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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 252x384, greb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16563300 No.16563300 [Reply] [Original]

let's share some lesser known but nonetheless good lit.

>> No.16563319
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I like these threads

>> No.16563334
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me too, man. have another one.

>> No.16563346
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me three. pic rel isn't exactly obscure, but following this thread

>> No.16563347
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This was pretty good and made me buy his short stories.

>> No.16563354
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Nice little gem from wakefield press

>> No.16563380
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really good recent poetry

>> No.16563383
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>> No.16563455

what are these about?

>> No.16563850
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>> No.16563882

As great as Quinn is she’s entry level you gay faggot

>> No.16563892
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>> No.16563901

just post obscure lit dude, who gives a fuck about levels.

>> No.16563907
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Bakers response to Smarts by Central Station

>> No.16563912

Yes, those are some of the best /lit/ threads usually. I wish some super autistic anon would compile a chart of the best recs in "obscure /lit/" threads.

I've abundantly shilled Clémence Ramnoux's "Night and the Children of Night" a few weeks back. I believe it deserves yet more shilling, along with Ramnoux's entire philological work.

>> No.16563915

Ann Quinn isn’t obscure that’s my point you fucking cunt

>> No.16563920

Obligatory Lanark mention. Not so obscure but still underrated. I deserves to be made into a /lit/ meme.

>> No.16563935
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>> No.16563949
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Not his best but great nevertheless

>> No.16563966
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>> No.16563968
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I'm not into polars but that was surprisingly good.

>> No.16564046
File: 18 KB, 172x293, godownmoses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faulkner clearly isn't obscure by any stretch of the imagination, but I NEVER hear this book get brought up, even in Faulkner threads, despite this being an absolute masterpiece. It's a forgotten treasure.

>> No.16564187

Masterpiece yes but in no way is it forgotten

>> No.16564252
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Some kid marked up your book, dude.

>> No.16564284
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>> No.16564317 [DELETED] 

The Suspended Vocation is about a young seminarian embroiled in a conspiracy between several factions and sects of French monastic life, being accused of belonging to either side, trialed by libertine impostors from his former life and philosophical priests waxing atheistic. It's written as a critical review by a critic who comes across the story (a book by the same name) and keeps shitting on the writer's abilities.

>> No.16564330

The Suspended Vocation is about a young seminarian embroiled in a conspiracy between several factions and sects of French monastic life, being accused of belonging to either side, trialed by libertine impostors from his former life and philosophical priests waxing atheistic. It's written as a critical review by a critic who comes across the story (a book by the same name) and keeps shitting on the writer's abilities.

>> No.16564337
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>> No.16564351
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Mars by Fritz Zorn

>> No.16564355

These threads are very nice but they would be better if posters did a little summary of the book (or why they liked it). Thanks for posting anyway anons!

>> No.16564530
File: 62 KB, 1200x630, Halliburton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Traveler tours the world between the wars and writes about his experiences. He swims the panama canal, crosses the alps on a circus elephant, buys a slave boy in Timbuktu and frees him after much annoyance, and crosses the pacific in a Chinese junk. Halliburton tells you stories of the ancient world as he wanders through ruins that have not yet been fenced off. It's aimed at younger readers, but its a great time capsule.

>> No.16564539
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Not obscure by any means but I've never seen it mentioned here before. It's great

>> No.16564632
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Not necessarily obscure, but I feel Abe is a very overlooked author around here.

>> No.16565771


>> No.16565858
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>> No.16565932
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nice thread

>> No.16565939
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>> No.16565949
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>> No.16566884
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I just finished this and it's become one of my favorite novels. I was shocked that a novel written in such a conventional style could have the act of reading be such a joy. A real testament to the author

>> No.16566895
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it got lewis and tolkein to try writing science fiction but i never hear anybody talk about it.

>> No.16566926
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one of his lesser known books.

>> No.16566930
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I have never read Asimov's science fiction, my only experience with the man is through his lesser known history books.

>> No.16566931

Who's that by

>> No.16566973

This book Is crazy obscure. What's it about?

>> No.16567256

It’s part of a trilogy charting the life of a man know as gotobed. Dawn is from his birth to his mid to late twenties. Really well written in the same vein as Joyce et al

>> No.16567263

In no way obscure

>> No.16567265

Not obscure in any way

>> No.16567267


Not obscure so don’t post them you sacks of shit

>> No.16567309

Thank you for your contributions.

>> No.16567363

I’ve posted four books you stain

>> No.16567396

You should have left it at that

>> No.16567415
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>> No.16567421
File: 29 KB, 318x463, 8501532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Elegance while Sleeping
As a kid, the MC used to be the best corpse finder in his town (bodies would travel down river from Paris). He likes whoring a lot, and praises different STDs.
It's a pretty short diary of a Des Esseintes type (Huysmans) with a bit of the Underground man: full-on Decadence.
The writer's personna is quite interesting.
I could've sworn the English edition was by NYRB but I'm wrong apparently.

Very good book. It was mentioned all the time back when Eastern European lit was more popular (Szerb, Gyula Krudy, Grombowicz, etc). It's still posted in these threads

>> No.16567453
File: 16 KB, 250x400, 41774607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how obscure picrel is since I learned of its existence in /lit/ and quite recently; it was praised by Samuel Beckett; and two of his books are printed by NYRB, but whatever. I've tried shilling it before in threads asking for NEET and depressive literature so I'll do it again.
It's an incredibly funny book and pretty pathetic at the same time. A guy tries to make friends out of strangers (he's desperare for company), but he's poor, unlikable and he doesn't want to get a job. Probably one of the top 3 or 4 funniest books I've read this year.
The first vignette and the one about the factory owner's daughter were great.

>> No.16567521
File: 33 KB, 293x475, 6904824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see this guy mentioned in the Scandinavian threads, this book was great. Loved the language, really light and colorful. I have so many vivid images still in my mind when I think back on it.
It's kind of similar to Death in Venice in that it reads almost like a Greek play with the heavy symbolism and foreshadowing, but it's much lighter in tone. The Markurells of Wadköping is the English title.

>> No.16567687


the title is fucking brilliant
what's this about?

>> No.16567911

great recommendation, anon, I also read this book. protagonist is really the incarnation of an arrogant and unlikable, yet pitiful person. Pretty funny, how he reasons in his inner monologues while totally sperging out in front of other people.

>> No.16568019

where can i pirate it? it's not in book4you

>> No.16568467


>> No.16569634


>> No.16569650

If it is on NYRB then it is not rare. NYRB is normie entry-level publication

>> No.16569920
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>> No.16570525


>> No.16570642
File: 30 KB, 313x499, 51qloUCtUJL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read it yet but I'm very interested.

>> No.16570650

>“My name’s King Clyde The Destroyer and I’m fourteen-years-old and I’m tough as nails and I’ve lived in a dump my whole life...”Meet Clyde, a little boy whose whole world has been trash since the day he was born. In the massive garbage dump he calls home, Clyde navigates a dangerous landscape of trash mountains and the ever-present dread of what lies out there in The Great Beyond – the cracked and lightning-kissed land outside his Kingdom where he has never ventured to go. Within those walls, Clyde rules over the land as King, imagining himself a Hollywood stuntman as he “races” cars around The Used Car Lot, reading books at The Library, or reminiscing about long-lost family vacations while at The Memory Palace. Beyond those walls are dangers unimaginable, such as the gruesome monsters Clyde’s mother warned him about – the ones that will eat his face off if he dares step foot beyond the Kingdom walls. But that’s not the only warning his mother gave, for there’s always the danger of invading Out-of-Towners – gasmasked nomads known to roam the dry land, stopping off at lifeless towns and garbage dumps to pillage for supplies and food, where anything or anyone could be on the menu. Yes, as a genuine momma’s boy, Clyde takes these warnings to heart, but when a new family of Out-of-Towners lays down roots in his Kingdom, things are going to change for Clyde who’ll soon learn to see garbage for what it really is – and where the monsters really live.

>> No.16570658
File: 43 KB, 325x499, 51PSsvA9mWL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone ever actually wind up reading any of the books from these threads?

>> No.16570698

Everyone here has read Schulz, you insecure dweeb.

>> No.16570735
File: 30 KB, 306x475, 15581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've all read Ferdydurke too, right? I am just checking

>> No.16570745

Yes, the two most recognized names in Polish /lit/ get posted here regularly and appear in /lit/ charts. We would have more literature threads if Evolafags would kill themselves already

>> No.16570786

I write down some of the titles that seem interesting and get to them eventually. That’s how I found out about Schulz, if I remember correctly.

>> No.16570975
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>> No.16570980
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And here's an earlier cover, which I prefer.

>> No.16570986
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>> No.16571019

I haven't heard of either.
>inb4 uneducated American
It's true tho.

>> No.16571023

Stop shilling your own shit.

>> No.16571024
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>> No.16571027

Fucking shut up, you contrarian moron.

>> No.16571035
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>> No.16571040

At least it isn't Guenon anymore. I want to go back to DFW and Bloomposting.

>> No.16571704
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>> No.16572043

This looks interesting. What's it about anon?

>> No.16572161

The Inquisitory, by Robert Pinget, though maybe that's only obscure in the U.S.
Ditto Who Are You, by Anna Kavan
And Obermann, by Étienne Pivert de Senancour

>> No.16572167

This sounds fantastic.

>> No.16572178

Love this book.

>> No.16572593

Klossowski was kinda degenerate (read his Baphomet and saw his artwork). Does that book have any weird sex or S&M stuff?

>> No.16572669

This guy is from where I grew up and went to college. Pretty to cool to have such a based writer from my city.

>> No.16573300


>> No.16573756
File: 44 KB, 322x500, 51161LYstBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a really good selection, although his more famous book is The Book of Monelle. Schwob was pretty influential. Apparently he was friends with great writers as well (Daudet, de Goncourt, Proust, Mirbeau). Borges and Bioy loved him.
Here's an epub because it's not on B-ok.cc.

Dalkey and Wakefield (US) have a great catalog, it's a shame it's hard to find online copies.

>> No.16574252

How is John Gardner obscure?

thanks for the rec tho

>> No.16574259

what short stories of his do you like? I've had his collected stories for ages but I can't spark my interest in it.

>> No.16574265

It isn't that obscure, but I very rarely see it discussed here: Juan Rulfo's The Golden Cockerel. It's pretty great and often comes with several short stories of his, most of which give an imposing sense of dread.

>> No.16574269

This makes me think of Hamsun's Hunger which I liked, so I'll definitely check out the book.

>> No.16574275

>Pretty funny, how he reasons in his inner monologues while totally sperging out in front of other people.
>sperging out

yeah not taking recs from someone who uses ridiculous words like that without knowing how painful it is to be a sperg..shame on you

>> No.16574288

Definitely similar to Hunger, but this translation reads a lot better imo. It's such a plain and self aware character the comedy gets across more easily compared to the guy in Hunger and his big dreams and self delusion.

>> No.16574292
File: 20 KB, 263x406, 9798623566379_p0_v1_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good and very short

>> No.16574294
File: 657 KB, 1521x2339, 91viESHnd9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see this mentioned

>> No.16574444

extremely based recommendation, some of my favourite short stories are in there

>> No.16574510

No, nothing explicit at least. There's mention of a sodomite sect (which reminded me of Acéphale) but that's it.

>> No.16574604

thanks based anony

>> No.16575210

Wtf is this? I've never even heard of these books.

>> No.16575232

It will have to wait for a while because I can't find it on b-ok nor on libgen

>> No.16575271
File: 913 KB, 746x886, 1591583236332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could do it, anon. To be quite honestly it's very hard to find a book I've read in one of these threads but I will list the books which I see posted often in some of these threads or which have good reviews and critical acclaim.

>> No.16575274

>To be quite honest

>> No.16575283

Wouldn’t that just be a list of the least obscure books posted in the obscure books threads? Not that I’m against the idea.

>> No.16575329
File: 29 KB, 253x394, The_blind_owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kind of right anon. In this case it wouldn't be much of an "obscure" chart, but maybe mostly overlooked books like pic related, which aren't much discussed in this board and aren't well known.

>> No.16575374
File: 35 KB, 316x475, 184913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mentioned by Nabokov as one of the greatest masterpieces of literature but barely gets recognized as much as the other books he mentioned like In Search of Lost Time or Ulysses. Damn good book though and very underrated author.

>> No.16575392


>rilke and gide admired him
that's high praise

>> No.16576123

See >>16569634

>> No.16576130
File: 14 KB, 186x270, CLG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a part of the collection I suggested above!
It's also got lesser known works by Wells, Kafka, Borges, Barthelme, Lawrence, Capote, Malamud, Vonnegut, and White.

>> No.16576140

I have read this. It’s pretty good, although with How stylistic it is I imagine I missed out on a lot by reading an English translation

>> No.16576167
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>> No.16576297


I've never heard of her. Stop being a caustic little cum sock and post books ffs

>> No.16576433

>Ditto Who Are You, by Anna Kavan
Glad to see this suggestion, I'd like to post Asylum's Piece or A Scarcity of Love by her as soon as I saw the thread

>> No.16576461

All of them have their strong and weak points so I get something out of all them.the one with the British soldier is great.he is very Irish though.he reminds me of a watered down Joyce which isn’t an insult

>> No.16576670
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>> No.16577348

Blind Owl is often mentioned here

>> No.16577374

You a sissy faggot?

>> No.16577617

yes daddy

>> No.16577675

How is this obscure you uncultured swine?

>> No.16578383

You don't see it in the main charts though. It'd be a good chart showing alternatives to most of the /lit/ canon.

>> No.16578504

I'm reading it now, it is very good. I don't think it is obscure though

>> No.16578699

this book is so bad

>> No.16578731

Maybe he's well-known in the US, but I had never heard of him

>> No.16578937

what didn't you like, anon?

>> No.16579609
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>> No.16579711
File: 165 KB, 500x754, sleepersawake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how well known this is, it was recced by some other anon earlier this year
I wasn't always 100% sure what was going on, but without question a beautiful journey with a clear, if heavy handed message

>> No.16579756
File: 2.75 MB, 1000x2000, Doomer :lit:.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it because someone recommended it here.

Enjoy your depression!

>> No.16580210

Is any of her stuff translated?

>> No.16580724

Note for future threads: suggest adding a quick rundown so it's not just random book covers and titles.

>> No.16580804

I just took the thread to mean 'obscure on /lit/. Have barely seen this mentioned.

>> No.16581833

Thanks I just finished Dubliners and I think my brain is adjusting to Joyce's style in that book... I think my Joyce reading will help me with Frank O'Connor who I found odd to read.

>> No.16582251
File: 151 KB, 1181x1822, 71mV7PbAr-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By one of Borges' mentors, for some reason somewhat ignored in Argentina.

>> No.16582565

How is Rimbaud doomer-tier? Celan, Lautreamont and Baudelaire obviously but Rimbaud?

>> No.16582747

Une saison en enfer kinda (definitely Mauvais sang).

>> No.16582808

Yeah I see it for Une saison en enfer, it's just surprising to say the complete work but it won't hurt anyone to read it anyway

>> No.16583103

i'd asked the same question when the chart was being compiled, but nobody answered

>> No.16583120

somewhat related to your post....

I've read The Invention of Morel but goddamn it's weird af...not sure if i'd recommend