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16562244 No.16562244 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post two books and others tell which one to read (first) and also why.

>> No.16562297
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I'd say go for C&P, it's one of my favourite books of them all and I've not read any Bulgakov yet so I've no idea what his stuff is like.

Right and which one of these two should I read after I finish Don Quixote?

>> No.16562315

Theyre not very similar at all. Using another anons expression that I picked up here, read C&P first and use the M&M to rinse your pallet so you can read more Dostoyevsky afterwards

>> No.16562324
File: 589 KB, 1326x941, ted or bookchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master and Margarita is great, I don't see it being recommended on this board often enough for some reason.
What about me frens?

>> No.16562337

M&M is a satirical comedy while C&P is a misery porn, how would you start comparing them?

>> No.16562346

Never said they are similar. Those are just two books I had on my list for a while and I don't know which one I should read next.

>> No.16562376

Haven't read any Bulgakov so idk, but Dostoievski for sure, Crime and Punishment is kino

Which one first, Ulysses or Moby Dick?

>> No.16562387
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Forgot pic related

>> No.16562398
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In that case, tell me if I should read the Stranger or Steppenwolf, I've enjoyed Siddharta but never read any Camus

>> No.16562496

The Stranger is a good one, anon;and it is a 'must', so give it a try

>> No.16562524
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War of Art
Art of War

>> No.16562544

Both books explore themes of alienation but I think the stranger does it in a way which is more relatable for the reader. I would take a quick glimpse at the philosophy of existentialism before I started though.

Is it just me or do you feel that the fantastical elements of steppenwolf take away from its overarching themes. I read it a while ago but I remember hating the ending, maybe some of it just went over my head

>> No.16562569

none of that desu

>> No.16562660
File: 437 KB, 641x489, kingdom_of_god_is_within_you_parfum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are obviously quite unrelated, not even sure if I want to read one of these at all but the latter sounds like an interesting philosophical work by a popular author whereas the first has a somewhat intersting plot and is quite famous here in Germany.
Please tell me what to do

>> No.16562669

Because I'm reading it now and I'm planning to read Moby Dick after :)

>> No.16562730
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Is bookchin based or cringe? I saw him being posted on reddit as some sort of TK cope but I also heard a lot of good about him. What is true?

>> No.16562814

Based, dude disliked modern leftist thought and despised the public's ignorance of ecology so he made his own new branch of theory.
Unbelievably based.

>> No.16562821

but does he propose counterarguments to TK or did redditors just not understand what he wrote?

>> No.16563015

Interested on the tolstoy book too. Is it for christcucks only?

>> No.16563230

>imagine unironically using the word "christcuck"

>> No.16563456
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>goes on reddit

>> No.16563464

Tolstoy was a hardcore and unrepentant heretic, and excommunicated by the Church.

>> No.16563551

Bump for this

>> No.16563571

Catholic church? He can still be Christian, right? Although the title suggests that he is some sort of pantheist

>> No.16563718

>hurr durr all of reddit is bad
Thank you for keeping the quality of 4chan posts up

>> No.16564261

No the russian orthodox church because he is russian
top kek

>> No.16564820

Moby first, will aid your comprehending ulysses

>> No.16565487

>C&P is a misery porn
yikes you're some new kind of retard

>> No.16565528

ehhhuhhhh if you’re the type of guy to think noam chom is based then yeah. anarkiddy adjacent american who wrote a lot about ecology and shit. modern anarchists don’t like him usually

>> No.16565543

Crime and Punishment
Master and Margarita is massively overrated

>> No.16565585

>Elective Affinities
>Don Quixote part II

>> No.16565635

Not even a question, DQ against anything else, then you should pick DQ

>> No.16566694

Learn to type

>> No.16567285

DQ by a country mile.
>Anna Karenina
>Bleak House

>> No.16568060

But it is so long

>> No.16568152

Anna Karenina anon, you won't regret it

>> No.16568214

From my understanding (I have the book but have not read it) is that Tolstoy's book is a continuation of 'Confession' where he elaborates how God is within you and can be manifested through your action and thinking. Jordan Peterson talks about this book.

>> No.16568408

>Jordan Peterson talks about this book
Shit I don't want to read it anymore, or else everyone will think I am some neocon incel retard

>> No.16568570

Both belong on every patricians shelf, unfortunately the bookshop lady will look weird at you for ordering this

>> No.16568946

Just order it on amazon or read the ebook

>> No.16569296

>ordering a TJK book from amazon

>> No.16569595

AK was one of the first "real" books I read and it is still one of my favorites.

>> No.16570441

What makes a book "real"?

>> No.16570827

That honestly just depends on what kind of books you like to read

>> No.16571079

what? It isn't

>> No.16571687
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>> No.16572090

The Kingdom of God is Within You is one of my favourite books. Prepare to feel Super guilty for shit, even if you're not Christian.