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16548857 No.16548857 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will help me appreciate women?

>> No.16548861

Just understand they have entirely different thought-processes and value systems than men, but that doesn't make them some alien creature we can't relate to.

>> No.16548870

I was going to make a shitpost, but then I realized the poem "Howl" written in sharpie across very shapely tits is actually a fantastic idea for an artpiece.

Also, I don't fucking know. I'm sick of this dumbshit question. What do you want? There isn't a book that'll convince you not to be an incel, because incels want to be fucking miserable.

>> No.16548873

Women are simple creatures, they act on impulse and cannot truly reflect on what they think, feel or do. Only controlled women can be appreciated. Women cannot be appreciated today.

>> No.16548880


>> No.16548889

When did we talk about sex? I just want to appreciate the feminine spirit in her essence, something that has largely been bastardized today desu.

Also, you can't "choose" to be an incel. If you're choosing to be one that would make it voluntary now would it? Most people have a gross misunderstanding of what inceldom is.

>> No.16548894


>> No.16548901

I've seen this movie, was a huge waste of time aside from one scene with cool effects on the film.
Looked like they were cutting it into tiny pieces and shifting it around. Feel bad for whatever gremlin they had on effects.

>> No.16548903

Schopenhauer's On Women

>> No.16548904

who are you kidding dude, just go back to Pornhub

>> No.16548906

>Also, you can't "choose" to be an incel.
incel is a state of mind. There are plenty of men that don't get pussy that don't become incoherent lunatics driven by their hatred of the one thing they crave more than anything else.

>I just want to appreciate the feminine spirit in her essence
Please elaborate. That sounds fucking pretentious and insane. Have you spoken to a woman within the last 12 months? You realize there are 3.5 billion women on the planet, right?

>> No.16548913

> Daisies
Chytilovà Vera is so good

>> No.16548920

you say that as if there aren’t incels who are stopping themselves from getting laid. i’ve seen many pictures of so-called incels, and i know people who looked just like them or even worse that were in relationships. humans live in their head, it’s pretty easy to be confused about why you are single and create an elaborate story about your jawline and eye-ball placement being the reason you are single, but having such a thought process is probably more of the reason they are single. i am not denying that the modern dating landscape is different now though. i am just saying that many incels could find partners if they changed, is it worth the effort though? some of them clearly have mental issues that would take a paradigm shift to resolve.

>> No.16548929

I don't want to be miserable, but I can't get over the idea that my genes aren't supposed to be passed over and that that's the reason women don't feel attracted to me. It makes me feel inferior and insecure. Misantrophy overcomes me.

>t. balding 5'10.5 zoomer

>> No.16548931

Reading some Stendhal might be a good start.

>> No.16548933

Hatred? What? Again, a gross misunderstanding of inceldom. Incelism has nothing to do with hating women, nor is it a state of mind. It is simply a datum.
>Please elaborate. That sounds fucking pretentious and insane. Have you spoken to a woman within the last 12 months? >You realize there are 3.5 billion women on the planet, right?
I've spoken to one just this morning! Yet, that does not mean I understand the woman, in spirit or in essence. What it means to be one, and what being one entails. That, is what I am asking.
Yes, most people who think they are incels aren't actually incels. Yet, there are some who simply are.

>> No.16548942

Are tomboys fine? Cause The Daughter of Fantômas can sure make you appreciate them.

>> No.16548945

Cute film. Cute actresses :3

>> No.16548953

Tomboys, girly girls, whatever it may be. Thank you for your recommendation my friend.

>> No.16548960

> I can't get over the idea that my genes aren't supposed to be passed over
You shouldn't obsess about genes so much. Newton most likely didn't pass on his genes to anyone yet he contributed more to human civilisations than thousand of chads. Unless you're a rare genetic anomaly or have a Gengis Khan-tier number of children, you genetic contribution is likely to end up either diluted to insignifiance or disappearing entirely in the long run.
Also you height seems to be fairly average if not above. Shave your head and strive for a badass look, you should do fine seduction-wise, as long as you don't shoot yourself in the foot by focusing on that gene nonsense.

>> No.16548968 [DELETED] 
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Just lure little girls with LSD, it's what I do.

>> No.16548971

>I can't get over the idea that my genes aren't supposed to be passed over and that that's the reason women don't feel attracted to me.
You're being insane. Do you think women can smell your inferior genes? You're blaming women for something that is wrong with you. Whether something actually is wrong or not doesn't matter. You obviously think there is. That has nothing to do with the women you desire.

>> No.16548985

I read Wuthering Heights recently, after many years of never going near female authors, and I must say it was really good.
I'm on Jane Eyre now, and that is also very good, but in a more peremptory, Victorian sort of way.

A simple short that will make you think about the strength of women is Flaubert's 'a simple heart'. Man I love that story.

>> No.16548999

Crime and punishment

>> No.16549018

sup buttercunt

>> No.16549038

thanks mate, balding has taken a huge toll on my mental health recently, I probably should see a psychologist
I never blamed women for it. Humans are superficial in general in my opinion. The reason why people feel attracted to eachother is ultimately to have children (even if they're oblivious to it). If a potential partner looks like he's (or she's) carrying good genes then that person automatically is "attractive" (height, full head of hair, well developed facial features, clear skin). I'd love someone to prove me wrong, but why should we differ so much from the animal kingdom when it comes to sexuality?

>> No.16549054

Not every misogynist is incel and not every incel is misogynist. It's incredibly hypocrytical stance to use such generalization against one group but become repulsed when such generalization is applied to ethnic minorities or women.

>> No.16549077
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Anything by pic related. I'm serious.
As much as he shits on women, every single book he writes shows he is inescapably drawn to them and puts them on the highest pedestal that exists, and often times he explicitly says they are angels and are the only beings actually capable of sincere good. In his infinite hatred you end up seeing the earnest love. No one pays as much attention to women as incels do.

>> No.16549092

Reminds of Don Draper in Mad Men who was raised in a whore house by his single mother. Absolute chad but hated women as an adult.

>> No.16549163

first real recommendation. cheers anon

>> No.16549407

No problem, just as an example of what I mean, from Atomised, from a character "coincidentally" called Michel:
>Thirty years later he could not come to any other conclusion: women were indisputably better than men. they were gentler, more affectionate, more loving and more compassionate, they were rarely violent, selfish, cruel or self-centered. Moreover, they were more rational, more intelligent, and more hard-working.
The book has plenty of rants talking about women like irrational animals and whatnot, but there's these moments of innocence where you see things like this, and you clearly notice this throughout all of his works. Deep down he has some kind of love/hate relationship with them and probably a ton of mommy issues.

>> No.16549467

Just fucking go outside and get laid or something, good christ.

>> No.16549471


>> No.16549497

Madame Bovary

>> No.16550604

Only good answer

>> No.16550638

If only it were so easy

>> No.16550713

A lot of people will tell you you need to "get laid" and they can fuck off m8

Fall in love. Even unrequited love. Not the horrible, envious "Invisible worm that flies in the night", but the actual spectacular, full-deal "I would die to keep your beautiful ass in the world" love.

>> No.16550832

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. Or any Murakami, really.

>> No.16550889

It is though, go to a party, college bar, etc. Find someone who you think looks good. Strike up a conversation. Be charming, don't say a goddamn thing about yourself cause you'll ruin it, just listen to them gab. Take them home.

>> No.16550906

"Looking good tonight ladies!"
"Looking good tonight ladies!"
"Looking good tonight ladies!"

>> No.16551217

I really love that movie