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16576073 No.16576073 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16576092

A nice death.
All I want in life is a pretty hill to die on. It's harder to find than you'd think.

>> No.16577467


Okay, that's a yikes.

>> No.16577497

He didn't get a nice death, halfway while committing seppuku and a knife in his abdomen, his assistant was trembling and swung his sword. It didn't completely cut his head off, another swung was taken several minutes later that cut it neatly

It was a gruesome show and his assistant was beyond incompetent

>> No.16577518

>he judges the niceness of a death by how many ouchies it generates
Peak onions

>> No.16577533
File: 14 KB, 364x322, goldkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of nip culture when even the most traditionalist nips can't ritually kill themselves according to traditional nip custom anymore.

>> No.16577554
File: 611 KB, 601x567, 76-764960_transparent-pepe-laugh-hysterical-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The assisting kaishakunin duty at the end of this ritual (to decapitate Mishima) had been assigned to Tatenokai member Masakatsu Morita, who was unable to properly perform the task. After several failed attempts at severing Mishima's head, he allowed another Tatenokai member, Hiroyasu Koga, to behead Mishima. Morita then knelt and stabbed himself in the abdomen and Koga again performed the kaishakunin duty."


>> No.16577564

>After several failed attempts at severing Mishima's head
jesus christ

>> No.16577576
File: 550 KB, 1277x800, DE645BD8-1A06-4227-B338-C0A55063BD35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding the pottery of the incompetence of his kaishakunin and what it says about the decay of Japan
Mishima planned it. It’s just too on the nose

>> No.16577600

Mishima was a little fag boy who got infected with the european gay mindvirus. Of course he couldn't kill himself because he was already half way to weeb degeneracy.

>> No.16577605


>> No.16577608

I watched the Paul Schrader interview the other day.
Is it true one of Mishima's UK editions (maybe it was a biography) had OP on the back cover? The bongs are savage.

>> No.16577612

Mishima was probably revelling in the pain, let’s be real

>> No.16577615

You need to get out more often

>> No.16577624

Yeah, he was a major s&m fan desu

>> No.16577630

It would have been better if he'd done it alone. Taking his little gay club to the military base was fuckin gay.

>> No.16577662
File: 170 KB, 700x755, gayyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, nothing gay here at all...

>> No.16577681

He was gay, yes. You're still schizopilled af.

>> No.16577690


>> No.16577781
