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/lit/ - Literature

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16586743 No.16586743 [Reply] [Original]

You guys DO read books in the language they were originally published right?? You aren't just a bunch of monolingual cucks are you?

>> No.16586757

i will read any non-english translation. i refuse to subject myself to *nglo bugspeak

>> No.16586766

b-but every book that matters has already been translated to english and it's literally the same as reading the original though! i'm not coping!

>> No.16586770

Yep I'm reading Shakespeare and mythology theory in its original language.

>> No.16586784

If they're in the one other language apart from English that I can read in the yeh.

>> No.16586785

I unironically have been learning French and German for this very purpose. I don't even care about the countries. I just want to read.

>> No.16586789

I'm learning german just for that book tbdesu

>> No.16586798

the only good reason to learn a foreign language, so I don't get what's your point.
it's THE most valid reason to learn a foreign language. people and culture are secondary (but related)

>> No.16586807

>that brown skin
>those yellow nails
>those shoes

>> No.16586818

>Those black socks with
>Those shorts

It's unmistakable: this is a true patrician.

>> No.16586861

Cut your fingernails you filthy animal

>> No.16586871

I read English translations in their original (English) language.

>> No.16586875

I am learning Russian to perhaps move there eventually and will read Russian books but realistic what the fuck am I supposed to do, learn nine languages? There are only so many hours in a day, being some epic polyglot in a rainbow of tongues is a meme and you'll never be masterful or even able to truly understand highbrow shit in more than like three. Plus if you do all that, you'll have neglected other things in your life. I shiggy hope you guys aren't incapable of playing an instrument or drawing.

I will read translations of French and German meme books, simple as. I hate krauts and frogs anyway and don't want to immerse myself in their faggot cultures.

>> No.16586902

>learn nine languages
you'll live at least 70 years. if you start in your 20s 5 years should be enough to learn a language and be proficient enough to be able to read most literary works in said language you can even go easy mode and learn one of french, spanish or italian and use that as a basis to learn the rest with more ease.

>> No.16586905

>bro just learn Greek and Latin and Aramaic and German and Russian and French and Spanish and Portuguese and Japanese and Chinese and Finnish and Italian and Dutch and Afrikaans and Swedish and Gaelic

>> No.16586917

I speak 3 languages, with English being my third, German second, while my native tounge reeks of literary insignificance.

>> No.16586919

Brainlet cope

>> No.16586998

I'd rather use that time learning and doing other stuff.

>> No.16587040
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why the fuck should i learn random languages when translation exists? Learning languages for fun is stuff for landwhales with dyed hair, if you have so much free time lift weights, raise a family and revolt against (((modern society)))

>> No.16587256

i'm Italian and i'm thinking about learning french, spanish and romanian because they are pretty close and i think it wili be pretty easy

>> No.16587807

>spanish and romanian
nothing to read in these languages.
learn to read latin properly, then french and german and you literally are off perfectly with english and italian as a foundation.

>> No.16587820

He says on an english speaking website in english

>> No.16587840

>nothing to read in spanish
nigga u high

>> No.16587859

HAHAHA This guy learned languages that never spread outside their local boarders

>> No.16587860
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I learned Spanish in middle school, French in high school, Latin in uni, and self taught in Portuguese and Italian although I can't write in the last two, just read it.
Currently learning German for reading.

>> No.16588150

I think most translations are okay. Normal fiction and nonfiction are fine to read translated. I seriously doubt learning languages for high brow works, like german for the sole purpose of reading on German Idealists, or Russian for its literary masters, or learning French to still not understand Deleuze and co. is fun if you're going to ignore other media like movies or the culture of the language.
I think the only crappy thing to translate is poetry and songs. It's basically impossible to translate so what happens is that you're reading a poem by the translator which just barely resembles the original.

>> No.16588686

how tf can you read something but not be able to write it? It's basically the same thing.

>> No.16590192

Reading is slightly easier, you don't need to know the exact spelling of words, you can kinda get the point without knowing the gramatically correct version of the word.

>> No.16590560

Nice shorts in autumn and autism shoes fatass

>> No.16590645

Use Google translate

>> No.16590691
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>> No.16590802

I'm limited to spanish, english and portuguese, although I've never read a book in portuguese.

>> No.16590817

Learning another language is all good and fun, but reading the original language will not be as fun because, due to not being a native speaker, you will not have the fluidity and comfort and understanding that a native speaker would.

>> No.16591005

>You guys DO read books

>> No.16591132

This. *nglish is a garbage language for garbage people.

>> No.16591249

I'm German and I read books in English on occasion, either because it's cheaper or because it was originally written in English. Other than that I don't see why I should go through the hassle of learning a new language. Pretentious neets who smell their own farts sure love to learn russian just to get 100% out of dostoevsky's books but I don't see the point.

>> No.16591878


>> No.16592312

>Just read stuff written in English by Americans, Englishmen, Scotsmen, Australians, Canadians, Indians, and people from former British colonies in Africa and the Caribbean and avoid everything else
>PS Shakespeare wrote in English