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16586916 No.16586916 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with life /lit/?

>> No.16586935

Fortunately, my parents were religious, and gave me more advice than "follow ur dreams lul" so I'm doing okay

>> No.16586953

>cope with life

>> No.16586955
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I read, I write and make music. Not much, and not very good at it, but that helps me feel better.

>> No.16587047

philosophy, video games, 80s/90s movies and anime, metal, guns, porn, pizza, sushi

>> No.16587070

With what is there to cope? If by: "life", you actually mean: "the world", or: "life/living within the world", then you should bear your difficulties in silence, and sublimate them --calm down, and speak up--, not cope with them, and repress them.

>> No.16587073

No matter what happens, everything will be okay.

>> No.16587130
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I enjoy it, everyday is a blessing.

>> No.16587138

Me on the right (or maybe left)

>> No.16587181

It's pretty fun desu

Way I see it you either laugh or cry yourself to death. So which'll it be?

>> No.16587216
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I feel like I don't relate with anybody, I feel very disaligned with people in general. I still try to bear it alone but it's hard

Thanks anon, It will

True, after all life in earth is short, problem is. Why would you laugh? Why should you cry?

>> No.16587229

Kek, I pity so many poor children who grow up with parents that never bother to explain anything to them.

>> No.16587273

There's many angles you can tackle that can offer insight into your situation. Why use the word 'would' in relation to laughter and 'could' in relation to sorrow? Did you choose those arbitrarily, based on aesthetics, or based on some meaning?

The answer in my opinion as to why one would or should laugh is: what else is there? Passion is the meaning of life. So laugh heartily, rage like a blazing fire and cry away your pain like rain washing away the dirt.

>> No.16587337

I was mostly posting a rant, thanks anon.

>> No.16587359

We all need to vent. I'm glad I could be of some help

>> No.16587365

Personally? Good tobacco and friends who stimulate me intellectually

>> No.16587575

Looks like two men

>> No.16587613

They are 2 men

>> No.16587635


>> No.16587666
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I covered myself in gasoline multiple times and flicked a lighter as a sort of spin on Russian roulette. But I had an epiphany that, while it didn’t make me feel better, solved my suicide dilemma: continuing to live is my revolt against all the powers that oppressed me. My life is awful and would drive any sane man to self immolation; the cosmic, societal, and psychological forces created suicide inducing circumstances and a loathsome inescapable character. At first I thought that burning myself to death would be a revolt against this life and would be a culmination of my life of anguish but then I realised it was the opposite: that choosing to continue and live was the revolt against all the forces that command I kill myself. Now I see there’s no good reason to kill myself unless for glory but that can only be gained in truly intense anguish, one that transgresses the sanctity of consciousness, or glorify something else—like art or a statement. So unless you do something worthy of glory or have something worth saying, you have to live your anguish until you or it ceases. Our souls are already burning—go find a hobby and stop being such a baby; this anguish is what gives us purpose. Killing yourself only makes the bad feels stop because your brain is dead, but this consciousness, that can only be called god given in the freedom it allows, means we are not bound by anything but that said consciousness, which is infinitely cultivatable. The freedom we possess in our thoughts and mind cannot be tarnished by petty woes.

>> No.16587932

have a bump, strugglers

>> No.16587955

>those trips
fuck, son... fuck....
You wrote this in character as Agni, didn't you, cunt?

>> No.16587990

I selectively control my attention by practicing mindfulness. Most people are fixated on their thoughts and or thinking about their perceptions. Though thinking is useful, most thoughts are a waste of time and attention. Is thinking that you are a piece of shit or that you don't deserve to be happy really worthwhile?
So what happens is that my thoughts pass through me. I don't fixate myself on a thought unless its for something useful like math or writing. Not only that, but any opinion of a perception, like for example, "this burger tastes good" I just ignore so I can directly be with the perception without being trapped by conceptual thinking.
This is pretty difficult to do all the time though, so I sit and meditate everyday as a baseline then attempt mindfulness throughout my day. Eventually, you can replace your normal mode of thinking with a mostly empty, beginner mind that's mainly focusing on the current moment instead of circling on worthless shit.

>> No.16588055
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No but I Agni being perpetually on fire resonated with me; I've always had a strange obsession with burning to death and I can't imagine not dying by self immolation. It would be my choice of death if one could choose.

>> No.16588074

the most patrician taste. what do you play anon?

>> No.16588311
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>Good tobacco
Staggeringly based. What do you smoke?

>> No.16588334
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Than why is the girly one trying to nurse his partner?

>> No.16588349

Because some people need emotional support I guess.

>> No.16588388

90s shibuya-kei

>> No.16588396
File: 81 KB, 738x980, 38293918-4AC0-451A-8921-21BED1BEE01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing to her Pocky?

>> No.16588400
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Because men are better at being women than women themselves

>> No.16588412
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Don't reply to me BoomerGuy. I'll say it again: flip a coin and kill yourself

>> No.16588420

I play guitar, bass and harmonica. Have been trying to learn piano too, but as I said, I'm not very good.

>> No.16588431
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>Press Bhutan, receive milkshake
Gymbros can do that? Never knew.

I am not a boomer nor a guy

>> No.16588676

Reading and making music are the only reasons I haven't killed myself.

>> No.16589584
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I keep myself situated in the transcendent.

>> No.16589612

Making sure I have a security net by going into accounting. Reading and playing with my dog. I don’t enjoy living but it makes it bearable.

>> No.16589620

lesbian porn

>> No.16589627

I debunk it and take 5 showers per day.

>> No.16589635

Cannabis and lifting weights.