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/lit/ - Literature

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16556955 No.16556955 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16556974

>It is not uncommon

>> No.16557013

"People of color"

"Latinx people"

"Human rights"

"Human race"

>> No.16557014

"Basic Economics"

>> No.16557020

>it all started when...

>> No.16557040


My intuition tells me this is a very USAian midwestern phrase --is this right?

>> No.16557048

>My intuition tells me...
>is this right?

>> No.16557049

"I think"

>> No.16557067

Any use of the word "magically" that doesn't explicitly refer to the use of supernatural powers
>oh so you're trying to tell me that X just magically Y?
Instant rage

>> No.16557078

Get a load of this dweeb...

>> No.16557079
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>> No.16557080

>Get a load of this...

>> No.16557094
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>being a tripfag

>> No.16557391


>> No.16557667


Though I was aware of the major political events from which it originated, I first saw this word on 4chan, and thought that it was a new memephrase for "bro exit".

>> No.16557752

"People of color" is an enigma to me. It's offensive to say "colored people", but "people of color" is now seen as the most politically correct term.

It's like if we decided to stop saying "retarded people" and instead say "people of retard."

>> No.16557875

*"people of retardation"

>> No.16557882

Oh that's fucking great, now we have another fucking namefag on this board

>> No.16557895

is there a mind virus going around that has gripped these limey faggots to tripfag on this board?

>> No.16557901

"I'm a retard, and retardation is my nation"

>> No.16557919
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>> No.16557956

>As a matter of fact.


>> No.16557975



>AS A PERSON OF ______


and worst of all..


>> No.16557977

>he doesn't know about the litotes

>> No.16558006

Not a phrase but the word "gaslight" has been used way too often the past 5 or so years (often improperly as well).

>> No.16558019

«Listen here champ, that's short for champion by the way»

>> No.16558031

who hurt you

>> No.16558320

>time and time again
>a dime a dozen
>to make love

>> No.16558328

to make love < fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.16558333

No matter what word they choose: because that word represents them, it will always eventually be an insult.

>> No.16558338


>> No.16558352
File: 168 KB, 500x376, D9F941B1-BCA7-40A8-9470-D172BD4B2635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an avatarfag

How dare you!

>> No.16558369

I think you don't know what an avatarfag is

>> No.16558645
File: 11 KB, 250x182, CE8A6091-5DE9-4F96-A0E6-A2F2378169D5_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about being a filthy frogposter!

>> No.16558681

Let the old dyke shout into the wind

>> No.16558692
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Man-splain it.


>> No.16558705
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>take an educated guess

>> No.16558711

>systemic racism
>marginalized communities
>dismantling systems of oppressions

>> No.16558758
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>It's almost as if..

>> No.16558853

Old but gold

>> No.16559019

> that doesn't make logical sense

Motherfucker, what other kind of sense could you mean? This one's been pissing me off for about a decade.

>> No.16559046

>"Let that sink in"
>"Educate yourself."
Not a phrase but the words whiteness and blackness.

>> No.16559442

Reminder this was completely fake

>> No.16559458

Does anyone have a source on how this came to be?

>> No.16559543

This is an ironic post.

>> No.16559552

Look up "euphemism treadmill"

>> No.16560729

>Cultural Marxism

>> No.16560741

Twice now I respond and the thread gets deleted.
Whole shit stays up. I guess it was the smug anime that triggered the frogs.

Well here it is
>while those camera footage are stored and replayed, that process could happen with nothing experiencing those memories,
What’s past is past, yes.
> they would be played to the void
If no wants to watch the tape, sure. I guess they don’t believe in Now being an experience.

>> No.16560847

USAian is cringeworthy

>> No.16562135

>take an educated guest

>> No.16562140

Nothing wrong with “an informed decision”

>> No.16562595



I shouldn't have to support the lesser of two evils

I shouldn't have to

The ends don't justify the means

>> No.16562642

>ways of knowing

>> No.16562705

>In my humble opinion
>they are almost never humble about their opinion
why say this?

>> No.16562793

As opposed to intuitive sense
I.e. the sense used when your wife goes ballistic about something she imagined

>> No.16562797

I think I think I think you're wrong

>> No.16562806

>I mean...
I hate this so much. If you do need an informal starter, how about “so...” or “well...”

>> No.16562835

> deserve
Very few people "deserve" anything. Myself included.
Sadly advertisers have convinced everyone they deserve to be treated like royalty 24/7
> indulgent
it supposed to be a bad thing.

>> No.16563135

"Colored" is a participle, which gives the impression that they are actively "colored in" as if by a crayon, they passively "the colored". Also, with "people of color", people being first, is the assertion that one is indeed a person.

This is /lit/, I thought you people understood simple rhetoric. /pol/ has literally melted your fucking brains.

>> No.16563186

>that really resonated with me

>> No.16563331

is that bald and bankrupt?

>> No.16564368

Using the word “romp” as a way to described in many gaming articles these days.

“If you’re looking for a classic romp with some old school mechanics than this game will suck you’re dopamine out of your cock and shoot you in the face with it”

>> No.16564374

I love mother 3

>> No.16564382
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>to a greater or lesser extent

>> No.16564389

But so are white people? You can get a skin coloured crayon in a pack of 24?? Everyone is a colour but the phrase is alienating whites because they aren't relevant

>> No.16564403

>I feel that 'xyz'

>> No.16564434

Americans are fucking stupid and can't into words.

It all started with referring nonwhites, blacks in particular, as "colored", but then that became a bad word so they say "people of color" as if it's such a vast fucking jump in difference.

At the end of the day they need a fancy term for anyone who isn't white, everything humanly possible is measured against whiteness in America.

>> No.16564963

At least they're immediately asserting that what they have to say is their opinion and subject to their unique experience. That should be implied, but you'll be surprised by how often retards will say, once you've said your own bit (of whatever topic), "Look I understand that's your opinion and all, but you're saying it like it's a fact." In such cases, this retard will make you feel stupid and embarrassed because you didn't explicitly state, "This is my perspective."

>> No.16564997

Man, you just regurgitated everything that's been said so far and made no further point.

>> No.16565184

It's the worse when someone "I feels that" after you state a fact.
My brother and his girlfriend always do it when it comes to talking about nutrition and biology.
It also doesn't help when I can't stand hearing people's opinions - I can't even stand my own opinions.

>> No.16565214

> otherness / othering / etc.

>> No.16565267

Here we stand

>> No.16565301

From you r post, seems like "/pol/" made people consider the actual semantic content instead of being easily misguided by cheap rhetoric.

>> No.16565407

Had a lot of job interviews recently, and the group discussions were full of this crap. Made me realise how much America has destroyed our language.

>So, ...
>Yeah, (with feminine intonation)
>I'm with you on that.
>*conspicuously using people's names

>> No.16565419

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

>> No.16565439

>lived experience

As opposed to unlived experience?

>> No.16565448

as opposed to a dislived experience

>> No.16565452

Any variations on:

Learn to love yourself, give yourself some space, self-acceptance, recognize that you deserve xyz, etc.

>> No.16565504

"Be yourself"

Who else would I be?

>> No.16565544
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>> No.16565566

the virgin lived experience
the chad Erlebnis

>> No.16565704

Erlebnis, as opposed to Erfahrung. Sorry your anglo is a shit tongue.

>> No.16565792

Fuck outta here, Fritz.