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File: 258 KB, 1156x1600, Arthur-Schopenhauer-1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16582202 No.16582202 [Reply] [Original]

>To live alone is the fate of all great souls.
was he right /lit/? do I need to isolate myself from the rest of society to become a "Great Soul"?

>> No.16582206

I tell myself this but really I'm just a coward

>> No.16582279

You're understanding this wrong, OP
You're not going to get a great soul by isolating yourself, if you have a great soul you'll be isolated.

>> No.16582325

This. Also if you live in a populated area it’s literally impossible to be “isolated”, and if you frequent the same places making acquaintances becomes inevitable. “Great Souls” live cozy lives nowadays.

>> No.16582328

all of you retards need to stop reading philosophy because you don't understand shit

>> No.16582329

If you feel like you have to go anything to be a great soul, you are not a great soul. Great souls don't contemplate how to be great, they just are.

>> No.16582333

Ok brainlet, tell us your wonderful take on the quote

>> No.16582336

I've always been a bit of a loner, but regardless of my general distaste for being around people most time, when I am alone I miss some company, and my best experiences were shared with friends. I think most lonely people are like this also

>> No.16582342

he didn't lived alone. he never believed one word of what he wrote and that's good. schopenhauer is literature and like all great lit the best is not within an abstract system or theme, but within the single remarks.

>> No.16582355

This guy agrees on that statement and another guy disagrees with that statement. He ain't right or wrong. Be careful grabbing everything in one quote, it can cause a lot of confusion especially if you look at multiple quotes.

>> No.16582366

ok genius

>> No.16582368

Oh, an argument from authority of the Poodle. Certainly, the Poodle said so, better change my whole life to become a shut-in outcast.

>> No.16582439

You got it backwards. I wish there was an intelligence restriction on reading Schopenhauer.

>> No.16582457

Perhaps do as I say instead. Kys immediately.

>> No.16582459

as much as I want to just say:
sounds like he was just trying to cope with why no one liked him

but it depends on what you mean by "alone"

A "great soul" should be capable of acquiring subordinates, family, children, etc.

But it is true that the more complicated an entity is, then the more rare it is.

And even with subordinates, family, children, fans, etc, you're still "alone" in that everyone else is a probabilistic/philosophical zombie

>> No.16582523



>> No.16582544

Did he think he was a great soul himself?

>> No.16582545

cope if i ever heard one

>> No.16582655

Where is the lie? The man literally said you should break away from your human desires of wanting to reproduce, among other things including steering clear of women. Yes or no?

>> No.16582694

>great souls
pathetic prideful retards who are up themselves, but sure we can call them 'great souls'

>> No.16582792

he was

>> No.16582799

the FATE of great souls. not the prerequisite lmao. if you're even asking the quesiton - if life has not led you there already ... you miss the point...

>> No.16582803
File: 14 KB, 200x227, laotzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to become anything, you already are

>> No.16583150

I think it counts as living alone if the only other sentient being in your home is a dog. he clearly was referring to human beings.

>> No.16583488
File: 338 KB, 505x528, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are taking "live alone" too literally, dude was probably just talking about the human condition e.g. never being able to completely fit it with any group

>> No.16583575

>A "great soul" should be capable of acquiring subordinates, family, children, etc.
Assuming a great soul would be interested in such things.

Do you care about being atop the bug hierarchy when you're passing an anthill on the roadside?

I used to think it was cope as well, but over time I've come to appreciate the difficulty of making such bold conclusions.

>> No.16583689

>assuming a great soul would be interested in such things
do I need to be interested in gasoline to fuel up my car?
it's a utility, just like people

so you actually do sound like a cope

>> No.16583838

To what ends, brainlet? "But how else dost thou grow thine brood?!" hurls an ant towards the giant it can't even fully sense, let alone comprehend.

>> No.16583930

to what end did you reply to me, nigger?
kill yourself

>> No.16583938

It's not necessary literal, spastic. To be a genius is to by definition exist on another plane than normoids. This leads to a lonely life.

>> No.16583947

So to get on another plane than normoids, I need to stop replying to cashier greetings?

>> No.16583962

Emily Dickinson says yes