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File: 1.50 MB, 2725x2346, chicken-butcher-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16578913 No.16578913 [Reply] [Original]

I believe eating animals to be ethical, yet I am too uncaring to form any arguments.

>> No.16578938
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We partake in symbiotic relationships within the economy of nature, but we don't always go about it in an ethical/sustainable way. Pic related does it right.

>> No.16578942

why isn't it ethical?

>> No.16578943

That's because you're acting on the lifestyle we've created and lived by for thousands of years. The burden of proof rests on those who want to change it.

>> No.16578945
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then kindly fuck off

>> No.16578957

Do not think about arguments, justifications, excuses or legitimacy. Eat meat. Stick a fork on a fatty piece of meat and slowly cut it, watching the beautiful rosy interior appear. Feel the juices slushing around your mouth with every bite you take. Drink red wine afterwards for an enhanced effect.

>> No.16578965
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>Dude don't think about what you do, just be a hedonist consoomer

>> No.16578968

Killing pheasants and other hunting-animals can be necessary to keep the wild population down to a ecological level. Big boy farms with no space for living is unethical though.

>> No.16578976


>> No.16578985

The more interesting thing to discuss about the ethics of the meat industry is the inhumane conditions they keep the livestock in. I don't want my cows to be locked up in pens for their entire lives, pumped full of hormones that inevitably passes on to me. This has to be changed.

>> No.16579003

Some animals eat animals. Humans belong to that group. We also happen to be at the top of the food chain, which is good for us and bad for the other guys. Ethics are hardly part of this equation, it's just how nature works.

>> No.16579014

1.) Feeding livestock unnatural diets
2.) Limited space, they often live in their own feces
3.) Often receive less sunlight
4.) Pumped full of hormones, and antiobiotics to combat the inevitable diseases that arise from an unnatural/unhealthy circumstances

If its not organic, and pasture-raised/grass-fed/wild-caught then I won't eat it.

>> No.16579021

It's neither Moral or Immoral it just is. I have no problem with someone killing an animal to eat meat just like I have no problem with someone raping an animal. Animals aren't "rational creatures" and can be treated less then.

>> No.16579029

Most people can't afford to make that choice, though.

>> No.16579035

You want it to change? Good, but it will require you to put on your big boy brain. We need a global eugenics program and to reduce the global population below 1 billion humans. Sorry to burst your bubble but 7.8 billion people and counting is not sustainable in any way, shape or form

>> No.16579040
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Which is why we need this >>16579035

>> No.16579052

unless you are stuck somewhere you can't survive without meat, the is no coherent argument for killing a creature for your own gustatory pleasure

>> No.16579059
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So everything that you wrote could is arguably bad for you, the meat consumer and not specifically the cow.
And how do you know that being fed and treated medically is somehow worse than being in the wild and having your intestines eaten while you're still alive? How can you guys claim to know what cows think and feel is beyond me.

>> No.16579075
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>We need a global eugenics program and to reduce the global population below 1 billion humans.
Not true at all. We need to destroy Americans, Canadians, New Zealenders, Brits, Irish, and Western Europe. If all of these people die, every single existential problem faced by humanity disappears in an instant.

>> No.16579076
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A chicken has no greater virtue than to be digested by me and to fortify me in the things I do.

>> No.16579083

>we need proportionately more chinese people

>> No.16579084

Why, yes, I do need a PhD in biology to see that pic related is cruel. No one without a 10 year education can see that.

>> No.16579088

dude fuck off.
don't give up the good because you can't maintain the perfect. if you can make that choice, you should. we'll work it out from there

>> No.16579093

Clearly you're a brain dead motherfucker. Read >>16578938 then look into Joel Salatin and his methods. We can raise animals ethically, while simultaneously improving the environment and yielding high quality organic animal products, but food corporations would prefer to keep their profit margins high, at the expense of the stupid masses who buy the low quality food.

>> No.16579100
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Forgot the image.

>> No.16579101
File: 61 KB, 718x500, 1598165223478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely weak bait.

>> No.16579114

Tell me how 600 hundred million Africans will harm the world more than 300 million Americans? One American probably harms the world as much as 50 to 60 African people, and that's being very modest.

>> No.16579120

>How can you guys claim to know what cows think and feel is beyond me.
I think it is reasonable to assume that it is not in any barn animals' interest to die in pain. if you try to cut into a cow while it's living it'll fight back, isn't that evidence enough that it is not in the things interest?

>> No.16579121

I understand the arguments against eating meat, but I don't understand why people care enough to make it immoral.

To live you have to consume life. Until that changes I don't see how eating an animal - purely on the basis that it's an animal - can be immoral.

I do understand and agree that eating factory farmed meat is immoral.

>> No.16579129
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>but m-muh muh fee fees
Facts don't care about your feelings, faggot. I will reiterate, a global population of 7.8 billion humans is not sustainable. We live on a planet with finite resources. I'm sorry that your blood line would be eliminated if a eugenics was implemented, but it's for the greater good. Please do the world a favor and kys.

>> No.16579135
File: 133 KB, 1024x824, 1566837394804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We need MORE low IQ, violent niggers, goy!"

>> No.16579146

On average, maybe, but if you controlled for the owners/executives of superpolluter corporations and government agencies the numbers would likely even out a good amount

>> No.16579156

I sure do wonder why people so worried about over population never offer themselves up.

>> No.16579164

As Africa develops more, so does it consumption-rate. This will also be the case for India -- if not already the case, considering their level of pollution.

Eitherway, fewer people overall -- and, thus, fewer people to become entangled in the system -- is better.

>> No.16579181

>As Africa develops more, so does it consumption-rate

I agree. We can deal with that problem later, right now the #1 enemy of the world is the US of A.

>The average American produces 1,704 pounds of garbage per year, roughly three times the global average, according to a new report by the research firm Verisk Maplecroft.

>Across 194 countries, the researchers found that the world produces 2.3 billion tons of municipal solid waste each year, which is enough to fill 822,000 Olympic-sized pools. Of this waste, just 16% is recycled, while 46% is disposed of unsustainably in ways that harm the environment.

>> No.16579182

kek the image

>> No.16579202
File: 1.45 MB, 1922x1188, CARNISM VERSVS VEGANISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16579212

Presumably because mass slaughter to the tune of billions isn't the answer, and something like offering to sterilize the bottom 30% of the IQ pool in exchange for increased welfare/UBI is infinitely more viable

>> No.16579217
File: 132 KB, 693x705, +6266651651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to nuke biological life out of existence on this shithole planet only then will we have peace.

>> No.16579227

higher standard of living hhas always lead to decreasing population size over time
western society is obvious but its also happening in china

>> No.16579240

The government has propped up a grotesquely wasteful and inefficient form of industrial agriculture, cemented car/suburb culture and raped our natural environment, while Africans still live in mudhuts and squalid slums.
This doesn't speak to some moral superiority of Africans over Westerners in regards to nature but rather to the insidious intentions of our ruling tribe.

>> No.16579251

Man is a Beast of Prey not a herbivore that subsists off of grains, legumes and leaves.

>> No.16579282

>Man is a Beast of Prey...


>> No.16579291

Bingo. I never specified the means by which we would reduce the population, but voluntary sterilization in exchange for welfare/UBI is a good incentive to get the stupid people to stop procreating.

>> No.16579303
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>> No.16579314
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Well said.

>> No.16579344

The industrial agriculture is so inefficent due to government and megacorporation intervention. They want to be able to ramp up production at a moment's notice to fill any voids in foreign markets but that requires disgustingly overdesigned infrastructure which can only be afforded by government subsidies coupled with regulation that's prevents farmers from attempting to achieve any advantage.

>> No.16579449

>The government

Not only the government, friend. Government and corporations are intertwined. Living in mudhuts on the savannah is good, the problem comes with the squalid slums, because people gravitate towards cities and have to settle for these degrading accommodations. I don't think Africans/Asians and, to a lesser extent, South Americans are morally superior to Westerners. It's just the truth that no mudhut dwelling Brazilian indian has ever created a tool capable of destroying all of the world. The West has. All of our existential threats (nukes, GMOs, general artificial intelligence, decaying resources, concrete-ridden suburbs, autocars, highways, etc) come from Western sources.

>> No.16579464

Yup. Some people have such a hard on for technology. They consider whether or not they can create it, but never whether or not they should.

>> No.16579778

cow yum yum

>> No.16579808

Then they can't afford to eat meat ethically

>> No.16579846

As an Australian I will pray God make me His instrument of retribution.

>> No.16579911

>pay attention to the many fine details of a moment
> don't get caught up in excessive autistic moralizing

>hedonistic consoomer

>> No.16579951

This. Thank God some people are finally getting the memo.

>> No.16580419

The key word is "some". I have an IQ that has been measured at 137 and 139, which is why I'm intelligent enough to realize we need a global eugenics program and a reduction of the global population.

>> No.16580452

We could also just consume less. The West over consumes a lot of useless garbage and then throws it away. And it's extremely wasteful and destroys the environment in various ways. But yeah in general the absolute worst places are suburbs filled with barely literate lawn ornaments who have mistaken themselves for people.

>> No.16580463


>> No.16580493

we are nature and everything we do is natural. who gives a fuck about ethics

>> No.16581191

>the absolute worst places are suburbs filled with barely literate lawn ornaments who have mistaken themselves for people
Kek'd. Even if we consumed less it wouldn't matter unless we replenished more than we consumed, which is bawically impossible in the case of some resources like oil

>> No.16581321

Shut the fuck up you tranny manlet bitch, I'll beat the shit out of you if I meet you.

>> No.16581390
File: 123 KB, 1100x740, goat eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't give vegans the horizontal slit prey eyes