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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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1655090 No.1655090 [Reply] [Original]

Take this fucking Brownbear faggot back and don;t send him to /v/ again.

>> No.1655100

There should be a separate board for tripfags and tripfag-related shit, I swear.

>> No.1655108

That unfunny teenager, faux-intellectual and terrible troll is not a ward of /lit/, and we claim no responsibility for his or her actions. In fact, he's probably more hated here (except by the other handful of tripfags who he spends 18 hours a day talking to via some shitty chat channel) than he is by /v/.

>> No.1655127

sounds like you're both suffering from a case of the buttmads.

>> No.1655134

This board started so well, what the fuck happened

>> No.1655140

It turns out that a really slow board which is prone to pretentiousness is going to have major problems with tripfags

>> No.1655145

did my civic duty and reported that thread, op

maybe /v/ mods are less busy rimming out elderly hepatitis patients than /lit/'s

>> No.1655146

hahaha, yeah, right.

>> No.1655163


Stupid threads complaining about irrelevant shit which drive interesting threads from /lit/s front page.

It seems like a sure case of denial to me that anon blames all of /lit/s problems on the tripfriends when the creators of these threads are invariably anon. Paranoid claims that these are in fact trips who acquire anonymity is irrational speculation.

>> No.1655166

>and don;t send him to /v/ again.
>Implying we're like his mother or something
Fuck this shit. Butthurt much?

>> No.1655206

get rid of him and D&E actually

>> No.1655213

>Paranoid claims that these are in fact trips who acquire anonymity is irrational speculation.
I don't think they can be considered paranoid, its pretty obvious that these threads are unfailingly praising, and trips have been caught failing to samefag before.

>> No.1655235

Uh huh. 5/10 threads on /v/ are troll/shitpost threads anyway. Brownbear is pissing in an ocean that is, well, 50% piss.

>> No.1655238

read the first five posts of that thread brownbear got trolled to hell

>> No.1655246

i don't think you know what trollig is do you?

>> No.1655255

This. It's not trolling when you're put to rest five posts in.

Just sayin'.

>> No.1655263

is butthurtbear butthurt?? lol

>> No.1655269

>over 200 posts
>put to rest

>> No.1655273


[] Not told
[] Told
[] Fucking told
[x] Stone Told Steve Austin

>> No.1655295

ho ho ho


go back to troll preschool

>> No.1655618
File: 152 KB, 258x314, harvey dent pffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they misunderstood what i said
>i clarified

yeah that's getting put to rest huh?

hello there Mr Samefag!