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16576286 No.16576286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does reading philosophy lead people to socialism? How should we deal with philosophy being destructive to society if so?

>> No.16576298

because reading shitty philosophy makes you change the world for your intellect and not the opposite

>> No.16576313

>college majors
Because everyone who reads philosophy does it through college.

>> No.16576378

Understanding what socialism actually means changes the range of opinions you are capable of having on the subject.

>> No.16576404

All forms of socialism are bad. Even market socialism.

>> No.16576451

socialism being destructive to society is quite a claim, I'm interested in exploring this

>> No.16576463

oh no no no

>> No.16576482

/pol/-bait needs to get a permaban

>> No.16576500

Bro, socialism is when the workers collectively own the means of production. That's the definition. """Socialism""" is economic redistributionism and unrelated to socialism.

>> No.16576512

Socialim isn't destructive, it's regenerative. The USSR is proof of this, the art, culture and achievements of that showed it.

>> No.16576524

Debord and Kaczynski go over this. The "intellectual" is the most neurotic, most alienated figure in history. He is the most pathetic form of non-existence, wailing in the negation of his own Being, therefore it is only natural for him to be at the forefront of systemic reform. A domesticated asset.

Socialism is not destructive to society, no ideology is destructive to society since ideology is embedded within society. Ideology does not exist, there are only different gradients of efficiency and how these ideologies relate to it and enforce the current temporality of capital's needs. Bolshevism was a required step in the industrialization of Russia, based on a archaic model of production. Bolshevism was discarded when it exhausted its possibilites. If the avant-garde deems socialism to be beneficial to society, then they are right.

>> No.16576540

No, people just read (or at least pretend to read) marx and then claim they're reading philosophy even though the retarded shit Marx wrote was at best political theory, at worst teenage tier understanding of the world.

>> No.16576551

forced meme

>> No.16576643

The color choices for this graph piss me off.

>> No.16576692

Socialism and "socialism" are both bad.

>> No.16576700

What are you some sort of brainlet? If you're not familiar with the Society of the Spectacle you shouldn't even be on this board.

>> No.16576705
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>pretending to not know who i am
thats it anon, i'm coming for you

>> No.16576766

You should call the cops and tell them which books are making all the kids commies.

>> No.16576880

Capitalism is not a source of freedom.

>> No.16576915

Because socialists are lazy fucks who prefer to spend their efforts watching cuckold porn, watch anime, and bitch about the 1% while sitting in the room owned by their parents while they "slave away" at some stupid "job." Most of them don't really know what it's like to be of the working class and most of them don't realize that you CAN still move up but the biggest thing holding them back now is the fallout of their stupid socialist, idealistic policies.
e.g. Minimum wage laws, public school subsidies, universal heath care, higher taxes on the rich

>> No.16576921

If you smell a fart and nobody else smelled it yet, keep your mouth shut.

>> No.16576928

The college major that doesn't make you shit is filled with people who want $$$$ handed to them?!?

No way

>> No.16576932

a philosophy major doesn't mean shit
the correlation is probably that most philo majors don't have any marketable skills/are too lazy to do something that's strenuous (pls don't try to tell me philo majors at any less-than-ivy are hard)/fall victim to lefty philo profs, all of which would lead one to prefer socialism to capitalism

>> No.16576989

Capitalism gives you the freedom to do what you want with your property, even for profit, without worry that someone will take it.

>> No.16577010

Yes, it leads people to depression, mental disorders, and cope. That's only one step away from being a socialist.

Honestly, this board is kind of proof of that. Almost all the posters are on a schizo-depression level that is unprecedented. The only happy posters are the ones who don't dive into bullshit destructive philosophy wankery.

>> No.16577022

absolutely baseless claim

>> No.16577040

>How should we deal with philosophy being destructive to society if so?
Industrial scale production of HEMLOCK

>> No.16577050

And? There's no Statistics for this board, but everytime I interact with a philosophy /lit/fag, the depression and mania just fucking reeks. I'm making claims off of my personal encounters.

The one guy who didn't seem depressed, seemed like he was living in a cope and would fall into some pit within the next 10 years.

>> No.16577059

>also most unfavorable among the humanities
hmm.. there is a point to be made here but I'm too stupid to make it

>> No.16577070

Well, one could argue fairly convincingly that hundreds of years of Western philosophy has been a lead-up to Communism. Maybe we should discard said philosophy.

>> No.16577072

>have no property
What do? :/

>> No.16577081

Exchange labor time for money then use the money to get property.

>> No.16577115

It is for those who are not useless lumps of shit. Socialism caters to said lumps, disarming those above them from having the greater freedom they rightly deserve to have.

>> No.16577134

Reading philosophy properly turns you into an individualist not a hive minded cuck

>> No.16577145

Correlation doesnt equal causation. Most of 4chan are sad cunts, regardless of wether they like philosophy or not. It'd be like going to a furry convention and asking around and finding out some of them like philosophy and concluding that its philosophy made them furries.

>> No.16577153

Oh right. I will just labor for my peon wages of $12/hr with unpaid breaks while my money builds up monthly without impedence of expenses like healthy food, shelter, cell phone+service, transportation, medical care, or anything frivolous like that. If my $2000 craigslist car breaks down, I'll ride my bike for 2 hours each way to work. It's that simple. Soon I will be able to afford a $100,000 house, and start my own business!

Spoken like a true American media brainwashed retard

>> No.16577154

i want to kill capitalists

>> No.16577165

smoke some weed and chill out

>> No.16577180
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>Systematically starving millions to death is regenerative.
Spotted the neo bolshevik.
It's starting to look like you kikes need to be taught the same fucking lesson for the 110th time.

>> No.16577195

At least it's not a source of mass murder, like communism.

>> No.16577200

yes you tell em /pol/ bro!

>> No.16577215

>He thinks it's only from interactions on /lit/
Lmao. Every philosophy fag I've ever interacted with was depressed or manic or borderline in some way. I swear all philosophy teaches you is how to not be happy.

The only one who didn't seem like he would kill himself in the near future, also had an advance degree in theology and was a religion fag.

The real life interactions I experienced came from dates I had with them and then being introduced to their wider 'friend' groups. Maybe gay fags in philosophy are just a special brand of depression, but they're friends (a menagerie of philosophy majors and other humanity majors) really weren't positive people to be around.

>> No.16577224


>> No.16577229

Yeah no shit, you wouldn't be communist if you didn't have psychopathic tendencies.

>> No.16577246

No, of course not. Socialism is reformist horseshit, and philosophy leads straight to communism, and the irrefutable fact that f*scism is just systemized nihilism and that it’s a universal moral imperative to shoot every f*scist on the planet

>> No.16577264

I know a lot of well-adjusted philosophy guys, but it was in a catholic college (i made it my minor), so I guess they fit in your second definition, given the curriculum on it was a lot less modern-philosophy oriented and more right-leaning, and we are probably not in the same country, but I guess thats as far as you can go with subjective experience.
They're the kind of religious chad types that go sing with poor people and are constantly doing and organising activities and such, very well liked in the community, that kind of stuff.

>> No.16577265

Reading philosophy should lead people towards eugenics programs and population control.

>> No.16577277

>Maybe gay fags in philosophy are just a special brand of depression
Well, maybe its because they are faggots and they know how bad being a faggot is from being smart, so the cognitive dissonance hurts them a lot.

>> No.16577295

>faggots are depressed
>it must be the philosophy


>> No.16577311

Yeah, but their friends (who were also philosophy or humanity majors) weren't really gay and also had the air of depression all around them.

Again it could be that, I won't deny it. It just seems like studying philosophy leads to really depressive states.

>> No.16577312

Famines happened in pre industrialized countries, this is not a product of communism.

>> No.16577317

i havent met a single poorfag who actually works the full day and isnt improving his life. they almost always work a normal full time job, possibly with some overtime and cone back home to watch tv, eat prepared food and use some kund of drug (alcohol and nicotine included). the ones i have met who work hard are either parents or getting some kind of education/training to get a better job soon. stop being lazy and stupid.

>> No.16577318

>also had the air of depression all around them
Maybe they were sad they had to be around their faggot friend bringing this other faggot and werent great at pretending to be alright with it.

>> No.16577330
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Capitalism represents the best way to reduce poverty in the world. The more capitalist the world becomes, the less poverty stricken it will be. Complaining about your wages under capitalism is a non starter because you would be worse off in other systems.
>reee i literaaaally can't save money
Try learning you some fiscal responsibility. No need to have starbucks every day.

>> No.16577333

Okay Tucker Carlson
Swallow that load

>> No.16577335

This has already been answered. “Intellectuals and socialism” by Hayek.

Why do intellectuals oppose capitalism by Robert nozick


>> No.16577340

Truly a great surprise

>> No.16577377

Very possible, but I think there's something deeper going on.

>> No.16577379
File: 64 KB, 480x520, based otoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famines happened because the bolshevik jews destroyed surplus food stocks and went out of their way to kill farmers. Mass murder was ALWAYS the end goal of communism.
It's a fucking weapon, not an ideology.

>> No.16577390

Intellectuals and Society by Sowell.

>> No.16577409

It's the most ethical political ideology and reading philosophy makes you understand this

>> No.16577422

>the more capitalist the world becomes, the less poverty stricken it will be

I sure hope you don't believe in this. Wealth under capitalism/industrialism is only created through receiving an implicit subsidiy, that of destroying the world and exploiting most of the workers in the world.

>> No.16577430

>I get my political opinions from ben shapiro, the thread
what is this 2017? grow up and read theory you fucking zoomers. obviously the USSR was bad. jesus christ

>> No.16577435

And, yet, the world is more capitalistic than ever and poverty continues to reduce.

I'm sure Marx is seething in Hell.

>> No.16577448

Are you trolling or too retarded to notice the image you posted is making fun of you?

>> No.16577457

Capitalism creates explosions in material wealth. While capitalists will become very rich under this system, they do so by providing goods and services at a low cost to the consumer, so society net benefits.
>workers are exploited under capitalism
Only if you go by dumb marxist terminology.

>> No.16577464

Yeah, for the top, you bootlicking queerbucket

>> No.16577469

And yet the image is still unironically, 100% true. Get mad then learn to balance your finances when simmer down. :^)

>> No.16577473

Hahahaha capitalism created the idea of poverty. I'm sure the tribal bush niggas are lamenting that they don't get to day trade and code Javascript more often

>> No.16577474

Nope. Capitalism still reduces poverty and some people being richer than you doesn't change that.

>> No.16577476

>GDP up, poverty number down
I'm not even a socialist and I still despise stupid fucking soulless liberals that think the ultimate final goal of society is "wealth"

>> No.16577483

It does, so you can buy an extra toothbrush so you can also clean your tongue after slobbering over all those juicy boots

>> No.16577486

Damn, I wasn't aware that capitalism invented the idea of living on 2 dollars a day in Europe pre capitalism before making it living off 100 a day post capitalism.

>> No.16577487

but it is, by definition, an ideology

>> No.16577492

Read a fucking history book you brainwashed retard.

>> No.16577496

>Insulin and babies are just frivolous expenses that the poor need to stop bitching about
Didn't you accuse somebody else of being a sociopath earlier in the thread?

>> No.16577504

Reminder that stockholm syndrome posters in this thread are the same people that post "Why aren't westerners having kids?" threads when the answer is right in front of them. Some people are too obsessed with paranoid fantasies about "muh left" to think about the negative outcomes of capitalism

>> No.16577512
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>aha, number go up
I can hear the flies buzzing around the shit pile inside your skull

>> No.16577516

Yeah probably. People are too small brained to figure out how comfy capitalism is. If you literally just reject materialism, capitalism is the best system. Everyone in modern developed nations can live comfortably off of very little income if they cut out their materialistic desires (which don't even make people happy).

The problem with capitalism is that it encourages materialism which is what philosophy fags get stuck in. (Socialism and communism also promote material thought). If instead, non-materialistic thought was pushed culturally in a capitalist society, happiness would go through the roof and you'd see the system as simply the best. Basically if you can temper capitalism (which should drive the economy) with non-materialistic culture (which should drive your culture), you end up in the best society modernly possible.

>> No.16577524

Slobber over the boots of your favorite vanguard party then. Not like they'll get power any time soon.
I for one believe that material conditions are very important. Ergo I support capitalism.
Why are you having a kid then complaining that your ability to gather wealth has been reduced? That's a trade off you accept when choosing to become a parent.

>> No.16577525

Poor villagers in small comfy european towns surrounded by their own people and immersed in their own culture from cradle to grave lived happier, more fulfilling lives than any "wealthier" middle class insurance salesman eating sugary garbage, surrounded by refugees, staying in a pod, and generally dealing with today's globohomo hell
But there isn't a chart with green and red arrows to tell you that, so in your soulless bug eyes it can't be possible

>> No.16577536

whoa whoa whoa. slow down buddy. you can't criticize globo AND capitalism. that doesn't make sense

>> No.16577543

>If you literally just reject materialism, capitalism is the best system.
>if you’ll just reject reality, you’ll realize that capitalism works
How very fucking telling. Does CEO cum contain LSD? Because that might explain your dumbass post

>> No.16577566

By materialism, I mean the focus on spending and spending on unnecessary things that don't drive happiness. Capitalism promotes this, but if you're able to temper your society against that thought, capitalism sits as the king economic theory.

>> No.16577589

Here’s a simple question, and I want you to answer it honestly. I call it the million dollar question. If you were deadbroke, homeless and starving, and a billionaire came along, and he would give you a million dollars to fuck you in your ass, would you take the offer?

>> No.16577602
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Sorry, you think you could explain this concept to me using quantifiable data? All I see is that life expectancy has doubled post capitalism and that wealthier nations are generally happier nations.
This is also a fair point. Markets just respond to consumer desires. When I advocate people be fiscally responsible, I also advocate living a minimalist life style and to make careful decisions over what products and services truly benefit you. This would push the market to cater to things we truly need. Capitalism can lead to the creation of lightbulbs and automobiles that make life genuinely easier but it can also create casinos that make your life worse. Be a smart consumer.

>> No.16577616

>Reject materialism
>Watch materialism infect everything you value and reduce it all to marketable slop for the lowest common denominator
Uh oh
The truth is that capitalism inherently rewards materialist money-grubbing kike behavior. It naturally elevates those who are good at that shit to the top, and then they have the leverage to enact it even further, making everything that much worse. Pushing non-materialistic thought culturally is outcompeted by materialistic thought and always will be under capitalism, there's no escaping this.

>> No.16577628

Jeesus Christmas. Get off /pol/ stop listening to infowars and rush limbaugh.

>> No.16577640

How do those hold people back?

>> No.16577648

>Capitalism is the best because I can spend an extra three years in a retirement home drooling and shitting my pants while my grandkids get their vacation requests to come visit me from their Amazon Fulfillment Center™ in MegaSeattle Zone 3 rejected because it's September, and that means Christmas time
Amazing, I take it all back, clearly number go up and nothing else matters

>> No.16577669

>Bolshevism was a required step in the industrialization of Russia
>based on a archaic model of production
A widespread opinion, sadly. The Reds' mass propaganda demonizing pre-Soviet Russia has paid off in the end.

>> No.16577678

You haven't been contributing to your 401K, anon? Your employer is l i t e r a l l y being tax incentivized by the government to give you free money by matching your contributions. Holy shit anon just save money. In the long term the market always beats treasury bonds.

>> No.16577682

No, because I have no need for a million dollars. No one really does. If instead I was offered a job where I kept my dignity and made even minimum wage, I could and would be happy.

Your problem is believing at any level that capital provides happiness or that it should be a goal to accumulate more and more. That a million dollars even is necessary for someone dead broke or that anyone should sell their body for more money than they know what to do with it.

If you escape thought like that, you'll find very quickly that capitalism provides many opportunity for happiness.

You're right it does, but it does this because there is no culture pushing back against it. People who make all the capital are not happy and do not know how to be happy.

Our societies meme that money and happiness go hand in hand and that capital should be the goal, but that's wrong and the wrong way to employ capitalism in society. Capital should be promoted as a means to an end and nothing more.

>> No.16577732

>You're right it does, but it does this because there is no culture pushing back against it.
There WAS culture pushing back against it, and it inevitably lost, so then it got bulldozed to make way for a culture that maximizes profitability of capital. This is the only way it could've gone, and it will never magically return to normal, because this is what the system selects for. This is exactly how the machine wants to run. In the eyes of capitalism everything is perfectly fine.

>> No.16577794

>Systematically exterminating gentiles is the most ethical because the talmud says gentiles aren't people.
Want to know how I know you're a jew?

>> No.16577839
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>Implying commissar shekelbergenstein won't intentionally walk through dog shit before forcing you at gun point to literally, not metaphorically, lick his shit cover boots clean and then throw your children in a gulag for the crime of being a goyim.

>> No.16577849

Yeah because capitalism has been excellent at preventing the Jews from seizing power over the entire world so far, hasn't it

>> No.16577859

And inevitably inflicts more death and devastation than a nuclear bomb could ever dream of.

>> No.16577869

Planned economies < market socialism < laissez-faire capitalism < neo-liberalism < social liberalism < liberal socialism < social democracy
Idk how these threads always becomes libertarians debating anyone who's to the left of a minarchist government.

>> No.16577947
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A hell of a lot better than communism did. Criticizing jews was a capitol offense in communist Russia, it was basically a jewish supremacist apartheid state.
Here in capitalist America, jews are afraid to start slaughtering us like they did to the Russians because we have guns, and more and more people every day are getting ready to finish what Hitler started.

>> No.16577972

You know Stalin sent jews to Siberia right

>> No.16578035

You know that's a lie spread by the neo bolshevik kikes that run the media and academia, right?

>> No.16578045

don't be a retard

>> No.16578058

100 million

>> No.16578086

even if we take into account the bullshit source you're providing, capitalism still has killed just as many if not more

>> No.16578090

>muh 100 million
Literally a capitalist fabrication

>> No.16578094

It's no good. They've surely infiltrated the mods.

>> No.16578120

Horseshoe theory strikes again.

>> No.16578139

>muh 6 million
Literally a jewish fabrication

>> No.16578143

Jews aren't afraid of a damn thing in America, they literally own us as a puppet state you delusional faggot
Jews got sent to camps in the USSR all the time

>> No.16578222

They have a tenous grasp on our politicians at best. When patriotic pneumatics reclaim control of the hylics, there won't be a damn thing any kike can do but seethe and sob while we tie nooses.

>> No.16578223

Isn't it funny how the Jews run everything and determine what you see and consume so completely under capitalism?
>But deep in their hearts they're spiritually commies
Yeah I'm sure they'd love to dismantle the system they control so thoroughly that rewards kikery above all else

>> No.16578227

>muh horseshoe
You forgot the fact that communism, for all its flaws, and I’m not saying it doesn’t have flaws, of course it does, at least has a better tomorrow in mind. This is something that I struggled with for quite a while. It’s the question of why people despise the swastika infinitely more than the hammer and sickle, and I think I’ve found the answer for it. You can criticize Stalin and Mao all day long, the murders and famines, which probably didn’t happen in the dramatic numbers black book tards will tell you they happened in, but I’m sure some people, as in any system, were unjustifiably harmed, and even killed. But the significant difference is that the hammer and sickle is for something, a common and better future. Stalin had his purges, but he also started with a wooden plow, and left a space program. The swastika has no such vision. It isn’t for anything. It’s just systemized hatred and nihilism. It’s quite literally the ideology of the Columbine shooters. That’s why it attracts angry incels, because all it is is just systemized hate. Nazism can be summed up as ‘I hate everyone and everything and I want to shoot everyone I hate’. It’s final conclusion is the end of all human life, since every human is different from you, after which you come to the final conclusion that the real person you hated all along was you yourself, and you use the final bullet to blow your own brains out, just like Adolf did

>> No.16578231

I'm not a fucking hylic, they don't control what I see or consume.

>> No.16578232

When's that scheduled for again?

>> No.16578237

Because socialism is an ideology that fetishizes intellectuals and puts them at the center of the world. It claims to be a proletarian movement, but it has always been a movement for and by intellectuals, and so it appeals greatly to them, while the working class itself is far more reactionary.

>> No.16578248

Basically you're saying communism is better because it has good intentions at its heart.
The descriptive part of that is true, at any rate. But that's what makes communism very dangerous. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.16578251

You grow all your own food and run your own media and banking?

>> No.16578274

The swastika stands for loving your own people you stupid fucking commie. You only see it as hatred because the bolshevik run education system lies through its teeth. Either that or you're just projecting.

>> No.16578280
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Gee, it's as if reading stuff made you think

>> No.16578282

>The only escape from the jews is in my own schozophrenic daydreams
That's pretty sad anon

>> No.16578288

So is fascism, with the only different that it’s the road to hell with no good intentions, or any intentions for that matter. Communism may be flawed, but it can inspire systems that will bring about a better society, something fascism fundamentally can’t do

>> No.16578292
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Soon fren, soon.

>> No.16578297

are you really trying to argue with retarded american nazis? You're downright picking the most uneducated and unintelligent demographic on a virgin forum and trying to talk sense into them

>> No.16578311

Bullshit. The fascist will ultimately find out that some of his own don’t fit his criteria of the aryan supermen, and will exterminate them, until he’s the only one left. Marxism is ultimately a relational ideology, which fascism can never be. Everyone can be equal, but there can be only one dominator. That’s the difference

>> No.16578337

>Bullshit. The fascist will ultimately find out that some of his own don’t fit his criteria of the aryan supermen, and will exterminate them, until he’s the only one left. Marxism is ultimately a relational ideology
It's funny you'd say that, since communists have far, far more internal purges and struggle sessions than fascists do.
And Italian fascists dont care all that much about race anyway.

>> No.16578343

It's literally the other way around you disingenuous lampshade.
Fascism is a system where hylics can't subjugate psychics and pneumatics through sheer numbers like they can under democracy.
And communism does not have good intentions at all. As I've previously stated, communism was created to kill. It's the ideological equivalent of several hundred nuclear bombs all being detonated at once.

>> No.16578360

Get a fucking load of this guy.
>A better tomorrow
A permanently entrenched overclass that defines the mode of existence for the teeming labor hordes.
>Probably didn't happen
You're deluded if you think Mao and Stalin didn't starve millions.
>Space program
German research.
>Systemized hate
Loving families raised with pride in their communities and nation is the foundation of National Socialism. Fascism is the collective overcoming of nihilism; the sole antidote to the ennui of a post-religious world. Communism is the concretization of nihilism through the reduction of human needs to the material. That's being generous. It's actually the perfect formula to solidify all goyim into a permanent deracinated slave caste that is incapable of accruing kinetic or economic power, beholden to party apparatchiks. Communism is a system of pure corruption, nepotism, and stagnation.

>> No.16578376

>Talk sense
You children are unbearable.

>> No.16578386

Your view of fascists is derived from some sort of retarded saturday morning cartoon villain.
Fascism is about preserving life. marxism is about ending life as slowly and humiliatingly as possible, all for the sadistic pleasure of loxist jews.

>> No.16578390

the post that made /lit/cels seethe in agony

>> No.16578399

Yep, the peak of intellect is actually not being able to empathize with a different viewpoint to such an extent that the only explanation you can come up with is "they're just evil bad guys"

>> No.16578441

>Proceeds to describe socialists like retarded saturday morning cartoon villains

>> No.16578485

>Oy vey! Those goyim won't let us enslave and kill them, that means they're nazis!
You chucklefucks are overplaying your hand so hard even the hylics are starting to wake up to the jewish problem.
I actually had a conversation with a random stranger the other day about how much better everything would be right now if America had sided with Germany. Time's running out jew rat, is there enough room in israel for all of you? I hope not, I hope you all get deported back there and are forced to live in overpopulated squalor.

>> No.16578532

No, that's just how jews are. I've read your talmud. You can't lie to me about the hatred that jews have for "Amalek". And nowadays "Amalek" is just a catch all phrase for any goyim that dares to resist jewish supremacy.

>> No.16578536

>high IQ majors have more favourable views of socialism

>> No.16578574

>Philosophy majors are high iq
Anon, i...

>> No.16578602
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You what?

>> No.16578627

>read philosophy
>become anarcho-mutualist who just wants loose basic guidelines for some institutions and city-states and then everything else is a free for all. Just move to the place that best fits your ideology. Communist city-states can exist alongside capitalist ones. The world should be a laboratory of ideas all being played out and experimented with at once.

>> No.16578707

the only actual schizo i've met here is the meth addict neetbux guy. he seems like he's read zero philosophy.

>> No.16578738

You kidding? Where do you work? I've worked in restaurants and almost all the employees are normies who had children in their teens / early 20s, with no upward progression. Lots of women are waitressing away their middle age.

>> No.16578740

This is your brain on never having read any political theory ever.

>> No.16578765

>Bro, socialism is when the workers collectively own the means of production.
*Socially hold the mop
"Own" sounds like co-cop shit

>> No.16578785

I've read some political theory. Suggest some more.

>> No.16578786

not that anon. enlighten us on how his idea is wrong.

>> No.16578809

See how few unsure philosphy majors there are. It's working guys.

>> No.16578824

well think about it. who would actually need philosophy? only somebody lost would need philosophy. it’s similar to how politics attracts crazy people

>> No.16578857

I'm so jewish that I have relatives who escaped from central Europe to Argentina after WWII to avoid consequences. You're just retarded

>> No.16578900

>I have relatives who escaped from central Europe to Argentina after WWII to avoid consequences
Relatives like Eichmann?

>> No.16578909


doesn't really matter because all of those majors have way more people in them than philosophy does

>> No.16579066

>Commies are bad because they kill people
>This guy is BASED ans KEKpilled af because he killed someone haha

>> No.16579276

Philosophy is one of the highest paying humanities degrees though?

>> No.16579298
File: 266 KB, 899x634, 1599180096489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pointlessly murdering millions of innocents is just as bad as killing one commie to prevent him from murdering millions of innocents goy!

>> No.16579364

lmao no. And even if it were, it's like being king of midgets

>> No.16579399

During my gen ed philo class in college the professor gave us her sales pitch on majoring in philo.

Rattled off a bunch of stats (can't do that with a philo major) about how philo majors competed with physics majors on shit like "abstraction" and "reasoning skills." Stuff that I really wanted to be good at. I wanted to develop the blessed mind God gave me. I couldn't be a physics major, but I didn't know what I wanted to be...

So I majored in civil engineering cuz I'm not a fucking idiot. Now I have big dick money and leave a physical, positive impact on the world, and chuckle at academic idiocy in my spare time.

>> No.16579425

If you aren't aware of basic shit like the pipeline that takes humanities majors from elite schools with connections and puts them into management and "consulting" gigs making money sans any work, you shouldn't be sitting here trying to smugly explain the world to anybody at all

>> No.16580152
File: 80 KB, 1638x1230, payscale-majors-salary-data-philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People in this thread are implying that if you major in philosophy you'll end up a broke fuck. That simply isn't true. You shouldn't be sitting here attempting to explain away legitimate statistics with an anecdote.

>> No.16580217

Chad Capitalist trying to help out the poor commies. Research came out recently check Mental Health and the Left. Those on the far left are 150% more likely to have mental health issues than moderates and like 115% more likely than the right. He's not wrong. Mental health issues are correlated with being a far leftist.

>> No.16580241

Capitalism is jewish

>> No.16580354

They were literally living under feudalism. That's not even bolshevik propaganda, the whites during the russian civil war were also apposed to the status quo of pre red Russia.

>> No.16580365


>> No.16580383

Yeah but they were progressing, there were many reforms being introduced.

>> No.16580402

Can you explaing what 'socially hold' means as opposed to 'own'?

>> No.16580435

Money and the pursuit of it are lame af. Do what interests you. Ashes to ashes dust to dust you can't change that. If you need money to explain why you like your job you probably don't like your job very much.

>> No.16580547

proof you dont know any poorfags

>> No.16581092
File: 58 KB, 850x400, MaoZedongCommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fucking weapon, not an ideology.
Why yes liberal.
Also post physique

>> No.16581976

It is, but only negative freedom. That is, freedom from instead of freedom to.
Freedom from government interference more specifically. Liberal capitalism is only good in the first few years after overthrowing feudalism or other forms of repression. After a few decades the landlords and speculators have all the power and you just become the slave of a capitalist class of people, instead of a tyrannical government or feudal lord.

Liberals and pro-capitalists are cringe.

>> No.16582067

>How should we deal with philosophy being destructive to society if so?
So what? It's all rotten.

>> No.16582074

Wow great refutation, faggot.

>> No.16582082
File: 349 KB, 1277x461, samuraipilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16582097

>Capitalism represents the best way to reduce poverty in the world. The more capitalist the world becomes, the less poverty stricken it will be.
Making the world have less poverty only has a negative affect on the first world.

>> No.16582259

Nope. Third world nation wages will go up by becoming more productive. By being more productive, supply will increase, which will have a good effect on prices. Trade isn't a zero sum game.

>> No.16582284

Less poverty = more people = more shit I don't want to deal with.

Simple as.

>> No.16582304

You what? All the wealthy countries have had their population growths completely stall.

>> No.16582317

Except the mods are all tranny lefties? You can barely say fag on here anymore
Fucking delusional

>> No.16582344

Wages always fall to the level of subsistence. Adam Smith pointed this out 250+ years ago friend.

>> No.16582356

wow this is an exceptionally retarded post

>> No.16582388

What the fuck are you talking about? Serfdom was abolished in 1861, more than half a century before the Empire fell. Even if we consider the redemption payments a form of feudalism, which they were not, those were cancelled in 1907.
I'm willing to bet that a significant number of commies and socialists embraced the ideology because of Soviet myths and general lack of information about pre-Soviet Russia.

>> No.16582536

Opposite of the truth. It’s poor people who breed like there’s no future.

>> No.16582555

>Does reading philosophy lead people to socialism?
No, the fact that you can't do math and prefer intellectual arguments over tangible facts leads people to both at once.