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16559753 No.16559753 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever made you depressed for a long time?

Share it with us and tell us how you managed to cope

>> No.16560053
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>> No.16560658

And how did you manage to cope? The Bible itself is nothing but copes from cover to cover

>> No.16560662

No but I just finished the Berserk anime and now I want to kill myself

>> No.16560689

first critique.

>> No.16560721

A Man Asleep, no cope really, I just want to stop fleeing when someone loves me

>> No.16560782
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Spoilers for Lolita
I’m currently coming out of a 3 day depression after reading Lolita. Fucking author brought her to life and then stuck a knife into her heart and let her bleed out right in front of me. I go back through the book and notice more details that make me hate that fucking nonce Humbert more and more. Reading the foreword again after completing the book and realizing that there was truly no peace for her ever. It seriously made me consider suicide. I had to read over Nabakovs biography to try and remind myself that she wasn’t real and never existed. I’m still so fucking hurt over a 0 dimensional child that exists only in letters and in my mind. I just want to raise her and be a good dad for her. Fuck this gay earth she was too pure for it.

>> No.16560785

Been there

>> No.16560797

I gradually extracted myself from believing in it. I studied a Gnosticism, but eventually found my way out. Rediscovered my childhood inclinations towards Epicureanism

>> No.16560809

>a little Gnosticism

>> No.16560863

It was a short story, Rainbow by Dinko Šimunović
It was either late 19th century of very early 20th, it's not specified. A rich couple in a village has a 10 year old daughter as their only child, and she is locked up in house all day, only allowing to go out with her parents in the evening, so she wouldn't get tanned, a trait undesirable back then for rich girls. Since her parents are clearly not of noble background, and are rich through business, they don't really know how to organize their daughter's time, only to forbid her some unladylike behavior, which means the only thing she can do is sit by the window and listen to boys happily playing by the river, longing for freedom.
One day her parents take her to a vineyard, where she meets a widow that persuades her mother to let her run around. Later on the widow takes her to a woman whose hands were eaten by a pig while she was a baby, and who still learned to sew because she didn't wanted to be a burden to her poor family. This other woman tells her the story how she got married thinking this man loved her, but all he ever wanted was a servant, and later he dumped her with a baby to work in city, not caring one bit about his child because it was a girl. This story makes the two women lament how their kind is born to suffer and casually they mention an old legend that if a girl manages to run under the rainbow she will turn into a boy.
This legend sticks in the little girl's mind, since multiple times she was proven that as a boy she would have that freedom she so desires, and when later she spots a rainbow, she tries to catch it and drowns in the swamp. They pulled her body out after five days, and this image and the idea they took their daughter's happiness away tortured her parents' minds for some time, till they went crazy and threw themselves into abyss.

I don't think I'll ever really get over this story, it's not a story about feminism and patriarchy, it's simply a grim tale how path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.16560899

Letters to a Young Poet. I cope by rereading it and not killing myself

>> No.16561292

Blindopraxia. But it's not even the denial of free will and suggestion that human sentience is just an abberation. These are depressing in their own right. But I got depressed because I've realized that as a pathetic liberal arts fag I'll never be able to write hard sci-fi which explores and incorporates actual scientific concepts. I'll only be able to write girly schlock about 'muh feelings' or 'muh culture' or fanservice shit for plebs. Now I can't return to my writing, I hate everything about it. I also feel I'm not good enough to write realism and don't want to write fantasy because... because I just don't like it as much as sci-fi or space opera. Yes, I know, all this is extremely autistic.

>> No.16562100

Sorry to post this as most of its readers are edgy retards (you can filter them easily because they are self proclaimed "ecofascists") but Industrial Society and its Future made me eternally depressed.
I can't cope and hope that I'll find a way to act on the problems some day

>> No.16562121

Just get a surrogate activity bro

>> No.16562164

Unfortunately this cope only works before you read it

>> No.16562169

You can absolutely do it, but I suggest you read some papers from the hard sciences in order to get a feel for the language. Try the paper that lays out the FLN hypothesis as an example (it seems like linguists love writing fancy papers).
Blindopraxia itself I find highly energizing.
If anything, it may be too optimistic, the way the world is looking.

>> No.16562178


>> No.16562181

My college textbooks are soulless

>> No.16562186

I loved Blindsight but I just couldn't get into Echopraxia. In hindisght I think I would have preferred not to have read it, since I enjoyed the conception of the future I got just from Blindsight far more than the expanded version from the sequel.

>> No.16562208

I actually find Echopraxia to be the better book, but I know I'm in the minority in that.

>> No.16562257

I think that some of the book actually may have gone over my head but on a surface level there was still a lot that I just didn't like (all of the characters, especially the protagonist, for example). It felt kind of like an Alien/Aliens situation, where you have the original has more of a horror influence and the sequel is trying to throw you around in all of these action scenes. It's been a while since I read it though so I can't remember much specific.

>> No.16562514

Thanks, gonna use this to go troll /lgbt. Or more likely reddit, /lgbt troons already suicidal.

>> No.16562690

Husserl's Ideas 1. One of the consequences of transcendental phenomenology is a kind of communicative solipsism. Husserl makes moves to recognize the cogito as being aware of others and capable of interacting with them, so its not like only the cogito exists. The problem is that the epoche must be explored linguistically, and then you have to recognize that since language has individual character to it. I could use the same words to describe what I found past the epoche as you do, but both of us are participating in a different, irreducibly personal, use and understanding of language. I was left with the conclusion that while we can know the other exists, we're left with this uncrossable gap between any two human experiences.

That made me extremely depressed. I found Merleau-Ponty later and he does a lot to solve this problem (or at least explore it more thoroughly) in phenomenology of perception. Reading that helped alot.

>> No.16563612

holy fucking cringe

>> No.16563706 [SPOILER] 
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after i read the bible for the first time i got really depressed because this was it, you know? i had reach the peak. no matter what else i would read, nothing would compare, it was the end, i would never read anything more fucking cringe and pathetic that this dumb fairytale tale that people unironically believe in lmao talking snakes?? nigga what lol holy shit that was embarrassing

>> No.16564312

holy fucking reddit

>> No.16564370
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Rediscovering ones childhood impenetrability is the farthest thing from your “cring”

>> No.16565640


>> No.16566497

I don't remember feeling like that at all. What even happened in that book, it was confusing. I do remember liking the prose.

>> No.16566700


>> No.16566777
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>taking more then 30 seconds to realize the bible is full of shit.

>> No.16566788

Children get indoctrinated, anon.

>> No.16566798

As a kid the Bible made me really sad because so many people were going to suffer eternally because of something which seemed to me very unfair. I recognized that Muslims are just Christians but indoctrinated under the Quran instead. I coped by realizing that religion is bullshit lol

>> No.16566802

t. underage

>> No.16567011

>I dream of a world where people look to Reddit before they open bible
kek, we got btfo'd.

>> No.16567135

Sure... any excuse to become a hedonistic scum

>> No.16567147

L'Étranger - Albert Camus

>> No.16567620

Tampa. And I haven't found any effective way to cope.

>> No.16567630

I wouldn't say depressed but I read Valis and the Red Book in the wake of a nervous breakdown and I've been a little out of sorts since

>> No.16567637

so smart dood!!!

>> No.16567673

Hint: it wasn't the book bros
It was ur life

>> No.16568437

I like Peter but he is a very mediocre writer who has read some interesting papers about cognition. Don't mistake him from someone wise.

>> No.16568461

Oh, hi, Peter

>> No.16568475

This is why you raise your kids as annihilationist molinists

>> No.16568737

Negative hedonism. Not your sex fantasies or whatever you’re imagining. The good life.

You are dumb

>> No.16568800

Lolita is really fucking comical bro, you think too much

>> No.16568844

you got me

>> No.16570338


>> No.16570765

nah, you feel to little

>> No.16571106
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I found the ending of this really depressing.
Made me feel sympathy for a middle aged roasty which I hadn’t thought possible.

>> No.16571335

Madame Bovary: as a french i had to read it in middle school and hated every piece of it. When i read it again (this year) i found it incredible. Beautiful. And depressing as fuck.

>> No.16571578

I just finished Evangelion and that's how I'm feeling rn

>> No.16571903

isn't that like a chick flick?