can you read to fix your sleep? Its been over 1 year

>> No.16595601

Turn off ALL electronics 2 hours before your desired bed time.

>> No.16595603

Try taking GABA. Also idk everyones different. Why can’t you sleep?

>> No.16595662

>What are the side effects of GABA supplements?
>The potential side effects of GABA supplements haven’t been properly studied, so it’s hard to know what to expect.
>Some commonly reported side effects include:
>upset stomach
>muscle weakness
Why isn't this the first result when looking for anti anxiety medication? SSRIs and sleep meds cause so much damage to you
Can you take GABA supplements for the rest of your life?
>Why can’t you sleep?
A year ago I wasn't able to sleep for 3 days as my anxiety went back to usual regular levels, however in the past my sleep wasn't affected, now I can only get 2.5-5 hours of sleep a night
When I did deadlifts initially I slept for 6 hours of sleep but eventually my body got used to them even though I kept on increasing the weight

Magnesium helped initially but then it wore off after 3 days and the effects are not noticeable now.
It doesn't matter if I've been laughing the entire day or sitting outside in the sun and barely felt any anxiety, its still the same lack of sleep
I used to get 9 hours, if I woke up after 7 I would feel dead

>> No.16595664
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get over yourself and read a self-help book written by a qualified professional who specializes in the subject.

here, i even found one for you. it's not that hard.

>> No.16595727

What? That's a decent, but dense book for a westerner interested in meditation but you cannot bypass your life problems by spiritually ascending. Talk to a professional or something.

>> No.16596048

4h of cardio per day

>> No.16596061

>Will this fix my insomnia? What canonical works can you read to fix your sleep?
No, modern meditation makes you less sleep.

Try first to avoid physical activities 3hs before bedtime, do not eat much in the evening, and sleep at the same hours and also do not look at bright screens before bed or during the night.

>> No.16596329

NO COFFEE, NO SUGAR, Fast before bed so you may wake up easier which will tire you at night so you may solidify your new cycle

>> No.16596495

Smoke some nice Indica before bed.

>> No.16596887

Fpbp <3

>> No.16597005
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Allow me to distill some advice already given and add my own.

1) Confront sources of anxiety.
2) Stop taking your life seriously.
3) Avoid processed foods and added caffeine. A cup of coffee in the morning is fine.
4) start riding a bike. Best way to tire yourself out, but only two hours before bed at the latest.
5) Avoid all electronics and sources of artificial light, particularly blue light, two hours before bed.
6) Don’t sit up reading in bed. Bed is for sleep.
7) Don’t nap in the day, no matter how tired.
8) Spend more of your day on your feet. Don’t sit at your desk if you can help it.
9) Quit video games. Dopamine rush of playing will keep you awake at night.
10) Go ahead and read that book. Try minding the breath.

>> No.16597097

I'm sorry friend. If my experience is reflective of what yours would be, it'd make it worse for the first 2-3 months of practice, then make it a little better.

>> No.16597395

just sleep hygiene

>> No.16598292


>> No.16598350

>tfw 8 years of insomnia
when will it end

>> No.16598451


>> No.16598800

I kind of understand these posts because 95% of people who claim to have insomnia are just morons unable to sleep because they literally lay in bed for an hour with their phone 1cm away from their face, but for people who actually have insomnia, comments like yours are pretty insulting. It's like telling someone with dyslexia to just read 20 minutes a day and over time they will be able to read without difficultries, or telling someone with crohns disease to just eat more fiber and their stomach will get better.

>> No.16598808

Do you have kids? Serious question.

>> No.16598816

it will literally make it worse, your insomnia most likely comes from unconfronted anxiety and meditation will make you more aware of it

>> No.16598868

read that book by matthew walker or watch the interivew he did with rhonda patrick

consider dropping all caffeine (not something I'm implying is easy)