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/lit/ - Literature

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16583577 No.16583577 [Reply] [Original]

What was the longest book you ever read?

>> No.16583650

Snow country

>> No.16583652

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16583660

Les Mis probably

Does In Search of Lost Time count as one, or seven?

>> No.16583669

War and Peace

>> No.16583670

The Count of Monte Cristo
But I feel that it hardly counts because it’s an adventure pulpy book, so maybe Don Quixote? But that is actually two books and I read them separately months apart so idk

>> No.16583684
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>japanese localized script
The original one is probably half the size of that.
Pic related is Paolini's The Inheritance Cycle in japanese. And the japanese edition of Harry Potter is even bigger.

>> No.16583694

This History of the Church, by Darras, 31,000 pages long.

>> No.16583700

Don Quixote is adventure pulpy book too.

>> No.16583712

Are games where the real literature is at?

>> No.16583713

David Copperfield by dickens, it's not worth it

>> No.16583727

Probably cryptonomicon, but haven't done a word count.

1168 pages, but felt like 400.

>> No.16583741


>> No.16583767

War and Peace. Honestly surprised I finished it given its monstrous length

>> No.16583783

I found Fallout: New Vegas to have excellent philosophical and literary merit. Currently on my fifth playthrough.

>> No.16584051

Half of that script is your companion npc ending every sentence with “cabron” or “hyna”

>> No.16584063

fuck you

>> No.16584079

Why do you have a picture of the inheiritance cycle in Japanese

>> No.16584086

The Hebrew Bible

>> No.16584627

They belong to my wife, she's japanese.

>> No.16584655

Or Gulag Archipelago, not sure which is longer.

>> No.16584731

Women and Men by Joseph McElroy

Real bitch to finish because it's both 1300 pages and ridiculously dense. I'd say it's worth it, though.

>> No.16584999

I don't read long books. Authors need to get to their point. 300 pages have to suffice, 400 at most. I spit on those who are so far lost in their own arrogance that they cannot distuingish anymore between what is relevant and what can be discarded mercilessly.

>> No.16585035

same as this anon. I can’t hear the word Breather without a wince

>> No.16585079

They say "dialogue" but most of that shit is just gonna be NPC barks, copy for random worldbuilding elements like billboards and adverts, and so on. Any AAA open world game has similar "giant stacks of paper"

>> No.16585168

Where I'm from we tend to refer to it as a "novel suite".

>> No.16585177
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filtered by page count

>> No.16585193

complete les miserables (in german)

>> No.16585208

It's not possible to accurately count millions of ballots. We should either allow online voting or eliminate the practice altogether.

>> No.16585227

>philosophical and literary merit.
It was very anemic. Is it just because the antagonist mentions Hegel?

>> No.16585233


>> No.16585305

Thousands of pages of dialogue about cyborg trannies questioning their pronouns

>> No.16585389

>t.Sam Harris

>> No.16585455

Single volume
War and Peace approx 1200 pages

Master and Commander series
Approx 4000 pages

>> No.16585547

I've recently read an essay bundle by Orwell that was nearly 1400 pages.
But if collections don't count, it would have to be Infinite Jest.

>> No.16585568

go back to your low IQ board

>> No.16585598

War and Peace. It was worth every hour I put into it.

>> No.16585636

Lord of the Rings (it is one book)

>> No.16585637

Randomly generated dialogue! Yay.

>> No.16585688
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I also read Shelby Foote's Civil War and Churchill's WW2 Memoirs and His life of Marlborough, all of which were 3000+ pages, but im assuming single volume

>> No.16585690
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1492 pages, read it twice, but I will read it for the rest of my life.

>> No.16585704

I thought Japanese scripts came out smaller than English because kanji is more information dense. This was one of the justifications for increasing twitter's max character limit. Why are the books people read on the train always so tiny???

>> No.16586148
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1.7 million words and actually worth it

>> No.16586309

It was a compilation of essays and articles by a Turkish sociologist. It was over 600 pages as far as I remember.

>> No.16586366

this or the tale of genji

>> No.16586377

>t. xe/xir

>> No.16586378

No game has had an "insane" amount of dialogue since studios started making just full talkies. Morrowind had way more dialogue than Oblivion. In Planescape: Torment some characters dump paragraphs upon paragraphs of text on you.

>> No.16586423

Ulysses by Joyce in undergrad. Got the pics of my Gabler edition to prove it too.

>> No.16586458

didn't expect it to be such smut
I guess female authors have always been trash

>> No.16586475

I finished The Wealth of Nations and then War and Peace over the quarantine this year

>> No.16586501

if anything it's just how much of a chad genji was, probably the biggest chad to ever exist

>> No.16586511
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Why yes, I am based. How could you tell?

>> No.16586517

RPG dialogue branches are interesting in this respect. They represent a kind of quantum textual "superposition" of possibilities. Most of those text branches will not be accessed on a given play through, but they exist as potentialities.

>> No.16586523


>> No.16586540

Sad that see that no one has said The Man Without Qualities yet

>> No.16586571
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I havent read book shorter than 1000 pages in my entire life. When my mom tried to read me Aesops Fables as a kid I started vomiting uncontrollably and called her pleb

>> No.16586576

Not that it could be considered a single book, but I'd like to tackle the Western Canon eventually.

>> No.16586619

The Discovery of Heaven/Ontdekking van de Hemel by Mulisch

>> No.16586625

I don't read long books.

>> No.16586705

The Western Cannon according to who?

>> No.16586837

What do you think of the sequel trilogy (NT, BoM, Qur'an)?

>> No.16586848

>in pages: fanged noumena
>in characters: a thousand plateaus

>> No.16586913

Stephen King's IT. 1,142 pages

>> No.16586931

Not completely sure since I read it as an ebook but I think it was War and Peace or maybe Les Misérables.

>> No.16586942
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It might be information dense but they print a lot of books(especially light novels like pic related) vertically so the actual amount of writing on a given page is pretty slim. Plus light novels are short anyways
Thus you end up with the inheritance cycle, with books that are pretty standard size for English fantasy, being 7 volumes long in translation

>> No.16586959

I read a greentext story that went over three posts. Normally I skip the long ones tho.

>> No.16586966


>> No.16586972


>> No.16587036

Poor Fellow My Country by Xavier Herbert. A very ambitious but ultimately flawed attempt at writing a great Australian novel. My edition is 1463 pages long, 841k words according to this site https://www.kobo.com/au/en/ebook/poor-fellow-my-country
Wouldn't recommend it to most people, unless you read Capricornia and really like it

>> No.16587056

East of Eden.

the part where the chinks mom got raped to death by other chinks was pretty hard core

>> No.16587066

and by hard core i mean the most extreme thing i have ever read

>> No.16587084

>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.16587110

i don't think NV was insanely great or anything, i think it just got lucky and resonated with the collective unconscious.

>> No.16587129

based but i have that same edition, so i know its twice as thick as it should be plus there are shitloads of line spacings and the font is fairly large.

>> No.16587131

somehow that passage has totally escaped my memory

>> No.16587271

I just played through Witcher 3, the last game CDprojektred(makers of Cyberpunk) made.

The overall effect is that you have lots of dialogue choices that allow you to flesh out the world if you have interest. The majority of dialogue choices are just infodumps you get to choose to have the character say before you get back to reading what you have to read.

In a book, you only get info that relates directly to the narrative and the author has to decide. With dialogue trees, the reader gets to decide what information matters next. The way it's written directs back towards the main plot of the story anyways, so it gives a good illusion of choice as far as the story goes.

Witcher 3 definitely gave me the illusion that I could make moral decisions that mattered, especially with the sheer density of the dialogue every two feet meaning you could go from one story to the next within five minutes. And this is repeated over and over for the entire game.

That's not even bringing up all the written text you find in the game you can read to add even more context and story to situations.

>> No.16587294

Felt about the same level of writing as the original Fallout, only with a human as the final confrontation instead of The Master.

Same story, just with some Rand candy coating on the top to make it feel more mature.

>> No.16587295

I didn’t say DQ wasn’t fun, but there’s a lot more going on in it than TCOMC, the former is one of the most important and greatest works of literature ever written and the latter barely even qualifies as literature, it’s well written but it’s not even close.

>> No.16587407

Idolatrous nonsense

>> No.16587412

War and peace, but I’m on page 950 of Les Miserables, so Les Miserables soon

>> No.16587455


>> No.16587478

Infinite Jest

Book of Mormon

>> No.16587480


>> No.16587488

totally unbased and not checked, also, this sounds like a terry prachett take

>> No.16587514

If I wanted to read a book I'd read a book.
Video games are suppose to be easy escapism where your actions have direct effect on the world and anything more than that is just pretentious garbage.
If you want to write a good book that becomes popular then write one. But I guess that would be too hard and this is why you mix two media and pretend to be good at both.

>> No.16587618

fuck you mate, you clearly didn't read choose your own adventure stories as a child.

>> No.16587761

Metal gear games had some good lines.

>> No.16587826

Harold Bloom of course.

>> No.16587842

>Includes Tolstoy and Freud
>Doesn't include Dosto or Jung
Unfathomably based

>> No.16588019

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.16588164

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, I think.

>> No.16588185

It's around 4000 pages or so.
Mother of Learning is like 10000 pages...
Wtf I'm doing with my life?

>> No.16589120

It might be more dense but it's pretty inefficient in print since it needs larger margins, line-spacing and font size for it to be readable.
The clearest example is pixel art (or bitmap) typography, where you can have the full A-Z alphabet in characters 8 pixels high, and some fonts go as low as 6.
Japanese characters, or any other Asian or weird script like Thai or Chinese, can't go as low as that because it would be extremely hard to tell a single stroke from a double one, etc.

Also, as >>16586942 mentioned, they need to justify the prices on light novels which are low on word count, so they pad the fuck out of them to make it look as thick as a regular novel, novella or manga in tankobon.

>> No.16589138

I don’t know if this really counts. But the re:zero web novels were pretty long. Took me a while to finish reading them

>> No.16589398

Is this that superhero one?

>> No.16589626

Some of the Malazan books were almost 1300 pages.

>> No.16589649

In Search of Lost Time. I've had relationships that began and ended in less time than it took for me to finish that book, it felt like losing a part of myself when it ended.

>> No.16589655


>> No.16589699

Disco Elysium

>> No.16589714

I haven't read a book in 14 years, and I'm 26.

So, it's probably something from the Redwall series. I recently started getting back into reading and am going through Bulfinch's Mythology. It's alright.

>> No.16589717

read a book cover to cover in 14 years*

>> No.16589740

Where's that, then? San Francisco, Brighton? Fire Island?

>> No.16589794


>> No.16589979

Atlas shrugged for longest fiction I've read.
I've also read the entirety of the Bible and it was comparable, similar page count.
I remember the Eragon series being extremely long when I read it back in school, so if we're counting series it was probably that.

>> No.16590002

im on page 600 rn. got kinda boring in the last few chapters i read

>> No.16590015

either infinite jest or against the day i dont remember which

>> No.16590034
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I once read a book a million pages long, and right after it I made sex with two hot chix with tig ol’ biddies and skulled a beer it two seconds flat. Yeah I’m the /lit/ist in this frog posting swamp.

>> No.16590069

i agree it's kino, but i'm pretty sure is a pretty well known story adapted here to the setting of the elder scrolls. I'm certain I have read it somewhere else long ago, although I didn't remember until reading the whole story.

browsing that wiki i realize the vast amount of writing that goes into these kind of games, but I suspect most of it is basically plagiarism

>> No.16590084

A leftist meme.
It took me years, but I finally fimished it.
It wasn't funny.

>> No.16590099

It gets much better and then kind of boring again when Tolstoy lays out in very lengthy fashion his opinion on Napoleon

>> No.16590100

my problem with that is that is still an illusion of choice, not an actual story where you decide what happens. often when I'm playing these games I don't want to choose from among any of the sentences my character can say, because none of them are even close to what I would like to him to say. Also, the feeling of not getting to see what happens on the other branches is annoying, and even worse, suspecting that all the branches take to very similar endings so in the end it's kinda worthless. my initial inmersion and engagement with these games usually doesn't last long.

So in that sense I prefer a well done book with a linear story, where everything is already set and you are just observing it

i remember watching that Black Mirror episode where you could choose in some scenes what the character would do next, and it was gimmicky and a bit too clever at times, although I still liked a lot. but i liked it much more when i saw an infographic online later with all the paths and endings that the story had. I'd love to see the same for the witcher and mass effect games for example, as reward for finishing the game or something

>> No.16590141

Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
If that doesn't count, I'd say Dostoyevsky's The Idiot.

>> No.16590176

t. discord faggot
You are not fooling anyone reseteranigger

>> No.16590187

How long is long?

>> No.16590213

Fate/Stay Night.

If we don't count VNs as books, then Herodotus' Histories.

>> No.16590214


Currently reading Umineko (seriously please don't spoil it for me I'm really enjoying it) and it's apparently twice as long as war and peace