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/lit/ - Literature

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16574852 No.16574852 [Reply] [Original]

Is Anne Frank's diary worth a re-read as an adult? I read it for school when I was 13 but I thought it was just OK, not sure I fully appreciated it since people seem to claim it's supposed to be absolutely fantastic.

>> No.16574880
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>it's supposed to be absolutely fantastic
Why, because the media and their normie golems say so?

>> No.16575006


>> No.16575015

gulag archipelago is pretty dull but a day in the life of ivan denisovich is a really great read

>> No.16575017 [SPOILER] 
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>s Anne Frank's diary worth a re-read as an adult?


>> No.16575062

It's a diary of a young girl, of course the quality would not be on par with professional work. The appeal is that these were private thoughts of a child that just wanted to live, but wasn't allowed to because of things she had no influence over. It's your choice if you want to re-read it or not, there is a possibility your experience will be different if you do.

>> No.16575080 [DELETED] 
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>September 16th, 1944
>Peter van Pels felt himself jerk back into the world of consciousness
>with his head still pounding from a sleepless night, he forced his eyelids open only to find a pair of ocean blue eyes starring at him
>Anne's eyes
>How long had she been lying there, staring at him?
>"Good morning, sleepy one."
>she smiled and kissed his head
>with her head raised, Peter could see the notebook and pen behind her, he noticed the page number had changed yet again from last night, she must've gotten up early and been writing for a while
>"You're up awfully late."
>Peter retorted, "Or maybe you're just up early."
>"Or maybe you wouldn't be oversleeping so much if you would eat properly."
>Anne would not let it go, Peter had been giving her most of his food for months now, he didn't need it, he was more than capable of surviving on what he did have
>"You need it Anne, for both of you."
>"Peter, I'm the size of a house, you've literally gotten so small that you would fit inside of me."
>"Don't count on it."
>as Peter moved, he felt himself brush up against Anne's belly
>his mind immediately filled with thoughts of it
>just being reminded of how big, round, and shiny it was instantly aroused him
>Anne must've felt him poking into her because she immediately moved until he was digging into her belly, teasing him
>Peter could feel his face go red with embarrassment
>"Oh no no no. Peter. You must save your strength, remember what we were planning for today?"
>Peter could, but the grogginess only made his arousal more intense than it would be in waking hours. He wanted his urges satisfied now, he needed it.
>"B-But Anne, you feel so good in the mornings."
>he knew that Anne knew this, but she decided to continuing toying with him anyway
>"Well maybe I could give you an appetizer..."
>Without another word, she yanked the blanket off both of them and straddled him
>for the first time, Peter could see her belly in all its glory
>it was so huge, so round, it was as if she had attached a planet to herself
>the blue veins ran across it like the world's great rivers from his old school textbooks, the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile, the Mississippi...
>the red marks, Anne found them so embarrassing, covered her belly like the great canyons and valleys that dotted the Earth, the Ruhr, Khyber Pass, the "Grand" Canyon, the Shenandoah…
>her popped belly button towered over the rest of her flesh as if it were Mount Everest and he was going to be the first to climb it
>Peter quietly swore to himself that if they survived this war, he would take Anne and their baby to all of these places
>she was so complete with her belly, he could hardly believe she still had another three weeks to go, the mere notion of it aroused to the point where he felt like as hard as stone
>Anne gently took his member and began rubbing it against her belly, the friction was so pleasuring that he closed his eyes and threw his head back


>> No.16575383


she cute

>> No.16575742

No, she’s like 12 and she writes like it

>> No.16575806

I wouldn't use words like "fantastic" to describe it. It's not a novel or a work of philosophy, it's very literally a diary of a girl who was murdered.
Mad cause the 14 year old doesn't write like Joyce.

>> No.16575829

She died of Typus

>> No.16575884

She died of typhus

>> No.16575903

>Mad cause the 14 year old doesn't write like Joyce.

You are an idiot if you can't work through the discrepancy between your comment and his.

>> No.16576492

Wait, isn't this someone's personal diary? Aren't we violating her privacy by reading about her personal life?

>> No.16576596

Public doesn't care as long as the person is too dead to complaint, same with all those mummies and skeletons whose graves were disturbed for sake of research.

>> No.16576952

>Public doesn't care as long as the person is too dead to complaint
She had a dad, and he was the one who released it, that's the worst part
>Shit, a collection of my dead daughter's inner most thoughts and secrets
>Quick! Call a publisher!

>> No.16576957

Is reading propaganda worthwhile?

>> No.16576964

Maybe he just held onto the idea that at least this way his daughter will not be forgotten, but didn't really count it will gain this kind of popularity.

>> No.16576972

>old jewish man writes about a teenage girl
feel like i've read it a thousand times

>> No.16577018 [DELETED] 
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>after what seemed like an eternity of this torturous pleasure, he felt the friction stop and instead a pair of teeth and a tongue assaulting his senses
>the sensation became too much to bear and Peter felt himself slip into a mindless bliss

>Anne sighed as she wiped the thick and sticky remains of Peter’s arousal off her belly with a handkerchief
>she had considered having Peter get his protein by making him to lick it off but she had reconsidered, Peter always left more of a mess than he cleaned
>she looked at him he finally forced himself to get up and strolled toward the window
>the sun shone, birds sang
>and here he was, basking in the sunlight, like a cat, she couldn’t help but giggle
>Peter overheard her, ”what’s so funny?”
>”You’re just like Mouschi, basking in the glorious sunlight like you’re the Fuhrer himself.”
>Hey! Don’t insult Mouschi by comparing him to that man! Mouschi’s got much nicer hair. And he’d be an even better leader I bet.”
>”How so?”
>”Well, he wouldn’t start a fight with rest of the world for starters.”
>”Just with the Dummkopf.”
>”Exactly, and besides. If I’m Mouschi, what does make you? A dirty little alley cat?”
>”I am NOT dirty!”
>”Your mind sure is. God knows filthy that book of yours is.”
>Anne always found it annoying when Peter poked fun at her Kitty. She knew he meant nothing by it, but found it aggravating all the same
>suddenly, Anne felt a punch in her gut followed by a tightening in her underside, she nearly lost her balance, only her hand forcing itself against the wall stop her from all over
>Peter’s voice turned from jovial to worry in an instant, “Are you okay Anne?”
>Anne grabbed her belly with her other hand, trying to soothe the restless life inside
>”I’m fine. It’s just more twinges. Your son really wants to me his papa.”
>”I think you mean daughter!”
>Anne sighed and gave a sad smile, Peter was only trying to cheer her up but she wasn’t in the mood for it
>”Peter… We’ve gone over this already. Motherly intuition is never wrong.”
>Anne secretly wondered if Peter had any idea how much she was lying under her teeth. She had no motherly intuition. Edith was such a poor excuse for one. Margot wasn’t of much help in this regard either. Anne had no idea how to be a mother and at 16, she seriously doubted she ever would
>she just hoped that Peter would be better at being a father to make up for it
>this sobering realization was ruining her mood, she had to move on with the rest of the day.
>”Enough, now help me pack.”
>they didn’t have much for their picnic basket, mostly some potatoes and bread, they had been forced to throw out most of the fish and cheese as it had already spoiled
>as much as she wished to complain, she couldn’t

>> No.16577088

Heavily pregnant Jewish girl

>> No.16578224 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.16579385 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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41 week pregnant, overdue, and horny Anne Frank is best Anne Frank

>> No.16579528

Anne had a few jokes that were recently discovered.

"Do you know why the German girls of the armed forces are in the Netherlands? As a mattress for the soldiers."

"A man and a woman had a relationship, and after a few months the woman's belly was getting disturbingly big. Then, the man called a doctor who said: 'It's just air, Mrs., just air!!!" The man replied: 'I am not pumping air, am I?' "

>> No.16579561 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>"A man and a woman had a relationship, and after a few months the woman's belly was getting disturbingly big. Then, the man called a doctor who said: 'It's just air, Mrs., just air!!!" The man replied: 'I am not pumping air, am I?' "

As if we didn’t have enough hard evidence that Anne Frank had a pregnancy fetish

>ywn pump Anne full of “hot air”


>> No.16579586

go back to /pol/ shithead

>> No.16580750
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Do we have any drawfags around willing to do cute Anne art?

>> No.16581497 [DELETED] 


>> No.16581768
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Why do you want any more jewish propaganda?

Isn't netflix, modern day disney, the porn industry, or holywood enough?

>> No.16581807

>Ballpoint pen

>> No.16581837
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>> No.16581841

Wow, huge cringe. Reexamine your life.

>> No.16581880
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You can literally trace how every subversive entity in the west is owned, operated or funded by jews.

If you are protestant, go search what was Luther's last book. If you are not (as I'm not), take a look at the Talmud, anon. Just some pages, randomly.

>> No.16581938
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>> No.16581944

I'm not the person you're responding to but I do want to share my thoughts. The role Jews played in our decline cannot be ignored but the biggest enemies we've had have been traitorous Whites, not alien enemies. What ultimately matters is whether or not someone is subversive, not whether or not they belong to a group which is overrepresented in subversive movements. The people running the porn industry should take a shower thuroughly with soap and water regardless of their ethnic or religious background. There are Jews out there who are good people and when you focus too much on the Jewish involvement in degeneracy rather than the degeneracy itself, you risk alienating potential allies, both Jewish ones and ones who associate talk of Jews with conspiracy theories. That isn't to say that the JQ should be ignored or that the current relationship between Whites and Jews isn't problematic. I too am sick of Hollywood, AIPAC, and journalists. Perhaps the simplest way to put it would be to say that while it is something, it's not everything.

Anyways, The Diary of Anne Frank is not worth reading. She was a nobody and her diary has been turned into propaganda.

>> No.16581962



Ah yes, forgot how this jewish indoctrination is forced to americans. Enjoy your ball pen fan fic.

>> No.16581975

No, it's propaganda. Ballpoint pen created after WWII you retard.

"The attacks on the authenticity of the diary need to be seen in a wider perspective. People who have claimed, or still claim, that the diary is not genuine have a political agenda. They often also say or write that the Holocaust never happened. Or they try to prove that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, and that the figure of six million Jews murdered during the Second World War is an exaggeration. The diary of Anne Frank is an important document of the Holocaust, and since the Second World War Anne Frank has become the most well known symbol of the persecution of the Jews. People and organisations that deny or trivialise the Holocaust are attempting to exonerate and rehabilitate the National Socialist system. Or, by spreading doubts on the fate of the Jews during the Second World War, they try to undermine the state of Israel’s right to exist."

- https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/authenticity-diary-anne-frank/

-- Propaganda confirmed --

>> No.16581984
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Quite ironical, huh.

The very same Stefan got banned from YT simply because the (((ADL))) put his name on the list of "hate speech" people.

When lies are the norm, truth is considered hate speech

>> No.16581989
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>all this Neo-Nazi handwringing


>> No.16582006
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>The people running the porn industry

Take a look at the names. You can find it all on the surface, they don't even try to hide.

Tap that "early life" section of everyone from the companies - those who manage, fund and direct, not the poor degenerate souls working on it (even though there are many male secular jews as actors, btw)

>There are Jews out there who are good people

No doubts. There are even some nice niggers - yet the statistics (specially when confronting with same socioeconomic level) speak for themselves

>Anyways, The Diary of Anne Frank is not worth reading. She was a nobody and her diary has been turned into propaganda.

It has always been propaganda. That's why you probably read it in school, as well as me.

>> No.16582007

Huh? I'm not a Neo-Nazi, which is basically just a slur at this point anyways. Did you not read anything I said? My beliefs are basically the same as most Americans during the time we were fighting WW2.

>> No.16582034
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>> No.16582038
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>Jews Owned The Slave Ships

And that's supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.16582053
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can't you faggots go and shoot up a school and let us discuss literature in peace.

Summer is over, go back to /pol/. Nobody cares about your weird 19th-century pseud bullshit anymore.

>> No.16582063


Was it not? Your sister is probably twerking at some webcam right now in support for BLM and her mulatto child's future.

People should have picked their own cotton.

>cope, the post

>> No.16582098
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>Was it not? Your sister is probably twerking at some webcam right now in support for BLM and her mulatto child's future.

Wouldn't be problem if the niggers had been kept in chains like they belong :)

>> No.16582853
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