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1657304 No.1657304 [Reply] [Original]

Linda Hutcheon, a postmodern / feminist theorist, sees parody and irony as defining features of postmodernism and feminisms in the age of post modernism:

It seems to me that . . . women are often in the position of defining themselves AGAINST a dominant culture or discourse. One way to do that, a way with great subversive potential, is to speak the language of the dominant (which allows you to be heard), but then to subvert it through ironic strategies of exaggeration, understatement, or literalization.

>> No.1657310


boooooooooring this is like basic level shit

you know what's much more interesting? something like adam kotsko's recent book on awakwardness, about how the ironic detachment of the 90s was a defense mechanism against the awkwardness which results from the radical undermining of traditional social structures in the 60s with nothing replacing them, and how we're now moving into a period where the awkwardness becomes culturally pervasive and potentially affirmed

>> No.1657318


>Adam Kotsko


No, seriously, I couldn't deal with his blog and his bullshit. He strikes me as a particularly unlikeable individual.

Maybe his book isn't so bad? I'm trying to have a open mind here.

>> No.1657320


o rly? I've never actually checked out his blog, and I'm a little irked that he specialises in theology, but Awkwardness is actually a really good book so far. What was so unlikable in his blog?

>> No.1657322


I'll just leave this here.


>> No.1657328


eww eww eww

he seems like a dick

but then it's not like a dick can't also produce some interesting and perceptive cultural analyses, lots of writers/thinkers are dicks.

but still eww

>> No.1657336


I TOLD YOU BRO. I warned you, dogg.

Anyway, you seem to have the same reaction and yet you like his book, so...guess I'll be taking a look.

I gotta admit, I also had some issues with his book as you described it. Don't get me wrong - I sat there spacing out for a few minutes about how he explained EVERYTHING. I mean, he really did. About the general prevalence of awkward comedy in the media, the popularity of awkwardness as a humor point or something to humiliate others by, and the general lack of this sort of thing in historic accounts.

Yet, it smacks too much of

>Nobility is gone, we no longer have the glorious feudal lords making us eat shit and lick their balls, and that's why everything is fucked up today!


>Slavery/Apartheid is gone, those...COLOUREDS are mixing with us, and that's why everything is fucked up today!

Both of which are heavily flawed arguments, but I HOPE that those are not the bases of Mr. Kotsko's book.

>> No.1657345


nah nah I haven't quite finished it yet but he seems to take it much more in the direction of realising from awkward comedy etc. how a kind of radical awkwardness can be a positive thing, how we should be able to just enjoy the company of others without worrying about the unstable nature of our current social codes, he's certainly not an apologist for a time before women's rights, civil rights or anything like that

>> No.1657349


>he's certainly not an apologist for a time before women's rights, civil rights or anything like that

In that case, I'm no longer tingling with apprehension, and quite look forward to reading his book.

>> No.1657352


>I’m actually writing a short book that’s mostly about TV, using pop culture as a way to put forward awkwardness as an important philosophical concept. I hope to finish that up this summer, and I guess that would actually be the book I’m most looking forward to reading.
>I hope to finish that up this summer, and I guess that would actually be the book I’m most looking forward to reading.

he really is such a dickwad though

>> No.1657360


Yes, EXACTLY. Hence my apprehension.

You say he's okay when writing, though. Taking your word for it.

>> No.1657641


>In that case, I'm no longer tingling with apprehension, and quite look forward to reading his book.
Seconded. This book sounds quite interesting.

>> No.1657646


>> No.1657651

too soft

stupid pomo

>> No.1657663
File: 33 KB, 366x324, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this guy

>> No.1657679

but i do that because i find it funny

does that make me a feminist

makes u think...

>> No.1657842

Funniest comment in a while.

>> No.1657853

Yeah, look at him. And then look at you.

>> No.1657867

>speak the language of the dominant (which allows you to be heard), but then to subvert it through ironic strategies of exaggeration, understatement, or literalization.

make fun of a dominant by undermining the dominant with the dominant to show how dominant the dominant is. brilliant