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/lit/ - Literature

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1656931 No.1656931 [Reply] [Original]

What's your major? How you liking it?

pic related, mine

>> No.1656932

Enjoying political science. Not sure what I will do with it, though.

>> No.1656938

Repeat after me, "would you like room for cream?"

>> No.1656942

no thanks my parents are rich.

>> No.1656944

already have an English degree, with a history minor.

earning secondary teaching certification.
History was awesome, English was a mixed bag but mostly good (there's several important people I never studied because LOLDEADWHITEMEN, but I have the resources to study them now), Education has been a fucking shameful, shameful joke, but it ends in a job.

>> No.1656956


also, want to add that now I feel more than ever that "Education" as an academic discipline is merely a conspiracy to ensure all teachers are middle class by forcing people to pay for 6+ years of "higher education." seeing what happens in teacher prep programs has been one of the most disappointing and depressing experiences of my life.

>> No.1656965

Your parents are rich, so you have to entertain yourself so cheaply with 4chan.

Makes sense.

>> No.1656966

International Affairs with concentrations in History and Religion, minors in English and Psychology

>> No.1656972

Finished a Psychology degree last year. Desperately hoping to get an assistantship in a shit economy.

The major was great, and left a lot of time for a philosophy minor. I regret nothing.
Well, maybe a little.

>> No.1657014

Pure Math...am I on the wrong board?

>> No.1657026

I'm thinking of doing pretty much the exact same thing as you when I enter university next year, is Education really that bad?

>> No.1657037



It's not bad as a JOB, mind you, but it's as bad as it can be as an academic discipline. You will do NOTHING worthwhile EVER in education classes. It's more about making sure you can afford it than making sure you learn anything.

>> No.1657045

Haven't gone to school yet, thinking of either studying finance or economics, can you weigh in OP?

>> No.1657056

Double majoring in Creative Writing and Computer Science.

Hoping to start an online publication soon. I'm so sick of trying to find competent internet journals with quality writing - all I ever find is either blogspam, New Yorker reposts, or horrific amateur garbage.

>> No.1657062


Also, I want to stress that you will see the best and worst about our society as a teacher. It's a noble pursuit, and I don't want to discourage you, necessarily, but know what you're getting in for.

You're about to be dropped in the middle of everybody's problems all the time.

>> No.1657063

technical theatre. dropping out to get a job though (poorfag). luckily it is in tech theatre so really im already accomplishing what a lot of grads cant seem to.

>> No.1657064

>online publication

That market's saturated, bro.

>> No.1657071


Recommend me some decent online journals that are similar to the Paris Review or The New Yorker. I'm not being sarcastic - I would love to see the

>> No.1657242

Double major in political science and history.

Amazing. There is a really diverse staff base in both departments, not just in terms of the areas they study but the way in which they teach and the approaches they teach. Also, despite that, 95% of the lectures are taught in an impartial manner, which is also great. Our TAs are great PhD students who know what they're talking about and who are really chill people. It's a good University too, so seminars are full of people who know what they're talking about and who like to engage in spirited discussion.

It's awesome.

>> No.1657243


>What's your major

I majored in "How is this literature related?"

>> No.1657268

Philosophy major. I enjoy it for the most part, but some of the classes are rather mind-numbingly boring. And it doesn't help that a lot of philosophers are not great writers. Complex ideas explained with rather unspecific language or a poorly written style just serve to make the ideas unintuitive and a labor to read through.

I do however find just about daily use for at least one idea I have learned in philosophy that I use as an educational moment for non-philosophy students.

I don't really regret it, I have a realistic concept of the job market. But I do think I can sell it rather well, I find that when I have a passion for things I can express myself in a rather moving way.

>> No.1657270

women's stuides

only male in class

only one getting over 80% grades

these girls are denser than black holes

>> No.1657275

Medicine. It combines the best of humanism and hard science. For a long time the latter dominated medicine, but now the pendulum is swinging the other way.

>> No.1657276


And you get that awesome feeling of instant moral superiority just for telling the children of medium-high income white people that their child has a mild cold (or whatever you plan on doing).

>> No.1657277
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Studying law. After finishing school I'll probably work in McDonald's.

>> No.1657280


Why would I feel superior for just doing my job? And most of my patients will be average people. I'm not planning on becoming a plastic surgeon.

And I live in Europe. People get health care for free here.

>> No.1657285

Getting my A.S. in CompSci, plan to move on and get a B.A. later on.
I just started so I took all the funny courses like anthropology and English. I still get straight A's both in Programming I as well as in English, because it seems I'm one of the few people able to construct a coherent argument, put it into a paragraph with grammatically sound sentences.

Well, it's easy to shine if you're surrounded by niggers.

>> No.1657293

Maths (pure, stats and applied) at the moment, probably just pure next year. Can't stand useful maths.

>> No.1657300


My bad, I live in the United States, it must be a weird thing that medical students here have.

>> No.1657301

>ctrl-f Business
Am I the only one?

>> No.1657319


I'm tired of reading Romantics and Milton.

>> No.1657327
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English, area of concentration in Literary Theory and Criticism

Post-colonialism and gender studies everywhere. mfw

>> No.1657393

Finance :3

>> No.1657400

English Education

>> No.1657403

Modern Languages degree here

>> No.1657405

>ctrl+f "Accounting"
>zero results
>forever alone

>> No.1657410


Good luck getting a job with that degree. No seriously I almost feel bad for you.

>> No.1657415


Oh wow, enjoy failure

>> No.1657417


>> No.1657418

Philosophy/Japanese (Major/Minor). Sometimes the seminar discussions can be frustrating, and as a first year I'm getting a lot of 'SUBJECTIVELOL' arguments thrown at me. Other than that and the feminist, romantic poet wannabes I'm enjoying it.

>> No.1657421


Enjoy your pseudo-scientific and useless microeconomics.

>> No.1657422

>It's not bad as a JOB, mind you, but it's as bad as it can be as an academic discipline. You will do NOTHING worthwhile EVER in education classes. It's more about making sure you can afford it than making sure you learn anything.

What country are you from?
Because though I find my current Education units easy, they are incredibly useful and insightful. Sure, they may have no real world application when I get into a room full of teenagers, but to call it useless as an academic discipline is a pretty bold statement.

Which theorists have you read?
I'll assume you have read Mezirow, Friere, Arnold, O'Sullivan, Gardner, Mayo, Tacey etc etc etc.

>> No.1657424


>> No.1657425

Jesus Christ.

And I thought my major/minor were useless. Yours are shockingly bad.

>> No.1657427


Please, PLEASE no more.
3rd year with a Lit major... if I have to deal with a patriarchal society / post-apartheid society / post-colonial society ONCE MORE... I am going to cry....

>> No.1657428



>> No.1657430

Anyone here majoring in the humanities?

>> No.1657443


I disagree to a small extent, but don't really care since my vocational education has left me fully trained in a particular job market which I was employed in for the last few years.

There's always TEFL, no?

>> No.1657447




>> No.1657451

Economics too, OP.

good times.

>> No.1657455
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i have the exact same major/minor

>> No.1657459


Did you even read the damn thread?

>> No.1657463


To clarify, TEFL is not the vocational education I was reffering. Also to clarify, I did not choose Japanese as a path to TEFL.

>> No.1657465
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>real degree

>> No.1657467

i remember there was a thread about which person on this board would you want to fuck. and then some girl said 'capsguy cos hes the cutest' but really Fabulous probably has the best facial symmetry.

so what is it? probably because hes so badass, the fucking sluts here want put in their place. capsguy frequently says sexist things and that attitude isnt even motavated by butthurt. so basically deep down inside their want to revel in their instinct to cheat and be a slut. but then again i shouldnt be surprised from the types ive met on here. im guessing the girl in question was ckinbote or sriq.

this is another thread where hes being a total asshat. ill list some things: suckup bh being a pseudotrip. he is basically a recognisable poster yet he manages to be liked from doing the same reading threads all the time. he wont read women authors or post wwii. he reads russian novels in english primarily. which shows reading is obv an accessory to him. always boasts about his degree even though its low tier maths and a cancerous industry (basically a service for lazy businessmen). hes also a man slut and has yellow fever. probably an accessory like the russian thing.

the only thing not disgusting here is that he reads alot.

>> No.1657469

ummm hey guys
>structural engineering...

>> No.1657471




>> No.1657474

err wut?

>> No.1657482


While I find it amusing that you think Caps Guys behaves like a dick - he's been nothing but the soul of politeness and courtesy in threads I have personally overseen - but, aside from that, why are you complaining about the fact that he reads Old Russian Novels, or Old Dead Russian White Male Novels?

Are they not -literature-? It sounds to me like you're faulting him for partaking in the same activity we've come here to discuss.

>> No.1657484

I believe the success of a thread on /lit/ can be measured in terms of the time it takes to decend into trip-faggotry.

5/10, OP.

>> No.1657486

Major: Neurobiology
Minor: Philosophy

Chose to minor in philosophy to better strengthen my writing skills and having a better grasp on history and some of the men who critiqued what was going during their times.

Besides my philosophy classes, I have all hard-science classes such as Chem, Bio and Physics. Pre-med student who wants to eventually go into research full time and study attraction in human beings as well as decision-making.

>> No.1657489

you do understand that im venting and not talking to you right? as long as youre having fun you should just ignore it. maybe youre blowing off steam by your awful posts itt idk but im commenting on it and not speaking to you so none of your business.

i need an adult girls are so insensitive :s

>> No.1657500

hey arceuief first time i saw you in ages was today in the black people thread. do you come here to get called a bitch or something. youre victimised schtick is almost as lame as when fabulous gets all serious about homophobia.

my comment is that he purpsefully chooses to read only translated novels. and these translations will be rare and of bad quality unlike say the main Dosto works where you have alot of choice. its like he doesnt care about the quality. he wants to read russian novels for the effect thats assosciated with it. its not like nationality is a genre of literature especially if youre not reading it in the native language.

>> No.1657503


You don't post frequently, so I'll catch you up. TyBrax uses /lit/ as her personal fucking livejournal. She rarely contributes anything noteworthy to threads and instead tries to pull every thread she's in back toward herself with insipid anecdotes and general complaining. Best to ignore her and move on.

>> No.1657505


Let's see.....you opened up with a vague swipe in my direction, quibbled about translations, and then proceeded to drown in your own self-importance.

And yet you failed to convince me why Caps is a dick. I guess the world will never know.

>> No.1657507

hey ill catch you up. im not a girl im a boy and excluding today and yesterday its common opinion that ive been a semi decent poster these last two months.

>> No.1657508





>> No.1657511


>im a boy

Then you are the most prepubescent effeminate males I've ever known.

And "semi-decent" isn't really something to brag about as far as quality posts. Also, if you were truly decent you'd be saging this, as you so often brag you love to do with non-/lit/-related posts.

>> No.1657513
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Major : History
Minor : Politics

tee hee hee

>> No.1657514

B.S. in Biochemistry.

It's quite fun for the most part. I love biology the classes weren't doing it for me. I feel that chemistry with emphasis in biology is right at the level you can know the most applicable knowledge in living systems. It's also a huge research area. However the downside is that I'm pre-med and sometimes the pressure of keeping a certain GPA causes me miss the bigger picture and I spend more time memorizing than learning.

>> No.1657515

youre reducing my post to nothing intentionally. 'quibbed about translations'. thats just your opinion and also a bad one. have you ever read two different translations of a russian novel?

i wasnt trying to prove hes a dick in that post. in my original post itt you will find the list of reasons i think hes a dick. if thats not enough to convince you then i dont really care. i was originally wanting to vent about sluts not capsguy.

>> No.1657518


And I'm also horrible with grammar.

>> No.1657520

i really dont care right now.

>> No.1657533


I live in the United States, in the midwest.

>Mezirow, Friere, Arnold, O'Sullivan, Gardner, Mayo, Tacey

I haven't heard of any of those people, though Gardner and Tacey sound familiar from my own research for classes. The theorists/developmental psychologists we've covered include Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, B.F. Skinner, Erik Erikson, and to a lesser extent Sigmund Freud.

However, in my classes "psychology" usually deteriorated into "let's-share-our-feelings-time." We never read a primary text by any of these theorists.

Based on my experiences, I still stand by my bold claim. But I would be interested in hearing more about your experience.

>> No.1657534

haven't decided yet
toss up of
>Literature degree

>> No.1657535


There wasn't all that much to reduce, really. You see, I had nothing to work with.

>> No.1657537

I was an English major. Had a lit-related job for 3 years, now transferring on to something less creative/prestigious but better-paid and more secure.

>> No.1657538

youre a bullshitter. translations dont mean shit kk.

>> No.1657540

I would personally recommend majoring in nutrition and minoring in literature. You basically learn everything you need to learn about fitness with a nutrition degree and cooking is something you can always either learn on your own quite easily or take up later in life.

>> No.1657541


>I would personally recommend majoring in nutrition

Yes, but can this earn you massive amounts of money? Critical question here, gentlemen.

>> No.1657542


So your psychology class turned into a therapy talk session?

Jesus, no wonder so many self-proclaimed "eccentric" faggots and whiny "introvert" bitch kids are majoring in that shit. Psychology majors are the kind of people who got beat up in middle school for being such fucking ass clowns.

>> No.1657544


If you want massive amounts of money, major in Economics, Physics, Engineering or Computer Science at some place like Harvard or MIT.

>> No.1657546


Also if you're a nonfiction writer and graduated from a "top school" that just lends extra credence to your work and your books are more likely to be bestsellers. Fun fact.

>> No.1657549

Yes, it's very possible if you make the right types of connections during your studying. My friend is majoring in nutrition and was explaining the figures of salary to me and his plan.

>> No.1657551

>implying anyone can just get into Harvard or MIT.

I'm busting my balls trying to get into places like those two.

>> No.1657552


What's the key to making good connections in your field?

I'm not a nutrition major, I'm a social science major, but I would like to know.

>> No.1657553


You can still probably get into one of the "lesser" Ivy League schools like Penn.

>> No.1657554


>projecting own self-loadhing linked to 4chan usage

>> No.1657556

Be sociable as fuck. Socially network as much as possible, i.e. take advantage of Facebook and make as many friends in as many groups as possible. Join clubs, do as many extra-curricular activities as possible like fundraisers for the environment and poor and shit like that.

The last thing you want is to graduate with a 4.0 GPA and have absolutely no connections or know the right people to getting a great job salary wise.

>> No.1657558


What if you can't do extracurriculars because you have to work a damn job pretty much every moment you're not in class?

>> No.1657559

Funny. This is the school I'm actually aiming for. Trying to get into UPenn or Yale's medical school. Pre-med student here.

>> No.1657560


>> No.1657562


You didn't specify whether extracurricular activities should be related to your major? Would it be preferable to do extracurricular activities unrelated to your major to show that you're well-rounded?

>> No.1657564

Philosophy->law school->back to East Europe->family owns land->?????->profit->get stabbed/die accidentally/old age

>> No.1657567

Then talk to as many people as you can in class. As gay as it sounds, you really need to build bridges and not walls. My nutrition friend, for example, is sociable as fuck and found some kid in one of his classes whose dad owns some rich ass business and is possibly going to hire my nutrition friend as some type of consult when he graduates.
Well-rounded is really the way to go. You don't necessarily have to do extracurricular activities related to your major but it is preferable and you may want to do things that are not related to your major as well, to show you have an interest in hobbies and are sociable instead of being someone who locks themselves in their rooms isolating themselves from society. People don't like that.

>> No.1657568


UPenn graduates pretty much always end up middle class. Not upper middle class either. The school has an okay reputation because it's ivy league, was founded by a founding father, blah blah blah, but employers just don't take it as seriously as Harvard, Yale and the like.

>> No.1657570
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you are an annoyingl piece of nigger shit.

turn off your caps. "capsguy" is a mere projection of your desperate need for attention. turn off your caps. turn

>> No.1657571


I assume there are some extracurricular activities you shouldn't mention on your resume? Like if you were in gaming club or your college's humans vs. zombies game, you'd probably just come off as a fruitcake for having that on your resume. I think what you mean is you wouldn't only have to be well-rounded, you'd also have to have extracurricular activities that seem serious instead of frivolous.

>> No.1657574

I'm not sure where you get your information from, but it's not something I would doubt. I'm a pre-med student who eventually wants to go into research. I never intended being rich or higher middle-class. There is literally no money in research unless you end up as some private research lab and even then you won't make much more, but I'll still love my job. I really do want to go to UPenn for the education and that's some they can provide me with. Nothing more.

>> No.1657575
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Damn, I really wish I had known obvious stuff like this when I was 18. Not that I completely screwed up in life but I would probably be faring better now.

>> No.1657576

Question, /lit/:

If you study criminology can you get into a position where people are trying to kill you? I want to fight for my life. Or should I back up my Crim major with four years of ROTC so I can secure a dangerous position of adventure?

>> No.1657578


then you're probably being fucked by the system, unless you're in a pre-professional program (i.e. engineering, nursing, teaching, etc.) where they set up those things for you

>> No.1657580

>not sure where you get your information from

I'm the nephew of two UPenn alumni and the son of another UPenn alumni ;)

>> No.1657582
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Theoretical astrophysics, yo.

>> No.1657584


I wish I were that smart.

>> No.1657585

It's always subjective but not necessarily. I mean, look at it like this. One of my friends goes to a state school that has a pie club. Their mission is to meet up every Friday and literally eat pies and meet up with new people who love eating pies. Should he put this on his resume if he's trying to get into a better graduate school? The mission of the club was obviously worthless but it's still better than be locked in your room doing nothing. It really depends on what type of career/school you want. If you're a business major trying to get into Stanford, then you probably don't want to put this on your resume. But if you're a nutrition major or cook, then maybe, yeah, I mean, maybe the pies were healthy and you gave them out to other students as well as a packet with nutritional information. It's subjective.

>> No.1657587


All right, well I'm still withholding that I was in my college's Dr. Steel fan club... for the sake of humanity. And good taste.

>> No.1657589


You already are, bro. All about (extremely!) hard work and dedication.

>> No.1657590

Don't even fret, anon. There is always time to turn your life around and do better. There's this guy who just got accepted into the same school as me and he's 26. He regrets not doing anything for 8 years but working after high school, but he still has his eyes set on an ivy league graduate school after he graduates.

>> No.1657592

Fucking noice. I seriously wish I had family who went to UPenn or Yale or any ivy league for that matter. Connections go a long fucking way.

Did they enjoy their time at UPenn?

>> No.1657593
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major in saving the world
i am liking it so far

>> No.1657598

I still haven't picked a major. I want to do something I like, but I don't know what I like and what I pick probably won't help me at all with finding a good job. I like money but I also don't want to spend a lot of my life doing something that I don't like. You know what I mean?

I bet I sound like every faggot in the world ever.

>> No.1657601


My mother said she was glad to have gone there but enjoyed the private quaker college she got her undergrad degree from a lot more. I'm not sure how my other family that went there felt, but my uncle who went there was able to secure a position teaching Chemistry at Brown for a few years, I believe.

>> No.1657602


Also, the only account your employer will have of what this "pie club" meant is what you tell them.

Even if you're a nutrition major but didn't make healthy pies or pass out nutritional facts, you can always spin it that because there's absolutely no way for employers to tell the difference.

Finding a job is all about who you know and how you market yourself. It has nothing to do with being particularly competent or qualified in your field. Being competent will only help you advance, of course, but it's really only in the service of building your network/bolstering your reputation.

It doesn't work too well, but that's just how it is.

>> No.1657607


Okay, you know there are things you like, right? Do you like Literature? Acting? Film? Photography? Do you enjoy studying politics, history or science? Are you interested in learning about the workings of public administration?
Just pick something you really like, major in that, and pick a second (possibly more useful) major to compliment it. Dual majoring will give you credentials in two subjects and show that you're well-rounded, especially if you have a minor in something else to go along with your two majors.

>> No.1657609

I still have three years to go so I know I can build my resume well but UPenn's medical school is always top five in research, according to U.S. News World Report or whatever, which, unfortunately, has a huge influence on many pre-med students who are applying to top-tier medical schools. Also has an acceptance rate of 4%-5%. I know I can fucking do it.


What do like? What are your hobbies? What classes did you enjoy taking in high school?

>> No.1657614

Thank you, kind Anon!

>> No.1657615

My degree is in political science
I didn't like it too much, no.

>> No.1657621

Y not?

>> No.1657622

I have no real passion for anything. Yes, I like literature and philosophy and history and film, but I can't see myself really "doing" any of these things.

My favorite classes in high school were math classes but that's only because they were easy for me. I didn't actually enjoy math class

>> No.1657633


Why, because you learned about how complicated and immoral the beaureacratic bullshit behind your everyday life actually is?

>> No.1657637

where did you go to school virginia woof

i feel you dude, it's all a load of shit

>> No.1657643

political science and it's depressing as hell. i live in the deep south where people oppose Obamacar but wanna keep there medicaid, hate illegals but vote for a party that wants to ship jobs overseas, and want the government to fix the deficit but don't want it to raise taxes to pay for the necessary shit.

>> No.1657644


If those are your interests go for two majors and two minors. Also, college isn't a direct ticket to a specific job, that's just bullshit that disaffected teens in rural areas are led to believe so they'll give their parents' money to state schools.

But if you really don't have a passion for anything you might want to see a counselor about possible depression

>> No.1657652

becoming more educated on the topic makes it more frustrating and grants a better understanding of the futility of attempting anything truly progressive.
oh. someone said part of it already I guess.
I went to a university I could afford that had a good girl to guy ratio and a reputation for partying hard. It was pretty "meh" for most subjects but it had a stately campus, pleasant surrounding scenery, and some good bars nearby.

>> No.1657655

This is what I'd recommend. First, pick either science or art. Literally pick which subject you like more.

If science, you could major in biology. This will give you a general idea and you'll get classes from most aspects of science such as obviously biology, chemistry, physics and math.

If art, you could major in English. This will give you a general idea and you should explore theatre, a little bit of philosophy, history and fiction.

Then you could eventually find what you like and go much more specific and change your major.

I mean, you don't HAVE to go to college. Another option could be going to community college and just taking completely random classes and finding out what you like, maybe getting a certificate in something like computers or pharmacy technician or eventually being more serious about another career.. But like I said, you don't have to go to college. You could always just work and save up moolah.

>> No.1657656

You mind if I ask what university you went to?

>> No.1657665

Slavic Studies with Minor in Computer Science.

And I speak Russian(native speaker), Czech/Slovak, Croat/Serb, Albanian, Macedonian, and Ukrainian and as you can hopefully tell I speak and write English very fluently. Your argument over translations is making me lol hard though. Having read a fuckton of Russian translations, and the originals. Here's the secret that translators don't want you to know.. There is no best translation, they are all flawed in one way or another, there are not any perfect translations, and honestly most of the flaws in translations are so minor that it doesn't make any difference at all in your reading enjoyment. I guess sense you guys are all literary faggots you guys sit and analyze texts so for you, every word is CRUCIAL!! AAAH! If you are reading for pure enjoyment then I see nothing wrong with reading a slightly faulty translation the way you seem to say capsguy does, if you are reading for study and complaining about the translation being imperfect I would say you are a faggot and should read it in the language it was written if it matters so damn much to you. People who argue over translations are idiots.

>> No.1657671

Goddammit. This. Yes.

>> No.1657672


>Slavic studies

Why not just do a major in International Affairs with a heavy focus on classes about Slavic politics/history/religion?

I say this because specialized area/ethnic studies programs aren't generally well-regarded unless your goal is to do a PhD and supplement your income by writing books on the subject.

>> No.1657675

Maybe that's what he wants to LEARN.

You people are way too money-oriented.

>> No.1657696


Yes, tell yourself that when you have to sweep floors at Goodwill your whole life because your degree didn't mean close to shit

>> No.1657698
File: 21 KB, 180x235, 1296964921896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good minor to supplement a major in English (NOT literature)

>> No.1657701

Either philosophy or history.

>> No.1657704

>Not Literature

So is your concentration in Creative Writing, Technical Writing, or Editing, Writing and Media?

>> No.1657706

Would it be totally stupid to do a civil engineering and liberal studies double major? Civil engineering could find me work and the liberal studies would introduce me to several different things so that, if I wanted to, I could return to school and study something more specific. It could be a massive waste of time and money but I'm running out of time and I want (need) to pick something soon.

>> No.1657707


secondary education, bro.

or, get into the technical writing track for English degree. just be wary of the "real world."

>> No.1657709


I enjoy history but I'm not too interested in philosophy. I was thinking I could get one in Russian or Arabic and hopefully if I network enough I could get a job at a firm or some section of the federal government (fat chance I guess).

My favorite tract of history is the 1800's and early 1900's, can I specialize from there if I go into history?

>> No.1657710
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still an undergrad so I haven't decided what I'm exactly going to go into until I finish all of my math electives and hear from more students

I fucking love reading/writing and I'm really good, but I just can't fucking stand it when professors grade my shit and take points for "style" and besides, if I was going to be a writer I wouldn't need to go to school, I've learned more on my own through books and the internet than I ever did going to school

>> No.1657711

>Liberal Arts

My advice is to focus on something still broad but slightly more specific within Liberal Arts, like Interdisciplinary Humanities or Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.

>> No.1657715


But still, taking a couple English classes or minoring in English could introduce you to literary styles, themes and methods you didn't know about, thus increasing your criticial reading and analysis abilities, etc.

>> No.1657717

Really, anon?

I believe it makes a lot of sense to talk about translations.

It is not so much a matter of "arguing" over them as a matter of recognizing that every translation is created in a certain historical and ideological context. This is why an American novel would be translated differently into, let's say, a Slavic language in 1950 and in 2000.

And I believe it's important to talk about this because it is only fair towards the reader. It's not about speaking of translation in terms of "flaws" but about pointing out that there are different levels of transparency of translations and different approaches that a publisher (because it's usually NOT the translator who makes his/her autonomous decisions) takes towards the text.

Obviously, it's possible to enjoy a translated text without lending much thought to history, ideology, culture and translator's strategies, and nothing is wrong about it. However, I believe that a lot more people (even on this board!) need to be made aware of the fact that translation is not a completely innocent, uncomplicated process and that it involves much more than just substituting words in one language for words in another language.

Greetings from a fellow Slav, btw.

>> No.1657719

I'm already doing that on my own, I was reading kafka a few weeks ago and just discovered deconstruction the other day

>> No.1657723

what was your lit-related job, and what are you doing now? if you don't mind; I'm looking into an English major myself.

>> No.1657726



The government does not like to hire people who only speak one language unless they are a native speaker of something they don't get a lot of (there are lots of weird dialects of Arabic that they are sometimes in need of but like I said you need to be a native speaker) now if you are not a native speaker of something weird, they usually require you to have certification in at least 4 other languages outside of english, my uncle is a government translator and I tried to get him to hook me up but he basically said there are not any.

>> No.1657730

This topic is surprisingly civilised. And it has intelligent debate. I like.

>> No.1657733


History opens up potential government positions in intelligence and diplomacy, so I'd say go for it.

>> No.1657739
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Electrical Engineering.
Time consuming, but rewarding. It makes having a social live and gaming a bit difficult to balance, though.

>> No.1657752

Book translation. Getting a 9-5 office job now. After the trial period, I will probably continue doing translations between 5 and 9 because I don't want to lose touch with the market and I fucking love it.

>> No.1657759

Am I the only science major besides >>1657514 ?

>> No.1657763

My biggest concern about picking a career-oriented major, especially one in engineering, physics or the sciences, is that my social life will take a serious blow. Money and security are nice things but I really value my relationships. Is it really that difficult to balance work and play when you work in one of those areas?

>> No.1657776

Fuck relationships and fuck value. Focus on yourself and becoming the best scientist you possibly can. Perfection always comes at a sacrifice. If you aren't willing to sacrifice, then you aren't willing to be great.

>> No.1657781
File: 11 KB, 151x254, arrowsmith-sinclair-lewis-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been reading "Arrowsmith"!

>> No.1657786
File: 113 KB, 500x680, 07_aerosmith_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I've been reading Aerosmith.

>> No.1657787

I majored in all of the following:

- English
- French
- Linguistics
- Social sciences

I am now a professor in a private school and I make big bucks. Totally don't regret having studied literature at uni for 8 years.

>> No.1657790
File: 461 KB, 2272x1704, 373954345jnlZnc_fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my friends are all econ majors too!

>> No.1657796


You and your friends all look like a row of identical punching bags

>> No.1657798

If this is what econ majors become, I'm changing my major ASAP.

>> No.1657799
File: 8 KB, 300x224, dennis-rader-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture on the wall looks like an artist´s rendition of the BTK Killer.

>> No.1657803


not me. i was just trollin'

but really, this is what econ and business majors look like. they're all incredibly boring douchebags.

>> No.1657806


you ever looked around?

there's a pretty prestigious business school at my university and all of the students look like that. these guys are the worst. also they have zero personality.

>> No.1657819


Meh I have seen to many arguments on here that bring out the cultural-historical context card. Honestly historical context while harped on so much by English professors (and deep&edgy that in that one thread awhile back lol) does not really hold up well in the real world. I would argue that if your translator isn't blatantly incompetent then cultural-historical context will make only a microscopic difference in how something is translated. actually I agree with you but I am playing devils advocate because I can Now, on my shelf I have a 1957 copy of War and Peace which I have read that I got off my grandfather a long time ago, I also have several new translations, and I can say that though there are translation differences there is nothing which suggests that any of these differences were caused because of the culture in which it was translated. I argued this to a professor and he basically was baffled and claimed that I just wasn't looking hard enough or something, blah blah blah.

>> No.1657822

Already finished Advertising program.
Now dual majoring Web Design and Graphic Development

>> No.1657826
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>> No.1657827

can't believe they teach this stuff in school and call it a university

>> No.1657836


I don't like how I worded that, what I meant is you would think cultural historical context would matter in translations in theory, but in practice it does not matter all that much unless you are talking shakespeare area shit, (Old Slavic or Old English or Franconian language stuff), but really ancient stuff is too obvious, and you used 1950 as your reference.

>> No.1657839

>ctrl + f "linguistics"
>only person not bitching

>> No.1657840
File: 33 KB, 400x310, Eduardo-Saverin-thherichest-org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>business school

Business majors look like that. Econ majors don't. Econ majors are a different breed of man.

Pic related, a world-famous econ major.

>> No.1657845

u all rook same

>> No.1657870


looks the same to me

>> No.1657878


It's not just theory. I never really studied translation theory at university; however, I got interested in it after reading tons of English and American books that I had previously read in translation. So I'm not one of your professors desperately trying to defend a theory; rather, my approach is "bottom-up", so to say.

I am now thinking I used 1950 and 2000 as an example mainly because I was once struck by the difference between two translations of How to Be an Alien by George Mikes, from around 1950 and 1990: the older transparent as fuck, the newer -- "foreignized" to the point of unreadability (cf. "*Untranslatable pun"). The mass of translations of English-language literature that appeared in Eastern Europe in thr 1990s is a fascinating body of work that tells you a lot about 1) the role of these books in the early post-Communist society 2) the readers 3) the hack translators hired to do this work.

>> No.1657883

What are you majoring in?

>> No.1657906


Probably some silly, indecisive liberal arts major.

>> No.1658053

Your major is trivium?

>> No.1658089


Enjoy planning your "free market" economy which bears no relation to reality whatsoever.

>> No.1658146

Music Education. After I get a job, I'll go after Music Performance.

>> No.1658505


recaptcha: agencies oralitio