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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 176 KB, 750x569, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16558820 No.16558820 [Reply] [Original]

Poetry in free verse without any resemblance of form whatsoever is the lyrical equivalent of pic related.

What in God's name went wrong? Why do we live in a culture that is so keen on celebrating "art" that would have hardly qualified as mediocre just a few decades ago?

Is it supposed to be demoralizing?

>> No.16558860

jews. the answer is jews.

>> No.16558862
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x1893, 30D8198D-CCFA-4A22-9CBF-BD53CE25BA12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cy twombly is based tho, you just don’t understand abstraction and modernism, my pseud fren.

>> No.16558867

OP posts this then goes on to read novels LOL
"I don't mind eating shit as long as it's correctly labeled" LMAO

>> No.16558877
File: 312 KB, 1536x1151, AE51928E-D4DB-4196-BECC-EB00310DF40C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck modernity
>VGH much better

>> No.16558880

it was never meant to be art in the first place you tard.
>scribble on some canvas
>price it at millions of dollars
>rich nigger buys it
>book fuckery occurs
>rich nigger "donates" it to a museum
>writes it off on taxes
at least it provides a filter for who you should listen too. Since you know anyone pretending to enjoy this shit is a pseud

>> No.16558888

How many cannons that place come with?

>> No.16558891
File: 63 KB, 1111x597, evil power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee if only we could figure out what group of people in power have taken beauty away and replaced it with ugliness.

>> No.16558892

he was a literal faggot and you are a literal r/dditor

>> No.16558920
File: 201 KB, 1200x600, 57d2f201b0ef97c5098b492f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McMansions are the only truly radical and insurrectionary architecture because they spit in the face of the academic theorists who control discourse through illegitimate institutions. Their brave departure from the conventions of bourgeois-managerial taste and even basic common sense will come to be recognized in time as the avant-garde of their day. Mentally retarded poet-warriors such as Chief Keef choose these domiciles in the rebellion which instinctively instructs their very mode of life.

>> No.16558943

Capitalism, the answer is capitalism

>> No.16558950


>> No.16558956
File: 1.16 MB, 974x650, picture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering how they reject axial order and dissolve figure and field mcmansions should be praised as postmodern marvels

>> No.16558974

this is now a McMansion thread. It's been awhile since we had a good one

>> No.16559039
File: 672 KB, 2457x2873, 1546373925506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone pls dump the pics like this, i know there are a bunch>>16558920

>> No.16559063

>The whole system of higher education in Germany has lost what is most important: the end, as well as the means to the end. The fact that education, cultivation is itself the goal and not the Reich has been forgotten. We need educators who are themselves educated, elevated, noble spirits who prove themselves at every moment, prove themselves by what they say and what they keep quiet, cultured spirits grown ripe and sweet, not the scholarly bores that prep schools and universities offer as higher wet nurses to the youth today.
Neetcha had a few words to say about mass education.

>> No.16559069

what went wrong? more people became literate and were given opportunities, good literature and art are still out there but they're drowned out by the steaming pile of shit that's everything else

>> No.16559121

it's not possible for poetry to have no form. there's more to form that regular meter and rhyme, retard. just because you can't apply the ABC formulaic poetry analysis to it doesn't mean the form isn't valid stupid retard.
p.s. nice reddit spacing

>> No.16559143

>that would have hardly qualified as mediocre just a few decades ago?

>> No.16559152

What a joke.

>> No.16559162

shouts out to cheesecake factory let's get it

>> No.16559738

might have been this guy's blog
I find him a bit tedious though

>> No.16559756
File: 311 KB, 1000x1000, red-wojak-melting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this art?

>> No.16559764

If there is a critic willing to write about it it will become art
pretty much how it works now

>> No.16559769

the wojak and pepe(and their derivatives) collection is clearly the artistic statement of the decade anon

>> No.16559799

Funny how people are blaming jews when the Americans did the whole thing; Whitman with free verse and CIA with modern art.

>> No.16559802

you gayass piece of shit would praise anything as long as it has a label that says that it is from before the 1900s. fuck off

>> No.16559839
File: 291 KB, 1200x884, 1579168115198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever see a return of real art like this?

>> No.16559850
File: 31 KB, 1000x665, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece sold for $15 million.

>> No.16559857

What exactly are we looking at, the top and bottom have some black vertical marks?

>> No.16559866
File: 750 KB, 2048x1536, Malevichs-Black-Square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea? this one is at least 60 Million. But in my opinion it's priceless

>> No.16559877
File: 1.96 MB, 600x600, 1584366319354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like this is exclusive to art and literature. The quality of everything is being destroyed intentionally. Why is it that every list of great movies, books, etc, are always things that came out 30+ years ago? Think of your favorite movies, have any of them come out in the past 10 years? Has the ability to produce quality art been lost somehow? If we are so much more materially capable these days in the way of technology and education why is it that 'good' things just aren't made anymore? It just doesn't make sense unless you entertain the idea that it's being done on purpose, and then you end up going down *that* rabbithole. You knew this was going to happen though. We all did. So don't act surprised.

>> No.16559879

they're really making the job of professional art forgers a lot easier these days

>> No.16559890
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 4c75b1544d108ad90bfaa46601edd6a3-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so real! sublime.

>> No.16559891

more like RADditor

>> No.16559897

unfortunately because of nuclear fallout they can just test what isotopes radiate to pinpoint a general year of the paper / canvas and paint.

>> No.16559903

Money laundering. The painting is the receipt, that's why no one steals them despite all these open galleries with no security in CA, NY etc. It'd be like stealing wrapping paper.

>> No.16559917
File: 56 KB, 400x518, dees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen it's just systems systeming so pay no attention to the ones instantiating said and we won't have to up your Risperidone.

>> No.16559920

Money laundering is a poor explanation. It's bourgies are fucking retarded.

>> No.16559926

it’s just business dude. the artists are all in it themselves

>> No.16559928
File: 156 KB, 818x614, 36714865fc205d13aecbcda1cf625ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16559946


>> No.16559970

Art hasn't declined, only the institutions which serve as realizers and gatekeepers of art.

>> No.16559971

>t. philistine

>> No.16559973

You realize all modern art like this is just a combination of money laundering and a way for the obscenely wealthy to invest millions into something they can hang in their foyer? All that matters is the 'art' exists, the content is immaterial. In fact, the more obtuse the art, the better, because the less 'obvious' the art is, the more you can show off your refined taste to everyone else.

>> No.16560003

I don't envy the systems. They will pay the price in the end.

>> No.16560036

>Chief Keef
Ayy that's my favorite rapper :)

>> No.16560039
File: 890 KB, 2113x2986, 2ip2fzp0d2m21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16560083

lmao like academics and filthy liberals aren't the ones praising this trash

>> No.16560124


>> No.16560125

>only can recognize something as quality if it's already carved out a place in the discourse of the medium
This is just because you're a pleb, it has nothing to do with the jews.

>> No.16560134
File: 77 KB, 1080x1334, 84DA0C7C-EF94-4C8F-AE53-027999DAB7B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks so real! sublime.

>> No.16560163
File: 34 KB, 324x499, 51K-cw0193L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one of his essays (I forget which one but it's in pic related) TS Eliot described the free verse he and other modernists were writing in as not really "free" (in the sense of indifferent to form) but merely as a search for new forms and a casting-off of everything tired and used up. He admits that most of what is called "free-verse" is pretty terrible because mediocre poets take the term as a license to disregard form and write whatever they want, but he says there is still very good free-verse poetry written by those who "have the western canon in their bones" (probably slightly paraphrasing, simply meaning being extremely erudite regarding the major works of the western canon). Read the poetry of Eliot, Pound, or Williams (among others), and the attention to form is obvious. I assume the same is true for at least some modern poetry although I personally don't know of any modern poets on their level. And as for the general "mediocrity" of modern art, this is partially a consequence of not having the benefit of history to extract the gems from the rest of the dross, and partially a result of the relationship between the patrons and artists changing dramatically as compared to the aristocratic patronage system that was the lifeblood of most of the major western artistic traditions up until one to two hundred years ago. However, asserting the idea that art has objectively "declined" strikes me as mindlessly-reactionary considering that we still generally have access to and are able to enjoy the major works of art from whenever you think art was best (Shakespeare, Bach, Michelangelo, or whoever), and are also still being confronted with new and thought-provoking works of art in all variety of new and old media.

>> No.16560164

art is only debased to the consumer, the patron and the debutant. The flaneur is contently engrossed in the walkabouts of the street. The popolo grasso is happily flicking his dollars. The serf has all his icons and images digitized, immortal and perfected in utility to convey the holy emblem. Finally the artist himself is cutoff in its own act of creation a solitary affair which the burning of the world over couldn't hope to impede.

>> No.16560178

>"a man who saunters around observing society."
Thanks anon this is my new favorite word

>> No.16560186

Well yeah, wankers love it, from Will Self to Taleb.

>> No.16560241

Stick a dildo on a car, you will get some awkward stares.
Stick a hundred dildos on a car, you have a postmodern artwork.

>> No.16560246

its not mindlessly reactionary, you would have to be insane to compare what passes for fine art now with the old masters, and I don't mean kitschy nationalist postcard-core like this >>16559839 but even the standards of a hundred years ago earlier in the modernist period were much higher than they are now, the art world has been ruined by money and bullshit academic sophistry. art is made to game the market and embody abstract ideology instead of engage or elevate the public. It's not ALL bad but its pretty bad

>> No.16560250
File: 80 KB, 1024x678, le-flaneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crowd is his domain, as the air is that of the bird or the sea of the fish. His passion and his creed is to wed the crowd. For the perfect flâneur, for the passionate observer, it’s an immense pleasure to take up residence in multiplicity, in whatever is seething, moving, evanescent and infinite

>> No.16560267

good post

>> No.16560447

I want a sniper nest :(

>> No.16560540

Not really, eventually you CAN run out things to buy.

>> No.16560586

Is this a bad thing? Only a weasel would care about anything worth """"""'15 million"""""", especially if this is what 16 million is ultimately worth. 17 million is just pocket change for some, it ultimately becomes worthless. Money is perhaps the worst value measurement to ever exist. When you realize how lucky you are to not be a rat, you will look at those with billions and see nothing but a retarded child who needs to play with blocks and buttons. Of course they impair those around them, but what would you do if you were the disappointment of genetics?

>> No.16560589

Definitely not, especially since it the art has nothing to do with the piece itself.

>> No.16560592


>> No.16560688
File: 1.29 MB, 1692x2000, Study for a Head (1952).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to Francis Bacon

>> No.16560731

How could art decline when it was always shit?
Beauty is a lie, escape the prison.

>> No.16560734

the French

>> No.16560758

remember those who hate art are right wing bigots

>> No.16560770

unironically jews

>> No.16560780

Funny how you have no idea about art history

>> No.16560783

>anything is form
great analysis brainlet

>> No.16560789

This kind of art became irrelevant the moment photography was invented

>> No.16560811

this misses the mark.
The Art s not the object this so much is true. There is no master and patron but a master of his workers to execute a piece
The skill is not paramount only the process. this is almost grasped but it is loss.
finally we are moving art to living storage. art will no longer be kept in vaults
the newest creation in these envierments will not be granted the longevity of their predecessors.
sun, air, touch remove decades from a piece. they are not the color or form of when they are made. The actor of air is just as much a vandal it must be embraced anything less is the traditional gallery crying out to a galleryless age

>> No.16560813

You'll never catch that kind of stuff on camera idiot

>> No.16560829

You people always cherry pick the shittiest examples of "modern art" and act like everyone else likes it. Just because a few shitty paintings and books sell doesn't mean people's quality standards have completely fallen, most people will still value a complete, mostly functional, somewhat-traditional piece of art.

>> No.16560837

That's not the point

>> No.16560839

I would buy a framed print of this, probably not for more than $30-50 though

>> No.16560900

Free verse has been around at least since 1855 with Whitman, so by crying about "lost form" in poetry you reveal a thorough ignorance of poetry of the last 150 years at last

>> No.16560903

Pathetic. This looks like the cheesy disneyland style americans have in mind when thinking about europe

>> No.16560904

This boards clinging to tradition and complete incompetence for understanding contemporary art is the true testimony that it's a melting pot of midwits because, of course, grasping new things requires actual intelligence while loving the old requires nothing more than basic reading comprehension and the will to read a wiki article.

>> No.16560908
File: 17 KB, 260x273, 1600195808292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1855 is not recent

>> No.16560912

So you are corroborating that there has been a decline in poetic form over time. I'm glad we agree

>> No.16560920

Have you even read any contemporary artist statements? Artists these days are utter pseuds.

>> No.16560922

talking about how much you love brutalism is peak midwit

>> No.16560994

Yes, I have actually.
Of course most artists are pseuds. It has been like that all the time. Proclaiming that as a modern or post-modern phenomenon is blatant ahistoricism.

Why do you mention brutalism in particular?

>> No.16561083

no wonder you don't get poetry

>> No.16561324
File: 76 KB, 1799x821, 1579970256382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the comments section
>see this

>> No.16561568

CIA is a more retarded conspiracy theory than jews

>> No.16561569

Nice quads, Buttsy. That might be the numbercof cannons maxed out.

>> No.16561585

what do you think the CIA is?

>> No.16561603

Don`t say a shit about ma nigga Malevich. It`s pure beauty of abstract forms.

>> No.16561608

Unfortunately /pol/, and 4chan as a whole, lacks gatekeeping

>> No.16561609

In all seriousness: read C.S.Lewis' "That Hideous Strength".

>> No.16561614
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, arseniy-chebynkin-oldbridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo they don't make realistic art anymore vgh what covld've been
go visit deviantart/artstation/whatever and find yourself thousands of that, you whiny asses

>> No.16561637

That painting is deeper than Rupi Kaur-core poetry. There is probably a message we don't get in the painting. With today's freeverse spoken word instagram poetry the message is given to you in the most direct, simplest, and shortest manner. Sometimes it's flash fiction like "He/ walked away/ and I/ wated him/ to look back" or just a plain message "Don't cry/ he/ did not / deserve you".

>> No.16561639

see >>16561614

>> No.16561648

I'm pretty sure art paintings today are just a front for a money-laundering scheme

>> No.16561653

Most of these are mechanically traced photographs using digital tools. (E.g., Photoshop.)

In other words, very fake and very gay.

>> No.16561675
File: 215 KB, 800x917, 800px-Johannes_Vermeer_-_Lady_at_the_Virginal_with_a_Gentleman%2C_%27The_Music_Lesson%27_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mechanically traced photographs
Johannes Vermeer literally used a combination of mirrors to trace the reflections on paper, yet his works are considered art, so what makes modern works not art?

>> No.16561677

what mods/ENB preset? looks good

>> No.16561681


>> No.16561684

not art

>> No.16561688

If you care so much, just start painting OP. It's really fun and not that hard as it seems.

>> No.16561694

a) Considered by who?

b) Using some mirrors as a prop is a far cry from tracing an actual photograph. It's only a little bit fake and gay, not all-out massive faggotry.

>> No.16561696
File: 448 KB, 1490x1800, img02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Frank Frazetta's works art then? they're analog
pls be art[/spoiler

>> No.16561699

genre art

>> No.16561706
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1503565787816s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so still art and realistic (well, there aren't such scenarios irl but it's still not abstract modern art)
then why were anons all like "noooo art is ruined"

>> No.16561714

a) by the metropolitan museum of art at least
see http://www.essentialvermeer.com/vermeer_painting_part_one.html
b) imagine art not being fake and faggotry baka

>> No.16561720

Because we don't have a contemporary Rubens or something

>> No.16561729
File: 70 KB, 422x500, repro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considered by who?
Anon, please don't tell me you've never heard of Vermeer, like wtf

>> No.16561736

The who? I never said anything about em lol. Your colors are showing shill.

>> No.16561744

>about em lol
Let me guess, you're 19. Or still in highschool.

>> No.16561757

> Anon, please don't tell me you've never heard of Vermeer, like wtf
Don't >implying me, please, or I'll shove them right back up into your ass. Thanks.

> by the metropolitan museum of art at least
These are the guys who also validate modern so-called """art""", try again.

> imagine art not being fake and faggotry baka
It's a difference of degree. Vermeer, of course, doesn't rise to any artistic heights of imagination or plumb any depths of sublimity, he's just a workman kind of painter, but he's still worlds apart from Deviantart's "look ma, I bought a Wacom tablet!!1"-tier art.

>> No.16561759

>Don't >implying me, please, or I'll shove them right back up into your ass. Thanks.
So, you never did. Not reading the rest of your post.

>> No.16561762

Dude, look, you asked me who considers Vermeer art, I gave you an answer, what else do you need from me?

>> No.16561778

Try to discredit me all you want. You're the one who drew the line.
Your last post was 9 hours ago and you just responded in 1 minute. Who else would be monitoring this thread so hardcore. I hope you're getting paid OT.