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16571397 No.16571397 [Reply] [Original]

What's the weakest Ancient Greek work?

>> No.16571407

One of the ones you've never heard of like "On Horsemanship."

>> No.16571422

Probably one of the many works which was lost. Among extant, intact works, I know Seven Against Thebes is generally considered one of the weakest tragedies.

>> No.16571434

> I know Seven Against Thebes is generally considered one of the weakest tragedies.
Christ, how are modern people getting filtered so hard? It's a amazing play

>> No.16571921


Probably one of the spurious works which was nevertheless in fact written by ancient Greek hands. You could also say: any of the ones that didn't survive, by (a certain) definition.

>> No.16571978

That's a masterpiece.

>> No.16572074

I didn't care for The Persians
What am I missing? Someone help me out I didn't go to school for shit shit

>> No.16572084

Aristotle "On the Heavens"

>> No.16572102

the enneads if you consider plotinus even a greek. origen surely isn't for instance. otherwise, the sophists' discourses. in poetry, it's surely esiod.

>> No.16572387

The Persians and Prometheus Bound are both significantly weaker than Seven Against Thebes

>> No.16572506

Xenophon's on Horsemanship, along with On Hunting, are fantastic you fucking ape.
Hesiod's Works and Days is great. The theogony is a bit stale though

>> No.16572689

Depends on what the criteria. The Library by Apollodorus is considered weak because it lacks any sort of artistry. It's just a plain retelling of every major myth from creation to the end of the Heroic Age.

>> No.16572707

I found a copy of an old play called The Dyskolos, by Menander.. I barely remember hearing the man’s name and never heard of this play.
Anyone here read it?

>> No.16572822

On Horsemanship is interestingly one of the oldest manuals still being used in its intended field (dressage). Aristotle's Poetics is the other one iirc.

>> No.16573639

hardly Greek though it's already 2ce

>> No.16573662

works and days

>> No.16574341


>> No.16574874

The Republic

>> No.16575032

Filtered stemfags

>> No.16575060

If anything, stemfags would appreciate it for being a farming textbook despite not having any literary merit.

>> No.16575202
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so incredibly filtered holy fuck
suicide is the best option for you cats
also most of the plays arent that great, still prefer goethe and shakespeare

>> No.16575218

I haven't read it in English, let alone Greek, but I've heard that the Dionysica is a mastery of form and technique, leading to an incredibly stale and formulaic Epic.

>> No.16575577
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>also most of the plays arent that great
>tells others they were filtered

>> No.16575583

Cynegeticus. Easily.

>> No.16575639

Thucycides is obviously important for what it is, but its honestly boring as fuck compared to most other Greek works

>> No.16575955

Have a yikes

>> No.16576674

i mean i admit i read them in translation, but i didnt feel captivated to the same extent as with shakespeare
and i forget which one, because i dont care much for them, but one made fun of socrates, so that one is inevitably inherently cringe

>> No.16576779

you can stop repeating that you read shakespeare retard you're still a hopelessly filtered pleb if you can't appreciate aeschylus

>> No.16576813

bro im speaking on your level by bringing up shakespeare, hes the only one who is seriously compared with the great greek poets
i only read some of euripides and the other guy, i read some of aeschylus a while back, but i was too young then and i didnt have the context to enjoy it, so i might have been good
but at this point im just gonna wait a year or two, because by then my greek will be good enough to read it without a translation, and im in no rush really, they are very influential in the works im currently reading so im not missing out on much

>> No.16576842

The one that survives in fragments! <dropsmic>

>> No.16576850

cope in silence faggot i dont care about your life story

>> No.16576879
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i literally cannot conceive of why anyone would care so much about fucking greek playrights, can you give me a single reason they have any significance?
no you fucking cant
i dont know if you couldnt tell but i wasnt trying to be an asshole but youre a fucking loser kys
and its embarrasing that you care so much about this, like if it was plato and i was some antiplatonic scum, that makes sense, or if it was tolstoy or dante or some well regarded personage, its wouldnt be so weird, but its some obscure lame classic that you have a bizarre fetish over ig

>> No.16576886

tldr cringe brainlet

>> No.16577591

Everything Sophocles wrote

>> No.16577594


>> No.16579047

One of aristotle's books on how to be autistic

>> No.16579249

A lot of old noblemen in the days before tv was invented would read plays for entertainment. Many of those plays were Greek and they would then make references to those plays sometimes in their writings. If you haven't read the plays you won't understand the references. Also a lot of Greek plays are interesting so fuck you.