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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.19 MB, 1366x768, female poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16559238 No.16559238 [Reply] [Original]

This is real, published poetry. What's your excuse?

>> No.16559246
File: 36 KB, 415x739, 6a82dea594acde83c5d44d320395bbd421c10744r1-415-739v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16559256
File: 31 KB, 736x971, 0D6AF2D6-14D4-48BE-AF90-9EBED10BFE72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women love posting these little poems, there's worse than this. They literally mean nothing.
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kapur is one that comes to mind. 220 pages of pic related lol

>> No.16559267

most of the stuff published today is shit

>> No.16559275
File: 80 KB, 675x1200, DMz1ZHIUIAYvL4M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse than Kaur. But only barely.

>> No.16559318

I don't understand how women can post these dumb little riddles and think they're deep. I just don't get it. Read something of substance.

>> No.16559324
File: 98 KB, 900x1200, 13C3BA69-93B1-42B0-86BD-174358CD518D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the millions of poets who got utterly BTFO’d by a 6 year old. How can you even compete?

>> No.16559334

Honestly incredible

>> No.16559443

funny enough salt and sugar are terms in sugar dating used exactly the same way. a literal whore using whore's jargon and whore's logic.
it ultimately comes down to the whim of the gatekeeper. and our present gatekeepers are mentally ill, emotionally stunted, materialist wine aunts and blue-haired agents.

>> No.16559489

I remember reading a comment made by a chiptune music maker who said that he gave up chiptune once he realized he was never willing to pay for this kind of music

Poetry suffers from a similar mechanism here

>> No.16559493

I actually have this poem printed out and stuck up on my pin board. Genuinely hypes me up and helps me out of ruts.

>> No.16559496

this kid is FUCKED

>> No.16559503

my excuse is that i don't have a million people subscribed to me on youtube or following me on instagram

>> No.16559523
File: 1.95 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16559530

Came here to post this, absolutely based Nael

>> No.16559532

This is good, actually.

>> No.16559537

I think we can safely say that only Emily Dickinson, her own damn self, made better use of "eternity" for poetic purposes.

>> No.16559544

Thanks anon. This made me smile. My eyes are even watering with how loving this poem is to me. I wish I could sleep for eternity.

>> No.16559546

I like this one actually.

>> No.16559554

Seeing profundity where there is none is something that women and idiots do all the time.

>> No.16559558

It works even better in 4chan because when i opened it to read it I actually had to scroll down to read the end, and thats when I registered the skull.

>> No.16559562


This kid FUCKS

>> No.16559563

really enjoy his allusion to the idiomatic translation of the Lord's Prayer
>You can do anything you want!
>You’re ablaze in beauty!
>Yes. Yes. YES.

>> No.16559566

oy vey

>> No.16559569

>thinking this is gendered at all, and not just the sign of shit fucking instagram poetry
never gonna make it, brah

>> No.16559571
File: 64 KB, 1130x633, P_20201011_212535~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids can write good pooms if you let 'em.

>> No.16559574

I can't believe a 6 year old can actually be this good

>> No.16559580

how come people itt act like this is the first time this poem has been posted?

>> No.16559587

every time we see it, like for this first time again
I wonder where this kid is now. maybe he's the one posting it every poetry thread.

>> No.16559610

>not gendered

>> No.16559615
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16559627


>> No.16559654

that much makeup and she's still hideous, at least she's somewhat self-aware, to judge by the equally hideous drawing

>> No.16559658

yeah she's ugly haha i'd rather fuck you bro haha

>> No.16559683

>doesn't know about the guy instagram poets
you're in for a treat

>> No.16559685

dumb phoneposter

>> No.16559690

I like that robot haiku one that gets posted here sometime.

>> No.16559701

Maybe there are a few gays making useless poems on Instagram, but this is clearly a female-dominated venture

>> No.16559772

this is legitimately and unironically the worst poem i've ever read

>> No.16559988

In my dreams there are tigers

>> No.16560004
File: 136 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16560402

Same. If I could start again. A million miles away. I would keep myself. i would find a way.

>> No.16560425
File: 36 KB, 417x350, 1573260905260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I don't care about being a poet, otherwise I'd have to deal with 7 year olds who are better than me

>> No.16560438

is this really written by a 7 year old? Sceptical.......

>> No.16560473

based and howlingpilled

>> No.16560497

she is just reporting a conversation with her mother. she was probably playing at hiding behind a leaf, while her mother was in a hurry and didn't want to

>> No.16560525
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, there's so much going on in the background its so dense.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her mom was an idiot and now the daughter is an idiot.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>> No.16560544
File: 177 KB, 750x1000, E32478FF-931F-4A5C-81E6-AA7123BCF0FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children are the most pure matter in the world. Pure artistic genius bottled up in a stupid head that can’t even multiply. If only this was the 1940s I’d gather 100 children and chain them all to typewriters until one wrote me a million dollar novel. Saturday would be fingerpainting day. Ahh the old days of the American Dream

>> No.16560623

I wrote the following while thinking about Amazon employees:

Flow of movement
Fixed gaze
Ahead I stroll
Closer to my goal
What feels like a maze
Is the unending days
The end draws near
Nothing is clear

>> No.16560632
File: 958 KB, 2857x1637, Huh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is published prose. What's your excuse?

>> No.16560669

Fucking shit

>> No.16560671

How do I write like a child again

>> No.16560743

I hate that people think like this. I might be the last asshole paying for poems

>> No.16560778

You can't

>> No.16560784

I tried teaching my little sis to be creative bros but tiktok is cancer

>> No.16560796

Tiktok is grooming her to be a sex slave for child predators

>> No.16560805

I wanna be a qt loli

>> No.16560818

based in the know groomer

>> No.16560820

I scrounge the dumpster near the school for crumpled homework assignemnts for my prose poem "Eidolon"

>> No.16560823

dude line

>> No.16560825

q published a book? what is it called?

>> No.16560830

actually good

not that bad


not that good

>> No.16560849

I like it bros

>> No.16560958

Eh, there's a lot of shitty male poetry as well. The world of publishing (at least where I live) is ridiculous. You don't have to be a good writer, you just need to be recommended by some pretentious influential person.

>> No.16560970

This is good, but I wonder if it was intentional by him, or chance greatness
I also wonder, if it was intentional, what he is up to now? Has he written any more poetry or anything else? After all this has been posted here for years, he is probably 10 or older by now

>> No.16560974


>> No.16561253

its gotta be a fluke/lucky try, but that doesn't diminish it in any way; the same is true of many masterpieces

my fave worst published poem is pinter:
>There's no escape.
>The big pricks are out.
>They'll fuck everything in sight.
>Watch your back.
>Harold Pinter Februrary 2003

>> No.16561273

Shes smarter than that

>> No.16561276

Its a cute poem, what's the problem?

>> No.16561288

I wish to destroy my cage as well.

>> No.16561312

This one is pretty good for what it is. It's cute, and I don't mean it in a condescending manner.

>> No.16561350

A cockroach in the kitchen

It's crawling away
I step it dead
But it's still crawling in my head

>> No.16561377


>> No.16561395

bugs crawl out the walls
and we kill them,
bug lose it's children
one in a million

>> No.16561452

You tell me to do this,
He tells me to do that.
You're all bastards,
Go fuck your mother.

>> No.16561520

>bc instead of because.
>Dont instead of don't
>no capitalisation
>no punctuation
Why do women lap this up so much?

>> No.16561525
File: 169 KB, 1200x1600, 1579557292614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a real published book
It's not fair

>> No.16561530

The muse was speaking through him, he is a visionary channelling great power

>> No.16561738
File: 42 KB, 600x450, haiku-by-a-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is

>> No.16561761

This "style" of poetry has nothing to do with women. It was pioneered by male American """"""""poets""""""" like Bukowski and Carver. Though I really don't understand how it can be considered poetry in the first place. There's no meter, no rhyme scheme, nothing.

>> No.16561777

im not in a lesbian feminist commune

>> No.16561806

This is just tea-towel poetry. Cute, quaint, and extremely banal stanzas that are meant to be printed on oven mitts and not taken seriously. Like "keep calm and carry on" or "live, love, laugh". It's the lowest of the low; you're not supposed to judge it by the standards of good poetry.
Also I don't understand how this says anything about "female poetry". Of course if you cherry-pick shit like this it will seem like women cannot write. I just as easily can find male poets who are trash.

>> No.16562119

I can't compete with this. I've maybe gotten close, but I will always admit my defeat.

>> No.16562147

What is this, mumble rap?

>> No.16562155

This is my word of the day

>> No.16562165

Still holds up, wheres vocaroo boy, i know hes done it before.

>> No.16562220
File: 133 KB, 500x493, A96C1887-B220-46D6-B3DA-BA0141B7C23B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nael. how will william blake ever recover

>> No.16562228

Where is Nael now?

>> No.16562251
File: 187 KB, 612x635, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16562304

I'm not a poetry fag, what exactly makes this poem so good?

>> No.16562328

I'm not a poetry fag but how can you not see what makes that poet so good?

>> No.16562428

It should be called Declared Poetry, in the sense that it is like saying you are playing tennis when you don't even have a net (to paraphrase Robert Frost) or anything else that makes a "traditional" game of tennis. Some poets were, are very skilled with declarative style (David Ignatow, a personal favorite of mine); writing a good declared poem requires at least a good story or idea but at most has to ring with an integrity of the author, otherwise it's just useless babble (even appreciable nonsense verse is based on the integrity of the author to commit to their product).

>> No.16562436

wrong thread

>> No.16562456

To optimistic to be useful in this peak era

>> No.16562470

>when i sleep, i can dream!
>of cherry pie and boston cream!
I also dream of cream pies

>> No.16562475

No capital letters.

>> No.16562502

Hell be ruined by poetry education if he ever continues.

>> No.16562518

oh, that one got me good

>> No.16563753

wtb 'They're singing a song in their rocket' lads?

>> No.16563754


>> No.16563762

im an ESL. can someone explain to me how im supposed to read this sort of poetry?

>> No.16563798

When you're diddling yourself with a vibrator and your period comes and you have to go to the sink to wash it off and you look in the mirror and realize you're a hideous meat creature then you open instagram and read it there and try to believe the lies it tells you.

>> No.16563821

i unironically love it

>> No.16563835
File: 1.18 MB, 1521x2492, E6A06667-DB15-43B0-9518-EEEC76053DCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real, published poetry. What’s your excuse?

>> No.16563836

i have standards.

>> No.16564097

Ah yes, the fabled french flame. Sharia soon brother.

>> No.16564103

>when I sleep I don't have to think!

Even kids understand anti-natalism.

>> No.16564158

Mother, remember
when you used to take my temperature
Smooth, clear
phallic instrument
Inserted, body Pulsating
at the arriving
mercurial pleasure stick

>> No.16564172

Be a creative force in the world. Be your own entertainment.

>> No.16564241

The poem was written by a grown woman, and your philosophy would be embodied most authentically by your suicide, an act I encourage.

>> No.16564798


>> No.16564872

This one REALLY voices my soul

>> No.16564896

It does have capital letters though...

>> No.16564896,1 [INTERNAL] 
