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/lit/ - Literature

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16558194 No.16558194 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too stupid to understand him

>> No.16558204
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>tfw too smart to enjoy him

>> No.16558212
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>> No.16558222
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>tfw already figured out what he wrote about when I was 7 but then forgot it because I grew older but then remembered it again and don't have to read him because my dreams tell me what I need to know without using language

>> No.16558235

we all are

>> No.16558259

Heidegger is the man who made up the dumb lib verbal cliche that "Everybody is a product of their times." and who made people believe that science is not a search for absolute truths, but rather just a series of attempts at providing for rationalized explanations of things that are governed merely by the rules of their time period and their cultural environment rather than by a priori logical connections.

>> No.16558490

>tfw too stupid to understand him
Universally bad translations don't help

>> No.16558522

Nope that has roots in Montaigne, Vico and Hegel.

>> No.16558550

it's as much of a pain in the ass in german, trust me
>Das Spiegel-spiel der weltenden Welt entringt als das Gering des Ringes die einigen Vier in das eigene Fügsame

>> No.16558562

There is literally no reason to read Heidegger.
>Are you gay?
>Then read Sartre.
>Are you based?
>Then read the Traditionalists.
Nobody cares about muh Dasein.

>> No.16558602

The basic relativist idea, both pertaining to individuals and to places and times, is present even in Plato, though he obviously is arguing against it. Protagoras is the one arguing for relativism in Theaetetus.

>> No.16558606

You're supposed to study aristotle for 15 years first m8.

>> No.16558621

Or maybe he was too stupid to write something that could be understood by you.

Shakespeare wrote well-enough to be understood even by illiterate people who watched his plays, all the while keeping up to the highest standards of literary quality and profundity of though. The same applies to the Greek tragedians, Cervantes (whose D. Quijote was popular with kids for century), even Homer.

So why can't Heidegger do the same? Why is he unable to make himself understood?

If you can't write clearly, this is your problem. Only in academia do people get praised for not knowing how to write.

Even Dante is extremely clear - indeed, perhaps the clearest of all writers - once you are familiar with Medieval history and philosophy.

>> No.16558671

Heidegger makes sense, it just takes too much effort to understand his shit and it's not really worth it.

>> No.16558706

B&T's really not that bad at all.

>> No.16558813

>Comparing storytellers to philosophers
You retarded?

>> No.16558847
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