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16554381 No.16554381 [Reply] [Original]

Its hilarious to see /lit/ users tout philosophy as the most advanced and influential field of study and raise all sorts of ontological arguments. I would like to see one /lit/ user give any beneficial reason for reading Hegel, Nietzches or et cetera. Even one reason that reading these works is a net benefit and the time you are spending on it couldn't be used better else where

pic unrelated

>> No.16554390

>not a philosophical concept

>> No.16554392

Scarecrow burning thread

>> No.16554398

Im sorry are oyu suggesting that oyu need to read a book to formulate a philosophical concept retard?

are you like calling it a strawmna or something?

>> No.16554404

You're right man instead of reading philosophy you should spend your time 'formulating concepts'

>> No.16554416

yes retard it turns out you dont have to read someone elses work to think about philosophy. In fact the likelihood of receiving disingenious information is far greater if you ar ereading a edited, published and reviewed book.

>> No.16554417

That would be a philosophy in of itself which you would have to reject out right.

>> No.16554422

Yes I can tell you didn't get this information from a book

>> No.16554452

its funny for you to mention books since you clearly haven't opened one for years.

>> No.16554457

Haha nice one bro! Good luck with your thread :)

>> No.16554470

>ahhaha ive finally been discovered to be a pseud

>> No.16554494

Great philosophical works, being the products of genius, are better experienced directly than second-hand.

>> No.16554514

are you suggesting that because something is a work of genius it has any additional value, inherently or discernably?

>> No.16554643

Frege started modern math which led to computers

>> No.16554658

Yes, that's what it means to be genius. Otherwise you'd call it specious or schizophrenic or insane, or the work of a midwit or pseud. Genius inherently implies value.

>> No.16555047

But we already have computers, so no point reading it now.
It's quite simple. I dont know why no one else has answered. The answer is for pleasure.
Nope. Genius only implies great skill and intelligence, not worth. Take for example a genius serial killer. A killer who shows great skill and intelligence in the commission of his crimes. Are you suggesting that such murders would be inherently more valuable the the murders of a retard?

>> No.16555072

Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.

>> No.16555123

To your last bit, not him but yes that's why courts have leniency in sentencing. Some crimes are worse than others given the same act. Some actions are not crimes except given a situation.

>> No.16555170

I know of no case where a judge has given a lenient sentence based on the fact that the killer was exceptionally skilled at killing.

Sentencing is not based in any way on the "value" of the murder so the argument is irrelevant.

>> No.16555172

You dont have to "believe" it, reading philosophy just gives you more tools to actually develop your thoughts better. You are retarded.

>> No.16555316

Philosophy helps you develop critical thinking skills
Without critical thinking, you will be easily manipulated into believing and acting on bad things, such as supporting BLM

>> No.16555340

One interesting relation between what is normally considered impractical inquiry and politics is quite clear in the case of British empiricism and german idealism pertaining to their respective theories of knowledge. The former by and large question the possibility of certain knowledge a priori and so created correspondent political structures with free speech, free religion, and in a certain sense even the political sense is given to freely transform in self-determination. We even talk about American democracy as an experiment. On the other hand, German idealists said we do have certain knowledge and sought to establish a certain criterion and they gave birth to communism and national socialism.

>> No.16555351
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Cool story bro. Got any sources?

>> No.16555404

Which philosophers do they read?

>> No.16555420

ur just jealous

>> No.16555499

Accidental murders are one case but even assuming it's a similar crime locking away a skilled murderer for longer is always more imperative than someone who did something haphazardly by chance. That's the point of a speech at the end. Granted there are more factors, the highest being their murdering again, but that certainly falls on skill. And it also applies to other crimes like drugs etc which is why producers/traffickers get a longer sentence than a dealer.

>> No.16555623

if you wanted to be a better murderer/criminal then yes, I would prefer to learn from the genius. Great rhetoric Mr. Sophist.

>> No.16555630

Read properly. I did not say sentencing was not based on skill. I said It is not based on the value of a murder.

Of course you are going to lock a skilled murderer up for longer. That doesn't prove that the murders of a genius are more valuable.

>> No.16555637

You can be sure that all those Econ majors answered very unfavourable because of ancap memes, while the philosophy students who answered the same could actually explain their destain.

>> No.16555640

What if you wanted to learn to be a better idiot?

>> No.16555656

I can't be sure. Not if you dont present some proof to back up your statement.

In fact I am sure of the opposite.

>> No.16555661


It trains you on how to identify argumwnts that typically cannot be expressed in any other terms.

>> No.16555725

I would just go over this thread again

>> No.16555768

According to your definition of genius an idiot can be a genius provided only that you have more use for an idiot than a non idiot.

Idiot and genius are antonyms so I find your definition that allows for someone to be be both at the same time to be offensive.

My definition of genuis, being that of intelligence and skill without regard to usefulness will not allow an idiot to be a genius, no matter how useful you find an idiot to be.

I am sorry that reading this thread makes you feel like an idiot. Maybe go check out /tv/, then you can feel like a genius(depending on your definition of genius).

>> No.16555807

The more brainlet the major gets, the less the students have a favourable opinion of socialism.

>> No.16555823

I didn't write that post. In the case of the opposite quality it's obvious that you can't be an idiotic genius just as you can't be a genius idiot. You can still be a genius murderer or an idiotic murderer. If you say that geniuses have great skill that says nothing bur it asks for "skilled in what?". Genius philosophers are skilled thinker which makes their thinking in form of books worth studying if you want to learn to think, just as you would want to learn from a genius baker how to bake bread by being taught by him which includes studying the process of his baking.

>> No.16555853
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Because we enjoy it.

>> No.16556368

Why cant you be an idiotic genius?

I have never seen any evidence that a person can "learn to think". Neither scientific evidence nor anecdotal evidence. You may gain new knowledge to think about by reading books, or you may find new ways to express your thoughts, and if you don't think your brain will atrophy, but that is not the same as learning to think.

>> No.16556395

>oh my gewdness mr philosopher, if you could condescend to us for a little bit, pls tell me what politics you support? I'm sure you're interested in universal ethics and brands of logic but dear philosopher, what is your opinion on who should get their law passed tomorrow.
If I ran a university this would never be a problem

>> No.16556481


>> No.16556646

You emphasis on belief betrays your crude understanding. Philosophy is not about shopping for beliefs like you were attempting to discern the choicest turnip at the market. If anything, it's about relieving yourself of belief. The point is to see past your current view on things and to discover the story you were told and instructed to take as final was anything but.

>> No.16557995

yoiu have crudely failed to prove that there is anything wrong with a crude understanding. In fact you fail to even comment how having an eloquent understandoing is better. You just ignore the question and call the person who disagrees with you a pseud / moron

>> No.16558002


cool story any proof for this claim?