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/lit/ - Literature

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16549916 No.16549916 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend something unique to a noob frands
Tired of seeing the same books like these pop up everywhere

>> No.16550001

Just read homer man goddamn. If you're serious at all about literature you're going to end up reading him anyway so just get it out of the way now.

>> No.16550010

Stop reading pleb books, start with the greeks

>> No.16550021

>hasn't read them
>judges them as uninteresting

>> No.16550112

I don't know man seeing so much hype around stuff kills my interest to see them myself

>> No.16550132

so you want some shit book that no one has ever talked about?
fuck off

>> No.16550151


>> No.16550155
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>> No.16550164

This seems cool I'll check it out

>> No.16550167

Infinite Jest

>> No.16550168

Apathy by Paul Nielan
Stiff by Mary Roach
John dies at the end
Shogun by James Clavell

>> No.16550191

Lads, unironically what should you begin with? The Greek classics and the King James Bible?

>> No.16550234
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Unironically start with the Odyssey and THEN read the Iliad. And then read the Orestia (telling what happens. to Agamemnon after the war) and then Oedipus Rex trilogy. And then read Ovid's Metamorphoses and Aeneid (What the trojans did after the trojan war).

After that read Shakespeare's (start with Julius Caesar, Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, The Tempest) and then read the Divine Comedy and then Paradise Lost (It will be easy after shakespeare, maybe read Genesis from the bible beforehand or a sparksnotes version) And then Don Quixote

That should be a good start, to sum it up:
1) Odyssey
2) Iliad
3) Orestia
4) Oedipus Rex trilogy
5) Ovid's Metamorphoses (With commentary!!!)
6) Aeneid
7) Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
8) Othello by Shakespeare
9) King Lear by Shakespeare
10) Macbeth by Shakespeare
11) Hamlet by Shakespeare
12) Divine Comedy (With commentary!!!!)
13) Genesis
14) Paradise Lost
15) Don Quixote

>> No.16550248

night boat to tangier by kevin barry

>> No.16550769

Brave New World is one of the most important books if you want to understand the direction the world is heading in. Read with it ISAIF by Kaczynski and Atomised by Houellebecq

>> No.16550786

>Unironically start with the Odyssey and THEN read the Iliad.
Unironically kys

>> No.16550791
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Read this

>> No.16550799

Do you not think starting with the Iliad isn't going to turn somebody off immediately if they're already not wanting to get into it? The Odyssey is much more entertaining for a modern reader and the Iliad is better to read second to fill in the background

>> No.16550801
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Or this

>> No.16550803

Just because you're a low IQ pleb, doesn't mean everyone is. Also your list is shit

>> No.16550805
File: 63 KB, 496x744, Wole Soyinka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Africans.

>> No.16550813

I started with Iliad myself but I still think I would have enjoyed it more if I did Odyssey first. What's wrong with the list for somebody who wants to begin well?

>> No.16550824

Yeah definitely read this one.

The Red and the Black
The Hunger Artist
Go Down, Moses

>> No.16550855

It's too superficial. If you don't care about literature, you may as well just read Kafka or YA or OP's list. If you start with the Greeks, then why not do it properly? Why skip all lyric poets? Honestly if you still need commentary by the time you're at Ovid, then it sounds like you're just reading as part of a university curriculum trying to rush to score an exam or something. Not spending at least a year reading classical literature is idiotic.

>> No.16550857

>None of these seem intresting
They are. Read them instead of wasting time on 4chan you massive faggot

>> No.16550872

>The Odyssey is much more entertaining
Not really. In the Iliad you at least get a bit of action after the ship catalogue. In the odyssey you have to power through telemacus, then waste time with nausicaa and whatnot, and only then you get some stuff going

>> No.16550902

There's hardly any hype around those books. This is not film or tv or fucking video games, you zoomer brained retard.

>> No.16551102

if you haven't read these before, then read them. Don't go wading into the fucking Odyssey and think you're going to have a good time. 'Start with the Greeks' is such terrible advice for someone who never reads.

>> No.16551124

I wish I started with Homer instead of 20th century hacks

>> No.16551238

I have read it

>> No.16551662

>None of these seem intresting enough to start with
They are. Imagine judging a book by it's plot lmao, this is not YA.

>> No.16551687

They're all at most mediocre