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1654886 No.1654886 [Reply] [Original]

Can pedophilic sexual/romantic relationships be legitimate?

>> No.1654888

define legitimate

>> No.1654887

Define legitimate?

>> No.1654891

I think they can be as legitimate as most 'grown up' relationships by which i mean not very . I don't support either of those though really.

>> No.1654892

What do you mean by "legitimate"? Rape can be "legitimate". Doesn't really change anything.

>> No.1654893
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>> No.1654895

"An authentic, loving relationship between two people in healthy state of mind"
I guess.

>> No.1654896

Then yes, I think so. If, of course, your definition is relevant to any human relationship at all.

>> No.1654901


No, they can't. A prepubescent lacks the emotional and mental faculties to fully understand the concepts of sexuality and romance. It's exploitation, and nothing more.

>> No.1654902


Pretty much.

>> No.1654906

What about once they're pubescent? Is it fair game then?

>> No.1654908

Don't be childish.

>> No.1654912


'fair game'. You're already talking like a predator. No, it's not. You don't even care about the child anyway, it's all about you, and that much is very obvious.

>> No.1654915


Once a child begins going through puberty, it's no longer pedophilia, it becomes hebephilia. Which even then can not be legitimate because they are still emotionally and mentally developing.

>> No.1654922
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>healthy state of mind

I would say it was more of a disorder than an unhealthiness.

I'm still not convinced that love can be a purely natural or 'authentic' emotion and not a socialised expression of lust.

But if even if it is natural then I don't think children have sufficient depth of intelligence or individual character to be the object of such an intricate emotion, let alone express it themselves.

>> No.1654944

wut if the chick is liek super mature n shes only liike 11

>> No.1654947 [DELETED] 

I am a pedo and I afirm that Yes they can. They can be as loving and romantic as any heterosexual/homosexual relationship. Of course, it all depends on the child and on the pedophile, but it is possible.


Bullshit. Then a father taking care and having a good time with his daughter is 'exploiting' her?

OP: Yes, they can.

>> No.1654950
File: 49 KB, 431x600, pedophile-child love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a pedo and I affirm that Yes they can. They can be as loving and romantic as any heterosexual/homosexual relationship. Of course, it all depends on the child and on the pedophile, but it is possible.


Bullshit. Then a father taking care and having a good time with his daughter is 'exploiting' her?

OP: Yes, they can.

>> No.1654953


There is a difference between parental love and sexual love.

>> No.1654957


So what? Children can enjoy both. Im just pointing out that just because children cannot fully understand 'love', they can enjoy the love of their parents, and the love of a pedophile in their lives, if they have one.

>> No.1654978


There is a big difference between the caring and nurturing affection of a parent, and your own pursuit of sexual gratification. A child has not gone through any sexual development and can't have any biological sexual impulses, therefore it is not a mutual sexual relationship.

If you're not a troll, you're nothing but a mentally ill individual who is trying to justify their own sick sexual impulses.

>> No.1654981


I agree but I wouldn't say paedophilia is a mental illness, it can't be treated or 'cured', it's just an inherent part of that persons personality.

Think of it as a personality disorder, like psychopathy.

>> No.1654988

> your own pursuit of sexual gratification


Why all of you believe such bullshit, that a pedo cant truly care about a child

>> No.1654995


>can't have any biological sexual impulses

You certainly havent seen a 8 yo humping on the face of his boyfriend while he performs oral sex to her. How she moans and takes the hands of his boyfriend to her little cunny to get more pleasure. You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.1654997

a fortiori dubs

>> No.1655001

yeah but children can enjoy those things, but not as a reasonable adult would. kids are far too gullible and are suggestible to almost anything. they want to feel older and can be manipulated into wanting to please an adult. feelings are never wrong, but the way we handle those feelings can be.

of course you could argue that children can be mature, and that people old as fuck are never mature. but it doesn't matter. a kid seemingly precocious is just as cliche as an idiot child.

>> No.1655014

st. augstine picked out his wife when she was twelve i think. i don't think this justifies anything. since those times we've also burned people alive, and had slavery. i don't like the idea of demonizing pedos for feeling a certain way, but pursuing a physical relationship isn't healthy for the child, nor the adult.

>> No.1655044

There can't be any mutual sexual love in such a relationship because children are not biologically developed enough to feel such emotions strong enough. Such a relationship would hardly be legitimate in that sense, more like an exploitation.

>> No.1655052



>> No.1655061


That's not love, retard.

>> No.1655074


> Implying you didn't just fabricate that example in an attempt to justify your absurd notion that children can feel strong sexual impulses comparable with adults.

>> No.1655078


No, in fact I saw it on /b/ last day. it was a .gif and probably one of the hottest thing ive ever seen.

>> No.1655097


It is a generally accepted fact that strong, mature sexual impulses and emotions begin developing at the onset of puberty.
How can you disagree with something so widely accepted by the scientific community let alone anyone with a right mind?

>> No.1655101


I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.

>> No.1655121


So are you going to disagree with the FACT that some children like and enjoy sex? Of course, not all children are like this! But some do enjoy sex and love making kinky things with their boyfriends.

>> No.1655151

Not pedo guy, and generally opposed to child molestation, here.

I don't think the scientific community has anything at all to say on the matter of pedophilia, because no controlled experiments have been or can be ethically performed on the subject. Popular opinion on pedophilia is entirely political in nature and generally based on common sense.

>> No.1655182


I think the scientific community (more specifically the biological community) have a lot to say about the biological processes and hormones that they observe to develop during puberty that cause these sexual feelings and emotions.

Plus its a generally accepted and observed fact that people start feeling horny at the onset of puberty.

>> No.1655184

If you've read Lolita by Nobokov. You'd know.

>> No.1655197

Infants have been observed to masturbate. The popular decision to prevent sex between adults and children is (quite reasonably) about their ability to self-determine. They aren't prepared to make good long-term decisions until after puberty.

>> No.1655228


I don't think it's always exploitation, but a romantic relationship is an exchange between equals. The power relations between an adult and a child are too disparate to allow that, so at the very least it's illegitimate.

>> No.1655279


I don't know about that, children are biologically unable to produce sperm/eggs and lack sexual hormones developed during puberty that cause sexual impulses. I don't think you can call that sexuality. Proto-sexuality maybe...

>> No.1655289


As I said, some children as young as 6 enjoy sex and masturbation.

>> No.1655307

I think the development of girls isn't a fucking process that is set in stone and they sometimes can mostly develop by 12. I don't think you really should jump start a sexual relationship this early though. Some girls aren't all that immature by 16 though, just 95% because of our shitty society. Honestly, I know supposed "women" that are still girls and are fucking 50.

>> No.1655315

Their minds don't have to comprehend sex and sexuality to understand that touching themselves feels good. That's just their nerves sending signals to the brain, not a sign of sexual readiness

>> No.1655327

I remember being 10 and fantasizing about fucking a 20-30 years old woman.

>> No.1655348


>mfw you're wrong
Man in Virginia with no previous abnormal thoughts towards minors became a paedophile due to the pressure of a tumour around the hypothalamic region, tumour removed and so did the thoughts. Thoughts returned, and lo and behold so had the tumour.

Your thinking is false. Paedophilia is an abnormality of the brain, the evidence points to it regardless whether we have yet to pinpoint exactly what is causing it.

>> No.1655352


And whats wrong about that? Its not like they are gonna die if they engage in sexual fun with a lover.

>> No.1655363 [DELETED] 


Are you some kind of fucking redneck incest-breeded retard? What does have to do with anything?

Let me explain some logic for you:

Most pedophiles (including myself) are completely normal, with no abnormal brains or whatsoever. One persons is fucked up in the head and becomes a pedophile. SO WHAT?! That doesnt mean ANYTHING. Learn2logic, fucking retard.

>> No.1655368


Are you some kind of fucking redneck incest-breeded retard? What does that have to do with anything?

Let me explain some logic for you:

Most pedophiles (including myself) are completely normal, with no abnormal brains or whatsoever. One persons is fucked up in the head and becomes a pedophile. SO WHAT?! That doesnt mean ANYTHING. Learn2logic, fucking retard.

>> No.1655405

>mfw you call me an "incest-breeded retard"


You're abnormal buddy, you are a danger to a child's development and as such should be destroyed. Just like the dog you are.

>> No.1655410


somebody just watched watchmen

also chinstroking pedophilia apologetics =/= literature get this shit the fuck off my /lit/

>> No.1655448


>mfw I didn't actually.

>> No.1655883

>emotionally and mentally developing.

I don't think you fully understand these concepts yourself. Or you have some bizarre idealization of what they're supposed to mean - like most americans really.

It's no wonder american teenagers are so horrendously immature compared to the youth of every other developed nation, you infantilize people, and never give them the opportunity to act as adults, so they never develop those faculties.

>> No.1655918

The Marquis the Sade, the Comte de Lautreamont, Andre Gide, Vladimir Nabokov and Lewis Carroll would all like a word with you.

Shit just got relevant.

>> No.1655919


It's classified as a mental disorder in the DSM-IV, so according to the experts, yeah, it's a disorder. Ephebophilia was reclassified, though, and Hebephilia is on the fence.

>> No.1655945

You're a fucking idiot if you think the Marquis, Nabakov or Carroll were actually paedophiles. I don't know the other names, but I'd not be surprised if they weren't either, given what you just said.

>> No.1655970

lol, implying they weren't and their works were completely objective. please, think straight.

>> No.1655983

Do some research.

>> No.1655996


A classic case of an ignorant person shitting himself in public.

>> No.1657033


Carroll WAS a pedophile. He loved little girls. He was 100% pedo. He was in love with alice, the most beautiful little girl ever.

>> No.1657046
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>> No.1657053

he was first and foremost an artist and thus not subject to the pidgeonholing done by limited and scraggy mind of everymen...

>> No.1657057

what about the rape of a manchild?

they're 21+ but live with their parents, have no life or job, and are interested only in childish things like figures or cartoons

>> No.1657067

Wait, Carroll wasn't "first and foremost" an artist. He was a mathematician who was freaked out about the new system of mathematics that was being adopted at the time. That fear was the whole inspiration for Wonderland.

>> No.1657068