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File: 1.20 MB, 996x1500, JudithButler2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16574695 No.16574695 [Reply] [Original]

*teleports behind you*
*destroys western civilization*

heh nothing personal kid

>> No.16574711

I fucking wish xhe would. Modern western civilisation is a sham.

>> No.16574714
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>> No.16574717


how can trannies, queer theorists and judith butler ever recover?

>> No.16574721

I think Žižek was right on her in saying that shes really the ultimate neo-liberal philosopher despite how much she herself might deny that.

>> No.16574723

look how pathetic and fragile her jewish dome is. i'd like to cave it in with a baseball bat. she thinks she's so smart, so clever and conniving, but we'll see how her intellect fairs against a blunt object. all jews need to die.

>> No.16574727

give me a definition immediately or I will kill you fucker

>> No.16574729

That's just friendly bantz. In a sense she is what neo-libs should aspire to be, he'll be playing on that.

>> No.16574733 [DELETED] 

so many leftists seem to be completly blind to the fact that capital is very much in support of their egalitarian views. Capitalism wishes to do away with these categories and tribal groups and create a single indivudal consumer, beyond all indentities except which he consumes

>> No.16574747 [DELETED] 

>so many leftists seem to be completly blind to the fact that capital is very much in support of many of their egalitarian views. Capitalism wishes to do away with traditional categories and tribal groups and create a single individual consumer, beyond all identities except that which he consumes

>> No.16574754

do we really need 2 threads on the front page about this ugly midwit whore

>> No.16574758

you fucking idiot, she's a kike. all she cares about is destroying all things good and beautiful. you really think she gives a shit about economics? politics? psychology? no, she is a child of satan and only cares about spitting in God's face and luring goys to hell with her. there's no internal consistency or logic at all, just jewish bullshit. never listen to a jew, never take a jew seriously. just gas them all.

>> No.16574760

She should get in the cage and win a few genderless mma bouts. I'd believe anything she said after that. Hell, I'm halfway there because of her radical haircut and suits.

>> No.16574762

American cultural colonization and forced globalization masked with jewish rhetoric

>> No.16574764

so many leftists seem to be completly blind to the fact that capital is very much in support of many of their egalitarian views. Capitalism wishes to do away with traditional categories and tribal groups and create a single individual consumer, beyond all identities except that which he consumes

>> No.16574765

based and blackpilled

>> No.16574769
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>the edit history

>> No.16574773
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ye they know each other and respect each other as philosophical enemies i believe. it was a friendly jab but still one with truth in it.
its a jab at her ideas of constantly changing identity, constantly redefining yourself, etc. which precisely what big companies like.
its why they play into the fake woke stuff so much because if youre constantly redefining yourself it usually means you can buy more of their stuff.
note that i dont think queer or lgbt stuff or whatever is bad, just that it really isnt as revolutionary as Butler and some other theorists seem to think.

>> No.16574775

This, why the fuck do they think LGBT has been exported across the globe? Butler by every definition is a neoliberal and the most consequential of this era of consumer-driven diversity and sexual fluidity

>> No.16574776

>Early postmortem studies of transsexual neurological differentiation was focused on the hypothalamic and amygdala regions of the brain. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), some trans women were found to have female-typical putamina that were larger in size than those of cisgender males.[11] Some trans women have also shown a female-typical central part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) and interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus number 3 (INAH-3), looking at the number of neurons found within each.

>> No.16574778

>note that i dont think queer or lgbt stuff or whatever is bad
gee thanks for the disclaimer we were dying to know your stance now you won't get vanned and ostracized for wrongthink good job faggot

>> No.16574787

so this basically confirms trannies are mentally ill abominations of nature right? should we accept 40iq retards with animal brains as some sort of acceptable good thing too?

>> No.16574792


>> No.16574794
File: 712 KB, 617x2386, 1602360291203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>*destroys western civilization*

*bourgeois judeo christian society by secular humanists*

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.16574795

it really shouldnt have to be said but yknow with all the /pol/ spillover its not the way i wanna steer the conversation sorry for triggering ya bud.

>> No.16574799

i'm more worried about the reddit spillover. go back

>> No.16574810

Western civilisation died 100 years ago you dumb fucks.

>> No.16574814

but 1945 was 75 years ago?

>> No.16574817

That was European civilization. Western civilization was borin in 1945

>> No.16574819

It died in 1914.

>> No.16574820

But 1968 was 400 years ago?

>> No.16574822

the real blackpill is that /pol/ spillover is almost entirely due to reddit spillover from the 2014 gamergate shit

>> No.16574823

But 1789 was 231 years ago?

>> No.16574832

i'm sure your dumb vidya drama was important

>> No.16574838

Fascism was a natural continuation of european civilization since spartans and romans

>> No.16574844

no, it was revolutionary and not in any continuity, and it has definitely hidden the old world

>> No.16574849

how so? romans genocided carthage and to an extent gauls, spartans had a militarist ultranationalist ethnostate, etc

>> No.16574853

By perverting everything about gender, they undermine the real feminine and wipe out the masculine. The later being done as we see already through chemicals, propaganda, genocide, etc.

Building, creation, order, logic, reason, are all masculine energies.
Deconstruction, fluidity, entropy, are feminine. And with the laws of thermodynamics are eternally wearing away any positive creation in the world.

If you look at the people promoting this, you see mostly J*ws, and incredibly mentally ill people. (check their twitters) These are the people that promote themselves as the hyper-sexual spawn of Lilith. They embrace the bugman life to a degree for which they mutilate their own body and seek to become the slime. Again, that's their OWN state goal. Ask yourself if after knowing the intention of people, can you agree with even their seemingly 'good' ideas? (progressive, post modern, post structuralist, etc)

There's more to the reading, and it's certainly not boring. But I won't write a full essay here. It's written by someone who believes since entropy is a thermodynamic law, that means it has already won. So if you have anything other than death cultish nihilism or don't think genderless slime future is good, you might get a bit blackpilled. But then just look at how these people look phsyically, and then you realize that all it takes a little bit of pushback and their grand design falls apart. I almost think all this left-hand LARPing is a post-hoc rationalization or explanation of entropy, rather than the cause.

What do we do? Do we turn to God? Could that even work when so few people people. As of now the only proof I have of God is that such beyond biblical level evil exists (and some might consider winning). As waves erode concrete levee, so does the entropy erode all positive constructs. Do we consider the gradual eroding a success for the waves? Not really, as long as we keep rebuilding the levee it will hold and we will have pushed back the entropy. It's a never ending battle to keep from unironically being genderless slime. If we could remove the "revolutionaries", all the better.

>> No.16574854

Is that Kennedy's assassination or?

>> No.16574857

> "fascism is genocide"
Holy cow, the brainlet NPC levels are off the charts with this one.

>> No.16574865

1965 was 911 years after 1054.

>> No.16574866

i was trying to find out something your tiny brain would think is revolutionary. go on, tell me what's revolutionary about fascism

>> No.16574877

>reads one nyx tweet:
>They embrace the bugman life to a degree for which they mutilate their own body and seek to become the slime. Again, that's their OWN state goal.

>> No.16574888

>Building, creation, order, logic, reason, are all masculine energies.
>Deconstruction, fluidity, entropy, are feminine.
no. this is jewish bullshit to get you to hate women. women literally create life inside their bodies, how is that muh chaos and entropy? you really have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16574889

>fascism isn't revolutionary

>> No.16574891

lel that shit is already over, even normies resist it now. Try to keep up anon.

>> No.16574897

Nice greentext retard, learn some history one day

>> No.16574912

"fascism is reactionary" is literally a commie meme

>> No.16574914

Wait... Didn't 9/11 happen in 1965? Mind... blown.

>> No.16574926

bitch read some plato. rich slaveholding men of all stripes hate women

>> No.16574931

Plato thought women should be part of the ruling class in the republic

>> No.16574939

>duuuuuuuur only muh le gommunism can be revoltionary

>> No.16574946

plato was a fucking moron

>> No.16574947

t. someone who cannot adequately define western civilisation

>> No.16574952

uh, anon... we don't want to be revolutionary. revolution is synonymous with degeneration.

>> No.16574958

This thread has reminded me of this old editorial by Kevin Solway from Genius News:


by Kevin Solway

Is the most feminine man still not as feminine as the least feminine woman?

That's a difficult question, and one which I have been pursuing for many years. Some men are very accomplished women indeed, especially those who have been worshipfully studying the ways of womankind all their lives and have eventually had a sex change and undergone extensive hormone treatment. But I think it's more helpful if we look at masculinity rather than femininity, because femininity is easier to fake. For example, a transvestite may behave in an extremely feminine way, but it will be mostly an act, because there is often a strong core of masculinity beneath, trying desperately to escape itself. It is easier to act like a woman than it is to act like a man because the feminine flows more easily, not requiring thought but only instinct. To be a man is difficult, which is why men are usually clumsy clods.

All men tend to have a definite core of true masculinity (genius/consciousness). This is why a man can genuinely respect a mortal enemy who is about to kill him. There is an intellectual/spiritual bond between them which joins them in one. But the enemy of a woman is in truly grave danger, because there is no such connection.

That is why it is said: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Sometimes I tend to think that some women are more masculine than the least masculine of men. For example, we could compare Camille Paglia, a very masculine woman, with a typical Anglican priest, probably the least noble and masculine of all men. But even in this extreme example I have my doubts. When it comes to the crunch, I mean when it comes to matters of life and death, and of extreme danger to body and soul, even the Anglican priest may shine above Paglia, whose light may only shine when protected from the wind.

So to tell you the truth I haven't quite made up my mind. I suppose you can deduce from that that I think it is a close call. Also, I am very reluctant to go against the judgment of Otto Weininger whom I greatly admire and respect. In my opinion he was consistently accurate in both depth and profundity, so I don't contradict him easily or often.

One of Kierkegaard's characters (John the Seducer) surmises that when the gods created man they feared that they had created a being which was so magnificent that their very own status was in jeapardy, and that man would excel them. So, after concerted and inspired effort, they created woman, the most excellent of all their creations, to distract man and keep him harmless.

"Erotic natures" like himself, says John the Seducer, are aware of the deception, so they are able to "take the bait without getting caught".


>> No.16574959

Communist wasn't revolutionary. We already had communist rhetoric in the Iliad from Thersites. It just became a proper thing after the industrial revolution when workers became more powerful to actually try tot enact their fantasies. Marx just happened to write a book about it, but it existed before him and it would've existed without him just like 21st century leftists movements exist without a central "thinker." What's revolutionary is the industrial revolution, not marxism

>> No.16574963

I have coined a word for feminine women - "flowies". They wear flowie clothes (bits hanging-off and often see-through), they have flowie hair, they move in a flowie way, and I've even seen fully-grown flowies skipping down the street. Their speech is flowie, and worst of all their "ideas" are flowie.

Flowies don't like taking big risks or big decisions, because these things are hard and unforgiving - not at all flowie. Men are probably the main cause of flowieness. So in a sense women are the karmic result, or the future lives of men. I found this poem somewhere:

>I like them fluffy - I know it's bad taste -
>With fluffy soft looks and a flower at the waist,
>With golden hair flying, like mist round the moon
>And lips that seem sighing, "You must kiss me soon,"
>Not huffy, or stuffy, not tiny or tall,
>But fluffy, just fluffy, with no brains at all.

Every woman is a man to some degree, just as every man (non-Buddha) is to some degree a woman.

I am trying to highlight the fact that there is a great difference between the psychology of biological men and women and that while the task (of consciousness, or humanity) is extremely difficult for men, it is vastly more hard for women. I am taking this action particularly to try and counteract the popular modern idea that femininity is a good thing and that it has something to do with spirituality and love, and that women are generally at least as spiritual as men, if not more so. If people continue to accept ideas like that then we can kiss goodbye to all consciousness, and to all the good work that has been done by the great thinkers of the past.



>> No.16574983

Western civilization was forever doomed to moral corruption in 732.

>> No.16574990

>fascism isn't revolutionary
>communism isn't revolutionary
>liberalism isn't revolutionary

>> No.16574993

>male energy is constructive, feminine energy is destructive
Woah man that's a seriously hot and original take, never heard that one before.

>> No.16575007

Yes, these are all natural continuations of greco-roman culture. Democracy in Athens was revolutionary, the Lacedaemonian state was revolutionary, etc.

>> No.16575067

>women literally create life inside their bodies
Is this something done consciously?

>> No.16575073

>hehe i use terms only in the most ridiculous extremes

>> No.16575078

That's not Kant.

>> No.16575079

The only point was that fascism was not a break from european culture. Anyway kys brainlet

>> No.16575238

Literally who
Knowing what authors look like is e-celeb tier bullshit

>> No.16575369

Creation is heavily associated with females on all teaching of duality across culture. The feminine is the mother, the producer yet to produce, chaos is needed. Masculine is the order and sustainer of life given by the feminine.

>> No.16575375
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Now go after the larger culprit.

>> No.16575408

Hes just reading from a script at this point

>> No.16575567

>Jewish cultural colonization and forced globalization masked with American rhetoric
Fixed that for you.

>> No.16575590

Her face makes me angry. She looks like every other butch lesbian

>> No.16575603

>people still think the Republic is anything but an exercise in shitposting
Read Plato's Laws.

>> No.16575615

It isn’t reactionary either

>> No.16575871

Look at that chiseled jawline. It's probably a tranny.

>> No.16576198

is that butters?

>> No.16577437
File: 39 KB, 600x450, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we already had communist rhetoric in the Iliad
this is your brain on ideology

>> No.16578515
File: 1.17 MB, 950x761, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares, Kevin. You're nothing but a fifth-rate Schopenhauer knockoff. Delete your posts and end your life. I'm serious.

>> No.16578551

>tfw even a gender studies professor I knew hated this woman’s works
She’s just a terrible writer who uses overly complex language to explain simple ideas. Paglia’s critique of her is unironically spot on.