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16571992 No.16571992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>lol sex doesn't real there are no differences between sexes

>> No.16572012


She looks like a man

>> No.16572014

Alright dear incel chud, please name one characteristic of a female sex not found in males or vice versa

>> No.16572022

If there's no difference in sexes then how there not real sexes to not have differences?

Checkmate bitch

>> No.16572031

Correct. You're sexless virging if you disagree, I think.

>> No.16572037
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Try actually reading an author's work before trying to critique it.

>> No.16572050

I need more DFW reactions in my life

>> No.16572070

"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."
>Diacritis 1997
I can't stand writing like that

>> No.16572094

This is how you write when you've read too much continental philosophy.

>> No.16572101

>100 testosterone

Testosterone directly influences behavior.

>> No.16572122

The differences between the sexes are decreasing, so she might be right one day. Men are already feeling health problems like low-t, narrow-shoulders, etc. Women are becoming more manly. Hermaphroditism will be more and more common. She's a prophet.

>> No.16572131

> sets out to expose existing power structures
> writes in the most exclusionary style possible, vastly limiting the audience

It's like they don't know they're pawns or something

>> No.16572135

the penis, and no your tranny dick doesnt count

>> No.16572138

It's amazing how you can predict an author's worldview by looking at their physical appearance.

A handful of twinks doesn't mean there still aren't plenty of masculine men around.

>> No.16572143

Why is it good? Whats the alternative? Does it have longetivity?

>> No.16572146


>> No.16572149

men suffering from masculine deficiencies are still men

>women are becoming more manly

actually, they're hitting puberty sooner and have increased secondary sexual characteristics

>she's a prophet

she's a sophist

>> No.16572170

vagina, boobs, ability to give birth?

>> No.16572192

The predicate of "female".

>> No.16572197

Not compared to me

>> No.16572212

pure reason

>> No.16572218
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>> No.16572323
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>> No.16572349

All this does is make me think of Kevin Solway's quote about academic philosophers:

>When critiquing the work of academic philosophers, it is almost impossible to know what to do, for it is as though one were presented with a cloud of dense fog, and are invited to deal with it.


>> No.16572362

>When the Dharma is about to disappear, women will become vigorous and will at all times do deeds of virtue. Men will grow lax and will no longer speak the Dharma.

>When my Dharma disappears it will be just like an oil lamp which flares brightly for an instant just before it goes out. After this time it is difficult to speak with certainty of what will follow.

>Good persons will be hard to find; at most there will be one or two. Men will die younger, and women will live longer.

- Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma Sutra

>> No.16572384
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Whoever this Kevin Solway is, he ripped off bill watterson

>> No.16572788
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There are some veins of philosophy where this is especially true (I think "continentalists" broadly are guilty of this). But a lot of philosophy, particularly "analytic" and within the last 80 years or so, is not extremely hard to engage. Just to pick a random example, Kripke's Naming and Necessity.

>> No.16572807

P-p-penis envy

>> No.16572838

More like JEWdith Butler amirite?

>> No.16573741
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No-one in this thread, least of all OP, has read a word of Butler.

>> No.16574286

anyone got source on the lady with the chicken scratch on the board?

>> No.16574302

Women do have testosterone, same as men have estrogen, it's just in amounts that don't really show much influence. However, women with a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome are shown to have elevated levels of testosterone, which affects their fertility and amount of body hair, and can even make them suffer male-pattern baldness. I can't find if someone tried to document data on how it affects behavior, but logically there should be some differences from normal women.

>> No.16574314

hello retard, a question for you really quick, do outliers make up the majority of women?

>> No.16574336

PCOS is becoming a more widespread issue. I also said that women do have some testosterone, so it's not an exclusively male thing. You seem to be suffering from excess estrogen if you handle replies this way, I don't know if that syndrome has any name.

>> No.16574356

The ability to ask what one wants rather than being angry for not having it be provided without asking.

>> No.16574363


>> No.16574389
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Nor will I.

>> No.16574392

even to this utter dilettante, Searle has always seemed remarkably comprehensible

>> No.16574408

From a philosophical perspective, outliers define the category. They represent its fringes and therefore its boundaries. You should not be so quick to dismiss them, unless you intend to pander to the mean the way all mediocrities do.

>> No.16574446


>> No.16574451

No, she looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger compared to you.

>> No.16574452

As an intellectual I find this statement false.

>> No.16574456

she hits the bingo of people whose opinions are repugnant

>> No.16574523

I think I'll trust the experts and not some /pol/ troll

>> No.16574573

The linked article comprises nothing but shallow insinuations, generalities, and fanboying. For example:
>"Not once in this book did I read the words “I don’t know”. If the book contained these simple words, then it might have at least contained something – and thus something respectable. For, it is a regrettable fact that none of the authors who contributed to this book were qualified to pass comment on Weininger’s work, and for that reason should have either remained silent, or gracefully and politely declined with an honourable “I don’t know”."
Solway sounds incredibly bitter, but also finicky with the critics and complacent with Weininger. Worst of all, he comes off as, in his own words, "simple." As far as I can tell, Solway never quotes a full passage from the book he criticizes. Instead, he cherry picks a few phrases while mostly summarizing in a heavily reductionistic manner, and offers us this gem of a disclaimer:
>"the reader can appreciate the message of this essay without having read the actual book in question"
In other words, "take my word for it." This is a clear breach of rational debate. Solway is not interested in philosophy, but only in his own voice. And let's not dodge the issue: what Solway hates so much is that other people have criticized Weininger, whom Solway adores.
>"I recently discovered a magnificent book, Sex & Character by Otto Weininger....Weininger describes the differences between the sexes better than anyone I know of, and understanding this difference is the first step towards all higher life. Weininger took his own life while still in his early twenties, but his thoughts are such that he will never disappear."
>"Increasingly I realized the inseparability of reason and masculinity. At the same time I could not help noticing the increasing feminization of society. The only course open to me was to attack femininity at the root."
It's not exactly illegal to have vested interests in philosophy, but Solway's are plain to see. The defense of Weininger is blatantly attached to a crusade against "feminization"--which causes Solway to reject out of hand anyone who pokes holes in the arguments of his personal bible. Boardfags will meme and call him based, but I see no discernible difference between Solway and other meninist gurus or fringe-"philosophers" like Molyneux, who resorts to namecalling and broad dismissals. In the end he claims of "Wittgenstein Reads Weininger," the book in question,
>"its pages still fail to muster up an actual thought"
which fittingly describes Solway's entire diatribe against the "average academic philosopher." It's obvious from his bio page that Solway himself is a fringe-artist who was never admitted to the club. Then again, I wouldn't put it beyond him to get rejected by a girl, then tell all his friends that she's actually a slut--as he's done here with the "scholars."

tldr: Kevin Solway is an utter hackjob and nobody and should be eternally ignored

>> No.16574595

Who's the guy on the left, and where did the rest of his head go? Is this what happens to the human head when it's been fully domesticated, or was it the absence of upper skull that allowed this man's easy domestication?

>> No.16574617

>Have sex, incel
Truly a big brain take. /pol/ btfo!

>> No.16574622

Seething academic detected.

>> No.16574626

it's past your bedtime, Kev

>> No.16574632

I do agree that your genitals don't determine your femininity or masculinity. Fact is I'm more attracted to feminine females with a penis than I am masculine women with a vagina. The need to restrict everything into some cookie cutter archetype is just some way to appeal to the primal urge to breed.

>> No.16574636

>Structuralism bad
>But my conceptions and maps of power relations that i draw everywhere are not to be touched

>> No.16574640

You sound like a retard

>> No.16574647

I undoubtedly am, and am not the only one

>> No.16574656 [DELETED] 

you realize one of the arguments for trannies is the fact that their brains are wired more akin to the opposite sex?

>> No.16574678

This just made me realize something. Why the fuck does anyone even listen to her? What intrinsic reason do we have to listen to her philosophy? We went for thousands of years being perfectly fine with a male-female dichotomy, so why the need to abandon it just because some dyke academic said to? Clearly she’s a product of this era and whatever system is producing this kind of philosophy, so what reason does anyone have to take her seriously? Just ignore it, who fucking cares, 99% of humans are fine with dicks penetrating pussies

>> No.16574692

She's closer to people with power than i am.

>> No.16574699

Sex and """gender""" are seperated and conflated to suit the tranny's needs at any given time.

>> No.16574703

Because there're many feminists and trannies who promote these ideas. Farther more, it's a good divide and conquer strategy for (((them))).

>> No.16574710


>> No.16574734

thats renee guenon

>> No.16574779

The tranny is dilated against all dangers

>> No.16574783

will you kill yourself already. the low t bullshit are from faggoty zoomers in big cities like la or new york. outside of the anglosphere and the chink tendrils real men still exists you faggot zoomer tranny

>> No.16574786

Give me a QRD
If it is remotely interesting, I will buy her books.

>> No.16574923

t. I’m too much student debt completing an arts degree and needs to validate the decision to enter academia