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16583200 No.16583200 [Reply] [Original]

As a preface: I've recently read Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death, as well as some bits and pieces of Aristotle, Plato, Aquinas and Plotinus - so I'm currently very fascinated by Christianity and monotheism.

My question is how does one commit to a specific faith over any other? I find it far easier, to take the neoplatonist tradition of something (i.e the Logos) being the cause, or continual sustenance of our universe. I find it harder to take that this Logos is conscious and benevolent like the God of the bible is. What I find hardest of all is committing to a specific faith like Christianity with all its scripture and laws.

It seems to me that being able to look up the historical development of Judaism and by extension Christianity dispels them as connecting to a real metaphysical truth. Aren't they just the flowing together of disparate gods and spirits that eventually coalesced into one monotheistic religion?

My questions to the christfags of /lit/:

Why Christianity over any other faith in the world?

Do you think the bible a nuanced metaphorical and metaphysical doctrine of the soul, or a once literally interpreted cosmogony piece about making the world in 6 days only a few thousand years ago?

Genuine curiosity, no larping, looking for spirituality.

>> No.16583343

Whatever consciousness emanates from it speaks to either a universal of consciousness or consciousness itself if you take it primarily.
It doesn't really matter what you study, if it's right it's God not necessarily wholemeal but Christianity has a very extensive metaphysics and it was explored very deeply. It will always have answers because it's invested in the nature of the universe as created by God

>> No.16583852
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Choose the original One, the primordial mythos.

>> No.16583860

Christianity is the only faith in the world that offers you an alternative to death.

>> No.16583866

Consider becoming Buddhist.

>> No.16583907

I highly advice you to look for an intelligent priest or pastor and talk to him about your philosophical ideas.
If you have an interesting conversation you will probably discover faith. if you feel hes too dogmatically closed off look for another or give up.
As much mysticism or theology you might read, ultimately choosing Christianity over other religions comes down mostly to a sense belonging.

>> No.16583978

Christianity will make you think clearly, every other religion I've experienced tries to make you think confused, or encourages you not to think. People will object seriously to what I'm saying but that's because they are atheists.

I think Christianity is the only serious religion in the world; the reason why is because it treats God as an empirical reality, and not a metaphysical speculation. God in the Bible is more like an alien from another planet who made "contact" with humans. In other religions, Judaism partly excepted, God is a philosophical speculation.

>> No.16584850


I want badly to be a Christian, or really, to believe in dogma and be sure of something, and maybe I can cross that bridge one day.

But when the bibble, esp. the New Testament gets into the constant talk about forgiveness, passivity, and constant general moral self-cucking I can’t ever imagine myself actually doing it. I have my own values and they don’t involve incessant self-flagellation under the guise of virtue. Seems like that’s a good way to enter a long malaise in which I become some faggot who stands outside of college with a sandwich sign that says god hates homos just to release the tension.

>> No.16585694

Anon, read McDowell, More than a Carpenter.

It's not great literature, but it's a fine exposition of the evidence that strongly (if not conclusively) supports an inference in favor of the truth of Christianity, particularly to the extent that inference depends on the truth, vel non, of the Resurrection.

Now, if you read that, well, then consider the plausibility of eg, Islam = one man saying he's had a private revelation that the New Testament is wrong on various subjects. Ask yourself: does M's claim of a private revelation trump the evidence in More than a Carpenter?

Plato and Aquinas, on the other hand, are making *philosophical* truth claims, which to a large extent are not incompatible with Christianity. Thus, Augustine's faith rested on to some substantial extent on Plato and/or Plotinus, and Aquinas of course was a very close student of Aristotle.

>It seems to me that being able to look up the historical development of Judaism and by extension Christianity dispels them as connecting to a real metaphysical truth. Aren't they just the flowing together of disparate gods and spirits that eventually coalesced into one monotheistic religion?

The book that immediately comes to mind as addressing these issues is Louis Bouyer, The Meaning of Sacred Scripture. It's very on-point with respect to those issues, and I recommend it if you can locate a copy; unfortunately it's relatively difficult to locate (eg, it's not on libgen), but not impossibly so.

Do pray; do ask for God's light and enlightenment.

>> No.16585770

>choosing a faith
Like it’s a brand of shampoo. Smdh.

>> No.16585869
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>every other religion I've experienced tries to make you think confused, or encourages you not to think
is that why cathcucks genocided every gnostic sect there was and the thought of gnosticism still haunts them to this very day? :)

>> No.16585892

>genocided every Gnostic sect
>this revisionism
Where's the part where the gothic kingdoms were genocided by the Catholic Orthodox Church?

>> No.16586140
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>> No.16586311

The interesting thing about Christianity and how it relates to your question is that our rational investigation will hit a wall. It takes us only so far, but not far enough to personally connect and know God. Christianity makes the claim that the wall we hit can be overcome with a necessary leap of faith, and that we can personally and intimately know God. Thats the significance of the Incarnation, and when you meditate on it, or when God opens His revelation to you, it fills all the gaps which couldnt be answered previously.
>For the word of Godisquick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, andisa discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart

>> No.16586332

18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.19For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”b
20Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?21For since in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
22Jews demand signs and Greeks search for wisdom,23but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,24but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.

>> No.16586358

I see that you jumped on the first thing, and then chose to ignore the rest of what I said. Good job, the world wouldn't be the world without dishonest folk like you.

>> No.16586434
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>Choosing a Faith
One does not "choose a faith", but rather, one chooses in what to vest one's faith.

The Christian faith is the only true faith.

>> No.16586449

Read the Qur’an
Read the Sealed Nectar